ME 324 – LAB #1 MECHANICAL TESTING Part 1: Uniaxial Tension Test Reading Assignment: 2.1, 2.2 Apparatus: SATEC Universal testing machine Caliper Micrometer Gage length punch Materials and Specimens: Aluminum 2011 Gray Cast Iron AISI 1020 Steel Procedure: 1. Using a caliper, measure the width and thickness at several locations along the shaft of each specimen to determine the average cross-sectional dimensions. Record the average measured width and thickness of each specimen on the data sheet. 2. Place the specimen in the grips. Make sure that each end is firmly attached to the grips. 3. Punch the gage length on the shaft of the specimens using the gage length punch. 4. Measure the length of the specimen between the punch marks. This is the gage length and will be used to calculate strain. 5. Adjust the caliper for a length slightly larger than the gage length and record that length. 6. Adjust the micrometer for a slightly smaller diameter than the original diameter of the shaft and record that diameter. 7. Begin applying the tensile load to the specimen and observe the live reading of applied load on the digital display. The read-out displays the applied tensile load in Newtons. 8. Continue applying tensile load slowly, observing the shape of the sample closely. Check frequently until sample reaches the adjusted length on caliper and record the corresponding load. Repeat step 5. 9. Repeat step 8 until specimen diameter starts to change. Check for change in diameter frequently using the micrometer. 10. Check the diameter and the length of the specimen until they reach the adjusted values on the caliper and micrometer, record the corresponding load values. Repeat steps 5 and 6. 11. Load the specimen until failure and repeat step 10 until failure. Record the maximum load and the load at failure. 12. Remove the broken specimen from the machine. Observe the location and character of the fracture. 13. Measure the width and thickness of each specimen in the region of failure and record final measurements. Part 2: Hardness test Reading Assignment: 2.6 Apparatus: Brinell hardness Testing Equipment Rockwell Hardness testing Equipment Scope Materials and Specimens: Aluminum 6061 Brass (Cu-Zn) AISI 302 Stainless Steel AISI 4140 Steel Procedure: Brinell hardness Test 1. Place the specimen under the indenter on the circular platform. 2. Bring specimen in slight contact with the indenter by moving the specimen upwards slowly; stop at contact. 3. Push the lever arm on the right side of the testing equipment and release as the load takes over. 4. Pull the lever arm back after the test is completed and lower the specimen. 5. Move specimen around over the platform to carry out the next test at a different location on the specimen. Repeat steps 2,3, and 4. 6. Repeat step 5 until you get 5 indentations. 7. Remove the specimen and measure the indentation diameters using the scope. Record your readings. Rockwell Hardness Test 1. Place the specimen on the circular platform. 2. Bring specimen in slight contact with the indenter by moving the specimen upwards slowly; observe the digital minor load display and stop at test range. The equipment will take over and carry out the test. 3. Record the hardness value from the digital display. 4. Move the platform down and move specimen around over the platform to carry out the next test at a different location on the specimen. Repeat steps 2, and 3. 5. Repeat step 4 until you get 5 hardness readings. LAB #1 DATA SHEET MATERIAL Initial Diamater Do Gage Length Lo Yield load, PY Yield Length, LY Maximum Load, PU #1 #2 #3 #4 TENSION TEST R E S U L T S #1 #2 #3 #4 Length at Maximum Load, LU Fracture Load, PF Fracture Length, LF Initial Area, Ao Yield Strength, σY Ultimate Tensile Strength, σUTS Young's Modulus, E Final Area, AF % Area Reduction % Elongation Strain Hardening Coefficient, K Strain Hardening Exponent, n H A R D N E S S Brinell Hardness Test Indentation Diameter, d T E S T #1 #2 #3 #4 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 Indenter Diameter, D Average indentation diameter, dAVE BHN Rockwell Hardness Test Hardness Readings 1 2 3 4 Average Rockwell Hardness Length Diameter Report: Complete reading assignment before you start with the report. Uniaxial tension test: 70 % Complete the data sheet and present as a table. Plot engineering stress-strain curve for AISI 1020 steel. Calculate E, YS, and UTS using the plot. Plot true stress-strain curve for AISI 1020 steel. Calculate E, YS, UTS, K, and n using the plot. Show sample calculations. Summarize Hardness tests: 30 % Complete data sheets and present as tables. Show sample calculations. Summarize Follow the general rules for report writing given in the web site. The data sheet given with this outline is a sample. Rearrange your results and present them in the form of tables and graphs according to the guidelines. By Emrah Simsek