GERIATRIC THERAPEUTICS Editors: Michael Woodward, Head, Aged and Residential Care Services, Stephen Campbell, Consultant Geriatrician, Rohan Elliott, Clinical Pharmacist, Graeme Vernon, Senior Drug Information Pharmacist, Francine Tanner, Clinical Pharmacist, Austin Health; and Robyn Saunders, Consultant Pharmacist, Victoria. Management of Osteoporosis in Older People Charles A Inderjeeth, Kate E Poland ABSTRACT Table 1. Risk factors for osteoporosis Osteoporosis is characterised by low bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue leading to enhanced bone fragility and a consequent increase in fracture risk. Osteoporosis and fracture risk increase exponentially in postmenopausal women. Osteoporosis is under-diagnosed and under-treated and advancing age is a risk factor for undermanagement. Osteoporosis management in older people (75 years and over) must focus on non-pharmacological and pharmacological interventions. The aim of treatment is to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with the first fracture and prevent subsequent fractures. Successful non-pharmacological measures include falls risk assessment and management, participation in exercise programs and the use of hip protectors. Pharmacotherapies such as calcium, vitamin D, alendronate, risedronate, zoledronic acid, teriparatide and strontium ranelate are safe in older people and significantly reduce fractures, especially vertebral fractures. There is less evidence for risk reduction in non-vertebral and hip fractures, which are more relevant in older people. The body of evidence in this cohort is small and further studies are needed to provide more evidence. J Pharm Pract Res 2010; 40: 229-34. Intrinsic factors Extrinsic factors Genetic Nutrition and lifestyle -family history of fragility fracture -inadequate dietary calcium intake INTRODUCTION Osteoporosis is characterised by the loss of bone mass or the presence of a fragility fracture. 1 Osteoporosis pathogenesis centres on an imbalance between osteoclastic (bone breakdown) and osteoblastic (bone formation) activity. Besides age, a number of other risk factors for osteoporosis have been identified (Table 1). Fragility fractures are associated with significant disability, mortality and costs.2 People with previous fractures have a higher risk of sustaining subsequent fractures than the non-fracture population.2 Available therapies can reduce the risk of recurrent fractures by 30 to 60% within a year of starting treatment.1 Osteoporosis prevalence is increasing because of increased life expectancy and an ageing population.2 Although older people (75 years and over) bear the greatest burden of fracture risk they are underrepresented in clinical trials and are less likely to be managed appropriately than their younger counterparts, highlighting that osteoporosis management in older people represents therapeutic challenges for clinicians.2 Charles A Inderjeeth, MBChB, FRACP, MPH, Consultant Geriatrician, and Rheumatologist, North Metropolitan Area Health Service, and Clinical Professor, University of Western Australia, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Kate E Poland, MBBS, Junior Medical Officer, North Metropolitan Area Health Service, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Nedlands, Western Australia Address for correspondence: Clinical Professor Charles Inderjeeth, Area Rehabilitation and Aged Care, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Nedlands WA 6009, Australia. E-mail: Hormonal and reproductive -vitamin D deficiency -low body weight -hyperthyroidism -hyperparathyroidism -short duration of reproductive life (females) -low testosterone level (males) -excessive alcohol intake -smoking -physical inactivity Medications -corticosteroids -selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors -androgen deprivation therapy Comorbidities -anticonvulsants -rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory and chronic diseases -diuretics -malabsorption with intestinal disease OLDER PEOPLE In Australia, of the 75 000 fragility fractures that occur annually, approximately 21 000 are hip fractures.3 The average cost of hospitalisation post hip fracture is $23 000.3 Twelve months after a hip fracture, 20% of patients die, 50% experience permanent disability and 25% require permanent nursing home care.3 In 2001, the direct costs attributable to osteoporotic fractures were estimated at $1.9 billion.4 Worldwide epidemiological data have demonstrated that the annual incidence of fragility fracture increases with age. 5 Above average fracture rates have been described in women with an exponential increase in risk in women over 74 years. 6,7 The fracture burden is expected to increase with an ageing population. Women 80 years and over comprise 8% of the postmenopausal population but contribute to over 30% of fragility fractures and 60% of hip fractures because of the high prevalence of osteoporosis and falls in this age group.8 In people over 75 years, hip fracture is the most prevalent fracture with one-third of women and one-sixth of men sustaining a hip fracture by the ninth decade.2,3,9 DIAGNOSIS Although fragility fracture is the hallmark of osteoporosis, diagnosis centres on assessment of bone mineral density with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry.1 For women, the World Health Organization and International Osteoporosis Foundation have identified four diagnostic categories for dual energy X-ray Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research Volume 40, No. 3, 2010. 229 absorptiometry guiding treatment based on bone mineral density with or without fractures (Table 2).10,11 When bone mineral density is not feasible, two web-based tools may be useful for assessing osteoporosis risk and threshold for treatment (WHO Fracture Risk Assessment Tool <www.sheffield.> and the Garvan Institute’s Fracture Risk Calculator < promotions/bone-fracture-risk/calculator/>). Table 2. WHO and the International Osteoporosis Foundation DEXA assessment diagnostic categories Category Hip bone mineral density Normal T-score > -1 Low bone mass (osteopenia) T-score < -1 and > -2.5 Osteoporosis T-score < -2.5 Severe osteoporosis (established osteoporosis) T-score < -2.5 and presence of at least one fragility fracture DEXA = dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. T-score = number of standard deviations below the mean value of the young healthy population. NON-PHARMACOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT The non-pharmacological approach to managing osteoporosis centres on fracture prevention strategies. Falls Risk Assessment and Prevention Around 30% of people 65 years and over and living in the community and over 50% living in residential care facilities fall each year.12 Older people are at a higher risk of trauma due to falls and over 90% of fractures occur after a fall.13 Falls result in any type of fracture in 5% and hip fracture in 1 to 2% of events.14 Therefore, reducing falls risk is important in an ageing osteoporotic population. Most falls are associated with identifiable risk factors, e.g. unsteady gait, visual impairment, medications, and addressing these factors can significantly reduce falls.15 A large body of evidence supports falls prevention programs, such as medication review, multidisciplinary risk factor assessment, modification of the environment and participation in exercise programs, are the optimal approach to preventing falls in older people.15 Exercise Programs Risk factors, such as muscle weakness and impaired balance can be modified by exercise. Strength and balance training for the elderly living in the community can reduce the risk of falls by 15 to 50%.16 Balance training is the most effective exercise in reducing falls risk.16 Hip Protectors Hip protectors redirect the force and energy of a fall away from the hip and reduce the chance of hip fracture. Although studies have reported variable outcomes with hip protectors, evidence supports their use as beneficial when compliance is adequate.17,18 PHARMACOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT The groups that benefit most from pharmacotherapy are women with osteoporosis confirmed on bone mineral density (with or without fractures) and osteopenic women who have sustained fractures. 4 As there is limited evidence for older men the focus of this review is on women only. Pharmacotherapies commonly used include: calcium, vitamin D, bisphosphonates, strontium ranelate, teriparatide, raloxifene and denosumab (Table 3). 230 Calcium and Vitamin D Calcium deficiency is associated with accelerated bone resorption in the postmenopausal period as there is a decline in intestinal calcium absorption and increased urinary calcium excretion.19 Calcium supplementation has been demonstrated to reduce fracture risk. 20 The recommended daily intake of calcium in women over 50 years and men over 70 years is 1300 mg.19 Calcium supplementation is recommended if dietary intake is suboptimal. 18 Calcium supplementation beyond the recommended daily intake may be associated with increased cardiovascular events.21 Adequate vitamin D status is essential for calcium metabolism. With increasing age, vitamin D levels decline, resulting in malabsorption of calcium and increased secretion of parathyroid hormone, leading to accelerated bone loss.4,22 Vitamin D deficiency is also an independent predictor of falls and fragility fractures.22-24 Although the optimal level of serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D is unknown, values from 50 to 100 nmol/L have been suggested as optimal.24 The at-risk population, i.e. those in institutional care and those with known osteoporosis, should aim for a minimum serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D level of over 50 nmol/L and an optimal level of over 75 nmol/L.24 A daily intake of vitamin D 800 IU achieves serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels over 50 nmol/L and does not need monitoring.18,25 High-dose intermittent vitamin D may correct deficiency sooner and achieve better compliance. 26 Sanders et al. 27 have suggested an increased risk of falls and fractures in older community dwelling women within three months of administrating annual oral high-dose cholecalciferol. This risk has not been identified in other similar studies. Until more data are available, the benefit of high-dose vitamin D needs to be balanced against the risks. Calcium and vitamin D in combination are more beneficial in reducing fracture rates than either treatment alone.28 This combination has minimal adverse effects but compliance remains a limitation. Combined calcium and vitamin D should be used in all patients diagnosed with osteoporosis unless other non-pharmacological measures are deemed adequate. Although concerns have been raised for the increased risk of cardiovascular events with excessive doses of calcium, there is no suggestion of any increase in risk with calcium and vitamin D in combination with or without antiresorptive drugs in patients with osteoporosis.21,28-43 Bisphosphonates The most commonly used medications for fracture prevention are the bisphosphonates. Alendronate, clodronate and risedronate are taken orally in a fasting state due to low bioavailability and with precautions to avoid gastrointestinal adverse effects. The intravenous bisphosphonate, zoledronic acid, has been approved for treatment of osteoporosis and has the advantage of onceyearly dosing and a reduction in gastrointestinal adverse effects. Alendronate Ensrud et al.29 undertook a subgroup analysis of patients 75 years and over from the Fracture Intervention Trial to investigate whether treatment with alendronate prevents fractures in women at highest risk.30 Although the initial intention–to–treat study demonstrated benefit for vertebral and non-vertebral fractures, the older subgroup Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research Volume 40, No. 3, 2010. Table 3. Osteoporosis treatments and evidence of fracture risk reduction efficacy in women 75 years and over Fracture risk reduction Drug Route/frequency VF N VF HF Calcium and vitamin D Variable* + + + Alendronate Oral/weekly + N/A N/A Risedronate Oral/weekly + - - Studies with a significant number of women 75 years and over Boonen et al.32 (79-79 years: NVF risk HR 0.8; 95%CI 0.7-0.97; p = 0.03); (80+ years: non-significant; p = 0.7) McClung et al.35 (HF risk) (years intention-to-treat: HR 0.7; 95%CI 0.6-0.9; p = 0.02); (70-79 years: HR 0.6; 95%CI 0.4-0.9; p = 0.01); (80+ years: non-significant; p = 0.4) Masud et al.36 high-risk subgroup (70-100 years: HF risk HR 0.5; 95%CI 0.3-0.9; p = 0.02); (75+ years: not reported) Clodronate Oral/daily Zoledronic acid Intravenous/yearly N/A N/A - + + - Boonen et al.38 (HF risk) (75+ years: non-significant; p > 0.05); (< 75 years: p < 0.001; treatment-by-age interaction: p = 0.04) Black et al.39 (mean 73 ± 5.4 years: HF risk HR 0.6; 95%CI 0.40.8; p < 0.001) Lyles et al.40 (50+ years: HF risk HR 0.7; 95%CI 0.4-1.2; p = 0.5) Strontium ranelate Oral/daily + + + Teriparatide Subcutaneous/daily + - N/A Denosumab Subcutaneous/ 6-monthly N/A N/A N/A Cummings et al.48 (60-90 years: VF risk HR 0.3; 95%CI 0.3-0.4; p < 0.001; NVF risk HR 0.8; 95%CI 0.7-0.95; p = 0.01; HF risk HR 0.6; 95%CI 0.4-0.97; p = 0.04) *Oral/IM and variable dosing. + = fracture risk reduction demonstrated. - = fracture risk reduction not demonstrated. VF = vertebral fracture. NVF = non-vertebral fracture. HF = hip fracture. HR = hazard ratio. RR = relative risk. N/A = data unavailable. only reported evidence for vertebral fracture relative risk reduction at three years (RRR 38%; p < 0.05). 29 No published data are available for non-vertebral or hip fracture in the older population. Greenspan et al. 31 reported an increase in spine and hip bone mineral density in older women receiving alendronate but there were no fracture endpoints. There are no published studies on adverse outcomes in the older age group for alendronate. Risedronate Boonen et al. 32 pooled and analysed data from three randomised, placebo-controlled, parallel group trials to investigate the safety and efficacy of risedronate in reducing fracture risk in osteoporotic women 80 years and over.33-35 The Vertebral Efficacy with Risedronate Therapy studies determined the effect of risedronate on vertebral fractures in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis and the hip intervention program (HIP) study evaluated the effect of risedronate on hip fractures in elderly women (70 to 79 years) with osteoporosis or risk factors (80+ years).33-35 Boonen et al.32 demonstrated evidence for significant vertebral fracture relative risk reduction at one year (RRR 81%; p < 0.001) and three years (RRR 44%; p = 0.003). No benefit in non-vertebral fracture risk was reported in the older cohort (p = 0.7) but the younger cohort (mean age 72 years; range 41 to 79) showed benefit (HR 0.8; 95%CI 0.7–0.97; p = 0.03). Hip fracture outcomes were not reported in the pooled analysis.32 There was no significant treatment–by–age group interaction for vertebral fracture (p = 0.7) but treatment effect for non-vertebral fracture was significant for patients under 80 years but not in patients 80 years and over. In the intention–to–treat group of the HIP study (70 to 100 years), risedronate demonstrated a lower relative risk of hip fracture (RR 0.7; 95%CI 0.6–0.9; p = 0.02).35 In the 70 to 79 years subgroup selected on the basis of osteoporosis, the risk reduction was significant (RR 0.6; 95%CI 0.4–0.9; p = 0.009). Benefit was not demonstrated in the older cohort (80+ years; p = 0.4), who were selected predominantly on the basis of non-skeletal risk factors (58% of patients).35 A further post hoc analysis of patients from the HIP study (70 to 100 years; mean 77 ± 5) who met the WHO and the International Osteoporosis Foundation criteria for severe osteoporosis (T score < –2.5 and one or more prior vertebral fracture) demonstrated the efficacy of risedronate in reducing hip fracture risk at three years (RR 0.5; 95%CI 0.3–0.9; p = 0.02).36 Subgroup analyses for the older cohort were not presented separately. Clodronate Clodronate did not demonstrate any significant benefit in hip fracture risk reduction in a study that randomised community-dwelling women over 75 years who did not have proven osteoporosis or any other risk factors.37 Zoledronic Acid Boonen et al.38 conducted a post hoc subgroup analysis of pooled data from the multicentre, randomised, doubleblind, placebo-controlled HORIZON Pivotal Fracture Trial and HORIZON Recurrent Fracture Trial.39,40 The Pivotal Fracture Trial enrolled women with a bone mineral density T-score < –2.5 or T-score < –1.5 with radiological evidence of at least one vertebral fracture (mean age 73 ± 5.3 years; 38% ≥ 75 years).39 This trial reported a 70% reduction in vertebral fracture, 25% in non-vertebral fracture and 41% in hip fracture (p < 0.01 for all values).39 Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research Volume 40, No. 3, 2010. 231 The Recurrent Fracture Trial enrolled patients post hip fracture (mean age 74 ± 9.5 years; 55% ≥ 75 years) and the main outcomes reported in this mixed age cohort were a reduction in new clinical fracture (35%; p = 0.001), new clinical vertebral fracture (p = 0.002), non-vertebral fracture (p = 0.03) but not hip fracture (p = 0.5).40 They also reported an overall mortality benefit (RR 0.7; 95%CI 0.6–0.9; p = 0.01).40 Boonen et al.38 examined postmenopausal women 75 years and over with documented osteoporosis or a recent hip fracture. At three years the incidence of vertebral (HR 0.3; 95%CI 0.2–0.6; p < 0.001) and non-vertebral fractures (HR 0.7; 95%CI 0.6–0.9; p = 0.02) were significantly lower in the zoledronic acid group. 38 Although patients younger than 75 years significantly benefited in hip fracture risk reduction at three years (p < 0.001), this was not observed in the older subgroup and the treatment–by–age interaction was statistically significant between the two groups (p = 0.04). Although the adverse effect profile in the older cohort was similar to the younger cohort, fewer patients over 75 years reported adverse events from active treatment compared with those under 75 years, except for renal impairment. Strontium Ranelate Seeman et al.41 investigated whether strontium ranelate can reduce the risk of vertebral and non-vertebral fractures in older women (80+ years) by pooling data from two phase III, randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind studies.42,43 They reported evidence for significant vertebral fracture relative risk reduction at one year (RRR 59%; p = 0.002) and three years (RRR 32%; p = 0.01).41 There was also evidence for significant nonvertebral fracture relative risk reduction at one year (RRR 41%; p = 0.03) and three years (RRR 31%; p = 0.01). The analysis demonstrated non-significant reduction in hip fractures at three years (32%; p = 0.1).41 Reginster et al.43 reported a 36% reduction in hip fracture at three years in osteoporotic women 74 years and over but not in the total cohort (70 years and over). Strontium ranelate did not result in more adverse events than placebo.41 Teriparatide Teriparatide stimulates bone turnover, with a positive bone balance resulting in increased bone mass. 44 Teriparatide is funded by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme as an alternative treatment in patients who have a very high risk of fracture (bone mineral density T-score < –3), have experienced two or more fragility fractures and at least one symptomatic new fracture after 12 months of continuous therapy with an antiresorptive drug or are intolerant of antiresorptive drugs. The teriparatide subgroup study, analysed the Fracture Prevention Trial to determine whether older women (75+ years) had similar safety and efficacy to younger women.45,46 The analysis compared whether there was a significant interaction between treatment (teriparatide 20 mg vs placebo) and age (< 75 years vs > 75 years). They reported no age–treatment interaction (p = 0.4), significant vertebral fracture relative risk reduction at one year (RRR 65%; p < 0.05) but no evidence for significant non-vertebral fracture relative risk reduction at one year. There was no increase in treatment-emergent adverse events compared to placebo in those over 75 years compared to the intention–to–treat cohort and younger groups. 232 Raloxifene Raloxifene has been used in early postmenopausal women with demonstrated reduction of vertebral fractures but not non-vertebral or hip fractures. 47 Although older women have been included in some studies, the numbers are small and there are no published data in older cohorts or subgroups. Denosumab Denosumab, a new fully human monoclonal antibody targets and binds with high affinity and specificity to RANK ligand and prevents activation of RANK receptors found on osteoclast precursors and osteoclasts. Denosumab inhibits the development and activity of osteoclasts, decreases bone resorption and increases bone density. A study of 7868 women (60 to 90 years; mean 72 + 5.2) included 32% of women 75 years and over with bone mineral density confirmed osteoporosis with or without prevalent fractures.48 In the mixed age cohort, vertebral fractures were reduced by 61% at one year and 68% by three years (p < 0.001 for both). Non-vertebral fractures were reduced by 20% (HR 0.8; 95%CI 0.7–0.95; p = 0.01) and hip fractures were reduced by 40% (HR 0.6; 95%CI 0.4–0.97; p = 0.04) by three years. DISCUSSION Despite the high risk of osteoporotic fractures in older people, there is little published evidence on treatment in this cohort. Studies have either included limited numbers or excluded older people due to strict entry criteria based on age and related factors. There is favourable published safety data for risedronate, zoledronic acid, strontium ranelate and teriparatide use in older people. Fracture Risk Reduction There is acceptable evidence to recommend alendronate, risedronate, zoledronic acid, strontium ranelate and teriparatide for vertebral risk fracture risk reduction in older people. There is significant early onset of benefit (within 12 months) with risedronate, zoledronic acid, strontium ranelate and teriparatide. At three years, there is evidence for sustained benefit with alendronate, risedronate, zoledronic acid and strontium ranelate. Published data on non-vertebral fractures are limited. There is evidence of benefit from zoledronic acid and strontium ranelate. Strontium ranelate demonstrated nonvertebral fracture risk reduction at one year and a sustained benefit at three years. Zoledronic acid demonstrated benefit at three years only. Evidence for hip fracture risk reduction is also limited. Strontium ranelate was the only drug to demonstrate hip fracture reduction in older patients with confirmed osteoporosis.43 In the zoledronic acid study, although patients under 75 years showed a significant hip fracture risk reduction, it did not translate into statistically significant benefits for those over 75 years.38 However, this study was limited by its power to demonstrate a benefit. The trials that evaluated risedronate and clodronate in older patients with hip fractures demonstrated no benefit. 35,37 However, these studies targeted old, frail patients with risk factors rather than established osteoporosis. This is at odds with the demonstrated benefit in the HIP cohort (under 80 years) and the intention–to–treat cohort (70 to 100 years).35,36 Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research Volume 40, No. 3, 2010. Most treatments showing efficacy in fracture reduction in older people have been over three years. However, strontium ranelate was beneficial in the reduction of all major fractures (including hip and nonvertebral) for up to five years in old, frail and osteoporotic women.49,50 Based on the available evidence in this older age group, strontium ranelate would be a suitable firstline option if reduction in vertebral, non-vertebral and hip fractures is the goal. This is notwithstanding other considerations such as dosing, frequency, adherence, tolerability, and patient and clinician preferences.51 Senile Osteoporosis Discrepancies in non-vertebral and hip fracture reduction between young and old people may reflect differences in skeletal and non-skeletal risk factors. 52,53 Senile osteoporosis may need to be distinguished from other types of osteoporosis.52 Hip fracture is the predominant fracture after the seventh decade of life and hip strength relies on preservation of osteoblastic activity (often impaired by ageing). By contrast, postmenopausal osteoporotic fractures occur due to increasing osteoclastic activity and decline in osteoblastic activity in the older population. Young postmenopausal women predominantly have high bone turnover osteoporosis and older women may have senile osteoporosis. Reducing bone remodelling without improving bone formation may be inadequate in older people who mostly sustain non-vertebral and hip fractures. This may be supported by the observation that there may be an age interaction with treatment benefit in some bisphosphonate studies and why strontium ranelate and teriparatide with their osteoblastic-activity promoting properties show more promise in this age group. Interventions Given the positive impact of osteoporosis medications on fracture prevention, low risk of drug–drug interactions and low incidence of adverse effects, they should not be considered ‘inappropriate prescriptions’ in older patients. There is a significant relationship between increasing age and decreasing likelihood of receiving effective osteoporosis treatment. 54 Selection of an appropriate medication includes consideration of dose, frequency, route of administration, adverse effects, adherence, costeffectiveness and ability to prevent fractures early. Improving medication persistence irrespective of the drug is an important goal to ensure efficacy.51,55 The most cost-effective use of resources is to intervene in patients with pre-existing fractures.3 As older people are at a higher risk of fracture, they are likely to derive greater benefit from osteoporosis treatment than younger people. 29 The cost benefit ratios are more favourable given the high absolute risk in older patients.56 Ironically, the least evidence is available for fracture reduction in the group at greatest risk. Older people have unique needs and differ from younger people in terms of their fragility fracture risk. Fracture is a consequence of a triad of factors: bone quality, precipitating event and the interface between the bone and contact surface. 2 Improving calcium and vitamin D status and the use of non-pharmacological measures including hip protectors are important adjunctive strategies. Older patients derive greatest benefit from a multifactorial and multidisciplinary approach. CONCLUSION Osteoporosis will continue to be a major public health issue as the population ages. Non-pharmacological and pharmacological measures have roles to play in osteoporosis management. The evidence highlights that a number of drugs can safely reduce osteoporosis risk in older patients and appropriate management will reduce the morbidity, mortality and economic costs associated with this disease. However, there is a need for further randomised controlled trials to provide more evidence for treatment in older people. Competing interests: None declared References 1. Nguyen TV, Center JR, Eisman JA. 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