1 KITTY DEGREE SCHOOL OF NURSING FACULTY HANDBOOK Revised: February 2015 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE CODE FOR NURSES NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY CORE PERFORMANCE GUIDELINES FOR ADMISSION AND PROGRESSION GENERAL COURSE REQUIREMENTS FOR STUDENTS CLASSROOM FIRE EMERGENCY PLAN JOB DESCRIPTIONS A. DIRECTOR B. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR C. COORDINATOR D. FACULTY E. LAB & SIMULATION COORDINATOR F. DIRECTOR OF NURSING INFORMATICS & TECHNOLOGY G. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT III BY-LAWS OF THE NURSING FACULTY MISSION STATEMENT PHILOSOPHY OF THE SCHOOL OF NURSING SCHOOL OF NURSING'S STATMENTS OF COMPETENCIES OF NEW GRADUATES POLICIES RELATED TO MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF CLINICAL AGENCY CONTRACTS BLOODBORNE PATHOGEN EXPOSURE CONTROL PLAN POSSIBLE BLOOD BORNE PATHOGEN EXPOSURE EXPOSURE FORM INCIDENT REPORT FORM GENERIC INCIDENT FORM FIRST AID PROGRAM TUBERCULOSIS CONTROL SCHOOL OF NURSING STANDING COMMITTEES ADMISSIONS AND ACADEMIC STANDARDS COMMITTEE ADVISORY COUNCIL ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION COMMITTEE AWARDS COMMITTEE CONTINUING EDUCATION COMMITTEE CONVOCATION COMMITTEE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE ETHICS, BY-LAWS, AND POLICIES COMMITTEE NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE PROFESSIONAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE RESOURCE/TECHNOLOGY/DISTANCE EDUCATION COMMITTEE ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL ACADEMIC RESPONSIBILITIES OF FACULTY 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 21 22 23 24 25 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 36 36 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 42 43 44 3 SCHOOL OF NURSING POLICIES/INFORMATION 45 CLINICAL ROTATION TIMES LEAVE-OFFICIAL/SICK/ FACULTY GIFT GIVING/RECEIVING LECTURE CONTENT GRADUATE RECORDS POLICY FOR STORING STUDENT PAPERS POLICY FOR PROTECTING PATIENT CONFIDENTIALITY IN STUDENT PAPERS LSBN DECLARATORY STATEMENT ON EMPLOYMENT OF NURSING STUDENTS LSBN EMPLOYMENT OF UNLICENSED PERSONS GUIDELINES FOR PEER EVALUATION PEER EVALUATION FORM PROMOTION AND TENURE POLICY FACULTY GRIEVANCES EMPLOYEE CHECKOUT INSTRUCTIONS 45 REVIEWED AND UPDATED: 7/06; 7/09; 2/15 45 45 45 45 46 47 48 48 49 50 51 55 55 4 PREFACE The Faculty of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing of The University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM) functions within the tenets of The University of Louisiana at Monroe. The ULM Faculty Handbook, therefore, serves as the general informational base for the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing. However, as a resource for new faculty and an update for current faculty, this additional informational guide was developed to relate specific information relevant to the School of Nursing. The Kitty DeGree School of Nursing supports the ANA Code for Nurses (see next page). 5 CODE OF ETHICS FOR NURSES-PROVISIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The nurse practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and unique attributes of every person. The nurse's primary commitment is to the patient, whether an individual, family, group, community, or population. The nurse promotes, advocates for, and protects the rights, health, and safety of the patient. The nurse has authority, accountability, and responsibility for nursing practice; makes decisions; and takes action consistent with the obligation to promote health and to provide optimal care. The nurse owes the same duties to self as to others, including the responsibility to promote health and safety, preserve wholeness of character and integrity, maintain competence, and continue personal and professional growth. The nurse, through individual and collective effort, establishes, maintains, and improves the ethical environment of the work setting and conditions of employment that are conducive to safe, quality health care. The nurse, in all roles and settings, advances the profession through research and scholarly inquiry, professional standards development, and the generation of both nursing and health policy. The nurse collaborates with other health professionals and the public to protect human rights, promote health diplomacy, and reduce health disparities. The profession of nursing, collectively through its professional organizations, must articulate nursing values, maintain the integrity of the profession, and integrate principles of social justice into nursing and health policy. Source: American Nurses Association (2015), Code of Ethics for Nurses With Interpretive Statements 6 NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY The University of Louisiana at Monroe is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Please refer to the University of Louisiana at Monroe Faculty Handbook for further information. 7 THE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA AT MONROE KITTY DEGREE SCHOOL OF NURSING CORE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR ADMISSION AND PROGRESSION *** PLEASE READ CAREFULLY *** BELOW ARE LISTED THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OF THE PROFESSIONAL NURSING PROGRAM. YOU SHOULD READ THESE STANDARDS CAREFULLY ADN BE SURE YOU CAN COMPLY WITH THEM. THE ULM KITTY DEGREE SCHOOL OF NURSING EXPECTS ALL APPLICANTS FOR ADMISSION TO POSSESS AND BE ABLE TO DEMONSTRATE THE SKILLS, ATTRIBUTES AND QUALITIES SET FORTH BELOW, WITHOUT UNREASONABLE DEPENDENCE ON TECHNOLOGY OR INTERMEDIARIES. ISSUE CRITICAL THINKING INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION STANDARD SOME EXAMPLES OF NECESSARY ACTIVITIES Critical thinking ability sufficient for clinical judgment; sufficient powers of intellect to acquire, assimilate, integrate, apply information and solve problems. Identify cause-effect relationships in clinical situations, develop and implement nursing care plans according to nursing process; respond instantly to emergency situations. Interpersonal abilities sufficient to interact with individuals, families, and groups from a variety of social, emotional, cultural, and intellectual backgrounds. Communication abilities sufficient for interaction with others in verbal and written form. Establish rapport with patients/clients and colleagues. MOBILITY Physical abilities sufficient to move from room-toroom, maneuver in small spaces, and physical health and stamina needed to carry out nursing procedures. MOTOR SKILLS Gross and fine motor abilities sufficient to provide safe and effective nursing care. Sufficient use of the senses of vision, hearing, touch, and smell to observe, assess, and evaluate effectively (both close at hand and at a distance) in the classroom, laboratory, and clinical setting SENSORY TACTILE Tactile abilities sufficient for physical assessment and intervention. BEHAVIORAL Sufficient motivation and flexibility to function in new and stressful environments. Revised: 2008 Reviewed: 2/15 Explain treatment, procedures, initiate health teaching, document and interpret nursing actions and patient/client responses. Communicate information effectively with other departments. Evaluate written orders, care plans, and treatment requests. Move around in patient's room, work spaces, and treatment areas; administer cardiopulmonary procedures. Lift, move, position and transport patients without causing harm, undue pain, and discomfort to the patient or one's self. Transport mobile equipment in a timely and precautious manner. Calibrate, use, and manipulate equipment; position patients/clients. Hear monitor alarms, emergency signal, auscultatory sounds, cries for help. Observe patient/client responses Perform palpation, functions of physical examination and/or those related to therapeutic intervention, e.g., insertion of catheters for therapy. Accept assignment change of patient clinical/lab area. 8 GENERAL COURSE REQUIREMENTS FOR STUDENTS Faculty and students of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing are responsible and accountable for their actions related to patient care. The faculty has the responsibility and right to determine if a student's conduct in the clinical area is conducive to patient welfare. Further, the SCHOOL reserves the right to refuse a student admission to clinical experiences should their action be judged to be detrimental to patient welfare. The quality and success of your education is dependent upon many factors, including meeting certain requirements. Specific objectives and requirements including those for progression for each course will be clearly related to you. The following is provided to assist you in understanding those requirements that apply to ALL professional nursing courses. Please read carefully. If there are not questions regarding these statements, it is assumed that you understand and agree to comply with same. The maintenance and development of appropriate attitudes and values are a requirement of students enrolled in all nursing courses. Trustworthiness and loyalty are included in the behaviors expected. These characteristics are inherent to professional nursing and are REQUISITE to successful completion of nursing courses. Students are expected to attend all scheduled course meetings (See University Policy). Many experiences in this curriculum are impossible to duplicate; consequently, absences may prevent the learning/evaluation process to take place. Students with accumulated absences in any course will be counseled and may be subject to failure. Failure to take exams on the day administered in class, failure to submit written work on time, and unexcused absences may result in the receipt of a zero grade for that assignment. Excused absences, make-up exams, permission to submit written work late, and other privileges can be granted at the individual instructor's discretion, as valid excuses shall be considered. If it is necessary to be late or absent from any clinical assignment, students are required to notify the unit/agency by 7:00 a.m. (unless otherwise instructed) and the faculty is to be notified per instructions of the faculty (see “Attendance”). Should a student fail to demonstrate evidence of preparation for clinical assignment, he/she may be dismissed. A dismissal results in an "F" for the day. Student questions related to grading, other matters of an academic nature, or other concerns should be presented to the student's instructor; failing satisfactory resolution at this level, the questions should be referred in order, to the Coordinator, the Director, the Associate Dean, and then to the Dean. For further information related to due process, see the University of Louisiana Monroe Undergraduate Catalog and the Student Policy Manual. Reviewed: 2/15 9 FIRE EMERGENCY PLAN- KITTY DEGREE HALL The following outline identifies how nursing students and faculty need to respond in case of a fire in Kitty DeGree Hall. We will use the acronym "RACE" as our guide; the parking lot on the south side of the Construction Building is our reassembly point. A roll will be taken after fire drills and actual room evacuations. Rescue: Our first responsibility is to ensure that all persons exit the classroom/labs safely and as quickly as possible. If you are in one of the following rooms and an alarm sounds: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. AUDITORIUM: leave via the closest exit. Doors are located in the front and back of the Auditorium. Meet at the reassembly point. ROOMS 215, 218, 242, 243: Exit via the SOUTH stairway. The NORTH and EAST stairways are alternate exit routes. Meet at the reassembly point. ROOMS 221, LRC, and Faculty Lounge: Exit via the NORTH stairway. The SOUTH and EAST stairways are alternate exit routes. Meet at the reassembly point. ROOM 338, and 340: Exit via the EAST stairway. The NORTH and SOUTH stairways are alternate exit routes. Meet at the reassembly point. ROOMS 327 and 325: Exit via the NORTH stairway. The EAST and SOUTH stairways are alternate exit routes. Meet at the reassembly point. MAIN OFFICE SUITE: Use closest exit, either the EAST exit or one of the two NORTH exits. FACULTY OFFICES: Use the closest exit. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE THE ELEVATOR. Each semester, specific persons will be assigned to assist those with special needs. EVERYONE IS REQUIRED to evacuate the building until the "ALL CLEAR" is given and all persons duly accounted for. A diagram of evacuation routes is in each classroom, lab, and office. Alarm: First, report the fire directly to the ULM Police Department by dialing 1-911 and giving all pertinent information to the operator. Alarm pulls are located at each stairway; however, your first responsibility is to ensure that no one is jeopardized by getting into harm's way to sound an alarm. Contain the fire: Isolate it as much as possible by turning off electrical appliances, lights, fans, etc. Push aside nearby flammable items like linens, paper rolls, etc. Exit the room and shut the door tightly. Your first responsibility is your safety and that of your classmates. Extinguish the fire: Fire extinguishers are located in the front and back of the Nursing Auditorium, in the Student Lounge, Nursing Office workroom and hallway, both Nursing labs, LRC, Faculty Lounge, Clinical Science Lab, Secretarial Office, next to each stairway door, and in each EAST wing of second and third floors. No one should attempt to put out a fire unless that person feels that the fire can be contained. In all other cases, professional firefighters must take the responsibility for extinguishing the fire. Remember, call University Police at 1-911. All fires must be reported to University Police and the University Safety Officer. OTHER BUILDINGS – FOLLOW THE FIRE EMERGENCY PLANS FOR THE ALTERNATE BUILDINGS Reviewed 7/09; Revised 2/15 10 JOB DESCRIPTIONS A. DIRECTOR The Director of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing, who holds a doctoral degree in nursing or a related discipline, is responsible to the Dean of the College of Health and Pharmaceutical Sciences (CHPS) for the administration of the nursing program(s) and for all areas related to the administration of the school. The Director holds faculty rank in the School of Nursing. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The Director: Provides leadership and vision to the School as it relates to the profession of nursing on a national, state, and local scope. In so doing, the Director must maintain membership in nationally and internationally recognized professional nursing organizations that direct and influence the nursing profession. Attendance and participation in these organizations is crucial to maintaining a current curriculum and fully understanding trends and changes in the many aspects of the profession. Maintains a collegial relationship with the Louisiana State Board of Nursing and attends meetings of the Board. Attendance at these meetings provides the Director with current information about and the ability to influence the status of nursing education and practice in the state. Maintains membership in other professional nursing organizations in order to maintain expertise in the chosen area of practice. Provides oversight for all aspects of the following internal structures: The traditional baccalaureate nursing program The RN to BSN option The LPN to BSN option The Accelerated BSN option The Continuing Education Program for Registered Nurses The planning for a Masters program Alumni Relations The Advisory Council Provides oversight for the following external activities: Contracts for clinical affiliations with hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, home health agencies, day care centers, senior centers, public health departments, and other community agencies providing the experiential components of the curriculum. Contracts with preceptors for students in the senior year of the professional program when appropriate. Interactions with the Louisiana State Board of Nursing to assure compliance with all rules and regulations relating to the operations and the curriculum of the School Submission of reports and survey data to state and national agencies. Participates as a member of the College of Health and Pharmaceutical Sciences Administrative Council (CAC). Represents the School of Nursing, the College of Health and Pharmaceutical Sciences and the University to the community of health care providers and other communities of interest at the local, state and national levels. Works with the Dean of CHPS to promote fund raising activities for the School of Nursing. Serves as Chairperson of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing Administrative Council. Revised: 7/06; 2/15 Reviewed: 7/09 11 JOB DESCRIPTIONS (Continued) B. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR The Associate Director, who preferably holds a doctorate, reports to the Director of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing. The Associate Director is responsible for oversight of various academic activities of the college, maintenance of student records, the Articulation Programs, and participates in and promotes scholarly activities. The Associate Director: 1. Serves as administrator of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing in the absence of the Director. 2. Assists Director with schedules and budgeting as needed. 3. Assists with submission of reports and survey data to state and national agencies, as assigned by the Director. 4. Assists with the supervision of recruitment, orientation, registration, and advising of students. 5. Reviews transcripts and advises students. 6. Chairs the Admission and Academic Standards Committee. 7. Assists in maintenance of student records; tracks student progression and attrition throughout the program. 8. Coordinates standardized testing - scheduling tests, coordinating overall process, analysis of data, records. 9. Coordinates remediation program for students at risk - (a) Semester III students who failed to reach benchmark on the mid-curricular exam, and (b) Semester V students who do not reach benchmark on the exit exam. 10. Participates in activities of professional organizations. 11. Maintains an appropriate teaching load. 12. Writes and organizes contracts with clinical agencies. 13. Coordinates schedules with clinical agencies; sends out letters to clinical agencies; makes clinical agency visits. 14. Assists in College and University activities as delegated by the Director. 15. Works with Scholarship office in coordinating scholarship information for the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing. 16. Provides leadership to the Nursing faculty in the area of curriculum development in the Bachelor's, RN to BSN, LPN to BSN, and Continuing Education programs. 17. Promotes faculty development and scholastic activities, including research and grant proposals. 18. Participates as a member of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing Administrative Council and the College of Health Sciences Administrative Council. Revised: 7/06; 2/15 Reviewed: 7/09 12 JOB DESCRIPTIONS (Continued) C. COORDINATOR The Coordinator in the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing is a faculty member holding at least a master's degree in nursing and preferably a doctoral degree in nursing or a related field, is appointed by the Dean, and is responsible for the courses, faculty, and students for the division. The Coordinator reports to the Director in matters related to personnel, students, classes, curriculum, and budget. The Coordinator: 1. Holds regular meetings with division faculty as well as with the Director. 2. Orients new faculty to courses, clinical areas, and departmental expectations. 3. Evaluates performance of division faculty for retention, promotion, tenure, dismissal, and remuneration. 4. Ensures that teaching materials are current and appropriate. 5. Completes Peer Evaluation schedule and assignments for division faculty. 6. Has oversight of syllabus for each course in the division. 7. Works with Director for overall faculty assignments, teaching loads, and special duties of the faculty. 8. Has responsibility for keeping faculty advised of procedures and regulations. 9. Makes sure all faculty turn in clinical folders and grades. 10. Ensures ongoing evaluation and improvements of courses through organized faculty and student participation. 11. Maintains records of students' evaluations of courses in the division. 12. Responsible, with faculty participation, for the evaluation of student and graduate. 13. Ensures the selection and administration of the appropriate Achievement Test(s), including follow-up with students and reporting of results to faculty, and administration. 14. Ensures all students in division are in compliance with immunization requirements and meets with students who are not in compliance. 15. Completes SLO on evaluation forms/information from division students. Submit table to Director with all data. 16. Makes clinical site visits for each division faculty member every semester. 17. Prepares the division schedule of classes. 18. Orders textbooks for division. 19. Assists Director in planning materials for the University Catalog. 20. Maintains communication between the School and the staff of clinical agencies. 21. Ensures contracts or letter of agreement are signed for all facilities used in division. 22. Ensures the LSBN Community-Based Agency Review Form is completed for all new community agencies utilized by the division. 23. Assists Director in maintaining agency contracts. 24. Assists with LSBN, SREB, AACN, and other reports as needed. 25. Meets college and university expectation for teaching, service, and scholarly activities. 26. Meets requirements of nursing faculty job description. 27. Serves as a member of the Curriculum Committee and Admission and Academic Standards Committee. 28. Participates as a member of the School of Nursing Administrative Council. Other duties as assigned by the Director. 29. Revised 7/06; 2/15 Reviewed 7/09 13 JOB DESCRIPTIONS (Continued) D. FACULTY It is the duty of each faculty member to become familiar with the regulations, policies, and organizational structure of the University and of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing. Each member must support these governing standards when accepting a faculty position. The ULM Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog and the ULM Faculty Handbook provide information concerning general policies and responsibilities. Faculty members must have had at least 2 years of clinical experience other than teaching and baccalaureate and master's degrees in nursing. Each member of the Nursing faculty: 1. Supports the Mission, Philosophy, and Goals of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing. 2. Lead Teacher responsibilities: a. maintain students grade book for course. b. maintain attendance record and reports absences to the Coordinator. c. assigns course teaching and testing responsibilities to course team members with the Coordinator. d. conducts test reviews. e. for clinical course: documents student compliance with CPR, health insurance, and communicable disease control requirements. f. conducts course/faculty evaluations. g. informs students about policies, procedures, and regulations. h. makes announcements to class as necessary. 3. Demonstrates quality teaching and serves as a role model for students and peers. 4. Records current and comprehensive data on student records. 5. Participates in evaluation processes involving self, students, peers, and administration. 6. Participates in test reviews. 7. Creates and/or revises syllabi as needed. 8. Participates in recruitment of faculty and students, as needed. 9. Is active in professional and community service organizations. 10. Participates in faculty development and scholarly organizations. 11. Assists in all areas of program improvement, including participation in curriculum evaluation and revision. 12. Accepts responsibility for personal and professional growth, regarding teaching assignments and clinical expertise. 13. Serves as an active member and/or chair of University, College, and School committees. 14. Utilizes College resources effectively. 15. Maintains rapport with clinical affiliates, University, and community-at-large. 16. Communicates with the administration of the School, College, and University about academic matters. 17. Participates in continuing education programs. 18. Complete assignments as delegated by the Lead Teacher, Coordinator, and SON administrators. 19. Holds current license to practice as a registered nurse in Louisiana. 20. Follows chain of command through Lead, Coordinator, and Director. 21. Meets College and University expectations for teaching, service, and scholarly activity. Revised: 2/15 Reviewed: 7/09 14 JOB DESCRIPTIONS (Continued) E. LAB & SIMULATION COORDINATOR It is the duty of the nursing clinical laboratory coordinator to become familiar with the regulations, policies, and organizational structure of the University and of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing. The ULM Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog and the ULM Faculty Handbook provide information concerning general policies and responsibilities. 1. Employment schedule: 9 month. 2. Assist primary faculty members with monitoring of nursing students practice of clinical skills. 3. Document and work with students who have been assigned remediation of clinical skills at the direction of faculty member. 4. Assemble equipment needed by faculty for classroom and laboratory use and make available for faculty pick up. 5. Assemble items needed by faculty for return demonstrations and make available to faculty. 6. Provide assistance to students and faculty with equipment and supplies needed for presentations, seminars, and workshops after a one week notice of equipment needed. 7. Prepare nursing home bags for faculty and students to take to clinical site. 8. Communicate with custodial staff for cleaning needs of lab. 9. Maintain laundry. 10. Enforce housekeeping by students and faculty. 11. Assist with the implementation of the ULM Kitty DeGree School of Nursing Safety Program. 12. Provide security for lab, locking all outside hall doors and locking supply cabinets when not in use. 13. Notify appropriate authority of malfunctioning equipment. 14. Advise students enrolled in the professional program. 15. Coordinate student worker assignments in the lab area. 16. Participate as a member of the Resource/Technology Committee. 17. Participate in development of grant proposals. 18. Coordinate lab dates and times with Director of Nursing Informatics and Coordinators for each semester. 19. Maintain OSHA standards in the lab setting. 20. Maintain procedure book for lab use by faculty and students. 21. Orient new faculty to lab procedures. 22. Bid, order, and organize supplies for lab kits for each semester class at the beginning of each semester with faculty input prior to ordering. 23. Maintain an up to date inventory log of all equipment/supplies in the lab including their location. 24. Coordinate the procurement of up to date equipment to replace outdated equipment. 25. Maintain collection of current medical supply information for purchases of equipment and supplies for the labs. 26. Establish budget for lab supplies and request the purchase of supplies as needed after bid review. 27. Stock, organize, and maintain supplies in workroom for each semester's use in the labs. 28. Maintain and update instruction manuals, product information manuals, and equipment warranties purchased for the labs. 29. Assemble and demonstrate new lab equipment to faculty and students upon request. Revised 7/09; 2/15 15 JOB DESCRIPTIONS (Continued) F. DIRECTOR OF NURSING INFORMATICS & TECHNOLOGY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Responsible for the technical aspects of all educational services in the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing. Responsible for coordinating, and teaching Nursing 2013 (Computers for Nurses). Provides media services/education to all faculty as needed. Coordinates with the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing committees to develop patient, community, and staff educational materials for use in grant projects or school initiatives. Coordinates with the Director of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing to maintain ample and current media equipment for use by faculty and students in the program. Participates in grant writing within the university and externally to procure needed equipment for the Learning Resource Center. Supervises and develops a work schedule for student workers assigned to the Learning Resource Center. Maintains contact with external maintenance resources (vendors) of media equipment for the purpose of procurement, replacement, and repair. Establishes and maintains a library of current media programs available for use by students and faculty. Participates in other educational programs as requested. Responsible for inventory of all media and production hardware and software, and updating and maintaining inventory. Continually reviews new media/production techniques/technologies, etc., for possible departmental upgrade and evaluates equipment when available from vendors through arranged vendor demonstration/in-services. Responsible for troubleshooting equipment and performing minor maintenance activities. Makes recommendations to obtain technologies to meet Kitty DeGree School of Nursing goals and objectives in a cost efficient manner. Assists with administration of online testing. Performs related duties as assigned. Revised: 2/15 Reviewed 7/09 16 JOB DESCRIPTIONS (CONTINUED) G. Administrative Assistant III 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Administrative Assistant to Director of Kitty DeGree School of Nursing; answer, screen and route calls for Director, Coordinator of Nursing Concepts, Coordinator of Nursing Interventions; Update calendar and make appointments for Director of Nursing; make reservations for hotels and flight as requested and prepare travel folder for Director of Nursing. Serve as Administrative Assistant to Coordinator of Nursing Concepts and Coordinator of Nursing Interventions. Serve as intermediary between students and faculty to appropriately direct resolution; serve as liaison between pre-professional, professional students, and faculty for questions and advisement. Prepare employment data sheets for Director of Nursing; corresponds with Louisiana State Board of Nursing for approval of new faculty and update faculty Vita information; collect faculty monthly time sheets; prepare contracts for faculty employment each semester; prepare faculty hiring forms (M-forms); propose correspondence to faculty from Director of Nursing; prepare faculty monthly leave sheets and send to Payroll; maintain telephone log sheets, catalog changes, and curriculum changes. Assist in preparing Annual Reports for the following: Louisiana State Board of Nursing American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) CCNE and CCEN SREB – (Data from various offices on campus must be collected for these reports) Develop and review student recruitment literature Additional reports prepared at the direction of the Director of Nursing Maintain records for faculty and staff; maintain records on faculty professorships (7 total) including travel and other professional information; maintain paperwork for departmental grants as received; prepare mail outs. Correspond with Louisiana State Board of Nursing and other states regarding students with criminal records; handle employment paperwork for new faculty and clerical staff; maintain minutes for various nursing committees; create letters, memos, etc.; maintain fax machine; keep a running record of all graduate NCLEX Scores, and faculty professional documentation. Complete necessary paperwork for ordering supplies for nursing offices and labs; completing and documenting all purchase orders; maintain all School of Nursing accounts; communicate directly with vendors to identify appropriate goods; arrange for preview or conference call with Director of Nursing; work directly with office of the Dean, purchasing, payroll, warehouse, property control, computing center, and university development; process faculty check request for reimbursements and tracking orders for office equipment; prepare all purchase requisitions and maintain ledger/tracking of all orders. Act as liaison between Director of Nursing and student workers in regard to informing of changes, new information, or other directives from Director; keep records of outgoing correspondence; type and format all program literature, requesting invitations and document. 17 JOB DESCRIPTIONS (CONTINUED) 9. 10. 11. 12. Maintain student record files; maintain statistical information (enrollment figures); prepare graduate records (application for graduation forms are due in the Registrar’s office near the beginning of each semester); prepare graduate degree sheets to send to Registrar’s office through Dean’s office; prepare Certification of Graduation forms to be sent to Registrar’s office through Dean’s office; prepare applications and mailing labels to Louisiana State Board of Nursing; keep graduate count cards up-to-date (per semester); maintain records of internal reports, correspondence, etc. Update application for students applying to professional program; accept and review students’ applications; process admission and readmission letters/packets; reserve Nursing Conference Rooms I and II; assist professional student advisors in advising; ensure purchase of student liability for each student (year, but verified each semester); construct memos for Director of Nursing, Coordinator of Nursing Concepts, and Coordinator of Nursing Interventions. Act as receptionist at front desk as needed (includes: greeting visitors; assisting and answering questions from callers and visitors); greet students and assist with various needs which they might have (routing them to classes or referring them to appropriate departments); supervise employee from Older Worker Program; hire, orientate, and supervise student workers regarding office procedures and job descriptions; make appointments for student advisement with appropriate person; prepare incoming and outgoing mail; pick up mail from post office when student workers are not available; order and maintain supply requests. Advise prospective students where to locate important nursing forms and information; store data on prospective students for the allotted amount of time; store graduate files (keep indefinitely) and graduate paper files (purged every semester – records kept for 3 years); type letters, reports, and other correspondence requested by Director of Nursing, Coordinator of Nursing Concepts, and Coordinator of Nursing Interventions; establishes and maintain all files; file all student folders and paperwork; work with scholarship office for nursing students; send purged files to appropriate department to be shredded; organize materials needed for School of Nursing meetings. Revised: 7/06; 2/15 Reviewed: 7/09 18 BY-LAWS OF THE NURSING FACULTY ARTICLE I NAME This organization shall be known as the Nursing Faculty of The University of Louisiana at Monroe Kitty DeGree School of Nursing ARTICLE II PURPOSE The faculty shall be organized to consider, discuss, recommend, and establish policies affecting the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing in accordance with Article III of these By-Laws. The faculty shall also promote faculty, student, and inter-agency participation in the implementation of the Nursing Program through the medium of standing and special committees. POWER ARTICLE III Section 1--The Nursing Faculty shall have such legislative and executive power in matters pertaining to the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing as shall hereinafter be stipulated. Section 2--The faculty shall establish such school policies as well as regulate: -all curriculum offerings and research; -the recruitment, selection, admission, promotion, graduation, and welfare of the students; and -the selection, appointment, promotion, retention, and dismissal of its members. Section 3--The Nursing Faculty shall assume responsibility of the School's program and shall be empowered to: -determine and adopt the philosophy, purposes, and objectives of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing Programs; -determine and adopt programs of study and curricula which reflect the school's stated philosophy, purposes, and objectives; -establish policies and practices regulating student admission, enrollment, and Promotions; -recommend criteria for selection, continuation, promotions, and separation of faculty. -review and act on recommendations of the Standing Committees of the Nursing Faculty and of its own membership; -recommend, establish and evaluate educational policies and practices relative to faculty responsibilities for the implementation of the programs of study and the curricula; -promote the welfare of the students and the faculty; and -promote recruitment and public relations activities of the university. MEMBERS OF NURSING FACULTY ARTICLE IV Membership of the Nursing Faculty shall include all part-time and full-time instructors, assistant professors, associate professors, and full professors of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing OFFICERS AND THEIR APPOINTMENT ARTICLE V The Director of the School shall serve as chairperson. In the event of the absence of the Director, the Associate Director shall serve as chairperson. 19 BY-LAWS OF THE NURSING FACULTY (Continued) ARTICLE VI RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE OFFICERS Section 1--The chairperson shall: -preside at all meetings of the nursing faculty. -accept items for the agenda at least 1 week prior to the faculty meeting. Section 2--The Secretary will: -file a permanent record of the proceedings of each meeting. -send a copy of the minutes of each meeting to each faculty member. ARTICLE VII MEETINGS Section 1--Regular meetings of the nursing faculty shall be held twice a semester or as deemed necessary by the Director. Section 2--Special meetings may be called by the chairperson or upon the written request of five (5) members of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing faculty. ARTICLE VIII STANDING COMMITTEES Section 1--The regular work of the faculty shall be carried on by the standing committees of the faculty, which shall be the: -Admissions and Academic Standards Committee -Assessment and Evaluation Committee -Awards Committee -School of Nursing Administrative Council -School of Nursing Professional Relations Committee (PR) -Continuing Education Committee -Convocation Committee -Curriculum Committee -Ethics, By-laws, and Policies Committee -Newsletter Committee -Resource/Technology/Distance Education Committee Section 2--The Director is an ex-officio member of all standing committees. Faculty members and chairpersons of all standing committees shall be appointed by the Director with faculty preferences being considered. In the initial selection for each committee, a list of all committee positions shall be circulated to determine preferences. Student members shall be elected for a term of 1 semester for all committees by their peers. Section 3--it shall be the responsibility of each standing committee to: -record minutes. -fulfill the functions assigned to it by the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing Faculty. 20 BY-LAWS OF THE NURSING FACULTY (Continued) ARTICLE IX RESPONSIBILITIES OF COMMITTEE OFFICERS Section 1--It shall be the responsibility of the chairperson of each committee to: -preside at each meeting. -appoint the membership of sub-committees. -report regularly to the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing Faculty. -post dates and times of meetings in a timely manner for faculty and student reps' use. Section 2--It shall be the responsibility of the secretary of each committee to: -file a permanent record of the proceedings of all meetings. -distribute a copy of the minutes of each meeting to the committee members. ARTICLE X QUORUM Two-thirds of the full-time faculty membership of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing Faculty during the regular academic year shall constitute a quorum for the nursing faculty and its committees. ARTICLE XI VETO Section 1--The Director has the power to veto. Section 2--In the event of a veto by the Director, "an explanation" of the reason(s) for the veto shall be presented to the assembly within two (2) weeks and/or before the end of the academic year. Section 3--A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the total membership shall be necessary to override the veto. ARTICLE XII PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, shall serve as the parliamentary authority of the nursing faculty. The faculty shall appoint a parliamentarian. ARTICLE XIII REVISION OF BY-LAWS A. Proposed changes to the by-laws shall be presented to the Ethics, By-Laws and Policies Committee for action. B. The By-laws of the nursing faculty may be amended at a regular meeting of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing Faculty by three-fourths (3/4) of those present and voting, provided that the proposed changes have been presented at a previous meeting and have been circulated in writing to the members of the faculty at least 2 weeks in advance of the meeting. Revised: 7/09 Editorial revisions: 2/15 21 THE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA AT MONROE KITTY DEGREE SCHOOL OF NURSING MISSION STATEMENT The University of Louisiana at Monroe Kitty DeGree School of Nursing (SON) shares the University’s commitment to a transformative education through instruction, research, and service. The primary mission of the SON is to offer a specialized program of study of the art and science of nursing which prepares its graduates to succeed and contribute through safe and effective practice as beginning professional nurses in a variety of health care settings. The SON mission is based on professionalism and the core values of altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, and social justice. It is also the mission to provide continuing education to meet the ever changing needs of the nursing community, both locally and globally, and to promote the development of the nursing profession through scholarly activity. GOALS Instruction A. B. C. D. To educate qualified students for careers in nursing practice. To provide continuing education for registered nurses in northeast Louisiana. To provide client education relating to individual health care needs. To educate other health professionals concerning the practice of nursing and its interrelationships with other health care disciplines. Service A. To provide professional service to the community through a variety of community service projects. B. To provide consultation services to health care agencies related to the specialized practice of nursing. C. To serve as a resource center for nursing practice information. D. To enhance the profession through the support of, and participation in, the programs and activities of professional nursing organizations. Research A. To contribute to the advancement of nursing practice through the application of nursing research findings. B. To contribute to the advancement of nursing education through the application of nursing research findings. C. To contribute to the advancement of nursing science through research and other scholarly activities. Accepted by faculty: 11/1999 Editorial Changes: 1/3/2000 Revised: 1/9/13 Reviewed: 5/2005; 6/2008; 7/2009; 2/15 22 THE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA AT MONROE KITTY DEGREE SCHOOL OF NURSING PHILOSOPHY The philosophy of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing at the University of Louisiana at Monroe is derived from and in harmony with the philosophy of the University. The faculty believes that the purpose of the School of Nursing is to prepare its graduates for safe and effective practice that is based on a solid foundation of values. This program aims to prepare nurses who will create new roles to meet the emerging needs of a global society based on historical, political, and economic influences. Professional nursing is an art and a science. It is a dynamic, interpersonal discipline which exists to assist individuals, families, and communities to maintain or move toward optimal function, integrating awareness of cultural differences and values. The baccalaureate nurse utilizes clinical judgment in the roles of the nurse as advocate, leader, teacher, care provider, and researcher. As a member of the interdisciplinary health care team, the professional nurse incorporates teamwork and collaboration to provide safe, quality, compassionate, and patient centered care to persons of all ages in a variety of settings. The baccalaureate prepared professional nurse requires specialized intellectual study, highly developed skills, and knowledge of and adherence to high ethical standards founded on evidence-based practice. Learning is a process of discovery that occurs in a variety of ways that culminates in acquisition of competencies. It is a dynamic, lifelong process which occurs through active participation by learners and is facilitated by the teacher through a variety of instructional techniques and informatics. The faculty believes in and practices the use of sound educational principles and demonstrates concern for the personal and professional development of the student. The faculty is accountable for responding to the diverse learning needs of the student. The student is accountable for his/her own personal and professional growth throughout the program. Revised: 5/9/2007; 1/9/2013 Reviewed: 6/2008; 7/2009; 8/2012; 8/2014; 2/15 23 THE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA AT MONROE KITTY DEGREE SCHOOL OF NURSING SCHOOL OF NURSING'S STATEMENTS OF COMPETENCIES OF NEW GRADUATES Upon completion of this program, the new graduate is expected to: 1. Patient/Family Centered Care: Practice patient/family centered care by promoting autonomy, human dignity and social justice while providing compassionate and coordinated care, based on respect for the patient’s preferences, values, and needs. 2. Teamwork and Collaboration: Achieve quality patient care by functioning effectively within nursing and inter-professional teams, fostering open communication, mutual respect, and shared decision-making. 3. Evidence-Based Practice (EBP): Provide evidence-based, nursing care that respects patient and family preferences. 4. Quality Improvement (QI): Utilize data to monitor the outcomes of care processes and use improvement methods to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of health care systems. 5. Safety: Minimize risk of harm to patients and providers through both system effectiveness and individual performance. 6. Informatics: Utilize information and technology to communicate, manage knowledge, prevent error, and support decision making. 7. Professionalism: Demonstrate professionalism through altruism, accountability, integrity, confidentiality, and a desire for life-long learning. Revised: 8/2000; 1/2013 Reviewed: 3/05; 6/08; 7/09; 8/12; 8/14; 2/15 24 POLICIES RELATED TO MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF CLINICAL AGENCY CONTRACTS The Kitty DeGree School of Nursing complies with the policies set forth by the University in providing health care. (See University general catalog). All faculty must comply with University policies relating to health. Immunizations and titers must be completed according to accepted Kitty DeGree School of Nursing protocol in order to meet specified clinical agency contracts. The Mantoux Skin Test is required once annually at the beginning of the semester. If the Mantoux is significant, x-ray and/or chemotherapy reports must be submitted to the Student Health Services according to School of Nursing Tuberculosis Testing Protocol Guidelines. Each clinical faculty member will maintain a current American Heart Association Basic Life Support/Health Care Provider (Adult/Child/Infant) CPR Card in accordance with policies of the agencies with whom the ULM Kitty DeGree School of Nursing holds contracts and the policies of the CPR course provider. Revised 7/09; 2/15 25 THE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA AT MONROE KITTY DEGREE SCHOOL OF NURSING BLOODBORNE PATHOGEN EXPOSURE CONTROL PLAN PURPOSE: The exposure control plan is used to reduce worker risk in our student laboratory by minimizing or eliminating faculty, staff, and student exposure incidents to bloodborne pathogens such as HBV and HIV. The Kitty DeGree School of Nursing complies with OSHA standards. WHO IS POTENTIALLY EXPOSED TO BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS? Persons who have potential occupational exposure to blood and other potentially infectious materials are: All faculty members All students enrolled in professional nursing Maintenance and custodial personnel Reviewed 6/08;7/09, 8/12; 8/13; 2/15 26 METHODS USED TO PREVENT INCIDENTS: Education - Annually, faculty in the professional program are required to view the mandatory OSHA films and pass the designated exam. Universal Precautions - Universal precautions is OSHA's accepted method of control to protect employees from exposure to human blood and other potentially infectious materials. The term universal precautions refers to a concept of bloodborne disease control that requires that all human blood and certain body fluids be treated as if known to be infectious for HIV, HBV, and other bloodborne pathogens regardless of the perceived "low risk" of a patient or patient population. In circumstances in which differentiation between body fluid types is difficult or impossible, all body fluids shall be considered potentially infectious materials. Engineering and Work Practice Controls - Engineering and work practice controls shall be used to eliminate or minimize exposure. Where occupational exposure remains after the institution of these controls, personal protective equipment shall also be used. Engineering control is the use of available technology and devices to isolate or remove hazards from the work setting. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) consists of eye shields, particulate masks, gloves, and gowns. Controls will be used in an effective manner. Work practice controls are alterations in the manner in which a task is performed in an effort to reduce the likelihoods of a worker's exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials. The following work practice controls will be in effect in all clinical student laboratories at ULM: 1. During any laboratory session, there will be NO smoking, eating or drinking, application of cosmetics or lip balm, or handling of contact lenses in the laboratory. Every ULM facility is a NO SMOKING environment. Additionally, food and drink shall not be kept in refrigerators, freezers, shelves, cabinets, or on countertops or benchtops where blood or other potentially infectious materials are present. 2. No procedures involving blood or other potentially infectious material shall be performed in laboratories. This includes injections, IV starts, venipunctures, and finger sticks. Wear protective eye and face shields where designated by the Director or instructor to reduce exposure from splashing. 3. Sharps disposal containers are provided for disposal of all sharps generated in the laboratory. Sharps include needles, scalpels, broken glass, or anything that can pierce, puncture, or cut your skin. These containers shall be puncture resistant, labeled, or color-coded in accordance with the OSHA standard, leakproof on the sides and bottom and will be disposed of when three-fourths full. Dust pans, brooms, and forceps are used to pick up sharp objects. 4. Needles are not to be bent, sheared, or broken in these laboratories. 5. All students are to wash their hands prior to beginning any laboratory exercise. 6. Gloves are provided for all individuals working in areas where they may be exposed to bloodborne hazards. All faculty, students, and assistants will wear gloves when working in these areas. There will be no exceptions. 27 7. All persons are to wash their hands immediately or as soon as possible after removal of gloves or other personal protective wear. Latex or vinyl gloves are not completely impermeable; therefore, handwashing after glove removal is always necessary. 8. All persons shall wash their hands and any other skin with soap and water, or flush mucous membranes with water immediately or as soon as possible following contact of such body areas with blood or other potentially infectious materials. 9. All gloves and other possibly contaminated materials are to be placed in clearly marked BIOHAZARD CONTAINERS which are stored appropriately and transported offsite for incineration. 10. Equipment which may become contaminated with blood or other potentially infectious materials must be decontaminated using a 10% sodium hypochlorite solution or other appropriate disinfectant at the end of the laboratory session or as necessary. 11. All work surfaces shall be decontaminated with a 10% sodium hypochlorite solution or other appropriate disinfectant after completion of procedures, immediately or as soon as possible when surfaces are overtly contaminated or after any spill of blood or other potentially infectious material, and at the end of the workshift if the surface may have been contaminated since the last cleaning. 12. All spills shall be decontaminated and cleaned up immediately. The following procedure should be followed in the event of a spill: A. Gloves must be worn during the entire process. B. Control the spread by covering with paper towels. C. Pour full strength bleach or other appropriate disinfectant over the paper towels beginning at the outside and pouring inward. D. Allow the bleach to remain in contact with the spill for the appropriate time to insure destruction of infectious agents (See directions on disinfectant container). E. Discard all materials used in the cleanup into marked biohazard containers. F. Decontaminate spill area with 10% bleach solution or other appropriate disinfectant. G. Rinse spill area with paper towels and water. H. Remove and dispose of contaminated protective equipment. I. Wash thoroughly all exposed skin. Personal Protective Equipment - The Kitty DeGree School of Nursing keeps personal protective equipment in stock for use by faculty, students, and support staff. Ed. Revised. 7/07; 6/08; 7/09; 2/15 Reviewed: 8/13 28 HEPATITIS B VACCINATION AND POST-EXPOSURE EVALUATION AND FOLLOW-UP: Students/faculty are provided with the opportunity to take the Hepatitis B vaccination series at a nominal cost through the Student Health Services. The Hepatitis B series must be completed according to accepted protocol or an appropriate declination signed. GUIDELINES TO FOLLOW IN THE EVENT OF A LABORATORY ACCIDENT: 1. The victim of a laboratory accident will be given immediate attention at the time of the accident, University Police will be notified, and the student/faculty will be transported to the University Student Health Services for further evaluation and treatment if needed or to a local emergency room. The Student will be responsible for any charges incurred. 2. An incident report will be completed by the course instructor and sent to the Coordinator and the lead teacher. 3. The student/faculty should follow further treatment recommendations from the Student Health Services, if any, to complete the process. Verification of follow-up should be submitted to the Appropriate Coordinator. BLOODBORNE PATHOGEN SCREEN POST EXPOSURE PROCEDURE: THE EXPOSED STUDENT WILL BE GIVEN IMMEDIATE ATTENTION AT THE TIME OF THE INCIDENT. AN INCIDENT REPORT WILL BE COMPLETED BY THE STUDENT AND COURSE INSTRUCTOR. THE INCIDENT REPORT WILL BE FORWARDED TO THE LEAD TEACHER, THE COORDINATOR, AND STUDENT HEALTH SERVICE. AFTER EXPOSURE, THE EXPOSED STUDENT SHOULD RECEIVE A BASE LINE SCREEN FOR HEPATITIS AND HIV. THE OTHER PERSON INVOLVED, PATIENT OR STAFF, SHOULD HAVE A BASE LINE SCREEN FOR HEPATITIS AND HIV IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN TESTING. POST-EXPOSURE FOLLOW-UP SHOULD BE DONE ACCORDING TO THE SCHOOL OF NURSING PROTOCOL AS RECOMMENDED BY THE CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL (CDC) GUIDELINES. Revised 4/10/01; Ed. Rev. 7/07; 8/13; 2/15 Reviewed: 6/08;7/09, 8/12 29 RECORDS Documentation of Hepatitis B injections will be retained in the Student Health Services for 30 years post-graduation or post-employment or post possible exposure incident, whichever is longer. Documentation of possible exposure incidents is kept separate from other vaccination records in the Student Health Services. HOUSEKEEPING All persons working the Nursing laboratories have a responsibility to ensure that the labs are kept clean and exposure to blood-borne pathogens and Other Potentially Infectious Materials (OPIM) is reduced or eliminated. See the lab sign-in books for specific details. PROCEDURES FOR EVALUATING CIRCUMSTANCES SURROUNDING AN EXPOSURE INCIDENT The Director of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing will review all circumstances surrounding exposure incidents, seeking input from nursing faculty, the ULM Student Health Services, and the ULM Safety Officer. In the event changes need to be made, the Director of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing will ensure that appropriate changes are made to the Exposure control Plan. Updated 4/10/01 Ed. Rev. 7/07;7/09; 2/15 Reviewed: 6/08, 8/12; 8/13 30 POSSIBLE BLOOD BORNE PATHOGEN EXPOSURE Using OSHA guidelines for identifying sources of possible blood borne pathogens, students and faculty who have a possible exposure should use the following form to report the incident. Please follow these guidelines: 1. Take care of your emergent needs first. 2. Report the incident to your faculty and the agency supervisor. 3. Seek immediate medical attention. This should include, but not be limited to an examination of the exposure site, discussion of the incident with a physician and Infection control officer at the agency, and may include blood titering. 4. Complete the generic incident form in this handbook and the “Possible Blood Borne Pathogen Exposure Form” also in this handbook. Be certain to attach agency reports of the incident, if available. 5. Give a copy of all forms to your immediate faculty/supervisor and a copy to the Immunization Program Nurse in Student Health Center at ULM within 24 hours of the event. If titers are drawn, include a copy of your results and the source results, identified only as SOURCE-no names, ages, or identifying numbers, to the Immunization Program Nurse as is possible. If treatment is recommended, please submit a copy of this as well. Please be assured that incident reports involving possible blood borne pathogen exposure are securely housed in a file separate from any other student forms. Records will be held for 30 years post exposure. 6. A Nurse Practitioner in the Student Health Center will counsel with you regarding the incident. If you have questions, please feel free to counsel with the Immunization Program nurse at any time (342-1651). Revised 10/05 Ed. Revisions 7/07; 6/08 Reviewed: 7/09, 8/12; 8/13; 2/15 31 POSSIBLE BLOOD-BORNE PATHOGEN EXPOSURE FORM NAME CWID# ___________________________ DATE/TIME OF INCIDENT: __________________ NOTE: STUDENT MUST GO TO STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES AGENCY COPY OF INCIDENT ATTACHED YES___________ NO____________ DESCRIBE IN DETAIL the incident which may have resulted in an exposure to blood-borne pathogens. Note, effective 01-18-01, Federal law requires clear documentation of the brand and type of device involved in the incident, the department/work area and an explanation of the event in any site under the jurisdiction of OSHA requirements. WHAT ACTION WAS TAKEN IMMEDIATELY? Include names and positions of persons to whom the incident was reported, ER visits, lab tests performed (be specific), counseling and any medications prescribed and/or taken. ALSO, INCLUDE DECLINATIONS OF ANY OF THE ABOVE. WAS BLOOD DRAWN ON THE INDIVIDUAL EXPOSED? YES__________ NO__________ WAS THERE LAB DATA FOR BBP ON THE SOURCE OF THE EXPOSURE AVAILABLE AT THE TIME OF THE INCIDENT? Mark all that apply. Include lab reports. HIV HBV HCV yes yes yes no no no refused refused refused pending pending pending STDs: Use the same format as above and include those for which you have lab data. Name, address and phone number of two other persons who witnessed the incident: 1. 2. STUDENT SIGNATURE FACULTY/SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE REVISED 01-18-01; Ed.Revisions 7/07; 6/08;10/13 Reviewed: 7/09; 2/15 DATE DATE 32 INCIDENT REPORT FORM The incident report form which follows is to be used for any unusual student, faculty, patient injury or event, ex: fall, splinter, medication error, skin pinch by equipment, puncture wound, cut, fainting, seizure activity, etc. that occurs while in a nursing class, during laboratory practice, or at any clinical site. It should also be used if a student or faculty member experiences the possibility of injury from another party during the aforementioned times and places. If an incident occurs within an agency and that agency will immediately supply you with a copy of your incident, reported on their form, you should attach that form to the ULM form, being sure that all information is included and accurate. You should give your immediate faculty/ supervisor a copy of this incident report within 24 hours of the event. Revised 3/04/01 Ed. Rev. 6/08 Reviewed: 7/09, 8/12; 8/13; 2/15 33 GENERIC INCIDENT FORM NAME CWID#_________________________________________ DATE/TIME/ OF INCIDENT _____________________________________ LOCATION OF INCIDENT ______________________________________ NOTE: STUDENT MUST GO TO STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES DESCRIBE IN DETAIL THE INCIDENT. USE BACK IF NEEDED. INCLUDE what you were doing just before the incident; what happened; what was the injury, if any. WHAT ACTION WAS TAKEN IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE INCIDENT? INCLUDE treatment site, names of physicians or other health care providers, if possible. IF THE INCIDENT OCCURRED IN ANOTHER AGENCY, WAS AN INCIDENT REPORT MADE ON THEIR FORM? YES. If yes, please attach a copy to this form. NO NAME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NUMBER OF TWO PEOPLE WHO WITNESSED THIS INCIDENT: 1. 2. SIGNATURE DATE FACULTY/SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE DATE REVISED 7/07; 10/13 Reviewed 6/08; 7/09; 2/15 34 KITTY DEGREE SCHOOL OF NURSING FIRST AID PROGRAM All persons must report any injury, even minor ones, to his/her immediate supervisor as soon as practical, following the injury. First aid kits are available in the Nursing Office, N124, the Lab on second floor, and the Clinical Laboratory Science/Radiologic Technology Office on the third floor. These kits contain supplies to clean and cover small, intact or non-intact skin lesions only. The Generic Incident Form must be completed and must be retained by the injured party's immediate supervisor. This form can be found in the Student and Faculty Handbooks and the “forms file” in the Nursing Office. No other forms need to be completed or submitted when first aid is the only assistance rendered. Ambulatory persons needing additional services should report directly to Student Health Center on University Drive for additional assistance/referral for medical treatment. If the injury requires authorized medical treatment, the immediate supervisor will complete the "Employer's Report of Injury/Illness" form, the Incident/Accident Investigation Form DA 2000" (found on the Physical Plant website under ULM Environmental Health and Safety Department), and the "Generic Incident Form" found in the Student and Faculty Handbooks. A copy of each form will be sent to the respective Coordinator and then forwarded to the Human Resources Office. In case of any injury that prevents movement, or if movement could further jeopardize the victim, Do Not Attempt To Move The Injured Person. Provide cover and comfort as is appropriate. Call University Police at 1-911 and provide information. The "Employer's Report of Injury/Illness" form and the "Incident/Accident Investigation Form DA 2000", and the "Generic Incident Form" must be completed and submitted to Human Resources. Adopted 10/01/02 Ed. Rev. 7/09; 2/15 35 TUBERCULOSIS CONTROL In workplace settings where TB respirator use is indicated, employers must have a respiratory protection program established. The TB respiratory program can permit an employee to reuse a respirator so long as it is structurally and functionally safe and the filter material is not damaged or soiled. Employees in these workplaces are required to wear respirators when: -Entering rooms of individuals with suspected or confirmed infectious TB disease; -Performing high hazard procedures (such as aerosolized medication treatment, bronchoscopy, sputum induction, endotracheal intubation and suctioning procedures, or autopsies) on individuals who have suspected or confirmed TB disease). -Transporting an individual with suspected or confirmed TB disease in a closed vehicle. The Kitty DeGree School of Nursing is compliant with this requirement. Some area hospitals have a policy that prohibits student nurses from caring for known, active TB patients. None of the area hospitals will mask fit student nurses for the specific masks that are to be used while caring for active TB patients. Therefore, students in the ULM Kitty DeGree School of Nursing will not be allowed to care for known or diagnosed, active TB patients. Revised: 7/09 Reviewed: 2/15 TUBERCULOSIS (TB) POLICY Students in the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing will not be allowed to care for active TB patients. Should an unintentional exposure occur in an assigned practicum experience, traditional and LPN students must notify their instructor and the Coordinator of the division; the student will then report to the Student Health Services office for evaluation. Tuberculosis exposure protocol will be followed according to the Tuberculosis Control Manual: Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health (latest edition). TB Policy adopted 5/1/06; Reviewed 6/08; 8/12; 2/15 Ed. Revision: 8/13 Revised 7/09 36 STANDING COMMITTEES ADMISSIONS AND ACADEMIC STANDARDS COMMITTEE Membership Chairperson This committee shall consist of at least one faculty member from each academic year of the professional program. A member of the administrative staff of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing. Minutes will be recorded. The Advisory Council shall consist of members appointed by the Director of the School of Nursing. The number of members shall be at least 10. Permanent memberships of the Advisory Council include the Dean, College of Health and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Director of the School of Nursing, Chief Nurse Executives at major health agencies, 2 School of Nursing student seats, and 2 School of Nursing faculty members. Other memberships may include representatives from such fields as education, health services, the community, allied health, nursing, and ULM. Membership represents professions from the community reflective of gender, racial and cultural diversity. Membership on the Advisory Council shall be appointed for rotating 2- and 3-year terms. Revised 5/4/98 Ed. rev. 7/09; 2/15 Reviewed 7/09 Frequency of Meetings The committee shall meet at least once a semester, and more often, if necessary. ADVISORY COUNCIL The Advisory Council shall be chaired by the The Council shall meet at least once annually Director, School of Nursing, who shall preside and at such other times as the chairperson over all meetings. A clerical staff member of deems necessary. the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing shall record the minutes for each meeting. Functions It will be the responsibility of this committee to perform the following activities and forward recommendations to the Director, who takes final administrative action. Policy matters are referred to the Ethics, By-Laws, & Policies committee for action. 1. Screen nursing applicants for admission using pre-determined criteria. 2. Review academic records and take appropriate action concerning students unsuccessfully completing nursing courses and other requirements. 3. Review cases regarding violations of the ULM Standards of Conduct for Students and the LA State Board of Nursing Policies for Legal Employment of Students in Nursing. 1. To promote professional relationships between the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing, health care disciplines, and the community. 2. To foster direct communication related to needs, interests and activities of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing. 3. To assist in articulating the School's curriculum with the health needs of the community. 4. To assist in the ongoing evaluation of the overall School program. 5. To participate in fund-raising activities as sources of financial assistance for students, faculty, and the School. 37 ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION COMMITTEE Membership Chairperson The Assessment and Evaluation Committee of the ULM Kitty DeGree Nursing Faculty shall consist of at least 2 faculty and 1 student representative from each semester of the professional program. The chairperson will be appointed by the administration. Minutes will be recorded. Revised 5/2001 Ed. rev. 7/09; 2/15 Reviewed 7/09 Frequency of Meetings At least 1 meeting per semester. Chairperson will determine annual needs and schedule appropriate meetings at the beginning of each semester. Functions It will be the responsibility of this committee to: 1. Develop and evaluate tools for evaluation purposes in the following areas. a. faculty peer evaluation b. faculty evaluation of student achievement of course objectives. c. student evaluation of teacher. d. course evaluation by student. e. course evaluation by instructor. f. faculty evaluation of agencies. g. program evaluation by consumers, agencies, graduates. 2. Be responsible for establishing guidelines for the administration of the evaluative tools. 3. Recommend changes to the Nursing Faculty for action. 4. Develop, evaluate, and revise the overall Program Evaluation Plan of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing. 38 Membership Chairperson Frequency of Meetings Functions AWARDS COMMITTEE The Awards Committee shall consist of a minimum of 3 faculty representing each division in the School of Nursing The chairperson shall be appointed by the Director, School of Nursing. Minutes will be recorded. The committee will meet at least once each semester as needed, to fulfill the functions. 1. Make faculty aware of awards available and criteria for each. 2. Make students aware of awards available and criteria for each. 3. Present students who meet established criteria to faculty for final selection. 4. Assist faculty and students in the preparation of materials for various awards. CONTINUING EDUCATION COMMITTEE The Continuing Education Committee shall include the Chairperson of the Committee and five nursing faculty appointed by the Director of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing. The Director of the School shall serve as an ex-officio member. Approved 10/16/00 Rev. 5/04 Ed. rev. 7/06 Reviewed 7/09; 2/15 The chairperson shall be appointed by the Director, Kitty DeGree School of Nursing. The committee shall meet once a semester and as needed. It is the responsibility of the committee to: 1. Provide quality education opportunities that allow RN's and other health care providers to increase their competence. 2. Assist in the planning of all C.E. offerings provided by the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing, while assuring professional and ethical standards are maintained. 3. Assume the roles and accept the responsibilities of the committee members described in the current Providership Application Manual from the Louisiana State Nurse's Association. 4. Assure that the evaluation process required for providership is appropriately addressed. 39 Membership Chairperson Frequency of Meetings Functions CONVOCATION COMMITTEE The Convocation Committee shall consist of an appointed chairperson and other members from any semester. The chairperson shall be appointed. Minutes will be recorded. The committee shall meet as needed to assist students to plan convocation ceremony. 1. Serve as advisor to the Student Convocation Committee. 2. Make arrangements for setting up and removing equipment needed for Convocation Ceremony each semester. CURRICULUM COMMITTEE All Coordinators, Associate Director, and others appointed, with the Director, serving as an ad hoc member. Membership shall also consist of one student representative from each academic year of the professional program. Ed. Rev. 7/09; 2/15 Reviewed 7/09 Chairperson will be appointed by the administration. Minutes will be recorded. Second Monday of every month with additional called meetings as the need arises. It will be the responsibility of this committee to: 1. Study, evaluate, and prepare proposals for courses and curriculum changes and make appropriate recommendations to the faculty of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing. 2. Recommend to the general faculty, position and policy statements regarding curriculum program of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing as to be submitted to administration. 3. Review periodically, the implementation of curriculum to the School's philosophy and competencies to evaluate for appropriateness. 4. Review suggestions or concerns regarding curriculum proposed by students or faculty. 40 Membership Chairperson Frequency of Meetings Functions ETHICS, BY-LAWS AND POLICIES COMMITTEE The Ethics, By-Laws, and Policies Committee of the ULM Nursing Faculty shall consist of at least one faculty and student representative from each academic year of the professional program. Chairperson will be appointed by the administration. Minutes will be recorded. One standard meeting annually and more often, if needed. Members will be on-call during the semester and will have a one-week notice of a called meeting. It will be the responsibility of this committee to: 1. Review existing policies and by-laws. 2. Receive recommendations for revisions of policies and by-laws. 3. Update the Faculty and Student Handbooks. 4. Formulate policies and by-laws for the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing based on student and faculty input. 5. Recommend changes to the nursing faculty for action. NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE The membership shall include the Chairperson of the Committee and five nursing faculty appointed by the Director. The Director shall serve as an ex-officio member. Reviewed: 7/09 Rev. 7/09 Ed. Rev. 2/15 The chairperson shall be selected by the committee or appointed by the Director. The committee shall meet once a semester and as needed. It will be the responsibility of this committee to: 1. Collect and coordinate information for publication in student and alumni newsletters. 2. Collaborate with nursing faculty, alumni, students, and appropriate university departments and community agencies regarding publication of the newsletters. 3. Submit items for publication in newsletters. 41 Membership Chairperson Frequency of Meetings Functions PROFESSIONAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE The membership shall include two Chairpersons of the Committee and seven nursing faculty appointed by the Director. The Director shall serve as an ex-officio member. Reviewed 7/09; 2/15 Ed. Rev. 2/15 Each Chairperson shall be selected by the Committee or appointed by the Director. The Committee shall meet at least once a semester and as needed. 1. Coordinate homecoming activities related to the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing. 2. Collaborate with nursing faculty, alumni, students, and appropriate university departments and community agencies regarding the recruitment of prospective students into nursing. 3. Collect faculty membership dues, maintain records, and distribute funds as designated by established guidelines. 4. Coordinate social activities and/or functions for which the School of Nursing Faculty Funds are designated. 42 Membership Chairperson Frequency of Meetings Functions RESOURCE/TECHNOLOGY/DISTANCE EDUCATION COMMITTEE The Resource/Technology/Distance Education Committee of the ULM Kitty DeGree School of Nursing Faculty shall consist of one faculty member from each semester, the Director of Nursing Informatics, the Lab Coordinator, and one student representative from each academic year of the professional program. Adopted 4/30/01 Reviewed: 7/09; 2/15 The chairperson(s) will be appointed by the Director, School of Nursing. Minutes will be recorded. The Committee shall meet once per semester, or more often if needed, at a time agreeable to all members. It will be the responsibility of the committee to: 1. Review and prioritize resource needs. 2. Identify vehicles available to faculty for delivery of digital course content for distance learning. 3. Identify funding sources for technological purchases and assist faculty in grant writing when appropriate. 4. Recommend upgrades pertaining to resources and infrastructure to the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing Faculty. 5. Disseminate information to faculty regarding changes and acquisitions. 6. Link faculty to community and university resources 43 Membership Chairperson Frequency of Meetings Functions SCHOOL OF NURSING ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL The Administrative Council shall consist of the Coordinators, Associate Director, and Director of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing. Committee structure updated: 8/10/00 Reviewed 7/09 Ed. Rev. 2/15 Chairperson shall be the Director. The council shall meet at least once each month. Called meetings, as needed. It will be the responsibility of this committee to: 1. Serve as administrative council in the School. 2. Facilitate flow of communication between division, School, College, and University. 3. Support problem-solving and brainstorming efforts of faculty and administration. 4. Pinpoint areas of concern and/or interest relating to any aspect of the School. 44 Academic Responsibilities of Faculty It is the duty of each faculty member to be familiar with the policies and regulations in the ULM Undergraduate Catalog, Graduate Catalog, Faculty Handbook, and Student Policy Manual. In addition, faculty should be familiar with the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing Student Handbook, Kitty DeGree School of Nursing Faculty Handbook, and other relevant materials concerning course requirements, grading system, the process for student appeals of grades, student class attendance, cheating and plagiarism, and other academic matters. Reviewed: 7/06; 7/09 Revised: 2/15 45 THE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA AT MONROE KITTY DEGREE SCHOOL OF NURSING POLICIES AND INFORMATION CLINICAL ROTATION TIMES LEAVE (Official/Sick/Faculty) All faculty must obtain 1-week prior approval from the Coordinator and give 1-week notice to clinical areas before changing clinical rotation times. All faculty must have prior approval from the Coordinator and Director, School of Nursing before taking official, sick, or vacation leave. The Leave and Travel Data Form and the Travel Authorization Form must be approved, when appropriate, prior to the leave. If any faculty member is sick on a work day, the Coordinator or the Director, Kitty DeGree School of Nursing, must be notified immediately. GIFT GIVING/ RECEIVING Social activities are not under the provision of the State Ethics Commission. At no time are students to give gifts to faculty or faculty to give gifts to students. When faculty or students go to social or private establishments for meals or other activities, each individual must pay for his/her own expenses. LECTURE CONTENT The content of lectures is considered joint property of the faculty member and the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing. It is strongly recommended that prior to transfer or termination from a course, one (1) copy of the lecture and other supporting material be forwarded to the Coordinator. GRADUATE RECORDS Revised 7/06; 2/15 Reviewed 7/09 Graduate records are kept permanently in the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing files. Student work (tests, papers, etc) will be kept secure according to the Records Management Policy. Afterwards, such materials are to be destroyed. 46 THE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA AT MONROE KITTY DEGREE SCHOOL OF NURSING POLICY FOR STORING STUDENT PAPERS Student papers are those papers generated during the process of meeting the requirements of a nursing course in the professional program in the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing and whose grade is used in determining the final course grade for the student. The paper may be generated by either the student or the faculty member. Each faculty member shall take reasonable precautions to protect the confidentiality of student papers. Under no circumstances will student papers be stored outside the designated area in the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing. Faculty members will keep student papers in a locked place in their office until the end of the semester. At the end of each semester, each lead teacher will turn in all student papers to the Coordinator responsible for the course. Individual faculty members are not to bring the papers to the administrative assistant. The Coordinator, after determining that all papers are accounted for, will bring the papers for the division directly to the administrative assistant responsible for student records. The papers will be placed in the designated locked room until such time as the administrative assistant files the papers in the student's folder. Student papers will then be housed in a central location in the nursing office on the 1st floor of Kitty DeGree Hall in locked file cabinets. Student papers which are involved in the calculation of a student's grade must be kept for 3 years after the student has graduated. At the end of three years after graduation, the contents of each student's file will be shredded by a member of the secretarial staff or an appropriate designee. Student workers may not be assigned this duty. The Director, Associate Director, Coordinators, and the administrative assistant will have independent access to the storage room. Access to a student's folder may be granted only by the Director, Associate Director, Coordinator, or an administrative assistant. The student's folder shall not be removed from the room where the file cabinets are located, except with permission of the Director, Associate Director, or Coordinator. Revised 8/23/00; 2/15 Ed. rev. 7/06 Reviewed 7/09 47 THE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA AT MONROE KITTY DEGREE SCHOOL OF NURSING POLICY FOR PROTECTING PATIENT CONFIDENTIALITY IN STUDENT PAPERS Students shall be informed that no student paper may contain specific identifying patient/client data. Identifying data includes, but is not limited to, information such as name, telephone numbers, address, social security number, birth date, physician, agency where care is provided. Students must never electronically reproduce or make a photocopy of any part of the medical record or any material related to a patient/client. Faculty shall not require any student papers to include any specific identifying data about patients/clients whether they will be turned in to the faculty member or not. This policy shall be strictly enforced by faculty members. If identifying data is included in a student paper, the paper will be returned to the student so that the information can be removed. Reviewed: 7/06; 7/09 Ed. Rev.: 2/15 48 STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE FOLLOWING LOUISIANA STATE BOARD OF NURSING DOCUMENTS: 1. DECLARATORY STATEMENT ON EMPLOYMENT OF NURSING STUDENTS AND UNSUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES ON NCLEX-RN May be retrieved from http://www.lsbn.state.la.us 2. PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Chapter 43. Employment of Unlicensed Persons May be retrieved from http://www.lsbn.state.la.us/documents/rules/fullrules.pdf 49 University of Louisiana at Monroe Kitty DeGree School of Nursing Peer Review Of TEACHING IN A CLASSROOM SETTING GUIDELINES FOR PEER EVALUATION 1. The appropriate Coordinator will complete a peer evaluation on new faculty for his/her first two semesters of teaching. 2. Peer evaluations are to be completed on all full-time and part-time faculty, but not guest lecturers. 3. Following the first two semesters of employment non-tenured faculty will be evaluated each semester by a faculty member designated by the Coordinator. 4. Tenured faculty will be evaluated annually by a faculty member designated by the Coordinator. 5. The Coordinator will be evaluated annually by a faculty member designated by the Director. 6. The original Peer Evaluation will be submitted to the faculty member being evaluated; two copies will be made and submitted to the Coordinator and Director. 7. In addition to the required peer evaluations, faculty may request additional evaluations for formative purposes. These may be conducted by the faculty member of their choice. Revised 9/09 Editorial Rev. 2/15 50 University of Louisiana at Monroe Kitty DeGree School of Nursing Peer Review Of TEACHING IN A CLASSROOM SETTING Course & Session: Teacher: Date: CRITERIA 5 = Excellent 4 = Above Average 3 = Average 2 = Below Average 1 = Poor N/A = Not applicable SCORE 1. Content presented was consistent with expected outcomes. 2. Presentation was clear, well-organized including beginning and ending on time. Beg. Time _______ End Time _______. 3. Teaching methods used were appropriate. 4. Avoided distracting mannerisms. (ie excessive reading of notes/other distracting styles) 5. Examples support content presented. 6. Answered and posed questions. 7. Participation of students was encouraged. Comments: Signature (Evaluator): Date: Responses by person being evaluated: Signature (Evaluatee): Date: 51 KITTY DEGREE SCHOOL OF NURSING PROMOTION AND TENURE POLICY 1. The Kitty DeGree School of Nursing (KDSON) Policies for Promotion and Tenure (P&T) will follow the guidelines of The University’s Faculty Handbook, Chapter 5 Promotion and Tenure Policies. The Academic Affairs website has an annually updated presentation for P&T which will be utilized as a current guide and focus. 2. The Director of the Kitty DeGree School of Nursing will appoint the Committee Chair. 3. Committee members for the Tenure Committee will be faculty members who are tenured in the KDSON. 4. Committee members for the Promotion Committee will be faculty members who hold the rank at or above the individuals pursuing the next rank. 5. Faculty will submit letter for Tenure and/or Promotion to the director of the KDSON by the fourth week of the fall semester. Letter of Intent for Tenure is submitted the beginning of the fifth year of tenure-track employment. 6. Purpose of Portfolio: For an individual to showcase themselves. Faculty should document the areas where they have demonstrated potential (tenure) or demonstrated excellence and/or accomplishments (promotion). 7. Portfolio: Simple, organized, professional, 1” binder, 40 page maximum, one side only (dividers not in page count), 12 point font, 1” margins 8. Portfolio Content: a. Application letter and form from Academic Affairs web site b. Current Curriculum Vita c. Written Statements of the individual’s philosophy/point of view for each of the following areas: research/scholarly activity, teaching, service, recruiting/retention d. Documents showing support for each of the areas to include statements, evaluations, and student comments. 9. Specific Emphasis: Sufficient evidence to support 3 of the 4 major focus areas. a. Research, grants, professional development i. Evidence of research, grants, or professional development that was written for, awarded, participated in, and outcome of each. Documents the paths sought for discovery. ii. Publications in journals, books, special publications. iii. Presentations on local, state, regional, or national level. iv. Professional Organization membership, activities, officer, etc. v. Continuing education toward terminal degree, certification, or other specialty area. vi. Contributions to licensure or other examinations, i.e., item writing. b. Teaching and Clinical aspects i. Peer Evaluations every semester (tenure) or annually (promotion) of average rating scale consistently above 3.5 out of possible 5. ii. Student Evaluation: Individual clinical faculty score consistently above 3.5. iii. Utilizes innovative methods of teaching, development to implementation with evaluation of effectiveness of method. 52 iv. v. vi. vii. c. Service Incorporates simulation or other hands on technology. Developed evaluation method of current uses. Clinical site liaison; effective communication and partnership. Consistently performs in classroom/clinical as assigned. Demonstrates collaborative relationship with assigned semester and program. Teaching/practice outside of ULM and SON. i. d. 10. 11. 12. Level of service to school, university, community, profession. a. Faculty adviser to campus student organizations. b. Activities to show support and good-will to ULM and SON. Provides information for what has been done, where accomplished, and when. c. Involvement in committee work: SON, College, University levels. d. Consistently attends and participates in committees and assignments for discussions, voting, putting forth sound ideas, and supporting others. e. Leadership role on committee(s). ii. Demonstrates consistency for service and not only in relation to year before tenure and/or promotion. Recruiting/Retention i. Demonstrates consistency in participation for recruiting and retention and not only in relation to year before tenure and/or promotion. ii. Participated in recruiting events. Provides information for when, where, and to whom recruiting was conducted. iii. Participates in retention activities. Provides information for whom, how, when, and where activities conducted. Retention activities include but are not limited to student service type experiences, i.e., counseling, test remediation, skills lab remediation, community service, and tutoring. Expectations are for retention activities to be above usual course retention activity. Reference letters both internal and external a. A minimum of three (3) reference letters. b. Letters have been written showing support for individual in activities, participation, and experiences as stated in specific emphasis areas. Optional Research Folder for full article published, grant work information, etc. Portfolio to be submitted to the Dean’s office as stated in annually prepared Academic Affairs timeline. Adopted: 9/2014 53 KITTY DEGREE SCHOOL OF NURSING TENURE AND PROMOTION CHECKLIST Faculty serving on the Tenure Committee or the Promotion Committee will review an individual’s portfolio and assess the presence of the following: _______ Letter for Tenure and/or Promotion to the director on time _______ Portfolio: Simple, organized, professional, 1” binder, 40 page maximum, one side only (dividers not in page count), 12 point font, 1” margins _______ Application letter and form from Academic Affairs web site in portfolio _______ Current Curriculum Vita in portfolio Written Statements of the individual’s philosophy/point of view for ____research/scholarly activity, _____teaching, _____service, _____recruiting/retention 7. Documents supporting areas ____research/scholarly activity, _____teaching, _____service, _____recruiting/retention 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. Research, grants, professional development _______ Evidence of research, grants, or professional development: Awarded, participated in, and outcome of each. _______ Publications in journals, books, special publications _______ Presentations on local, state, regional, or national level _______ Professional Organization memberships, participation in activities, hold an officer, etc. _______ Continuing education toward terminal degree _____, certification ____, or other specialty area ____. _______ Contributions to licensure or other examinations, i.e., item writing. 9. Teaching and Clinical aspects _______ Peer Evaluations every semester (tenure) or annually (promotion) of average rating scale consistently above 3.5 out of possible 5. _______ Student Evaluation: Individual clinical faculty score consistently above 3.5 _______ Utilizes innovative methods of teaching, development to implementation, with evaluation of effectiveness of method. _______ Incorporates simulation or other hands-on technology. Developed evaluation method of current uses. _______ Clinical site liaison; effective communication and partnership _______ Consistent activity in classroom/clinical as assigned. Demonstrates collaborative relationship with assigned semester and program. _______ Teaching/practice outside of ULM and SON. 10. Service _______ Level of service to ___ school, ___ university, ___ community,___ profession. _______ Served as faculty adviser to campus student organization(s) _______ Activities to show support and good-will to ULM and SON. Provides information for what has been done, where accomplished, and when. 54 _______ Involvement in committee work: SON, College, University levels. _______ Capacity of involvement, i.e., leadership role as chair, co-chair, or other. _______ Consistently attends and participates in committee and assignments for discussions, voting, putting forth sound ideas, supporting others. _______ Demonstrates consistency for service and not only in relation to year before tenure and/or promotion. 11. Recruiting/Retention _______ Demonstrates consistency in participation for recruiting and retention and not only in relation to year before tenure and/or promotion. _______ Participated in recruiting events. Provides information for when, where, and to whom recruiting was conducted. _______ Participates in retention activities. Provides information for whom, how, when, and where activities were conducted. Retention activities include but are not limited to student service type experiences, i.e., counseling, test remediation, skills lab remediation, community service, and tutoring. Expectations are for retention activities to be above usual course retention activity. 12. Reference Letters _______ A minimum of 3 reference letters: internal ____ external _____ _______ Letters show support for activities, participation, and experiences as stated in specific emphasis areas. 13. _______ Submitted portfolio to appropriate person on time. Adopted: 9/2014 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SEE: THE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA AT MONROE FACULTY HANDBOOK, FACULTY EMPLOYMENT POLICIES/FACULTY TENURE (ONLINE). 55 FACULTY GRIEVANCES SEE: The University of Louisiana at Monroe Faculty Handbook, Faculty Appeal Procedure EMPLOYEE CHECKOUT INSTRUCTIONS SEE: Employee Checkout Form on the Human Resources website