Document 12076620

September 11, 2015
Volume 23, Issue 2
Publication Mail Agreement #40065156
The Bowl was abuzz the first week
of September when almost 20,000
students—including 2,500 new
students—arrived back on the U
of S campus. With the kick off of
a new academic year, activities
were aplenty from Orientation
and Welcome Week to the Alumni
Pancake Breakfast and the
Huskies Homecoming game.
Enrolment targets reached
University-wide student numbers stable on first day of classes
Four years into the university’s third integrated plan, and student targets
related to enrolment and diversity have been met and remain stable,
according to Patti McDougall, vice provost of teaching and learning.
“It’s time to set new targets,”
said McDougall. “With a new
president coming in and the
end of our third integrated plan,
now is the ideal time to start
thinking about what size of an
institution we want to be in the
next 10 to 20 years.”
As of the first day of classes,
graduate students registered for
classes this fall—up 0.6 per cent
from the previous year.
“At the beginning of our
third integrated plan we set
goals for our college enrolment
numbers, and we are where we
projected we would be by 2015,”
said the vice-provost.
Overall, college and school
enrolment numbers are stable,
said McDougall. One college that
has far exceeded its enrolment
goals is the College of Agriculture and Bioresources. As of
the first day of classes there has
been an 11.5 per cent increase
of undergraduate and graduate
students in the college.
“Our programming is innovative and offered in a researchrich environment,” said Mary
Buhr, dean of the College of
Agriculture and Bioresources,
who partially credits the
increase in enrolment to the
college’s hands-on approach to
learning. “Our students see the
real-world benefit our programs
offer, and even before they
graduate, they are learning the
inner workings of the multi-billion dollar industries that are
agriculture and agri-food.”
As of the first day of classes,
See Diversity Page 9
+0.6% increase over 2014
884 (664UG , 220G)
200 (111UG , 89G)
172 (41UG , 131G)
93 (4UG , 89G)
5. BANGLADESH 73 (19 UG , 54 G)
September 11, 2015
Staying physical at 50
School of Physical Therapy celebrates 50th anniversary
provided by the faculty and
community clinicians affiliated
with the school. An impressive
80 per cent of grads remain in
the province following graduation, which is helping to provide
care to an aging population.
Since that first class of 20
students, the school has doubled
progressions in curriculum
and evolved from a diploma
program to its current model as
a master’s program.
But perhaps one of the most
fascinating, and lesser known,
pieces of the schools’ history is
more concrete in nature—or,
more precisely, the first brick-andPhysiotherapy students and staff in 1965 in their first space in a hangar by the airport.
mortar location of the school.
dentists,” Harrison explained was often the only provider, health care, but an adaptation “When the school was
when asked about how health and often didn’t have a nurse or to the fact that people are living established there wasn’t space
care has evolved. “We were pharmacist to help.”
significantly longer now than on campus, so (it) started
mainly dealing with keeping And Harrison thinks that when the school first opened, and in a hangar building out at
people alive, acute care mostly, may be one of the most important require more preventative care.
the airport—where the chiland there wasn’t much in the changes that the school has “We have more needs and dren’s rehab was,” Harrison
community in terms of health helped to encourage—not only expectations now than 50 years explained. “It made sense at that
professionals—the rural doctor an improvement in expanded ago because we’re living longer point to have the physiotherapy
and dealing with a number education program near the
We have
impact quality
of life,” Harrison
some time on
more needs and
continued. “Now
campus, because
we have people
they would do
living (to) 95 to
now than 50
100, and many
sity classes like
years ago
individuals are
psychology, and
still retiring at
then they would
because we’re
65. That knee that
jump on a bus
living longer
was sore 50 years
and head out to
ago for a decade
the hangar to
and dealing
Outstanding custom home on prime corner lot (40 work shop space. Dreamy courtyard, is private and
do their physiois now actually
x 140) in Varsity View! 2073 sq ft above grade. Total low maintenance. 2 blocks to University, Hospital
therapy classes.”
going to be sore
of 5 bedrooms + Den, 4 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, and riverbank Meewasin trail system.
3 laundry options. Large Bright triple pane
The school did
for 30 years and
of chronic
windows, vaulted ceilings over main living areas
not move into its
they want to keep
make the south facing great room a delight. Main
golfing, playing
and upper levels have tile, hardwood and granite
with grandkids
impact quality
throughout. The basement suite (non regulation)
and, in some
with separate entrance has cork, carpet and
cases, working in
tile floors. Master Suite boasts private balcony,
the community.
luxurious ensuite bath with dual sinks, air tub and
Liz Harrison
the plan was
separate shower. Dream closet with generous
that they would
storage and built ins. Central air, central vac, u/g
temporarily. But
to reduce pain and improve
sprinklers., nat gas BBQ hook up, 2 Valour nat gas
long until they
quality of life is the real differfireplaces, stainless Jenn Air appliances with down
$1,199,000 MLS
draft vented outside. Triple attached garage plus
street into their
ence in the last 50 years.”
in the Health
The ability of the School
of Physical Therapy graduates
to meet the rehabilitation “We’ll be celebrating that
Fantastic opportunity to own a well-maintained semi-detached
needs of Saskatchewanians is as much as we’re celebrating
infill in the prestigious established area of Varsity View! Blocks
a direct result of the clinical this anniversary,” Harrison
to the University, Royal University Hospital and the river trail
and research-based education said with a laugh.
system. Fully developed 4 bedroom, 3.5 bathroom home with
As for the future of the
walk out basement. Plumbing roughed in for second kitchen for
school, it ties back to first
suite if desired. Detached insulated double garage with room for
additional parking behind. Many upgrades and updates. Hardwood
euphoric days in that hangar by
floors throughout most of main level, on stairs and in upper hall.
the airport.
Double sided gas fireplace. White heritage cabinets with new
“Fifty years ago there was
Quartz counter top overlay and Tiffany glass backsplash. New gas
a serious need for physical
cook top in 2015, all other kitchen appliances 2-3yrs old. Kitchen
hood vented outside. Master ensuite features separate shower
researchers to be a part of the
and jet tub, walk in closet and vaulted ceiling. Shingles redone in
health professional teams to
2013, HE furnace new in 2009. Upper deck 14'6 x 12 refurbished and
help improve health care for
glass and aluminum rails added in 2013. Nat gas hook up for BBQ.
Stamped concrete rear patio 13 x 17. Central air/ vac included.
$650,000 MLS
was the incentive.”
And that is a need the school
will continue to meet. 
A lot can happen in half a
century, and for the College of
Medicine’s School of Physical
Therapy a lot has.
As September rolls around,
the school is excitedly preparing
for its 50th anniversary celebrations and reunion, which is
no small feat considering that
almost 1,000 students have
graduated from the school since
that first class crossed the stage
in 1967.
But while the half-century anniversary is important
in and of itself, Liz Harrison,
the associate dean of physical
therapy and rehabilitation
sciences, sees the celebrations in
a broader light—one that reflects
the growth of the program,
the changing landscape in
Saskatchewan’s health care and
the growth of research in the
field of physiotherapy.
“Fifty years ago we were
oriented—drugs, doctors and
Marg Sheridan is the online
communications co-ordinator
in the College of Medicine.
September 11, 2015
U of S adopts new secondary logo policy
The new secondary logo system
for the University of Saskatchewan has officially launched.
Based on feedback from
across campus that the old
combined logo had too many
limitations, the marketing and
communications team devised
a new, more flexible system.
“The new secondary logo
will work for our colleges,
departments, centres and units,”
said Ivan Muzychka, associate
vice-president communications.
“It lets those various units have
a logo that is specific to them,
while still retaining a strong tie
to the University of Saskatchewan. It’s that consistency that is
important to creating a unified
brand for the university.”
The new logo system was
shared with a number of groups
on campus for feedback before
going to the policy committee.
It was discussed at University Council and ultimately
College Name Here
approved by the Board of
While the secondary logo
system is now university policy,
Muzychka recognized that it
will take some time for the
rollout to be fully realized.
“In places where the new
secondary logo can easily be
used, it should be used right
away. However, we feel careful
and efficient use of resources
takes priority over an immediate
transition. We wouldn’t want
anyone, for example, throwing
away stationery that has already
been printed because it had the
old logo. We would rather they
use it up and, when it comes
time to order stationery again,
use the new secondary logo that
is appropriate for that college or
There are some exceptions
to the new policy. For example,
the Edwards School of Business
logo, developed in consultation
with the named donor, will
remain in place.
The secondary logos are
available for download, and
more information is available
about the logos and their use, at 
Teri Parkhurst is a marketing
specialist with Advancement and
Community Engagement.
20 years
of University Council
that guides all decision-making
There has been a great deal of
around the topics is constant. “At
change since University Council
Council we enjoy the process.
was created 20 years ago, but a
Process should not be underlot has stayed the same.
mined; process is your friend,
Council has always followed
use it wisely. Faculty engagethe three principles of academic
ment in collegial discussion is
freedom, collegial self-goverkey to this,” Kalra explained.
nance and knowing we are the
To that end, Kalra intends
university’s academic goverto do what he can to increase
nance body,” said Dr. Jay Kalra,
engagement, particularly student
Council chair and professor in
involvement in Council. “That
the Department of Pathology
has been a goal for some time.
and Laboratory Medicine.
We have seen increased student
Over the past 20 years,
involvement, and we want to see
Kalra—who is set to begin his
even more. Everyone is welcome
third two-year term as chair,
to attend Council, even if you
making him the longest-serving
aren’t a member.”
Council chair—said Council ganization in the College of Not to get lost in all of the
has also seen some significant Graduate Studies and Research, discussion, he continued, is
the strategic enrolment manage- that Council is celebrating a
“We’ve come a long way. ment plan, decision-making milestone this year.
We’ve gone through tumul- around low enrolment programs “This is an important year
tuous times, but we’ve
as Council celebrates its
matured, have become
20th anniversary of its
more engaged and have
establishment as a repreIt’s time to celebrate
had many healthy discusbody under
because we’ve come a long sentative
sions to help us move
the 1995 University of
ahead with our academic
way. But as we recognize all Saskatchewan Act,” he
affairs. We have helped the
explained. “It’s time to
the success of the past, we
university grow into one of
celebrate because we’ve
the leading universities in
come a long way. But as we
must always be looking to
recognize all the success of
the future.
With a new president
the past, we must always be
being installed in October,
looking to the future.”
Jay Kalra
Kalra expects many more
To celebrate the anni“interesting and healthy
versary a gala dinner and
discussions” in the year ahead. and the continued discussion dance will be held on September
Some of the topics he antic- on ways to make the U of S 25 beginning at 6 pm in Marquis
ipates being addressed at more welcoming for Aboriginal Hall, and Kalra hopes faculty
Council include the ongoing students.
will have a lot of fun celebrating
restructuring in the College of While the topics change what the academy has accomMedicine, the proposed reor- from year to year, the process plished. 
Scott Banda, CEO of FCL, and Daphne Taras,
dean of Edwards School of Business
Co-op partnership
benefits students
A new partnership between the Edwards School of Business and
Federated Co-operatives Limited (FCL) will ensure students
have more opportunities to gain practical work experience while
completing their degree.
The Edwards Co-operative Education Program will receive
$500,000 from FCL over the next five years to continue facilitating
paid work placements for business students.
More than 300 people were in attendance when the announcement was made Sept. 4 at the Edwards Co-op Networking Open
House at Prairieland Park. Speaking to a crowd that included
Edwards faculty, staff and students, and the local business
community, Dean Daphne Taras acknowledged FCL’s commitment
to driving student success.
“With FCL’s support, we can expand our reach and connect
even more students with paid work experience,” she said.
Students in their third year of the bachelor of commerce
(BComm) are eligible to apply for the eight-month work placement.
The program is also open to graduate students in the master of
business administration (MBA) program.
Since the program was launched in 2007, more than 400
students have secured paid work placements. In addition to gaining
practical job experience in a professional environment, student
employability rates increase upon graduation—the employment
rate for co-op alumni is 100 per cent. 
September 11, 2015
A siren call to create without limits pulled John David Graham through
architecture—confined by physical limitations, clients and budgets—into fine
art, a field for unfettered imagination.
“In art making, I discovered freedom I could not experience in practicing
architecture,” said the assistant professor in printmaking and digital media.
“Art making emphasizes process as much as product. Art making allows me
to work with my hands in shaping ideas into form. Equally important, I can
openly explore visual poetics, and mythological and symbolic storytelling.”
Graham grew up in Ottawa and Montreal. He completed his bachelor degree
in environmental studies before earning a master’s degree in architecture,
both at the University of Manitoba. He obtained a bachelor of fine arts from
Concordia University in Montreal, then travelled to the University of Oregon
for his MFA. He joined the U of S on a one-year term before joining the faculty
full time in 2014.
“I have taught studio art in a variety of programs at universities and colleges in
Canada, USA and Australia,” he said, explaining he was drawn to the Department of Art and Art History by its rich, pluralistic traditions.
In addition to mentoring students and his own creative work, Graham strives
to address an underappreciated aspect of art: safety. He cites statistics that
show artists lead shorter lives, in part due to toxic chemicals in their creative
spaces such as paints and solvents.
“One colleague of mine died prematurely from cancer,” he explained, while
pointing out a new isolation booth with a dedicated ventilation system he
procured for the printmaking studio in the Murray Building.
Graham urges his students to think of safety protocols as part of their toolkit,
as essential to their work as pigments, screens and brushes.
“Good artists play, and when you play, you forget—you don’t have rules,” he
said. “Artists need to play, but they need to be safe. I feel very strongly about
this. They need to take care of their health. Once that’s become second nature,
then they can play.” 
Send letters and
viewpoints to
On Campus News is published 18 times per year by University of Saskatchewan
Marketing and Communications. It is distributed to all U of S faculty, staff, graduate
students and members of governing bodies, as well as to others in the university
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Subscriptions are available for $22 per year. Story and photo ideas are welcome.
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On Campus News aims to provide a forum for the sharing of timely news, information
and opinions about events and issues of interest to the U of S community.
The views and opinions expressed by writers of letters to
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the U of S or On Campus News.
News Editor: Kris Foster
Writers: Michael Robin, Lesley Porter
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New master’s degree
in water security tackles
complex issues
With the launch of a new
master’s degree in water
security—the first of its kind in
North America—students will
learn how to tackle complex
issues concerning water availability and quality.
“Our university has one
of the strongest water research
communities in the world that is
examining issues from an interdisciplinary perspective—that’s
the way we need to examine
concerns such as drought,
flooding and water quality,”
said Andrew Ireson, assistant
professor in the School of Environment and Sustainability
(SENS) and the program’s
director. “The program will
train students to tackle these
issues using a holistic approach
that incorporates not only the
sciences, but also the study of
social dynamics and public
The Master of Water
Security (MWS) program—
offered through SENS—is a
project-based and professional-style master’s degree that
trains students to investigate
water security issues of regional,
“Certainly this summer
of drought, wildfires and algal
blooms in our province has
brought water concerns to the
forefront, and a realization
that our struggles are likely to
continue with climate change,”
said Toddi Steelman, executive
director of SENS. “The MWS
provides graduates with the
tools to tackle the complex
problems we are increasingly
faced with.”
Incoming students will
choose from three specialized
tracks: hydrology, hydrogeology
and socio-hydrology. While the
first two tracks study the surface
water and the groundwater
cycles respectively, socio-hydrology studies the dynamics
between human use, control,
value and culture related to
water and its place in the global
“Having three specializations allows us to provide
in-depth training in one area
of water, such as groundwater,
while also having students
participate in core courses that
broaden their knowledge of
other aspects of water manage-
ment, current global issues and
how we plan in an age of climate
uncertainty,” said Ireson.
Graduates will be ready
to become water scientists,
managers and policy-makers
in the consulting and government sectors. The first intake of
students will begin September
2016, with applications accepted
until mid-January. 
Meagan Hinther is a communications specialist with the
Global Institute for Water
Security and the School of Environment and Sustainability.
September 11, 2015
Creating an inclusive
and diverse campus
Her son, about six years old at the time, told her he
didn’t want to be brown anymore.
It was during that car ride back from Debden,
Saskatchewan, when Elizabeth Duret knew she
needed to do all she could to address negative
stereotypes regarding Aboriginal people.
“For my son at that age to think
that it’s not okay to be who
he is, was devastating,” said
Duret, inclusion and diversity
consultant at the U of S.
“Children aren’t born racist; it is
a behavior that they learn from
friends, parents and media. It
was at this pivotal moment that I
knew I wanted to be an advocate
for these issues.”
As a Métis mother of two,
Duret knows first-hand the
judgments that Aboriginal
people encounter. So when she
got a phone call offering a new
position at the U of S dedicated to
supporting a diverse workforce,
she accepted the challenge
without hesitation.
The endgame for Duret,
who started this new position in
April, is to increase the diversity
of the U of S workforce through
recruitment and hiring practices
with a strategic focus on Aboriginal people.
With a background as
a probation officer, human
resource professional and life
skills coach, Duret has seen
inequity in the form of underrepresentation in the work force
and overrepresentation in the
correctional system.
“Historically, the systems
have negative biases and stereotypes attached to them,” she
explained. “There are systemic
barriers because of social
constructs. We need to address
issues that prevent marginalized people from entering the
Because Aboriginal engage-
ment has been a strategic priority
at the U of S for some time,
Duret said she is “coming into a
rich opportunity. We are ready
to engage in the process, all that
is required is guidance, tools and
a focused plan.”
But there is still a lot to do
and the enormity of the task
is not lost on Duret. At the top
of her mind is the significant
gap between Aboriginal representation on the U of S workforce—a figure that is currently
2.6 per cent—and the provincial
target of 12.2 per cent set by the
Saskatchewan Human Rights
While Duret stressed that
“no one wants to be hired just
because the university is trying
to reach a number,” she said there
are some relatively simple steps
that will help make the university an employer of choice. She
suggested that those involved in
the hiring process attend cultural
events and actively promote the
U of S as an employer of choice;
posting jobs in Aboriginal publications that reach Aboriginal
communities; and including
language in all hiring advertisements stating that the university
values diversity and that Aboriginal engagement is a priority.
Duret said she and her
human resources team are
excited about how they can
search out opportunities that
will “help make the university
the best place for Aboriginal
people in Saskatchewan and
Canada to work.”
Some of the other initia-
We need to
create space to talk
about stereotypes
and biases. We all
have them; I have
my own.
Elizabeth Duret
Elizabeth Duret, inclusion and diversity consultant
tives being pursued include
analyzing skill and experience
requirements for positions,
creating interview questions
that highlight diversity, and
addressing systemic stereotypes and barriers in hiring and
retention practices.
To that end, Duret’s first
priority is to create a safe environment on campus. “We need
to create space to talk about
stereotypes and biases. We all
have them; I have my own. To
face them you need to be honest
with yourself. It’s not about
blame or guilt, but about self-reflection and awareness.”
To help faculty and staff
better understand biases, Duret
holds workshops that tackle
common stereotypes on everything from farmers, ex-cons and
overweight people to Aboriginal people, gender and sexually
diverse individuals, and people
with learning disabilities and
mental health issues.
“We explore stereotypes and
how they play out in our work
and personal life. We question
where they come from and how
they can be broken down,” she
said. “Someone can be ignorant
only one time because once you
are aware of your biases, you
make the unconscious conscious.
This knowledge is powerful and
can create a change in attitude
towards diversity.”
It is a long road ahead, but
Duret already has a picture of
success in mind.
“We will know we are
successful when we see increased
recruitment, retention and
success of Aboriginal students
alongside the successful recruitment, retention and advancement of staff and faculty. I believe
there is a strong correlation
between the success of Aboriginal students and the presence of
Aboriginal faculty and staff.” 
Congratulations to the U of S
VIDO-InterVac Community
Liaison Public Meeting
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
7:00 PM
McNally Robinson Bookstore
School of Physical Therapy
on celebrating 50 years!
September 11, 2015
Ms. Dressup
Costumes bring fiction, sci-fi and fantasy to life
Jamie Fast shows her fandom by dressing up as her favourite characters, from Spock, Princess Leia and Lara Croft.
Jamie Fast has the secret to
re-creating the perfect Spock
eyebrows—glue stick.
“Just rub it over your
eyebrows and apply face powder
on top,” she explained. “Then
once it’s dry just draw them on,
A mild-mannered student
central officer by day, by night,
Fast battles the evil empire as
an avid cosplayer, a term that
describes fans who dress up as
their favourite characters from
comic books, video games,
movies and television shows,
often from the science fiction or
fantasy genres. Thanks in part to
very dedicated online communities devoted to it and a rise in
the number of fan conventions,
cosplay—a blend of the words
costume and play—has grown
exponentially in recent years,
not just as a hobby, but as an art
Fast got into cosplay after
attending her first comic book
convention in Calgary in 2012.
She had always loved Halloween
and making realistic costumes
of her favourite comic book and
video game characters. She was
not aware, however, of those
who did it the other 364 days of
the year.
“I didn’t realize that it was
a thing, that there were people
who did that or even that there
were comic conventions,” she
said. “I think if I would have
known what it was, I would have
done it when I was younger.”
Impressed by the costumes
and the warm, welcoming
community, she decided to get
more involved. She was nervous
at first, thinking she might be
too old to participate, but that
anxiety faded once she hit the
convention room. “I felt less
stressed because I felt like I was
in character,” she said. “You’re
just expressing the fandom and
are surrounded by other people
who love it.”
Fast has two main cosplays.
The first is Princess Leia from
the first Star Wars film when
she gets rescued from the Death
Star—think white hooded dress
and the iconic cinnamon bun
pigtails. Her other cosplay is
Lara Croft, heroine of the Tomb
Raider mega-franchise encompassing video games, comic
books, movies and amusement
park rides. A long-time fan of
the series, Fast was inspired
to create a cosplay version in
2013 when the character was
redesigned. “So many female
characters, in the comic world
especially, are very overly-sexualized. Her new design was
much more realistic. I was like,
‘I need to do this now!’”
A self-described perfectionist, Fast’s attention to detail
with her costumes is meticu-
You’re just
expressing the
fandom and are
surrounded by
other people
who love it.
Jamie Fast
Jamie Fast, student central officer
lous. She does a lot of costume
research online, where kindred
cosplayers are happy to help and
offer advice. That said, she is
well aware of her limits. “I’m a
disaster with a sewing machine,”
she said, opting to outsource the
Leia gown to a friend who is a
The result was worth it:
while attending the Calgary
convention last year she was
approached by a woman whose
daughter wanted a photo with
Princess Leia. “It was adorable,”
she said, “and it was exciting for
me to think, ‘oh, I was a part of
that, I made her that happy.’”
Though her work keeps her
busy (she is also an assistant
coach for the Huskies track
team), she tries to attend as
many comic conventions as
possible, and is also involved in
the local cosplay community.
“In Saskatoon, it’s really
growing,” she said. “It’s that
geek community that didn’t
exist when I was younger.”
In past years, she also
found time to volunteer for the
Saskatoon Comic and Entertainment Expo, but this year
she is taking off so she can
attend with her nephew. She is
still debating which costume to
wear, but is leaning towards Leia
for one very obvious reason.
“William Shatner is going
to be there, and he has a play
feud with Carrie Fisher [who
played Leia] and I think it would
be hilarious if I could get a
photo with him in my Princess
Leia costume.” 
September 11, 2015
Data delivers student success
There is no shortage of data on
campus, but finding a use for it is
sometimes a problem.
With an eye to improving
student success and retention,
Jim Greer has found new uses for
student data at the U of S.
“There is a ton of data
available about our students,”
said Greer, senior strategist
on learning analytics. “We are
developing projects that use the
data we have on hand to make
students’ lives better and improve
their educational experiences.”
Greer, who was recently
seconded by the Office of the
Vice-Provost of Teaching and
Learning to lead the development of learning analytics,
said the university has been
collecting student data actively
and passively. Active data collection includes grades, addresses,
demographics and high school
consists of everything from
signing into PAWS and checking
email to using Blackboard or
swiping a student card at the
library or the PAC.
“We can use this data in two
ways. We can look at supporting
students in courses and we can
try to improve our academic
courses and programs,” said
Greer. “There can be a ‘big
brother’ element to all of this, so
one of the first things we need
to do is develop policies that
prevent inappropriate use of
student data.”
Looking past the privacy
and policy issues, Greer
explained that student data at
the U of S fall into one of four
categories: personal, academic,
demographic and activity data.
“Personal information is
no one’s business, but academic,
demographic and activity data
can be used to help predict if a
student is likely to be successful
or not,” explained Greer, former
director of the University
Learning Centre from 2006 to
2014. “This type of prediction
can help identify students at
risk so we can offer academic
advising or other supports.”
Greer is clear that caution
must be used when profiling
because stereotypes can lead to
errors, but activity data can help
in that regard.
One early alert project from
last year that leaned heavily
on student data is the Student
Advice Recommender Agent
(SARA), which was piloted in
a first-year biology course with
about 2,000 students enrolled
over two terms.
“Considering factors like
expected grade, demographics
and likelihood of attrition,
SARA provided personalized
weekly advice to each student in
the class through Blackboard,”
said Greer.
SARA might, for example,
point a student struggling
with a concept to online video
resources, provide an encouraging message, or recommend
Residence-based programs to
students living in residence.
“There were half the number
of fails and a third more A-grades
than the previous year,” said
Greer of SARA’s results. “It can’t
take all of the credit for these
improvements, but it certainly
made a difference.”
SARA will again be used in
first-year biology and will also be
extended into certain first-year
classes in the College of Engineering.
Greer said student data
could also be used to improve
courses and programs by identifying gaps and bottlenecks,
and analyzing how students flow
through programs.
“Sometimes classes are just
scheduled at the wrong time. It
could be as simple as changing
the time a class is offered,” he
Although still in the infancy
stage at the U of S, learning
analytics have numerous applications, said Greer who is currently
putting together a campus-wide
team made up of data analysts,
database specialists and learning
and technology experts.
“There is lots of potential
here and we know we can
improve retention rates and
better support our students. We
are here to help colleges and
departments thinking about
how to use data to help students
learn more. That’s good for
everyone.” 
A Dorm Burn demonstration was held on Sept. 3 in front of the Peter MacKinnon Building
to show students, faculty and staff how easily a fire can start and how quickly it can spread.
The Saskatoon Fire Department and U of S Facilities Management Division, Safety Resources,
Protective Services, Consumer Services and the USSU hosted the event as part of Welcome Week.
to a reception celebrating
Interim President Gordon Barnhart.
The Reason You Walk
a conversation with
Wab Kinew
author, journalist, hip hop artist
MondaY, SepTeMbeR 21
1:00–2:30 pm, Arts 241 FRee!
Neatby-Timlin Theatre, Arts Building
University of Saskatchewan
The Board of Governors of the University
of Saskatchewan invite you to join them
for a reception celebrating the work of
Gordon Barnhart during his tenure as interim
president and vice-chancellor of the U of S.
4:30 – 6 PM
September 11, 2015
The College of
Education held its
inaugural pinning
ceremony on Sept. 2.
Students in the college
received a special pin
and then signed an
oath to demonstrate
their dedication to the
teaching profession. 
Master by design
Jay Wilson receives Master Teacher Award
It has been a full circle experience for Jay Wilson, the latest
recipient of the U of S Master
Teacher award.
Wilson, department head of
curriculum studies in the College
of Education, received the university’s highest teaching award at
spring convocation in June, and
said he was lucky to be taught by
past winners of the award.
“I look at the list of names
on the Master Teacher wall,
and there are people there who
taught me,” he said, listing
Robert Grogin, Angela Ward
and Rick Schwier as those who
inspired him. Besides now seeing
his name alongside his mentors,
Wilson feels a sense of accomplishment knowing that what
he does meets the needs of his
students and peers.
“The word that I’ve been
Shop the
Main Campus Bookstore
and get all the essentials
for back to school.
hiding behind is ‘validation,’”
he said. “You never know if what
you do is making a difference.
What makes it different and
special for me is that validation
of something I hold near and
dear is valued by other people.”
He said that puts pressure
on him, but in a good way. “You
can’t hide in the weeds when you
win a Master Teacher award.”
Wilson teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses,
and has research interests in
involves creating and planning
the best possible learning experience for students. “I use the
term ‘throwing it into the wind,’”
he said of the design process.
“Sometimes it goes where we
want, sometimes it gets blown
back in our face. People don’t
think of designing instruction as
exciting, but it is. It has evolved
into that notion of how we
carefully plan the learning experience for students.”
Another area of interest
for Wilson is the application of
technology in the classroom,
and since 2011 he has shared his
knowledge and passion in this
area as an Apple Distinguished
Educator. This global team of
teachers and professors work
with the Apple education team
to influence design to make
their products more effective
learning tools.
testers but we are sharing our
knowledge and they are incorporating that into some of the
work that they’re doing as far as
design and accessibility,” he said,
adding that getting free Apple
products, unfortunately, is not a
perk of the job.
Despite all the teaching
Provost’s Outstanding New
Teacher Award—and affiliation
with one of the world’s biggest
companies, Wilson knows how
to keep his humility in check.
“I still had to go and clean
the litter boxes the day after
the Master Teacher award
ceremony,” he said. “Those are
the things that put life into
perspective.” 
Master Teacher Jay Wilson
• Don Gilchrist appointed head of the Dept. of Economics for a three-year
term effective July 1, 2015.
• Jack Gray appointed vice-dean, research, scholarly,
and artistic work, College of Arts and Science for a
five-year term effective July 1, 2015.
• Gordon DesBrisay appointed vice-dean,
academic, College of Arts
and Science for a five-year
term effective July 1, 2015.
• Carol Henry appointed
assistant dean, division of
nutrition and dietetics in
the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition for a threeyear term effective July 1, 2015.
• Robert Tyler appointed for a five-year term as
associate dean, research and graduate studies,
College of Agriculture and Bioresources effective
July 1, 2015.
The Office of the Provost and Vice-President
Academic has made the following appointments:
Patti McDougall
John Gordon, Division of
Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, Dept.
of Medicine, has been elected as vice-president of
the Canadian Society for Immunology (2015-17).
a total of 2,072 self-declared
Aboriginal undergraduate and
graduate students and 2,238
international undergraduate and
graduate students enrolled in fall
term classes at the University of
“Attracting and retaining
motivated Aboriginal and international students is a priority for
us,” said McDougall. “New intercultural gathering spaces like
our under-construction Gordon
Oakes Redbear Student Centre,
will be a safe and welcoming
place that respects the diversity
of all people, and will play a
large role in the retention of our
diverse student body.”
A complement of supports
are also offered by staff at the
Study Abroad Centre, which
help students new to Canada
acclimate to a new county, city
and university.
McDougall said she expects
the number of self-declared
Aboriginal students to increase
as the year goes on, as there
is once again a self-declare
campaign beginning in late
At the beginning of our third integrated
plan we set goals for our college enrolment
numbers, and we are where we projected we
would be by 2015.
Bill Rafoss, a sessional lecturer in St. Thomas More
College’s Dept. of Political Studies, was elected to
the Board of Directors for Amnesty International
From Page 1
Jim Greer has been seconded into the role of senior
strategist, learning analytics in the Office of the
Vice-Provost Teaching and Learning. Previously, he
was the director of the University Learning Centre
from 2006 to 2014.
Elizabeth Stregger has been appointed as collection services librarian,
effective August 31. Stregger was previously a librarian at the University of
Diversity of student
body increases
Kristin Bogdan has been appointed as science and engineering librarian,
effective August 10. Bogdan was previously at Yale University Library as the
science and social science data librarian.
September 11, 2015
“To help support and better
understand the needs of Aboriginal students, each term we
invite Aboriginal students, who
haven’t already, to self declare
their Aboriginal ancestry,”
said McDougall. “We use this
information to develop and
maintain effective programs and
services that support Aboriginal
students’ academic and personal
success.” 
Meghan Sired is a communication
co-ordinator in Student and
Enrolment Services Division.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
• Dr. Susantha Gomis
appointed as head of the
Dept. of Veterinary Pathology for a five-year term
effective July 1, 2015.
Send letters and viewpoints to
• Dr. Preston Smith, in
addition to continuing
in his role as dean of the
College of Medicine, has
been appointed to the new
position of vice-provost
health. The primary responsibility is for liaison with
external agencies, particularly health regions and
the ministry of health.
• Lois Berry appointed
interim assistant vice-provost, health for one year
effective July 20, 2015.
• Dr. Doug Freeman re-appointed to a second five-year
term in the position of dean,
Western College of Veterinary
Medicine effective March 1,
• Dr. Gill White appointed
associate dean, Regina programs, College of Medicine
for a one-year term effective Sept. 1, 2015.
• Shari Baraniuk appointed to the position of interim
chief information officer and associate vice-president, Information and
Communications Technology for a period of up to one year beginning on Aug.
31, 2015.
• Ganesh Vaidyanathan appointed head of the Dept. of Accounting for a
three-year term effective July 1, 2015.
• Steve Milosavljevic appointed acting vice-dean, research, College of
Medicine for a term of up to one year effective Aug. 1, 2015.
• Dr. Joseph Blondeau reappointed as acting unified head of the Dept. of
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine effective July 1, 2015 for up to one year.
• Angela Busch appointed as the acting director of the School of Physical
Therapy for a six-month term effective Aug. 1, 2015.
• Dr. Tom Smith-Windsor term extended as associate dean, Rural and
Northern Programs for a period of up to one year effective Oct. 1, 2015.
• Yvonne Shevchuk re-appointed as associate dean, academic affairs, College
of Pharmacy and Nutrition for the period of July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2020.
Printing Services
September 11, 2015
Coming Events
Edwards School of Business
Executive Education
For information call 306-966-8686,
email or visit
• Sept. 9 – 11, What the Non-financial Manager Needs to Know About
Financial and Managerial Accounting
- Saskatoon
• Sept. 15 – Dec. 8, Supply Management
Training: Introduction to Procurement
• Sept. 20 – 25, 2015, The Labour-Management Relationship Certificate Program
- Saskatoon
• Sept. 29 – Oct. 1, The Business Analyst’s
Course - Saskatoon
• Oct. 1 – 2, 2015, Operational Excellence
Certificate: Analyzing and Improving
Office and Service Operations (Lean
Office) – Regina
• Oct. 5 – 6, Operational Excellence Certificate: Master Clinic on Solving Tough
Problems – Saskatoon
• Oct. 5 – 7, Digital and Social Media
Program: Strategy and Tactics – Saskatoon
• Oct. 7 – 8, Operational Excellence Certificate: Process Metrics, Management,
and Controls – Saskatoon
• Oct. 8, Introduction to Digital and Social
Media for Senior Managers – Saskatoon
• Oct. 14 – Feb 27, The Masters Certificate
in Project Management – Regina
• Oct. 15 – Apr. 9, The Masters Certificate
in Project Management – Saskatoon
• Dec. 7 – 11, Certified Coaching Training
– Saskatoon
Library Researcher Series
The Library Researcher Series provides
workshops on interdisciplinary topics
of relevance to the research of graduate
students and faculty. All sessions are free
and registration is not necessary. For
more information visit
• Sept. 29, noon – 1 pm, Murray Library,
room 161, Comprehensive Lit Review
– Part A
• Sept. 30, 3:30 – 4:30 pm, Health
Sciences Library, EndNote Desktop
• Oct. 6, noon – 1 pm, Murray Library,
room 145, Comprehensive Lit Review
– Part B
• Oct. 7, 3:30 – 4:30 pm, Murray Library,
room 161, Citation Manager Overview:
Which One is Right for You?
• Oct. 14, 3:30 – 4:30 pm, Murray Library,
room 145, RefWorks
• Oct. 20, noon – 1 pm, Murray Library,
room 145, WestLaw… More than Just
for Lawyers
• Oct. 21, 12:30 – 1:30 pm, Murray Library,
room 145, Indigenous Studies Research
Tools: Academic Hunting and Gathering in the Digital Age, and Oct. 27,
noon – 1 pm Murray Library, room 161
• Oct. 28, 3:30 – 4:30 pm, Murray Library,
room 102 Comprehensive Lit Review –
Part A
• Nov. 3, noon – 1 pm, Murray Library,
room 145, Zotero
• Nov. 4, 3:30 – 4:30 pm, Murray Library,
room 161, Comprehensive Lit Review
– Part B
• Nov. 17, noon – 1 pm, Murray Library,
Rm. 145, Mendeley
• Nov. 18, 11:30 am – 12:30 pm, Murray
Library, room 145, Finding and Using Data
Beyond Borders: A Workshop on
Sept. 11, 1:30 – 2:30pm, Neatby-Timlin
Theater, Donna Gabaccia, professor of
history at the University of Toronto, will
present keynote lecture The Past in Motion:
Reflections on Transnational Scholarship.
No registration required. All are welcome.
For more information please contact Elizabeth Scott This
workshop is presented by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Culture and Creativity
and the Department of History.
ICCC Movie Night
Sept. 22, 7 – 9pm, The Broadway Theatre
Naomi Campbel is about a trans woman
from Chile named Yermén who tries to
formulate a plan to get sex reassignment
surgery. Join Manuela Valle-Castro, ICCC
visiting fellow, and guests for a discussion
following the film. Everyone is welcome.
General admission: $7 ($5 for eniors and
students). For more information contact:
Sabrina Kehoe at
Health will host its annual poster fair
showcasing its thesis students’ research
and the MPH student practicum projects.
Visitors are welcome.
University Club
For more information, visit learnlanguages. or call 306-966-4355 or 5539
Multilingual Conversational Language
Classes from Sept. 21 – Dec. 2:
• French levels 1 to 7: $215 (GST exempt)
• Spanish levels 1 to 7: $225.75 (GST
• Japanese levels 1 to 4: $225.75 (GST
• Japanese for the Traveller $252 (manual
and GST included)
• German levels 1 to 3: $225.75 (GST
• Italian levels 1 & 2 $225.75 (GST included)
• Portuguese level 1 $225.75 (GST included)
• Cree level 1: $236.25 (materials and GST
Textbooks and workbooks are extra
unless otherwise indicated.
• Spanish Weekender Oct. 9 – 11; ideal for
the traveller who has little or no Spanish-speaking skills, 20 hours over 2.5
days, cost: $315.00 (manual, Saturday
and Sunday lunch and GST included).
Community Arts
• Explore your creativity and develop
skills in drawing, painting, sculpture,
photography, glass, jewelry making,
fiber art, graphic design, art history
and more. These courses help you gain
confidence as you develop your portfolio. Classes are taught by professional
artists. Take classes for general interest
or work toward a certificate. For more
information, visit
Register online or call 306-966-5539
Fall classes start the week of Sept. 12.
The Reason You Walk - A Conversation with Wab Kinew
Sept. 21, 1 – 2:30 pm, Neatby-Timlin
Theatre, Arts Building (Arts 241), the
College of Arts & Science’s Interdisciplinary Centre for Culture and Creativity
is honoured to be hosting a free public
lecture by Wab Kinew, one of Canada’s
foremost Aboriginal public figures.
Assessing Treatment Change in
Sexual Offenders
Sept. 17, 2015 at 4-5pm in Arts 153, Mark
Olver, director of Clinical Psychology
Training, Department of Psychology,
will give a talk entitled, “A Zebra Can
Change its Stripes… Sometimes:
Assessing Treatment Change in Sexual
Offenders.” Members of the university
community and the general public are
welcome to attend this presentation,
which is part of the Department of
Psychology’s monthly colloquium series.
Campus Career Expo
The Campus Career Expo, Sept. 16 from
10 am to 4 pm in the Physical Activity
Complex, is an excellent opportunity to
enhance your networking skills, meet with
professionals in a wide array of fields, and
obtain invaluable information for your job
search. Brought to you by the SECC, this
event will help you learn more about the
world of work and find potential areas of
employment including future part-time,
summer, full-time or internship positions.
For more information visit students.usask.
For more information about upcoming
events, visit To make a
reservation call 306-966-7775
Pre-Game Tailgate Parties
Join us for Huskie game nights Sept. 18,
Oct. 16 and 23 from 4:30 – 7:30 pm for fun
tailgate food and drinks before the game.
Italian Wine Makers Evening
Oct. 2, 7 pm, Meet Angelo Dabello from
Rocca Di Castagnoli-Alimenta, Siena, Italy.
Sample his spectacular wines and enjoy
beautifully paired foods.
Thanksgiving Family Dinner
School of Public Health Poster Fair
Oct. 23, noon to 3:30 pm, Health Sciences
D-wing Atrium, the School of Public
• Lorin Elias, appointed interim associate dean,
student affairs, College of Arts and Science for the
period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016.
• John Moffat appointed as acting director of the
School of Professional Development for a six-month
term effective July 1, 2015.
• Angela Lieverse
appointed as head of the
Dept. of Archaeology
and Anthropology for a
five-year term effective July 1, 2015.
• Kent Kowalski appointed to the position of acting
associate dean, College of Kinesiology for the period
of July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016.
• Fran Walley appointed to the position of associate
dean, College of Agriculture and Bioresources for a
five-year term effective July 1, 2015.
Oct. 11, 5 pm, bring the whole family for
all of your Thanksgiving favorites.
• Dr. Kent Stobart appointed vice-dean, medical education, College of
Medicine for a five-year renewable term effective Sept. 1, 2015.
Annual General Meeting
• Dr. John Thiel, acting academic head of the Dept. of Obstetrics, Gynecology
and Reproductive Sciences for up to one year effective July 1, 2015.
Oct. 28, noon, Window Room, University
Club Annual General Meeting.
Dinner Theatre with
Greystone Theatre
• Dr. Malgorzata Kaminska appointed interim assistant dean, curriculum, in
the College of Medicine for up to six-months beginning July 1, 2015.
Oct. 15, cocktails 5:30 pm dinner at the
University Club and, then Picasso at the
Lapin Agile at Emrys Jones Theatre at
7:45 pm.
• Ken Wilson appointed as head of the Dept. of Biology for a five-year term
effective July 1, 2015.
Assistive Technology and
Disability 2015 Conference
Disability Services for Students is
presenting the 2nd annual Assistive
Technology and Disability conference at
the U of S from Oct. 22-23 at the Graduate
Students Common. Assistive technology
specialists, service providers and service
users will come together to learn about
advances in assistive technologies from
low to high tech solutions and their
applications for education, work life and
personal use. Sessions on the new provincial disability strategy and post secondary
practices will also be presented. This
conference is free to attend and open to
everyone, but registration is required. For
session information and registration, visit
• David Torvi appointed as head of the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering for a
five-year term effective July 1, 2015.
• Dr. Reg Anholt appointed assistant dean, clinical affairs, College of
Dentistry for a five-year term effective March 1, 2015.
• Dawn Wallin appointed to the position of associate dean, undergraduate
programs, partnerships and research, College of Education for a five-year term
effective Aug. 1, 2015.
• Dr. Patricia Blakley appointed to the position of associate dean, undergraduate medical education, College of Medicine for a five-year term effective
Sept. 1, 2015.
• Dr. Chris Clark appointed to the position of associate dean (acting),
academic, WCVM for the period of Sept. 1, 2015 to Aug. 31, 2016.
• Dr. George Mutwiri appointed interim executive director of the School of
Public Health effective July 1, 2015.
• Dr. Suresh Tikoo, appointed interim assistant executive director (research)
curriculum in the School of Public Health for a six-month term beginning July
13, 2015.
The Arts
• Dr. Cheryl Waldner, appointed to the position
of interim associate executive director, academic,
School of Public Health for a six-month period
beginning July 13, 2015.
A Call for Justice - Fighting for
Japanese Canadian Redress
A Call for Justice tells a story of human
rights and the enduring perseverance
of the Japanese Canadian community
who suffered so much from 1942-1949.
In honour of the 25th anniversary of the
signing of the Redress Agreement with
the Government of Canada in 1988, the
Nikkei National Museum is presenting
the first traveling exhibit celebrating the
emotional struggle to achieve an apology
and acknowledgement for these unjust
treatments. This exhibit, on display at
Diefenbaker Canada Centre until Oct.
12, will examine the 10-year fight using
historic photographs, artifacts, poetry,
personal statements, art and video.
• Raj Srinivasan term as head of the Dept. of
Mathematics and Statistics extended for six-months
effective July 1, 2015.
• Dr. Murray Jelinski appointed as the acting head
of the Dept. of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, July 1,
2015 to June 30, 2016.
• Peta Bonham-Smith appointed Interim dean,
College of Arts and Science for the period July 13,
2015 to June 30, 2016.
• Mehdi Nemati appointed head of the Dept. of
Chemical and Biological Engineering effective July 1,
2015 to June 30, 2020.
• Heather Heavin appointed
to the position of associate
dean, research and graduate studies, College of Law
for a five-year term effective July 1, 2015.
Swatch, by Alexandra Thiesson, is on
display at the Gordon Snelgrove Gallery
from Aug. 31 – Sept. 11. A reception will
be held on Sept. 11 from 7 – 10 pm.
• Kalowatie Deonandan appointed as the acting
head of the Dept. of Political Studies for a six-month
term effective July 1, 2015.
• Loleen Berdahl
appointed as head of the
Dept. of Political Studies effective January 1, 2016 to
June 30, 2020.
The University of Saskatchewan
On Sept. 20, 2 to 3:30 pm at the W.A.
Edwards Family Centre, 333 4th Avenue
North, The University of Saskatchewan
Women is holding its fall coffee party
and membership registration. This is an
opportunity to learn more about the
social activities enjoyed by this association of present, former and retired women
faculty and spouses or partners of other
faculty members. Cost is $15 per year.
Coming Events
Next OCN: Friday, Sept. 25
Deadline: Thursday, Sept. 17
• Sam Butler appointed acting head of the Dept. of
Geological Sciences for a six-month term effective
July 1, 2015.
• Dr. Bindu Nair appointed assistant dean, student
services, College of Medicine for a five-year term
effective September 1, 2015.
• Janet Hill appointed as the acting head of the Dept. of Veterinary Microbiology for up to one year effective July 27, 2015.
September 11, 2015
Art and science at the
foundations of the universe
At the very foundations of the
universe, where even atoms are
huge, there lies a bewildering
menagerie of oddly named
particles like leptons and quarks,
baryons and gluons, and of
course, the famous Higgs boson,
all of which should be beyond our
comprehension—but they’re not.
As Tom Steele explained
it, mathematics can encompass
concepts impossible to express
in any spoken tongue. Even the
way that it is read differs from
regular language, seeming to
draw on both the logical areas of
the brain as well as those more
attuned to art.
“It amazes me that we
can use mathematics to describe
the physical world,” said Steele,
a theoretical particle physicist
and head of the Department of
Physics and Engineering Physics.
“I don’t see any reason why
this should be. Why should we
even be able to formulate the
complexity of the universe and
physical phenomena with mathematics?”
To illustrate, he pulls a
substantial-looking hardcover
book from the shelf lining a wall
of his office. He flips it open to
a page covered with short paragraphs of English text sandwiched between much longer
dense blocks of complex mathematical symbols. These describe
quantum mechanics.
Steele explained these blocks
of math are not read left-to-right,
top-to-bottom, like text. Rather
they are read both as individual
elements and as a whole, similar
to how an art aficionado would
take meaning from a painting.
The art analogy is also
used in his own specialty, the
exotic particles within the
field of quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Here, quarks are
assigned colours—a useful way
to understand how their various
charges “mix” together to form
larger particles.
“Quarks are not literally
red and green and blue, but
it’s a good concept to describe
how the actual charges come
together,” he said. “The underlying mathematics is a lot like
the phenomena of colour, so
that’s why it’s used.”
Steele is particularly interested in the idea of colour
confinement—that is, anything
in nature should be made up of
combinations of three “colours”
of quarks (actually three colours
and three “anticolours,” since
each quark has an antimatter
cousin). An analogy would be a
painter only being able to create
certain hues from a limited set of
starting pigments.
“Once you have the idea of
colour confinement, there are a
whole bunch of different things
you can do,” Steele said, citing
various odd combinations of
quarks and even “glueballs”
which are conglomerations of
pure gluons.
“I’ve been chasing those
particles—they’re called exotics—
all my working career,” he said.
A prolific researcher, Steele
has been continuously funded
through the Natural Science
Council for more than 25 years,
producing more than 100 papers.
The most recent, which came
out in July, was inspired by an
experiment at the Large Hadron
Collider aimed at shedding light
on why the universe is composed
almost entirely of matter but
almost no antimatter.
“It’s one of the big unanswered questions in physics,”
Steele said. “Why is the universe
dominated by matter instead
of antimatter? There’s a clear
imbalance in the universe, it’s a
big question and it’s unresolved.”
It’s the type of fundamental
question that has kept Steele
engaged for decades.
“Why shouldn’t we know
what matter is ultimately made
of?” he said. Steele suggested
starting with something easily
understood, like a table. We
understand its chemistry, that
is, what molecules the table is
made of, and even the atoms
that comprise those molecules.
But beyond that, things become
less certain.
“That leads us to all sorts
of other questions, like how
neutrons and protons interact
with electrons, how quarks
interact with each other—what
are the basic principles of that
that make matter the way it is?”
Steele said.
Tom Steele, head of the Department of Physics and Engineering Physics
One of the latest big
questions in Steele’s mind is dark
matter. Little is known about it,
but astronomers observe gravitational forces in deep space where
they can otherwise see nothing.
Something invisible is pulling on
the regular matter. Steele hopes
theoretical particle physics might
provide a clue to this mystery of
the universe.
“The Higgs (boson) is
supposed to impart mass to
matter, and we know dark matter
also has mass,” he explained.
“Because of this, we’re hoping the
Higgs might give us a window
into dark matter.” 
All you can eat.
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Find new options everyday in the heart
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September 11, 2015
The University of Saskatchewan deals in
knowledge; it’s in every lab, classroom,
facility and office on campus. This year’s
back page feature is searching for that
specialized knowledge that creates
beautiful results and helps make the U of S
a wonderful place to work and study.
Share your knowledge at
Model behaviour
Malcolm Whyte wears many, many hats.
As a simulation technology specialist, he recreates medical and clinical
scenarios for health science students in the interprofessional Clinical
Learning Resource Centre (CLRC). This requires a delicate, tactful mix of
skills and knowledge, ranging from information technology and audio/
video to health care, education and theatrics.
“My day can go from putting makeup of a burn on a mannequin to setting
up the medical scenario and getting supplies ready to scripting out what
we’re going to say and programming a mannequin,” he said.
Malcolm Whyte, simulation technology specialist
In total, he manages about 30 mannequins, which are used at distributed
learning sites across the province. But these mannequins are no dummies.
The most realistic, or high-fidelity, mannequins can be programmed to
speak, bleed, sweat, blink, seize and respond physiologically to medical
intervention. “They’re basically advanced computers with arms and legs,”
he said. “They have different parts in them that mimic us.”
With such versatile technology at his fingertips, Whyte can let his creativity
flow with certain simulations, especially if he’s providing the voice of
the patient. “Sometimes I like to play a 40 year old who cut his finger on
a tractor. He gets septic shock, and I like to give him a Southern kind of
accent,” he said with his best low drawl.
While amusing, the dash of personality adds to the realness of the scenario
and keeps the students engaged with their patient. “It helps people buy in
because they realize, ‘oh, I’m not just looking at this plastic thing, this is an
actual person and I have to treat him like an actual person.’” For Whyte, who
has a background in IT, electronics and broadcasting, seeing that “lightbulb
moment” is very rewarding.
He said that the main advantage of simulation technology is to give
students a controlled place to practice and think on their feet. “We make
things as real as we possibly can here so if you make a mistake—which in a
way, is kind of encouraged—that this is a safe learning environment.”