400.1.1 APPENDIX A THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO PLAN A NEW BACCALAUREATE, MASTER’S, OR C.A.S. PROGRAM Please submit this form electronically, using http://www.northcarolina.edu/content.php/apps/acadplan/appendixa.php. THE PURPOSE OF ACADEMIC PROGRAM PLANNING: Planning a new academic degree program provides an opportunity for an institution to make the case for need and demand and for its ability to offer a quality program. This notification, and the planning activity to follow, do not guarantee that authorization to establish will be granted.. Date: August 31, 2007 Constituent Institution: UNCW CIP Discipline Specialty Title: ??? CIP Discipline Specialty Number: Level: B M C.A.S. Exact Title of the Proposed Program: Oceanography______________________________________ Exact Degree Abbreviation (e.g. B.S., B.A., M.A., M.S., C.A.S.): B.S. Does the proposed program constitute a substantive change as defined by SACS? Yes__ No_X a) Is it at a more advanced level than those previously authorized? Yes__ No_X_ b) Is the proposed program in a new discipline division? Yes____ No _X___ Approximate date for submitting the Request to Establish proposal (must be within one year of date of submission of notification of intent to plan): May 2008_____________ Proposed date to establish degree: month: August___________ year: 2008_______ (Date can be no sooner than six months after the date of notification of intent to plan and must allow at least three months for review of the request to establish, once submitted.) 1. Describe the proposed new degree program. The description should include: a. a brief description of the program and a statement of educational objectives The Department of Geography and Geology in cooperation with the departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Physics and Physical Oceanography, Environmental Studies, and Biology and Marine Biology, will offer a well rounded, multi-disciplinary program leading to a BS degree in Oceanography. The program will be firmly grounded in all the basic sciences and math, but flexible enough to allow students to focus their studies in one area. The proposed program will consist of a core of roughly 23 hours, 12 of which are unique to the program, about 28 hours of collaterals, and a minimum of 18-20 hours of electives (total about 69). The educational objective of the program is to provide students with a firm foundation of content and concepts in the broad area of oceanography in order to prepare them for appropriate careers or advanced study, and to be well informed global citizens. Our goal is to train scientists with solid grounding in geosciences, chemistry, physics, and math, but whose broad exposure to the many aspects of marine sciences allows them to recognize and integrate the effects of complex interactions between sea, atmosphere and solid earth in order to solve contemporary problems. b. the relationship of the proposed new program to the institutional mission and how the program fits into the institution’s strategic plan The mission statement of UNCW states that it is a “…public comprehensive university dedicated to learning through the integration of teaching and mentoring with research and service.” It further emphasizes its commitment to providing “…an extensive array of programs at the baccalaureate and master’s levels…”, and to studying the “…heritage and environment of the Page 11 400.1.1 coastal region, and to enrich its quality of life, economy, and education.” (emphasis mine). The proposed program will expand upon the “array of programs” by taking advantage of the extensive faculty expertise in marine sciences already available at UNCW. It will provide students with an exciting new degree option in a discipline that is synonymous with UNCW. The new program will rely heavily on the coastal region as a natural laboratory for training students. University Strategic Goal I is “Create the most powerful learning experience for our students”. Establishment of a new BS program in oceanography would support this goal. c. the relationship of the proposed new program to other existing programs at the institution The proposed program will complement the existing minor in oceanography and the BS in Marine Biology. With judicious selection of electives, students in the new program could double major or minor in any of the other traditional science disciplines or in Marine Biology. d. special features or conditions that make the institution a desirable, unique, or appropriate place to initiate such a degree program. Marine science at UNCW has always been a strong draw for students and UNCW is well placed geographically and academically to offer a broad-based program in oceanography. The current faculty expertise, the historical emphasis on marine science, the Center for Marine Science, and the location of UNCW seven miles from the ocean make this an appropriate and long overdue program. 2. List all other public and private institutions of higher education in North Carolina currently operating programs similar to the proposed new degree program. North Carolina State University has a program leading to a BS in Marine Science offered by the Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Science (MEAS). The NCSU program is divided into focus areas that stress either geological, or physical oceanography. East Carolina University offers a minor in Coastal and Marine Studies but no similar major. No other institution in North Carolina has any similar baccalaureate degree programs. 3. Estimate the number of students that would be enrolled in the program during the first year of operation: Full-Time__50____ Part-Time___0___ 4. If there are plans to offer the program away from campus during the first year of operation: a. briefly describe these plans, including potential sites and possible method(s) of delivering instruction. b. indicate any similar programs being offered off-campus in North Carolina by other institutions (public or private) c. estimate the number of students that would be enrolled in the program during the first year of operation: Full-Time______ Part-Time______ 5. List the names, titles, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers of the person(s) responsible for planning the proposed program. Page 12 400.1.1 Dr. Richard A. Laws, Chair and Professor, Department of Geography and Geology, laws@uncw.edu; 910-962-4125 Dr. Lynn A. Leonard, Professor, Department of Geography and Geology, lynnl@uncw.edu; 910-9622338 This intent to plan a new program has been reviewed and approved by the appropriate campus committees and authorities, including the Chief Academic Officer. Yes ___ Contact Name _________________________________________________ Contact Title __________________________________________________ Contact Email Address __________________________________________ Page 13 400.1.1 This intent to plan a new program has been reviewed and approved by the appropriate campus committees and authorities, including the Chief Academic Officer. Yes ___ Contact Name _________________________________________________ Contact Title __________________________________________________ Contact Email Address __________________________________________ Page 14