STAFF SENATE MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, September 9th, 2015 McNeil Hall 1028 2:00 – 4:00 Called to Order 2:10 Confirmed Quorum In Attendance: Melissa, Cox, Dawn Brown, Linda Register, Ashley Cribb, Gary Brown, Zach Morgan, Erin St. Ledger, Karanda Jolly, Patty Fox, Angie Edwards, Jordan Hinkley, Lauren Auton, Courtney Lee, Kimberly Cockrell, Marsellas Williams, Amelie A. Brogden, Jennifer Mackethan, Veronica Sills, Brenda Jarrell, Megan Allred, Gina Bowen Approved August meeting minutes 2:11 Read Conflict of Interest Statement: “As Parliamentarian of the UNCW Staff Senate, it is my responsibility to remind all members of the Senate of their duty under UNCW Staff Senate conflicts of interest policy to avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict of interest as required by this policy. Each member has received the agenda and related information for this Senate meeting. If any delegate knows of any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the UNCW Staff Senate at this meeting, the conflict or appearance of conflict should be identified at this time.” CHAIR’S UPDATE 1. Staff assembly has been off assuming October 2. Leadership council had been expanded. More committees. Dawn told Leadership Council that we are sending out a priorities survey and group was very supportive. 3. Information from Mark Lanier--waiting on state budget. Proposed $750 bonus one time money is on the table for staff. No word on bonus leave. TREASURER’S REPORT We are still waiting on money from State Assembly and for budget allocation from State. HUMAN RESOURCES REPORT We currently do not have a liaison from HR since Lori Preiss left campus. HR will assign someone soon. COMMITTEES REPORT Communications 1. Put in TAC ticket for website updates. Did not meet. 2. There is a staff senate email We can send out emails out to staff from this email. 3. Will send information about survey by various means. Orientation did not meet but are updating information. Scholarship 1. Applications will be open for one month. 2. Information will be put in SWOOP soon. 3. Closes Oct 15th. 4. Checking on funds. Faculty Senate. Report by Zach Morgan. These are things of particular interest to staff: 1. Admin position for distance Ed and will move it out from under provost 2. What impacts does growth have on staff? Provost replied that growth will consider staff needs. 3. FS Discussion on enrollment and will closely watch for it. 4. Chancellor is planning to do a regional tour raising profile for UNCW. Tour may not be as large as it once was planned. Staff may be able to help chancellor make connections Staff Priorities 1. Survey will go live next Tuesday in SWOOP and will be out for 3 weeks. 2. Will send out email to staff and send flyers out. 3. Signing up for Giveaways IS optional. 4. Very good prizes: Coffee, bookstore, sport tickets, food bucks. 5. Must verify if staff senators are eligible for winning. 6. Hoping for great participation (50 to 80%). 7. Please campaign for coworker participation. 8. October meeting will be to discuss survey results. Meagan Jolly will handle back of campus. Beth valdrighti to contact police. Make sure an H R representative or person in legislature is present so questions about survey results can be asked of them. By laws: 1. Received several emails about bylaws suggesting Chair terms be extended to 2 years instead of one, and discuss associate chairs roles. 2. Bylaws committee will review terms and roles and return their suggestions to the Senate. NEW BUSINESS Bylaws Election Discussion—group did not meet Elected Staff Assembly Alternate—Zach Morgan GUEST SPEAKERS 3:00 Pat Leonard-Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Brief introduction. Tom Rakes from the Career Center and Editor of Hawk E-News shared following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Hawk E-News is for campus events only. No attachments allowed. Comes out on Tuesday nights. Deadline Noon Thursday before. Initiated from Student Affairs. Items considered are gathered from calendar of events and are varied on purpose. Main purpose of this newsletter is to be the major mechanism to communicate to students. 7. Does not mean that emergency emails would not go out to students or that emails to specific student segments cannot be sent. It does mean to prevent mass emails to entire 15,000 students. 8. Discussed how to make the campus community aware about this information vehicle and the guideline for submissions. Janine Iamunno-Executive Director, Office of University Relations 1. Goal for her team is to make most people happy some of the time. 2. Email policy in place for years that restricted all campus wide emails with the exception of emails from the Chancellor. 3. Departments cannot send info to all staff, but Staff Senate can email entire staff if we deem it worth of amplification. 4. There are many, many avenues for staff senate to use to get information to staff. 5. SWOOP has 40% open rate. Typical newsletter has 8-10%. ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM DEPARTMENTS ADJOURNED 3:50 PLEASE NOTE LOCATION OF OUR NEXT STAFF SENATE MEETING: Wednesday October 14th, 2015 **McNeil 1028**