Document 12074184

Staff Senate Meeting Minutes
Wednesday January 7th, 2015
Location: Azalea A/B
2:00 – 4:00 P.M.
Call to Order
Conflict of Interest Statement read by Melissa Cox (read at 2:50)
Confirmation of Quorum (16 members needed for quorum) verified at 2:05
Approval of minutes from October 2014 meeting approved at 2:05
Chancellor Sederburg and Chief of Staff, Max Allen
Chancellor discussed his goals in coming to this University:
1. First goal: Create positive energy by allowing people to talk about issues with him through forums and remove
lingering issues that he could quickly address while he was here.
2. Second goal: Making a decision about how to best use the athletic sports budget. The decision was made to eliminate
certain sports programs as recommended for a better use of the limited amount of money that is allotted for our sport
3. Third goal was to help the get the University ready for a new chancellor. Challenge is how much to do because too
much can be a disservice to the new chancellor and school.
Chancellor discussed three issues percolating right now: Tuition increases, chancellor search, and pay.
1. Asking for 4% tuition. If approved, this raise will allow for pay raises to get everyone to 85%. Fees are increasing as
2. Max Allen updated us on the search. Committee is meeting in late January to narrow candidate list and interviews will
happen in February. Search is a “hybrid”. The way the search is made is determined by the Governor’s office, not
3. Legislature is convening and our number one priority is approaching the legislature for pay increases. Also, concerned
about to keep employees by exploring non-monetary ways to enhance jobs and improve employee retention.
Chancellor closed and asked for questions. He then answered questions from Senators.
o One was about employee telecommunicating.
o Second was why the decision was made to cut track. He gave us detailed information about why the decision was
Guest: Patty Hale was not able to attend because she was out on a family emergency. She will come in February.
Old Business:
 Staff Priorities:
o Progress on Staff priorities list as discussed in December’s workshop.
o Discussion of using “resolution” approach for issues we want to present to Chancellor vs. making a list to present
to the Chancellor in the spring of the year. It was discussed that the resolution component would in place of or if it
would be in addition to the priorities list.
o It was decided that the staff priorities committee will have a meeting to discuss the workshop list and possibly
putting out a simple survey to get staff input.
New Business:
 Proposed changes to bylaws: postponed to another date because we no longer have a quorum to vote.
Human Resources:
 Check paychecks in January to make sure deductions are correct.
 Consent to receive W-2 electronically.
 Patty Hale will come and discuss adverse weather policy.
 Treasurer’s report will be included in minutes.
 A few items were shared from the Faculty Senate meeting and the Chancellor’s forum.
 No staff assembly report.
 Orientation 218 freshman and 123 transfer students this semester.
 Also, there will be 26 new employees at orientation tomorrow.
 Keep bringing volunteer opportunities and continue to build volunteerism among staff.
 We are not doing the croquet this year for Intercultural week.
Adjourned 3:55
Balance for Staff Senate Accts as of Jan. 6th as reported by Linda Register via email:
Staff Senate Scholarship
Trust Fund
Staff Senate General Funds Acct.
Endowment Fund
Balance as of Jan. 6th
Balance as of Jan. 6th
Balance as of Jan. 6th
Balance as of Jan. 6th