Staff Senate Meeting Minutes June 4, 2014

Staff Senate Meeting Minutes
June 4, 2014
Members Present: Sean Ahlum, Mandy Baker, Gina Bowen, Tiffany Bowie, Anne Branigin, Dawn Brown,
Gary Brown, Lauren Brunell, Kimberly Cockrell, Melissa Cox, Angie Edwards, Kevin Farver, Patty Fox,
Stephanie Herring, Mandy Hodge, Terry Ismert, Katie Lange, Sam Nevarez, Cheryl Nichols, Jarrett Piner,
Carol Porter, Bill Powell, Lori Preiss, Linda Register, Cindy Retchin, Beth Roberts, Tara Romanella, Carl
Torok, Peggy Wichmann, Sarah White, Crystal Wilson
Members Absent: Chris Padgett
Ex-Officio Members Present: Lori Preiss
Special leave must be used by June 30 .
July 4 up to departments, some departments will not work summer hours that week 8 – 5.
Patty Fox called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM
1. Terry Ismert confirmed that we had quorum (16 members).
2. The minutes from the May 7, 2014 meeting were approved.
Dr. Jess Boersma, Associate Professor, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Director ETEAL
 Has been on Faculty Senate since he has been here.
 Just appointed director ETEAL.
 Really important for Faculty Senate and Staff Senate to work together.
 ETEAL is a quality enhancement plan and campus wide initiative for anyone who would like to
ETEAL Goals:
1. Communicate the significance of their educational development at the conclusion of the
2. Provide faculty and staff with information and resources about successful practices in applied
learning pedagogy as appropriate to their discipline and responsibilities.
3. Promote the incorporation and implementation of successful practices of applied learning
throughout UNCW.
ETEAL 3-Pronged Approach
1. Applied Learning Summer Institute
a. Held in summer, all are welcome – last week in July
b. National and campus experts
c. Focus on high-impact practices in Applied Learning
d. Professional Development and Networking
e. Preparation for funded initiatives
2. ETEAL-supported Pedagogy Initiatives
a. Funding for deeper and richer Applied Learning experiences
b. Provides data regarding effectiveness of applied learning as modality
c. Up to $3,500 for salary support, materials, and travel
d. Next RFP for Spring and Summer 2015 out in early Fall 2014 – see SWOOP
3. Applied Learning and Teaching Community
a. Promote Applied Learning
b. Network across disciplines
c. Create a sustainable community
d. Events and Workshops
e. GA support for Applied Learning initiatives
f. Identifying needs and leveraging resources
g. Faculty fellowships
Mr. Charlie Maimone, Vice Chancellor, Business Affairs
 Showed the university’s budget on a power point
 Discussed the budget in speculation
 He has been given only the Governor’s and Senate’s budgets.
 Budget has not gone to the House
 Room for UNCW to grow online degree programs.
 Master’s programs are the fastest growing programs.
Outdoor enhancement
 Athletics and recreation and academic uses for outdoor spaces
 Any facility can be used for an academic space.
 They have worked with a consultant to see how UNCW can better utilize its outdoor space.
 They are thinking of lining up Hurst Drive with dirt road and exit that road at Galloway Hall. This
is to try to get some traffic off Regal Road.
 Discussion and speculation for the Sports Fitness Park.
Human Resources Report: Lori Priess, Director of Employment & Compensation, Human
 Discussed July 4 time/leave keeping.
 It is up to each department
 Some departments are working 8 – 5, with an hour for lunch, Monday through Thursday and
taking Friday off.
 As long as your timesheet reflects a 40 hour work week
Committee Reports:
Bylaws Committee – Bill Powell, Chair
Did not meet
 Proposed by Beth Roberts from Scholarship Committee
 Wording for scholarship committee – get wording from SS website
 Changing to way we are lining up with Financial Aid. Based on their questions, the software will
line the applicants in priority. Motion was approved to use Financial Aid’s software to choose our
Communications Committee – Mandy Hodge, Chair
Did not meet
Fund Raising Committee – Sarah White, Chair
Did not meet
Legislative Education Committee – Carl Torok, Chair
 A lot going on with salary, everybody has raises in the works. Typical short session.
 University Day – in Raleigh – Staff Assembly President attended and will report what happened to
campus chairs
Nominations and Elections Committee – Lauren Brunell, Chair
Did not meet
Orientation Committee – Carol Porter, Chair
Did not meet
 Tiffany Bowie represented Staff Senate at the New Employee Orientation
Public Relations Committee – Katie Lange, Chair
Did not meet
Scholarship Committee – Beth Roberts, Chair
Staff Senate scholarship winner
 Karen Ladley – Fall 2014, Coordinator, Testing Services
Staff Priority Issues – Kimberly Cockrell, Chair
Quick meeting today after the meeting
Executive Committee – Patty Fox, Chair
 May 21 – follow up with Max for Staff Priority List – gave him until June 30 to reply
Staff Assembly Report  Staff Assembly brought two resolutions to President Ross
 One is to reinstate the third tuition waver for staff
 Second is the salary increase either $1500 or 3% without benefits included.
 Spoke about golf tournament
 BOG primary $25,000, BCBS $10,000. Hoping to have the staff scholarship endowed ($50,000)
this year. President Ross said to award a scholarship this year regardless.
 William Fleming spoke no updates. He did answer questions regarding our role as staff senators.
We are to stay above the weeds and take a global look at what is going on on our campuses and
forward that information to President Ross.
Treasurer’s Report –
Tiffany Bowie
New Business
Conflict of Interest Statement needs to be read before each Staff Senate meeting. The statement reads
as follows:
“As Chair of the UNC Staff Assembly, it is my responsibility to remind all members of the Assembly of
their duty under UNC Staff Assembly conflicts of interest policy to avoid conflicts of interest and
appearances of conflict of interest as required by this policy. Each member has received the agenda
and related information for this Assembly meeting. If any delegate knows of any conflict of interest or
appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the UNC Staff Assembly at this
meeting, the conflict or appearance of conflict should be identified at this time. “
Outgoing senators were recognized for their contributions and time.
Old Business
Regarding the Staff Travel Global Grant Scholarship
 Staff Senate would like to help International Programs increase the applicants for the grant.
 Dr. DiPuccio has offered to move the deadline date up to September 15 to be used by June 30,
 Tara said that we could do slides on UNCW TV, SWOOP, news, etc.
 Patty said that applicants should begin now the application process, as the background
information takes longer than one would expect
The letter on behalf of Staff Senate will not be going out.
 Our bylaws state: “The group advises the chancellor and senior officers on issues and concerns
that are important to staff and supports the administration in the achievement of the university’s
 There are guidelines for conducting a closed meeting.
o 48 – 72 hours notice before conducting a closed meeting
 We can still pursue the letter but with the Legal Department’s guidance.
 Discussion followed.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:00
Respectfully submitted,
Carol B. Porter