UNCW Writing Conference for Educators Proposal for 55-Minute Sessions

UNCW Writing Conference for Educators
Proposal for 55-Minute Sessions
Friday evening through Sunday, September 25-27, 2015
Watson College of Education, University of North Carolina Wilmington
As some of you know, we changed our summer conference to fall this year due to renovations of the Watson
College of Education Building and the Parking Deck. We hope you will submit a proposal for the fall weekend,
September 25-27, registration beginning at 5:00 and sessions at 5:30, dinner at 6:30 and dinner speaker Brian
Cambourne at 7:00.
We invite you to submit a program proposal for our 3rd Annual Conference. Proposals must be received no later
than July 15, 2015. Lead presenters submitting proposals will be notified of the committee’s decision by August 8.
All proposals should be submitted online at the conference site: http://www.uncw.edu/ed/cncwc/. Please direct
any questions to Dr. Debbie Powell at powelld@uncw.edu.
Presenters will be required to register for the conference and pay a nominal registration fee of $40 (regardless of
how many days the presenters attend). Please pre-register before September 1 for this discount. If this proposal
is accepted, it is your responsibility to inform your co-presenters for the proposal acceptance and date and time of
the presentation.
The participants will choose to join one of three strands. Each strand will have 5 sessions besides the keynote
speakers and the grade-level breakout sessions. The strand leaders will also have an opportunity to facilitate
participants’ integration of all of the ideas presented into the over-arching strand idea. The following topics in
each strand are intended to inspire rather than limit proposals. Choose from the list of ideas, or if other than
listed, define the focus of your proposal in the abstract.
Possible topics to consider in writing your proposal
1. Teaching Writing
Skills— Without
Killing the Writer
2. Audience,
Purpose, Publishing,
and Power
3. Genres Take Form
from their Purpose
We seek presentations that
address the teaching of
writing skills in new, engaging,
innovative, and (dare we say)
fun ways. In particular, we
seek methods that teach
writing skills in the context of
writing including:
 spelling,
 word study,
 grammar,
 punctuation,
 form/style
 Writing is a very powerful
way to say something
about the world. We seek
proposals that address this
power writers have to
inform and influence.
 Authentic writing means
authentic audiences, for a
real purpose, and
publishing in the best way
to inform, entertain or
influence the audience.
 Without publishing, science
isn’t science; students have
no voice; and ideas remain
private. Publishing no
longer refers to just writing
on paper; video, theatre,
new digital and networked
mediums, books and
magazines may be
explored in this strand.
 Texts vary in design
techniques and features of
 “Story” is still king! Looking at
how narrative is used
effectively and creatively in
all types of writing like
journalism, science writing,
documentaries, poetry, sports
writing, etc.
 Writing without print—
looking at writing forms that
don’t have the printed word
at the center: podcasts, video,
comics/graphic novels, photo
essays, documentaries, etc.
 Informational and non-fiction
writing take on many forms
 Opinion and Arguments give
students influence over
 Experience the beauty of
poetry writing and the sense
of feeling it gives to both the
writer and reader.
 Genre and author studies help
students learn from the
This year we have based the strands on the NCTE Beliefs about the Teaching of Writing from the Writing Study
Group, 2004, and the Common Core Standards for Writing, Language, and Speaking and Listening.
Friday, September 25, 5:30-8 pm; Saturday, September 26, 8:30-5; and Sunday, September 27, 10:30 am-2:30. If
your proposal is selected, we will assign you a time. Sessions are 55-minute presentations and usually include
opportunities for active involvement. Sessions may include research reports, workshops, demonstrations, or panel
Complete all required fields.
Name (First and Last)
Street (mailing) Address
E-mail Address
Please list all additional presenters.
1. Name and Position
School System/University or Affiliation
E-mail Address
2. Name and Position
School System/University or Affiliation
E-mail Address
Title of Presentation & Description (limit abstract to 60 words). Keep in mind that your title and description
are what entice attendees to your session, so be as specific and creative as possible!
2. Targeted Strand (write “yes” next to one choice):
Teaching Writing Skills— Without Killing the Writer
Audience, Purpose, Publishing, and Power
Genres Take Form from their Purpose
3. Session Details
Audience: For whom is your presentation most appropriate (teachers of what grade levels; teachers and
community members who are aspiring to publish)?
Objectives of the 45-minute session
What the participants will do
What the participants will learn
Outline of session
4. Are you willing to repeat your session if asked? Yes or no?
UNCW will provide wireless internet access, a power supply cord, screen, LCD projector, computer and document
camera - if additional equipment is required, please request here and we will do our best to provide you with the
necessary AV equipment.
Rooms in the Watson College will be set with round tables. Each room holds approximately 25 people. We will be
able to tell you the exact number a week before the conference. Any special requests?