Table 7 Field Experiences and Clinical Practice by Program Program Elementary Education, 1-5 (BA, Initial) Secondary Education, 6-12 (BS, Initial) Field Experiences Candidates spend 210(225) clock hours doing classroom observations, case studies, lesson planning, instruction, and assessment of students' learning. EDFN201 (20), PSYC203 (5), PSYC301 (20), ELED340 (30), SPED202 (10), HUMN435 (5), CURR450 (5), ELED341 (30), ELED342 (20), CURR375 (10), H&PE333 (5), ELED441 (20), ELED442 (20), ELED443 (5), EDFN401 (20) Candidates spend 225 clock hours doing classroom observations, case studies, lesson planning, instruction, and assessment of students' learning. EDFN201 (20), PSYC205 (5), PSYC301 (20), CURR375A (20), CURR303 (20), CURR302 (20), READ418 (20), CURR304 (20), CURR483B (80) Clinical Practice (Student Teaching or Internship) Student teachers spend 525 clock hours at two school sites and teach at two grade levels (525) Student teachers spend 525 clock hours in the primary focus area placement. CURR456 (525) Total Number of Hours 735 750 Art Education Grades K-12 (BA, initial) Foreign Language Education Grades K-12 French (BA, initial) Foreign Language Education Grades K-12 Spanish (BA, initial) Candidates spend 185 hours doing lesson planning, instruction, and assessment of students' learning. EDFN201 (20), SCIE102 (5), SCIE104 (5), PSYC203 (5), PSYC205 (5), EDFN401 (20), PSYC301 (20), CURR303 (20), CURR375A (10), ART418 (20), ART411 (10), ART412 (30), READ419 (15) Candidates spend 195 clock hours doing lesson planning, instruction, and assessment of students' learning. EDFN201 (20), SCIE102 (5), SCIE104 (5), PSYC203 (5), PSYC205 (5), EDFN401 (20), PSYC301 (20), CURR303 (20), CURR375A (10), ELED341 (30), FREN473 (10), FREN474 (30) Candidates spend 195 clock hours doing lesson planning, instruction, and assessment of students' learning. EDFN201 (20), SCIE102 (5), SCIE104 (5), PSYC203 (5), PSYC205 (5), EDFN401 (20), PSYC301 (20), CURR303 (20), CURR375A (10), ELED341 (30), Student teachers spend 370 clock hours in the primary focus area placement. CURR456 (270), CURR483A (100) 425 Student teachers spend 370 clock hours in the primary focus area placement. CURR456 (270), CURR483A (100) 565 Student teachers spend 370 clock hours in the primary focus area placement. CURR456 (270), CURR483A (100) 565 SPAN473 (10), SPAN474 (30), READ419 (15) Health and Physical Education Grades K-12 (BS, initial) Instrumental Music Education Grades K-12 (BME, initial) Candidates spend 150 clock hours doing gymnasium observations, lesson planning, instruction, and assessment of students' learning. KINS211 (20), KINS202 (10), KINS306 (15), KINS333 (5), KINS334 (15), KINS335 (10), CURR375A (20), KINS403 (5), KINS 408 (10), READ 418A (20), KINS 431 (10), PSYC203 (5), PSYC205 (5) Candidates spend 129 clock hours doing classroom observations, case studies, lesson planning, instruction, and assessment of students' learning. EDFN201 (20), SCIE102 (5), SCIE104 (5), MSED322 (18), PSYC203 (5), MSED332 (18), MSED 424 (18), PSYC205 (5), PSYC301 (20), READ419 (15) Student teachers spend 370 clock hours in the primary focus area placement. CURR456 (270), CURR483A (100) 520 Student teachers spend 270 clock hours in the primary focus area placement. MSED455 (270) 404 Vocal Music Education Grades K-12 (BME, initial) Vocal and Instrumental Education Grades K-12 (BME, initial) M.Ed. In Curriculum and Instruction, Early Childhood Education (Advanced) Candidates spend 111 clock hours doing classroom observations, case studies, lesson planning, instruction, and assessment of students' learning. EDFN201 (20), SCIE102 (5), SCIE104 (5), MSED322 (18), PSYC203 (5), PSYC205 (5), MSED332 (18), PSYC301 (20), READ419 (15) Candidates spend 129 clock hours doing classroom observations, case studies, lesson planning, instruction, and assessment of students' learning. EDFN201 (20), SCIE102 (5), SCIE104 (5), MSED322 (18), PSYC203 (5), MSED332 (18), MSED 424 (18), PSYC205 (5), READ419 (15), PSYC301 (20) Candidates spend 220 clock hours in varied school sites analyzing and interpreting test scores, integrating lessons in specified subject area including grouping strategies to accommodate diverse learners, planning and teaching two standardsbased lessons using strategies appropriate for cognitive levels. EDLE500 (20), ELED451 (20), Student teachers spend 270 clock hours in the primary focus area placement. MSED455 (270) 386 Student teachers spend 270 clock hours in the primary focus area placement. MSED455 (270) 386 Candidates spend 100 clock hours in instruction, supervision, or administration in public schools or higher education. ELED683 (100) 320 M.Ed. In Curriculum and Instruction, Elementary Education Grades 1-5 (advanced) CURR518 (20), ELED521 (20), ELED546 (20), CURR573 (20), ELED453 (20), ELED509 (20), CURR523 (20), CURR545 (20), EDLE505 (20) Candidates spend 200 clock hours in varied school sites analyzing and interpreting test scores, planning and teaching lessons to include grouping strategies to accommodate diverse learners, developing school-wide discipline plans and outlining procedures for implementation. EDLE500 (20), ELED511 (10), CURR518 (20), ELED521 (20), ELED546 (20), CURR573 (20), ELED533 (20), ELED510 (10), CURR523 (20), CURR545 (20), CURR545 (20), EDLE505 (20) Candidates spend 100 clock hours in instruction, supervision, or administration in public schools or higher education. ELED683 (100) 300 M.Ed. In Curriculum and Instruction, Instructional Technology Facilitation (advanced) M.Ed. In Curriculum and Instruction, Middle School Education (advanced) Candidates spend 200 clock hours in varied school sites doing lesson planning, developing technology projects, evaluating school software and hardware, observations, designing and implementing lessons and strategies that integrate technology to meet the diverse needs of learners, planning and teaching a lesson that includes modification and adaptation. EDLE500 (20), EDIT525 (20), CURR518 (20), EDIT625 (20), CURR573 (20), CURR482 (20), CURR/EDIT555 (20), EDIT626 (20), CURR523 (20), CURR545 (20), EDLE505 (20) Candidates spend 180 clock hours planning and teaching appropriate middle school and secondary content lessons, implementing two specific methods to teach P-12 students in content specialty and to analyze and interpret results. EDLE500 (20), CURR503 (20), CURR518 (20), READ502 (20), CURR573 (20), READ418 (20), CURR523 (20), Candidates spend 100 clock hours in instruction, supervision, or administration in public schools or higher education. CURR683 (100) 320 Candidates spend 100 clock hours in a middle school level building requisite knowledge and skills for selecting and implementing best practices teaching models congruent with specific teaching and learning needs. CURR684 (100) 280 CURR545 (20), EDLE505 (20) M.Ed. In Curriculum and Instruction, Reading Education (advanced) M.Ed. In Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary Education (advanced) Candidates spend 240 clock hours observing, planning and teaching reading lessons, administering and interpreting appropriate reading assessment, prescribing plans to address reading deficiencies. EDLE500 (20), READ502 (20), CURR518 (20), SPED501 (20), CURR573 (20), READ525 (20), READ418 (20), READ514 (20), CURR523 (20), CURR545 (20), EDLE505 Candidates spend 120 clock hours in varied school sites analyzing and interpreting test scores, planning and teaching lessons to include grouping strategies to accommodate diverse learners, developing school-wide discipline plans and outlining procedures for implementation. EDLE500 (20), CURR518 (20), CURR573 (20), Candidates spend 100 clock hours in varied school sites diagnosing and correcting reading difficulties. READ507 (100) 340 Candidates spend 100 clock hours in a secondary school level building requisite knowledge and skills for selecting and implementing best practices teaching models congruent with specific teaching and learning needs. CURR684 (100) 220 M.Ed. In Curriculum and Instruction in Special Education, Early Intervention (advanced) M.Ed. In Curriculum and Instruction in Special Education, Educational Diagnostician (advanced) CURR523 (20), EDLE505 (20) Candidates spend 250 clock hours doing diagnostic evaluation and intervention strategies, interactive lessons, and lesson planning that includes modification and adaptation. EDLE500(20), SPED525(20), CURR518(20), SPED504(50), ELED/SPED453(20), CURR573(20), SPED527(20), SPED531(20), CURR523(20), CURR545(20), EDLE505(20) Candidates spend 250 clock hours doing diagnostic/prescriptive work samples with multiple assessments, implementing two specific methods to teacher P-12 students in content specialty and to analyze and interpret results, creating a school improvement plan, conducting professional development activities for faculty. EDLE500(20), SPED550(20), CURR518(20) PSYC507(20), SPED502(20), CURR573(20), SPED501(20), CURR523(20), Candidates spend 50 clock hours doing comprehensive assessment portfolios, a videotaped IFSP/IEP lesson planned, implemented, and evaluated. SPED526(50) 300 Candidates spend 100 clock hours doing a Comprehensive Assessment Portfolio documenting practicum activities and reflections at the school site. SPED572(100) 350 CURR545(20), EDLE505(20), SPED561B(50) M.Ed. In Curriculum and Instruction in Special Education, Academically Gifted (advanced) Candidates spend 220 clock hours at various school sites doing analyzation and interpretation of test scores and writing prescriptive outcome plans for school improvement, designing and implementing instruction that adapts literacy materials and methods for advanced content, establishing and evaluating a collaborative mentorship. EDLE500(20), SPED575(20), CURR518(20), SPED576(20), SPED578(20), CURR573(20), SPED574(20), SPED550(20), CURR523(20), CURR545(20), EDLE505(20) Candidates spend 100 clock hours doing comprehensive assessment portfolios including portfolio artifacts to show measured gain in analyzing and instructing for exceptional needs. SPED577(100) 320 M.Ed. In Curriculum and Instruction in Special Education, Mild/Moderate Disabilities (advanced) M.A.T. in Elementary Education Grades 1-5 (initial) Candidates spend 220 clock hours at various school sites doing analyzation and interpretation of test scores and writing prescriptive outcome plans for school improvement, work samples of Positive Behavioral Supports, Functional Behavioral Assessment, and Behavior Intervention Plan; portfolio of methods and materials used with exceptional students to include design and implementation of inclusion plan and videotape of inclusive lesson from that plan; Transition plan for student with disabilities. EDLE500(20), SPED561(20), CURR518(20), SPED507(20), SPED505(20), CURR573(20), SPED506(20), SPED501(20), CURR523(20), CURR545(20), EDLE505(20) Nine field experiences, minimum 6 hours each in elementary schools, including instruction, observations, identification, and child contact projects by interns. Total: 108 hours. EDFN401 (6), PSYC503 (10), Candidates spend 100 clock hours doing site based internship which includes a comprehensive assessment portfolio including videotape of assessment of students with special needs and implementation of prescribed instructional strategies. SPED566(100) 320 Two 18-week semesters of full-time teaching in certification area (internship). Total: 1260 hours. CURR483A (1260) 1368 CURR500A (10), CURR545A (10), ELED511 (20), ELED510 (20), KINS442 (6), EDFN581 (6), READ502 (20) M.A.T. in Secondary Education Grades 6-12 (initial) M.A.T. in Multiple Level Grades K-12 (initial) Nine field experiences, minimum 10 hours each in secondary schools (612), including instruction, assessment, analysis, and observation by interns. Total: 90 hours. READ418A (10), CURR500B (10), CURR545B(10), PSYC505 (10), CURR503 (10), CURR556 (10), EDFN401 (10), EDFN581 (6), CURR542 (10) Nine field experiences, minimum 6 hours each in elementary schools, including instruction, observations, identification, and child contact projects by interns. Total: 132 hours. CURR500B (20), CURR545B (20), EDFN401 (10), PSYC503 (10), CURR556 (20), READ502 (20), PSYC505 (10), ELED509 (15), EDFN581 (6) Two 18-week semesters of full-time teaching in certification area (internship). Total: 1260 hours. CURR483B (1260) 1350 Two 18-week semesters of full-time teaching in certification area (internship). Total: 1260 hours. CURR483 (1260) 1392 M.A.T. in Special Education Mild/Moderate Grades 1-12 (initial) Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction (advanced) Ed.D. in Educational Leadership (advanced) M.Ed. In Educational Leadership (advanced) Eight field experiences, minimum 6 hours each in schools including observation, instruction, assessment, analysis, and interviews. Total: 86 hours. SPED503 (10), CURR545A or B (10), EDFN581 (6), SPED505 (10), SPED502 (10), READ502 (20), SPED506 (10), PSYC552 (10), READ501 (12) Candidates spend 50 clock hours doing service initiatives and 50 clock hours of seminar Candidates spend 50 clock hours doing service initiatives and 50 clock hours of seminar Candidates spend a minimum of 145 clock hours doing observations, conducting parent conferences/workshops, conducting professional development sessions, developing vision/mission for their school site, etc. EDLE500 (20), EDLE505 (20), EDLE510 (10), EDLE515 (10 min.), EDLE520 (14), EDLE530 (13), EDLE535 (24), EDLE540 (14), EDLE545 (10), EDLE550 (10) Two 18-week semesters of full-time teaching in certification area (internship). Total: 1260 hours. SPED562 (1260) 1346 Interns spend 200 supervised clock hours at the placement site. 300 Interns spend 200 supervised clock hours at the placement site. 300 Candidates spend 240 clock hours performing activities, as specified, from Manual of Guidelines and Forms for the Professional Leadership Internship. EDLE555 (120), EDLE560 (120) 385 M.Ed. In Educational Technology Leadership (advanced) M.Ed. In Counseling (advanced) Candidates spend a minimum of 310 clock hours developing and delivering technology staff development to inservice teachers/administrators, organizing/leading a school improvement team and administering a learning community designed to enhance student performance enhancement, stakeholder involvement, or faculty professional development. CURR518 (20), EDIT623 (20), EDIT628 (20), EDIT626 (20), EDIT555 (20), EDIT628 (20), EDIT627 (20), EDIT680 (20), EDLE500 (50), EDLE505 (50), EDLE515 (50) Candidates spend a minimum of 100 clock hours with 60 of those hours being direct client contact. Candidates provide vocational, educational, personal, and family counseling under faculty supervision. COUN565 (100) Candidates spend 100 clock hours developing performance contracts with supervisors, maintaining an activity log, and completing at least two major projects (including critiques of current assigned technology literature and developing and delivering staff development module). EDIT683 (100) 410 Candidates spend a minimum of 600 clock hours with 240 of those hours being direct client contact hours. Candidates do supervised work experience in clinics, schools, colleges, or other agencies engaged in professional counseling and therapy services. COUN670 (600) 700 Specialist in School Psychology (SSP) Candidates spend 20 clock hours across two semesters doing classroom observations, case studies, interventions, consultations and assessment of students' learning, behaviors, and abilities while enrolled in PSYC 588A and 588B. Candidates spend 240 clock hours across two semesters participating in/completing all activities of a school psychologist under strict supervision while enrolled in Practicum (PSYC 591). Students enrolled in PSYC 592 spend 1200 clock hours across 2 semesters working fulltime as school psychologists. At least 600 hours must be completed in a school setting. 1480