NOTICE OF CANCELLATION INCH-POUND F-B-2902 NOTICE 1 28 February 2001 FEDERAL SPECIFICATION BOILERS, STEAM WATERTUBE (BENT TUBE MULTI-DRUM AND CROSS DRUM) PACKAGED TYPE (10,000,000 TO 125,000,000 BTU/HR THERMAL OUTPUT CAPACITY) F-B-2902, dated 17 January 1997, is hereby cancelled without replacement. MILITARY INTEREST: Custodians: Air Force - 99 Army - CE Navy - YD DLA - CC Preparing activity: DLA - CC (Project 4410-0105) Review activity: Air Force - 84 Navy – MC, SA AMSC N/A DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. FSC 4410 [INCH-POUND] F-B-2902 lUIY~ 17.1997 SUPERSEDING MIL-B-I 7095H 20 August 1990 FEDERAL SPECIFICATION BOILERS, STEAM WATERTUBE (BENT TUBE, MULTI-DRUM AND CROSS DRUM) PACKAGED TYPE (10,000,000 TO 125,000,000 BTU/HR THE RMAL OUTPUT CAPACITY) I%e General Savicea Administration hasauthorized theuseofthis specification by allFedendagencies. 1. SCOPE AND CLASSIFICATION 1.I This specification covers wstatube packaged boiler units. (bent tube, multidm~ and cross drum) The boilers covered by this specification are intended for generation of steam to be used in processing opemtions and space heating systems in land installations. 1.2 Q@&@itQ. The boilers are of the following types, sizes, md classes (see 6.2). TYPES Type I - Steam boiler producing low pressure steam not greater thsm 15 pounds per square inch gsgepreksure(psig)(103 kilopsscals gage (IrPag)). Type tl - Steam boil= producing high pressure steam between 16 md 150 psig (111 and 1034 I&@. Type ID - Steam boiler producing high pressure steam between 15I and 350 psig (1 041 snd241.3 kpag). Type IV - Steam boilm producing high pressure steam between 35 I snd 600 psig (2420 and 4137 kpag). Beneficial canrnents, recommendations, additio~ deletions, clarifications, etc. tmd any data which may improve this document should be sent to: Commanding Officer (Code 1581), Naval Constmction Battalion Center, PortHueneme, CA 93043-4301, by using the Standsrdution IMwrsent.Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. FSC441O AMSC MA ~ STA~ ~. Approved for public.relcas~ distribution is unlimited. F-B-2902 SIZES Size 3 - Boiler steam output capacity between 10000 and 36100 pounds per hour (PPH) (4536 and 16375 kilograms (troy) per hour (kgph)). Size 4 - Boiler atearn output ca~achy between 36101 and 125000 PPH (I6375md56699 kgph). CLASSES Class I - Heavy oil tired. Class 2- Light oil fired. clasa3-Gastired. Class 4- Combination heavy oil and gas fired. Class 5Class 6Class 7Clma 8Class 9- Combmtion Coal fired. Combination Combination Combination light oil and gas fired. mtd and oil fued. coal and gas fired. coal, oil, and gas fired. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS on the dateof 2.1 @wrunar t oublicatiow. The following documents, oftheissueineffkct for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specitkation to tke extent specified invitation herein. F-B-291O - F-S-291 1 - 00-B-2925 - MIL-STD-209 - Burners, Single Oil, C&, and Gas-Oil Combinatio~ for Packaged Boilers (320,000 to 125,000,000 Btu/hr Thermal Output). Stokera, Mechanical: for Packaged Boilers Fued on Cotd or a combination of Cord-Gas, Cord-Oil, or Coal-Gas-Oil (2,000,000 to 50,000,000 Btu/ltr Therrrral output capacity). Baghou~ Rcverae Pulse Jet; For Packaged Boilers Fued On Coal or Combmtion of Cord and Gas, Coal md Od, or Cotd-Gas-011 (2,000,000 to 125,000,000 Btu/lu ‘fhcrmal Output Capacity). Slinging and Tiedowrr Provisions for Lifling and Tying Dowrs Equipment (Copies of military md fedmd specifications rquircd by mntractora in connection with specific procurerrtent finctions rYeobtained t?om the Starrdardution Documents Order Dcslq Bldg. 4D, 700 Robbii Avasuq Philadelphia%PA 191 11-5094.) F-B-2902 2.2 ~her rmblicatio~. The following documents form a part of this specification to the extent soecified herein. Unless a specific issue is identiti~ the issue in effect on date of invitation for &ds or request for propod-shall apply. CAN SOCIETY O.F~ ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Section Section Section Section 1 IV : VIII Div. I IX Power ‘BoileqRulesfor Construction of. Heating ,Boil~ Rules for Construction ofl Pressure Vessels, Rules for Construction ofl Qualification Standard for WcMhg and Brazing Procedurca, WeJdera, “Brazersand Welding and “BrazingOperators. ASME Performance Test Code, PTC 4.1- Steam Generating Units. (Private sector and civil agerrcies may purchase rxpies of these voluntary standards from the hrerican Society of Mechanical Engineers, United Engineering Center, 345 East 47th Str@ New York NY 10017.) ASTM E 427 ASTM E515 - Testing for Leaks Using the Halogen Leak Detector. Test Mdtod for Leaks Using Bubble Emission Techniques (Private seotor and civil agencies may purchase copies of these voluntary standards from the American Society for Testing md Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocke~ PA 19103.) W TIONAL (i!EMJQ ~OCMTION NEMAICSINEMAICS2 NEMAICS6 NEMA MG 1 - Generrd Standards for Industrial Control and Systems. Standrwds for Industrial Control Deticts, Controllers, and Assemblies. Enclosures for Industrial Control and Systems. Motors md Generators. (Private sector and civil agencies may purchase copies of these voluntary stmdrsrds tlom the National 131ectncalManufacturers Association 1300 Nofi 17th Str~ Suite 1847, RosslyrL VA 22209.) NFPA 70 NFPA 8502 - National 131ectric-sl Code. Prevention ofpumace Explosiondrrrplosions in Multiple Burner BoilerFurnaces. 3 F-B-29(32 (Private sector and civil agencies may purchase copies of these voluntary standards born the National Fue Protection Associatio~ Battery March Ps@ Quirrcy,MA 02269.) LABOIL4T~ UL-353 - Limit Controls. (Private sector and civil agerraes may purchase copies of these vobmtasy standards from the Undenvritcrs Laboratories, Inc., 333 Ptingsten Road, Northbroc+ IL 60062-2096.) (DoD activities may obtain mpics of those adopted voluntary standards listed in the DoD Indes of SpecMcatiorrsand Standards free of charge horn the Standsrdmtion “DocumentOrder De-dq Building 4D, 700 Robbios Avenu~ PhiladcJphiA P% 19111-5094.) 2.3 Ordcx of orecedcr&& In the event of a conflkt between the text of this document and the refemrccs ated her~ the text of this document takes precedence. Nothing in this documerr; however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained. 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Q.eK&@l. T1-eboiler sbrdlbe a packaged watcrtube style with a bent tube, multidruw or cross drum design. The boiler shall be capable of producing the steam output as specified (see 6.1 and 6.2). The boiler shall be finished compleie with ail appurtenrmcxs specitied heran and shall be factory-wired and ready for operation whereccrmected to water, fiel, and electrical supplies. The boiiw shall be fired on the tisel speci6ed (see 6.1 and 6.2). The boiler shall be finished complete with the burner specified in F-B-291O, or the stoker specified in F-S-291 1, or both as SpCCifiCd (see 6.2). 3.2 ~. The boiler shall conform to the applicable requirements of Section ~ Section W, SectionVIII, Dkision I; md Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (hereinafter referred to as the ASME Code), NFPA 70, NFPA 85C. Limit controls and interlock switches sludl be in acxmrdtmcewith CL-353. Electrical wiring dtign pmctices drall be ‘h-@diedin awmdarrcc with the applicable requirement ofhJFPA 70. Electric motors,starters, and mrrtmls shall conform to the applicable requircmrrts of N33MAICS 1, NEMA ICS 2, NEMAIcs 6,and NEMAMG-1. ir. The boiler drall, as a minimum be in accordance with the 3.3 ~ requirenrcartsof this specification rmd maybe the mamrfkcturds standard commercial product. Addti-hl or bexcr fmtur- which arc’not specific-allyprohibited by this speciticaion but which arc a past ofthc mtmuf~ctura’s standard commcrcird produ~ may bc included in the boiler being timtished. A standard commercial product is a product which has beerr sold or is being currently offexedfor sale on the commercial market through advertisements of manuficturefs catalogs, or brochures, and represents the latest production model. 4 ‘F-B-2902 3.4 ~atcriab. Materiats used shall be free from defects whioh would adversely affect the perfocrnancc or maintainability of individual components or of the ovcndl assembly. Materialsnot spccificd heran shall be of the same quslky used for the intended purpose in mmmcrcial practice. Unless othcrv@e specified hw~ rdl equipment, material, and articles irrcorpomted in the work mvemd by this sp&ifkstion am to be new arid fabricated using matcrisls produced from recovered materials to the maximum extent possible without jeopardiig the intended use. Tire tcrnr “recovcrcd materials” means matetisls which have been collected or recovered t%omsolid waste and repr-sed to become a sour= ofmw materials, as opposed to virgin mw materials. Urdcss otherwise specified, none of the above shall be inteqxctcd to mean that the usc of used or rebuilt products are allowed under this specification. 3.5 ~. .. All units of the same classification firrnished with sinilar options under a specitk contract shall be identical to the extent necessary to ensure interchangeability of component parts, assemblies, accessories, and spare parts. 3.6The boiler shall be designed to withstand the normal strains, jars, and vibmtions incidental to shipping stomg~ and isrstallation. The boilrx shall be designed for the following operating parameters as specitied (see 6.2): a. b. c. d. c. Design pm.wure (@g (kpag)). Opemting pressure of stuurr at packaged unit outlet (psig (kpag)). Design temperature (degrees IMrrenheit ~F) (degrees Celsius ~C)). Operating temperature of steam at paokagcd unit outlet ~F ~C)). Maximum continuous steam output (PPFi (kgph)). f, .Rcdwater temperature (“l? (“C)). g. Msximuw mininru~ and avesage anticipated ambient air tempemtures ~F CC)). Site elevation above sea level (feet (millimeters (mm)). h. 3.6. I Stoker retrofit design. When specified (see 6. I and 6.2), the design of the boiler shall be such as to allow the boiler to be retrofitted with a stoker if a stoker is not currently required. Boilers designed to be rarofitted shall have maximum flue gas velocities and tirrnacc tit temperatures in the range typical of other coal 6rcd boilers. Tubesintheconvection section shall be designed to be in line. If the maximum steam output capacity of the stoker fired boiler is less than the stc-snroutput capacity of 3.6, then the instructions shall also include how supplemental oil or gas burners shall be used to attain the required steam output capaoity of 3.6. Supplemental oil or gas shall be Iirnitcd to 40 percent of the required stc.artsoutput capacity. . 3.7 Performance charactcrmw. 3.7.1 Steam purity. The nto~sturecontent of the steam Ie-avbtgthe steam drum shall be not greater than 0.5 pcrccn}for the boiler water total dissolved solids (TDS) mncerstmtions md the steam prcasum indicated in table I, when opemted at 100 percent load, maximum continuous rating. 5 I I F-B-2902 3.7.2 Fuel-to-steam efficiency. When tested in accordance with 4.7.2, the fisel-to-steam efticieney dsdl be not less than 81pereent for light and heavy oil fuels, 77 percent for gas fiel, and 80 percznt for cd r%el. These effieierwy rquirernents are independent of an auxiliary heat recovery unit and are the lowest they erm be at any firing rate. 3.7.3 Pumacc heat input rate. When the boiler is opemting at mardmum output, the heat input mtea to the tirrnaee shall be not greater than the values specified in through IXBLE L Boiler water o@itv and t!.%, “ated st~. Boiler Water Stedrn Drum Pressure (psig) 0-300 301 -450 (O -2068 IcPag) (2075 -3103 kPag) 451 -600 (3 I 10-4137 IcPag) TDs (parts pef million (ppm), maxirrrum) 3s00 3000 2500 Note Boilws with superheaters may require one ppm carryowx. 3.7.3. I Gas and oil fired quipment volume heat input rate. The volume heat input rate for gas and oil tired bcilers shall be not greater than 70000 British thermal units per hour per cubic feet (Btu/lrr/ft3) of fhmacc volume. Coal fired equipment volume heat iriput rote. Unless othmvise speeified (see 6.2), the volume heat input mte for mal fired boihxs shall be not greater than 30000 (Btu/hr/fi3) exeept for boilers fiMg lignite or sub-bituminous coal. Boilers firing lignite or sub-bituminous cd shall have a volume h&t input ratenolgmatefthan45000 (Etfu/lu/# ) (see 6.1.1). Surface heat input rote. The maximum heat input mte in Btu/hr per square foot (ft~ ((watts) per square meter (m?) of effective mdiant heating surface of the fhmace shall be not greater than the values of table U. TABLE IL MX&W Capacity, thousand B@ less than 36100 (10 573 Wapa) (10 573-18451 Watts) 36101 to63 000 63001 to95000 (18 451-27823 Watts) (27 283-36 8&2Wat@ 95001 to’1.2s .W Rated allowab Ie heat”~. Btulhrlfi2 80000 1000OO 115000 125000 3.7,3.4 Stoker tired bofler grate heat release rote. The maximum heat release rate per ft2(m*) of efftxtive air admitting grate area shatl be not greater than the values given in table III. F-B-2$x32 TABLE Ill. &&@m allowable ~nm r te heat inDut rata. Maximum Orate Heat Release Rate Btu/lrr/t12 700000 450000 450000 Stoker Design Spr~ter stoker Overfeed stoker Underfeed stoker 3.7.4 Exit tempcmture at stack. The exit temperature of the flue gas at the stack shtdl be not less than 325 W (163 ‘C) without an eczmornizw. Whea exit temperatures of less than 325 W (163 “C) without an econornkx are allowed, the flue gas passages shall be of carosion-reskmt materials to prevent potential flue gas condensate corrosion problems. When operating at minimum load and an economizer is required (see 3.17 and 6.2), the exiting flue gas temperature shstl be not less than 300 “F (149 ‘C). The econowater temperature at flue gas exit shall be not 1sssthan 220 “F (104 “C). When exit flue gas tempemtums of less than 300 T ( 149 “C) are rdlowed, use mrrosion-resistant matwials in the flue gas passages and economizer to prevent potentist flue gas condensate corrosion problems. 3.7.5 Baghouse design requirements. When specified (see 6.2), the boiler manufacturer shall provide the foUowing information to be used for the design of the flue gas baghouse in accordance with 00-B-2925: a. Maximum gas flow in standard t13/min(mm3/mirs). b Rquired draft at boiler flue gas outlet in inches (mm) of water at maximum gas flow renditions. c. Dimension of the gas outlet. d. ‘Heightof flue gas outlet above grade and relative orientation. c. Flue gas outlet particulate loading. f. Flue gas outlet temperature ranges (including effects of all exchmgers such as economizers, etc.). 3.7.6 llrermal shock. The steam boiler or hot water generator dudl be designed to withstand the thermal stresses associated with cold start md emergency shutdown operating conditions. 3.8 ~. The emission requirements sludl be met at the maximum rquired castinrsous output. The boiler and burner shall meet the Iegsdanission requirements rquired by the Federal, state, and local environmental rules and regulations. The emission requirements for opacity, particulate, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxid~ and aulfisrdioxide shrdl be as specified (see 6. I and 6.2). 3.9 co~. Boilers &all be constructed for the design conditions arid performance requiremcmtsspceitied herein and in accordance with the applicable sections of the ASME Code. 3.9.1 Drums. Steam drssmsshall provide stable water drum level, shall provide adquate water size to stlow maintenance access to the baftles and other citoolatio~ and shall be of adquate 7 F-B-2902 internals. Steam baftlea shall be removable. A chemical injection header shall be provided. No parts of IStiller dmm or header surface shrdlbe duectly cxpoaed to fimacc rrdation unless it is adequately protected by a refmoto~ of a water screen in such a manner that no part of the exposed drum or header surface shall be more than 2 inchca (50 MM)from the nwmxt water tube. 3.9.2 Tubea. Tubes shall be either electric-resistance welded or seamless steel. Tube bends shall be performed in a mamrer to permit cie.rmingof the internal surface of tubes with conventional tube-cleaning tools. Unless otherwise apeoltied fjaee6.2), radhurt tube clearances shall be not greater than 1-inch (25 mm) with membrane or finned tube construction. Spinners, turbulators, and other such devises shall not be permitted in the tubes. 3.9.3 Refiactork Refkactorics shall withstand the temperature existing under maximum load conditions. The refractories shall be formed “mplace or cast in sections of such size as to be easily replaceable through existing openings. The refractory sections shall be designed and secured in position in such a nrarrrreras to withstand the vibmtion md shocks occurring during shipment. 3.9.4 Access door and observation porta. The boiler shall be equipped with a retlactory-lined acxxss door for internal inspection and repairing of the. tirrnace fireside. The boiler shall be equipped with cover pl~tes or handholes to allow for internal inspection and clsarting. Not less than two heat resistmt observation ports shall be timnished to allow observation of combustion conditions. Observation ports shall be fitted ather with safety shields to maintain closure unless held open by the opemtor, or w“thahmoled best-resistant glass closures. Access to the fimsace may be through the burner opening provided it has an unrestricted opening of not less than 15 inches (381 MM)in diameter. Access doors@ obsewation ports shall be gas-tight. 3.9.5 Baflk Baffles, as required, shall be asmnged to diftkse the gas properly over heating surfac-esin order to obtain maximum heat s+badrption. The baflles shall be held securely in place without being affected by or interfering with the free expansion or ccmtmction of the boiler. If the bathe-sare steel, they shall be ncit less than 0.25-inch (6 MM)thick or heat resistm alloy they shall be not less than O.1.25-inch(3 MM)thick. Tangent tube bafoe.s may be used in lieu of metal plate ba133es.Baffles shall wittid the temperature under maximum load conditions. 3.9.6 Furruwe. The walls and floor of the firrtace shall permit free expansion of the boiler without undue stress on any part of tte boiler. The fisrnace aide WSUSand roof shall be watercooled type cmatruction. Water wall headers and supply tubes shall be protected from the produ~ of combustion. Unless otherwise specified (sss 6.2), the tisrnace shall be not greater than 35 feet (10,67 m) in length. 3.9.7 Insulation. AII exterior surfaces of the boiler, including the floor, but excluding doors, dmmheads, hrmdhol+ nranholq vents, turd appurtenances, shall be insulated turdjacketed. No aabe@osrrratcrhdshall be used. The insulation shrdl be so formed md securedinplaw asto prevent sagging or displacement during shipment and operation. The insulation shall be covered with a sheet metrdjack~ made of steel having a thickness not less than 0.023-inch (0.58 mm) (24 Standard &ge) or nonferrous sh@ mefal having a thickness not less than 0.029-inch 8 — IW3-2902 Standmd Gage). All sections of the boiler exposed to the products of combustion shaUbe backed by refhotory, by insulation, or both to maintain a easing temperature of not greater than 130 “F (54 “C) with a surface air velocity of 5 feel (1 .52 m) per second and an ambkrrt temperature of 80 T (27 ‘C) while the boiler is operating at maximum capacity. (0.74 mm) (22 3.9.8 Imm casing. When an inner casing is part of the marrufacturer’sstandard desi~ the inner casing shaUbe pressure-tight to prevent the products of combustion t70m mming in contact with the briler insulation and outer casing. The inner casing may ather be the welded wall itself or a separate inner casing having a thickness not less than O.135-inch (3.43 mm), placed just behind the tubes or the rethctory backing. The cashrg shall be pressurized for tightness at either 1.5 times the design pressure of the weakess :-ion to be tested or 20 inches (508 mm) of water, whichever is leas. The pressure drop shall be not greater than 5 inches (127 mm) of water in ten minutes. Base. The boiier shall be mounted on steal supports fastened securely to a atmctural steel base. The base shaUbe capable of supporting the weight of the unit and its contsined water. 3.9.9 3.10 Boiler trim. Each boiler shall be fidly equipped with the trim required under the applicable section of the ASME Code for the type of boiler speoilied heran. The additional appurtenances specified herein shall also be fiwrrished. When disassembly is required for ahipping clearance and prevention of damage during shipmerrh such trim and appurtenarws may be field installed. The tfi valves, eonnectirrg pipirrg and timings shall be suitable for the design pm.ssure and ternpemmrreas specified herein. Limit mntrols and interlock switches shaUbe in accordance with the applicable requirements of NFPA 8S02, end UL-353. Sigrrrdsshall be wrmpatible with the mntrol system required in F-B-29”10or ‘F-S-29I I. Unless otherwise apeeilied (sss 6.2), the trim md appurtenances shaUinclude but not necessarily be limited to the following. a. High water level ahrrrr. b. Low water level alarm and a low water level t%elcutoff device. The device shall be mounted on separate comections and be provided with a blowdown valve. c. A rmmualbypass momentary contact push button switch for the low water level cutoff switch of item b ahaUbe located adjacent to the drain valves for the low water cutoff switch. d. Piping and valves for rxmtirruousblowdown. The mntinuous blowdowrr valve shaUhave stairdcss steel trim and be able to maintain the position of valve setting. e. A steam drum vent vrdve md corrosion-resistant trim. f. A chemical feed pipe confection with a diameter of not less than 0.75-inch (19 mm), nontinrd w-M a corrosion-resistant trimmed atop vtdve instslled on the top drum and on the feedwater inlet piping. r* r. Steam boilers shaUbe tismished with an automatic feedwater 3.11 ~wata regulator system to maintain the boiler mmufacturer’s established boiler steaming water level The regulating system &ll maintain the aetpoint within *5 percent of the fill range of allowable operating lewd. Feedwater regulators shaUinclude the required sensi~ actuating regulating and mrrtroUing equipment necessary to perform under the required conditions specified herein. The 9 F-B-2902 regulating system shall be provided complete with all necessary fittinga, tubln~ piping meehaniea! linkage+ wiring and other material or parts required to mmect the opmking wmponenta. 3. I I. 1 Feedwater regulating valve. Regulating valves shall be firnrished with a double block md bl@ piping b~aas to allow the re@atoc valve to be removed while the boiier is operating. The regulating valves shall be quip@’ ti?h a tirirrdwlkl or knob fbr manual tintrol and operation and shall have the manufaeturefs standard position indicator. The valve shall be constructed with a bataneed force design to allow the valve to move easily against the fores of the feedwater tlow. Materials ofemratnretion shall be the mrmufatm.rrer’sstandard for good corrosion resistance in boiler fecdwater serviee. 3.11.2 Mmual feedwater regulator control. When specified (see 6.2), the feedwater regulator ayatern shall be firntished with a manual and automatic switch and a mntrolled mechanism for manually adjusting the feedwatcr regulator position. The dudon in which the control meehanism should be operated to raise or lower the water level shall be clearly indicated. 3.12 ~umera and atok~. Class ~ eJaas 2, class 3, class 4, class 5, class 7, class 8, and cIaas 9 boilers shall be tirrnished with factory irrataUedbume~ ignition aystema, and rraaoeiated tirel systems in accordance with F-B-291O. Class 6, class 7, class 8, and class 9 boilers shall be provided with a stoker in acwrdanec with F-S-291 1. 3.13 ~ fhel boil~. Class 7, class 8, or class 9 boilers are to be designed in accordance with all requirements of F-S-291 I for the mechanical stoker and all requirements of F-B-291O for the oil, gas, or oil and gas burner. In case of conflkt or duplication of equipment specified, F-’B-2910 shall take preecdenea The system shall be integrated to operate simultaneously. A common control panel for both the burner and the stokcx shall be provided. . . The draft fan for burners shall conform to 3.14 ~nmarvatrdavat~. F-B-2910. Primary air supply systems for stokers shall ecmfonrrto F-S-29 11 as applicable. I avstem. The boiler shall be fim”shed with combustion control systems 3.15 _stoneontro i conforming to F-B-2910 and F-S-2911 as applicable. The boiler tiring mte shall be mntrolled as a fimction of%heboiler outlti steam pressure. 3.15.1 Burner combustion emrtrol system. The burner mmbuation rmntml system shall be isr aecordarrec with F-B-2910. Whessapedcd (ace 6.1 and 6.2), the wmbustion control system shall be timsished with an oxygen eompenaation ayate~ or when specified (sss 6.2), an oxygen compensation system with an unburned combustible gas analyzer. The combustion control system shall be one of the foUowirr&as specified (sss 6.2): a. Single point positioning control. b. Parallel positioning control. c. Meteringcontrkl. 10 F-8-2X32 3.15.2 Stoker mmbustion control system. The stoker combustion control system asrdmntrol tinkages shall be in acc.csrdamx with F-S-291 1. The boiler msnuficturex shall fimish automatic combustion controls for the stoker control linkages. The mntrollera shall maintain the fiel and air input in accordance with thermal load demand. The relative mtes of change shall be controlled sirmsltan+iusly so as to maintain !&, .tir to fud mtio wi~hinthelirrrits required for continuous combustion and stable fimacc prkssure’~hrougliout the controlkdie opemting range of the stoker. 3.15.3 Combustion control system for combimtion fiIclboilers. The combustion control system for class 7, class 8, and class 9 boilers shall be in accdancc with 3.15. I and 3.15.2, The stoker combustion syatcnr shall maintain a ccmatant tisel and air input at or below a variable manual set timit. The gas or oil burner thermal input shall be modulated as nec.e.ssmyto supply the additional thernrst input required to meet the thermal load demand. 3.16 control oanel. The motor starten, tisses, and controls, including opemting switches, indicating lights, gages, alarms, mntrol system circuits shall be mounted on a single control panel or cabiiet insofar as pmcticable in ordw to centralize the mntrol fimctions. The location of the panel shall tithes beat the side of the boiles, or b+tandirrg control panel for remote mounting as specified (see 6.2). When a free-standing remote mounted control panel is to be furnished, skid wiring or tubing shall tcnrrirrate in a skid mounted junotion box. When speoified (see 6.2), a separately packaged economizer shall be 3.17 &Ono~. rln-nished. The economizer shall be camplete with prefibricsted irrterconnecting breaching for attachment to the boiler flue gas outlet and to the feed ,pipingbetweemthe economizer and the bokr drum and shall require minimum field assembly. The ecmortrizcs shall be equipped to heat feedwriter. AISautomatic feedwater preheat system shall be provided when necessary to prevent potential corrosion or flue gas condensation. Temperature gages shall be finished on the inlet and outlet piping of the flue gas and “the~fcedwater.Manual valving shah atso be provided to atlow the feedwater to bypass around the economizer. The vtilvirrgand piping shall be designed so that there is no shutotT valve betweem the economizer outlet md the steam drum inlet to etimimte the need for a separate economizer relief valve. Economizers specified with class 1, class 4, class6, class7, class 8, md class9 boilers shrdlbe fiwnishedwith soot blowers in cotiomrarrcc with 3.18. Provisions shall be made for &hue installation of soot blowers on economizers specified with class 2, class 3, or class 5. The etmnornizer shall be designed and castrrscred in aczordsnce with the applicable section oftheASh41ZCode. Materials usedin md pressures prevail@ under maximum load construction shall withstand thetemperatures rxmditions. 3.18 biowq. Soot blower(s) shall be tisrrtishedwith class 1, class 4,, class 6, class 7, class8, or class 9 boilers. Provisions shall be made for firtrsreinstallation of soot blowers on class 2, etass 3, and class 5 boilers. When specified (see 6.2), sutomaticaltyco ntrolled sequencing soot blowers shrillbe provided. Soot “biov.rersshall be steam operated, valve-in-head type and shall be fismishcd complete with wall sleeves, clamps, hangers, suppom, opemtiig chains, and other appurtenances required for a complete instattation. The blower elements shall be so ~gcd that the heating surfaces shatl be cleaned of any soot deposits when rotated by manual means. Elements shall be of such Iengtk diameters, and tottd nozzle area that for the operating pressure *O t . P-B-2%32 involved there will be no significant difference in the cleaning effect between the nozzle nearest the irdet md those farthest from the ittlti of the element. Soot blower mntrol vrdve shall include a valve chain operated from the floor, in addition to the auxiliary steam-stop valve and drain mnnection. Soot blowers shall be fitted with scavenging air ports and shall be emrrreeted by tubing t~ a draft ~ourcc in a wv to provide sufficient air for continuous scavenging of the blowers while the boiler is tiring during peciods “whensoot blowers are not operated for cleaning purposes. Soot blowers shall be deactivated upon a boiler shutdown and require a manual react. 3.19 .FrJciod oreb eaters. Wherr specified @ee 6. I and 6.2), lhd oil preheating systems shall be described in F-B-2910. The heatm slrsll be either electric or steam as specified (see 6.2). The heater and associated controls may be supplied ather mounted cm the boiler assembly or suppiicd separately for fismishcd as pan of the paokaged boiier in addition to the trim preheater installation by the mechanical contractor. The preheating equipment shatl be designed in aecordmee with Section VIII, DMsion 1 of the ASME Code. The system shall be designed to heat 120 percent of the maximum tlsel oil flow tlom the specified oil supply temperature (see 6.2) to the required atomization temperature. Pressure drop across the preheater shall be not greater than 15 psi(103 kpag). When the required fuel oil temperature is reached and rrsairrtainedby the heater, a thermostatic control or limit switch shall eutoffthe heater. A high temperature preheater cutoff switch shall also be provided with a mamrat reset. Temperature gages shall be provided to measure tiel oil irstctand outlet temperature across the preheater. 3.19.1 Electric preheater. Wherethe electric preheater is required (see 3. 19), the preheater shall be fimsished with a tempature controller to maintain the rid oil temperature within 5 percent of the sctpoint temperature. Preheater operating voltage shall be not greater than 230 volts (V). Electric preheatem mted up to 1800 watts (W) (6 146 Btuihr) shall be controlled by a line voltage thermostat switch or by a magnetic contaotor with a coil operated by a thermostat. Preheatexs mted at greater tharr 180WV(6 1.46“Btu/l@shall be eastmlled by a magnetic corrtactor having a magnetic coil opemted by a thermostat. The electric power and separate wntrol circuits shall be protected by a circuit breakez located on the boiler assembly. 3.19.2 Steam preheater. When the steam preheater is required (MC3. 19), the heater shall be designed for the boiler design pressure spedred in 3.6 md shall use steam generated by the boiler. The preheater shall be fbtished with an adjustable oil temperature regulator to maintain the fiel oil tempemture within 5 pexcmt of the setpoirrt temperature. Means shall be provided for visually detecting oil in the prehe-atm czmdensate lime. Electric preheatex within steam preheater. When specilied (ace 6.2), the steam preheater shatl be firmished with m electric preheater in the same exchanger shell for wld start up. The electric preheatex shall have sufficient capacity for the firing mte occurring when the mmbustion ecmtcolsamin the position for low tire atarts. The electric preheater atrallbe tisrrtished in accordance wMr the requhrrsents of 3.19.1. When a class 6, class 7, class 8, or class 9 boiler is rquired, a cinder 3.20 Mer return -. return system shall be fimrished if specified (see 6.2). The cinder return system shall include all necessary conveyor lines, nozzles, ducts, dampers, and other quipmcnt for returning the cinders 12 F-B-2902 from settling chamber hoppers, under the boiler drums, md othw internal locations where cinder buildup will occur. All cinder conveyor lines, elbows, and cirrrk pickup nozlea shall have a nonrirratinside diameter of not less than 3 inches (75 mm). Construction material shatl be abrasion resistant. 3.2 I Transition oiece. When specified (see 6.2), the mmufacturds standard transition piece shatl be provided. 3.22 &ctricaJ r~. Electrical wiring design practices shall be installed in accordance with the applicable requirements of NFPA 70. The boiier and associated equipment shsJl obtain power tlom a circuit with a single master manual service &COMCCS switch and automatic circuit breaker for all boiler electrical equipment. Motors shrdlbe in accmdarsw with the provisions of NEh&MG 1, shall be totally enclosed fan cooled, and designed for opaation on the voltage, phase, and frequency as specified (see 6.2). Unless otherwise specified (ace 6.2), motors of 100 horsepower (74 600W) and less shall be provided with magnetic across-the-tine starter and overload protection. Motors ova 100 horsepower (74 600W) shall have reduced voltage starting. Motor starters shall conform to the applicable requirements of NEMA ICS 1 and ICS 2. Motor starters and controls shrdi he enclosed in NEMA lCS 6, type 12 enclosures and may be installed in the mntrol pmel of3.16. . . Bare steel surfaces shrdlbe cleaned and a prima coat 3.23 ~ applied. Paintshallbe appliedto normallypaintedsurfacesingood commacist practice. 3.24 Q&US ad tiedowrr attachmen~. When specified (sss 6.2), the boiler shall be equipped with lXthrg and tiedown attachmarts. Ltiig and tiedowrrs attaohmenrs shall conform to type II or type ffl of MJL-STD-209. A nonferrous transportation plate shatl be provided md mechanically attached to the boils. Transportation plates shtdl be inscribed with a diagram showing the M%rrg attachmarts and Iitlhsg slings, the capacity of each attachrnen~ and the required length and size of arch slkrg cable. A silhouette of the item tlsrnished showing the cents ofgravity shall be provided on the transportation plate. Tk?dowrrattachments shrdlbe identified by stenciling or otha suitable mstr@g. Tiedown marking strrdlclearly indicate that the attachments are intended for the tiedown of the boils on the carrk when shipped. 3.25 &@MI@ OOCdttQ &fU@QJE ffrdc.ssOthUWiSCSpCCifkd(s@ 6.2), operating in5tructiOISS shall be summarked on a decal or corrosion-resistant plate to be mounted inside the control panel door or similar weatherproofed location. 3.26 Hcatiotr mark&. Identification shrdl be patnrmently and legibly marked duectly on the boda or on a corrosion-resistant metrtt plate. Identification shall incksde manufacturer’s name, boiler model rmd aerial number, tharnrd capacity, maximum allowable working prcssurq ASME code stamp, year rriamif&3tured,and other pertinent information as idmstifiedin the ASME codes. The Department of ’Defarse contract numbs that this equipment is procured under shall rdso be marked on the equipment or identification plate. }3 F-t3-2902 &rare Dr+rrs. When specified (see 6.2), spare parts shall be fimrished and shipped with each boiler. Whcrrh-nishcd, the spare parts required md the quantity thereof shall be as specified (SIX6.2). 3.27 3.28 Factorwstart-urs scrvi~ W@ specified (see 6. i md 6.2), facto~ authorized seMce personnel shaii be prodded to aupervke start up of the packaged boiler for five 8-hour working days. “ . Workmanship shall be of such quality as to produce boilers ht accordance 3.29 ~ with the ASME Code, as applicable and shall mecr the requirements of this specification and standards prevailing among mrmuhcturers who normally produce this type of equipment. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS . .. nalbd@&&&Q@. Unless othmvise specified in the contraq the cmrtractor is responsible for the @formrmce of all inspection rcquiremcrrts (examinations and tests) as specified herein. Except as othenvisc spcded in the contra% the contmotor may usc his own or any other facilities suitable for the perforrnmcc of the inspection requircrrsentaspecified hereim unless disapproved by the Oovemment.. The Oovment rewrvcs the right to perform any of the inspections ses forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies ~d -CCS conform to prescribed requirrmrents. Documentation of inspection shall be made available to the govcnrment upon request. 4.1 J&w Responsibility for compliance. All itcnrs shall meet all requirememfi of section 3 and 5. The inspection set forth in this specification shrdl become a part of tlracontracto~s overall inspection systcm or quality program. The absence of any inspection requirements in the speoifioation shall not rdleve the contractor of the responsibility of ensuring that ,all products or supplies submitted to the Government for acceptance comply with .stIrequirements of the contract. Sampling inspectio~ as part of mmufaontring operations, is an acceptable practice to ascertain cotiomsance to requirements, however, this does not authorize submission of known defective material, either indkatcd or a@ual, nor does it commit the Gcwerrrrnentto accept defective material. 4.1.1 Component and material inspection, Components and materials shall be inspected in accordance with all the rquirenrents specified herein md in applicable referenced dommenrs. 4.1.2 -cation follows 4.2 of ~. The inspection requirements speci6ed herein are cbsasifsedas a. @dity conformance inspection (see 4.2. l). b. On-site ‘m”~imr (s& 4:2.2). 4.2.1 Quality wnforma& inspection. This inspection shall be performed at the manufacturer’s facilities. The quality conformance inspection shall include the examination of 4.3, the tests of 4.5 and 4.6, and the packaging inspcotion of 4.8. 14 F-B-2P02 On-site inspection. The on-site. inspection shall be in addition to the quality conforrsrarrce inspection performed at the manufactumr’a facilities. Urdcssothemvise spmified (see 6.2), the onsite inspection shall consist of the te.sta of 4.7. All or part of the on-site inspection maybe pcflormed at the manufaotumr’s facilities when specified by the contacting officer (see 6.2). When ~pecifi4d($cc 6.2), the estarlthistior?0P4,3 and either the tests of4.5 or 4.6, or botl+ shall be repeated on-site. 4.2.2 4.3 ~. Each boiler and reJated equipment supplied under this specification shall be examined for compliance with the requirements specified in section 3 of this specification. Any redesign or modtication of the contractor% standard product to comply with specilied requircfrrents, or any mxzasary rede5igrr or ,modificdtion following failure to meet specified rquircmerrts shall receive particular attention for adequacy and suitability. . Combustion chambem and flue-gas passages of boilers normally operated under pressure shall be tested for tightness at,eithm ‘1.5times the design pressure of the weakest section to be tested or 20 inches (508 mm) of water, whichever is leas. The teat shall be performed prior to the installation of the insulation md outer casing. The section ofthc unit to be tested shall be caretitily sealed using suitable means for blanking any area not to be subjeotcd to test pressure. Air shall be admitted to the unit until the teat pressure is reached and then the unit shall be carefully seated. The outer caaiog shall be vented to the atmosphere during the casing preasrsre test. If the pressure does not drop greater than 5 inches (127 mm) of watw in ten minutes, the unit shal! be regarded as astisfaotorily tight and accepted. Failure to meet the requirements of 3.9.8 shall constitute cause for rejection. Any change in air temperature whioh at%cts the teat conditions shall be taken into mnsidemtion. 4.4 ~ 4.5 ~. The preassembled. fuel system that is litrnishcd integrally with the boiler shall be checked for leakage during the fire testing of the boiler. The soap bubble or the halogen-sniff test method (ASTM E 515 orASTM E 427 respectively) shaJlbe used to vaifi integrity ofthe gasfbelsystem.Failure to rn.cetthe ,requirem.entsof 3.1.2dull mnatitute cause for rejection. 4.6 &liefvtdve set or~. Relief valves rquired tested on a tear bench using a gas to msfrrrn the rquired conduoted at a facility that normally performs this work. afkx the unit is hooked up and ready for opemtion when by the ASME Code shall be individually set pressure. The teat shall be The relief valve shall be tested on site specified (see 4.2.2). 4.7 Q.n-sitet=. Opemtiorud fire teats smd auxilimy equipment tests shall be performed on each installed boiicr. Tke tests shall be in addition to any msnufkctrsrer’s standard fire test procedure, urdess cornpliarrce evidence provided by the boiler msrsufacturez is accepted at the discretion of the contracting 05cer or authorized representative. Acceptable fire teat results tlom idastical or simitar boiier quipmcmt isrstrdledat the same site may be used at the discretion of the contrrtoting officer as proof that quipment procured under this specification is in ampliancc with one or more of the td of 4.7.1 through 4.7.9. 15 F-B-2902 Operational tests. The boiler shall be tested to demonstrate control and operational conformance to the requiremem of this specification and F-B-2910 or F-S-2911, as applicable, under vasying load conditions ranging horn the specified maximum capacity to the minimum turndown ratio without on-off cyclirrg. ‘Unks otherwise spec&d (see 6,2), oil burners shall be teated for s&lity to make a cold start firms the fisel oil supply temperature specified in 3.19. Automatic burners shall also be tested% abfllty to provide steam in accordance with steam demand whereon-off cycling is rquired. The economizer, when fiunished, shall satis~ the requirements of 3.17. Boilers that are set up and operated in accordmce with the marrufactureds recanmendations arsd erdsibit(1) excessive or unexplained loss of ignitio~ (2) nuisance shutdown due to faulty burner or control operatio~ (3) improper thnt~ (4) excessive carbon deposits, or (5) necessity for frequent or difficult adjustments shall be rejected. 4.7. I I I Capacity and efficiency tests. The capacity, efficiency, and steam quality at the specified maximum capacity of the boiler shall be determined in accardancc with the abbreviated efficiency test of ASME “PTC 4.1,using the heat loss method. Performance shall be as specified in 3.7. Metho&s of measuring the flow of steaq water, and fbel other than waghing will be allowed. The aecumey of the method shall assuretbe Government the desired performance specified in 3.7 arsdbe acceptable to the contracting o&er or his authorized repmserrtative. Failure to meet the requirements of 3.7 shall constitute cause for ryection. 4.7.2 1 I 4.7.3 Equipment tc5ts. Control panels, preheater, insulatio~ valves, controllers, regulators, soot blowers, electric motors, dampers, and other boiler related quipment shall be operated as part of the capacity and ticicncy tests. The operation of this equipment shall be closely observed during the oocrationrd tests for Dossibie defects or noncmformance. The action of dampers, actuators, and &ea shall be smoo~h without backlash. 4.7.4 Squerscisrg. The boilor shall start, opemte, amdstop in strict compliance with the specified operating Squencz 4.7.5 Burner t~s. Tests shall be conducted on the burner as specified in F-B-291Oand as SptifiCd herein. 4.7.6 Stokes teats. Tests shall be conducted on the stoker as specitied itsF-S-291 I and as Sp&fiCd herein. 4.7.7 Boiler limit and cutout switches. Safety shutdowns shall be caused by simulating fuel safety interlock actuating ccmdhions for each boiler limit and cutout switch sptied in 3.10. The safety shutdowns shall occur without damage to the quipment. 4.7.8 Blowdown valves and try cocks. All blowdown valves and try cocks shall be tested for proper operation. 4.7.9 Brnisaionstesting< The emissions testing for opacity, parthtlates, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and sulfir dioxide specified in 3.8 shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures of the governing fcded, state, or local environmental agency, as specified (see 6.2). 16 I F-B-2902 5. PRESERVATION AND PACKING 5.1 ~iements. contract T’Ire prewvatio~ packing and marking shall be as spw”fied in the or order. 6. NOTES (This section contains information of a general or explmatory mture that may be hclptid, but is not mandatory.) 6.1 &ktiOrl facto~. The following should be wnsidered in the selection of a boiler and the exercise of options herein: boiler type (oil, gas, or combtion) should be determined in accordance with the avsilatdity or eeononrica of the fiel supply md any DoD rquirenrents for capability of tiring multiple tids (see 3. l). llre usual commercial lower limit ofthis style of boiler is about 6000 PPH (2722 kgph). Normally, oil fired boilers above 6000 ‘PPH.(2722 kgph) output should be capable of burning .fiel oil grades No. 2, No. 4, No, 5, and No. 6. When &arrging grade of tisel, replacement may be necessary (1)of the fuel nozzks because of the dtierent fiel viscosity, and (2) of the tiJel pump motor to drive the pump at a speed thatensures required fisel pressure in order to maintain the rquired burner output and meet [he optimum air to tlsel ratio (see 3. 1). Stoker fired only boilers shall have a thermal output capacity range between 2000 and 50OCQPPH(907and22680 kgph). Retrofitting a gas or oikfired boilw with a stoker will tiquire the front wall to be removed and replaced with a stoker tiont. A cinder return systam may be added if wonomicsl. Refinctory maybe added in back of the bottom portion of the packaged boiler. This provision will add. a significant cmt to.the packaged boiler. Local environmental regulations md coalavahbiity should be considered before speci@ng this design requirement (see 3.6. l), If the boiler is subject to environmental regulations, each agenoy should consult with their environmental support office since regulation limits of emissions vary between federal, state, and Ioeal agencies (see 3.8). Oxygen compensation systems should not be specified for fixed rate ort-o~ or three position high-low combustion controls (see 3.1 5.1). A pnckaged boiier mounted preheatcs should be specified only at instrdlatiorts of single heavy oil fired boilers. It is more ecarornicrd for multiple boilm imtallations to use a common preheatex that is external horn the individual packaged boiler skids (see 3. 19). Electric preheater should be fiirnished on utits firing No. 4 or No. 5 (tight) fuel oil if required for proper atomization in low pressure, air atomizing systems (see 3. 19). Factory Sem”ce’shouldbe sped%d only if the boiler will be instsiled and tested without a long period of interim stomge (see 3,28). a. The b. c. I d. e. f, g. h. i. j. F-B-2902 k. Fungus resistant varnish conforming to ML-V- 173 should be used to coat electrical components and circuit eJeme@, i.nchrdingterminal and circuit connections, when the boiler is to be instrdlcd in humid conditions. Components and elements inherently inert to tisngi or in hermetically seated enclosures or current-carrying contact surfaces should not be coated. 6.1. I Coal chamcteristics. Lignite or sub-bittxnirrous caal is characterized by lower Btu mntent by weight and agglomemting tendencies Nonagglomemting coal with a Btu (cd-kg) content less than 1I 500 Btu per pound (7 764 cal-kgiltg) Eallin this category. iaition reauiremerr& Acquisition documents should specifi the following 6.2 ACOU a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. 1. m. n. 0. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x. y. Tkle, date, and number of this spcoification. Typ~ sizes, and classes of boilers required (see 1.2). Required steam output (ace 3. 1). ,Fud required (see 3. 1). Whether the boiler is to be finished with a burner as specified in F-B-2910, or a stoker as specified in F-S-2911, or both (see 3. l). Design parameters for boilers (see 3.6): When the boiler is to be designed for retrofit with a stoker (see 3.6. l). Volume heat input mtes for coal fired boilers, if other than as speoified (see When an economizer is rquircd (see 3.7.4). When the ,manufaoturer is to provide the following itiormation for design and installation of a flue gas baghmrse (see 3.7.5): Emission requirements for opacity, particulate, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and aultisr dioxide (see 3.8). Clearances and conatmction ofsadiam tubes, if other than as specified (see 3.9.2). Length of fimacc, if other than as specified (see 3.9.6). Trim and appurteriances to be supplied with boiler, if other than as specified (see 3. 10). When a mamsrdfeedwatcr regulator control is to be tinmished(see 3.1 I.2). When the combustion control system is to be tisrnished with an oxygen compensation syatcq or an oxygen mmpensation system with m unburned combustible gas analyze~ and type of burner combustion control system required (see 3.15. 1). Location of control panel (see 3. 16). Whca an economizer is required (see 3. 17). Whetr automatically controlled sequencing soot blowers are to be provided (see 3. 18). When a fid pcehester is rquied; ifrquired, type of preheater to be provided (see 3. 19). Fuel oil supply temperature (see 3. 19). When the steam preheater is to be finmishedwith an electric preheater (see When a cinder return system is rquired for class 6, class 7, Gklss8, or class 9 boilers (see 3.20). WherIthe standqrd transition piece is to be furnished (see 3,21). Required voltage, phase, and fiequcnoy for operation ofmotor~ and when motors of 100 horsepower and less are not to be provided with across-the-line starter and overload protection (see 3.22). 18 F-B-2902 z. When IiRingand tiedown attachments are rquired (see 3.24). aa. Operating instnretions, if other than as speeified (see 3.25). bb. When spare parts are to be required; if rquired, the type.and the quantity to be provided (SIX 3.27). CC.When factory start up aetiec is required (see 3.28). dd. On-site inspeetio~ ifotlrer than as spec%e@ when all or part ofthc on-site inspection may be performed at the manufaotumr%faeili~, and whether the examination of 4.3 and with the tests of 4.5 or 4.6, or bo~ are to be repeated afbx boiler delivery on-site (see 4.2.2). se. When oil burners are not to be tested for atility to make a mld start (see 4.7.1). K. Testing proeuiums of the governing federal, state, or local environmental agency for opacity, partieulates, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and suffir dioxide (see 4.7.9). gg. LsveJ of preservation and level of packing required (see 5. 1). 6.3 ~. When this specifreation is used in an acquisition and data are rquired to be delivered, the data rquirmrmts shall be devdoped as speoified by an approved Data Item Description (DD .Form 1664) and delivered in accordmce with the approved Contract Data Rquiremmts List (DD Form 1423) irreorporated into the ecrntraot. When the provisions of DoD Federrd Acquisition Regulations (FAR) Supplemen~ Part 27, Sub-Part 227.405-70 are invoked and the ‘DDForm 1423 is not use~ the data should be delivered by the contractor in accordance with the contract or purchase order rquirmrents. 6.4 Standards eor@@&. Prior to approval ofshipmen~ the contractor shall submit to the contacting otlkcr or authorized representative satisfactory evidence that the proposed boiler to be fimnishedunder this specilkation meets the requirements of the ASME Code, NFFA 70, iNFPA85C, and UL-353. 6.4.1 ASME Code requirements. Ameptable evidence of mocting the requirements of Seetion I, Section IV, Section w and when an economizer or preheater is rquimd, Seetion VIII, Division 1 of the ASME Code is the ASME Code symbol. 6.4.2 NFFA requirements. Acceptable evidenee of meeting the rquirementa of NFFA 70 and NFFA 85C is the receipt of the mrmufaoturefs certificate of eompiirmcc stating the quipment procured with thk specification k in accordance with the apptieable requirements of NFFA 70, NFPA 85C. 6.4.3 UL requirements, Aeccptable evidmec of meeting the rquirementa of I-IL-353 is the certification symbol, or listing mark on the products, or a certified tes report ffom a recognized independmt testing Iabomtory indicating the boiler mntrols have bem tested and mnform to UL requirements. mquiremmta. Aeccptable evidence of meeting the requirements of NEMA ICS 1, NEMA KS 2, NEMA JCS 6, and NEAM MG-1, is the receipt of the manufaehsrer’s certificate of compliance stating the quipment proeumd under this speeifioation is in accordance with the applicable rquiremmts of W ICS 1,N%MA lCS 2, NE&4AICS 6, and “NEMAMG-I. 6.4.4 JWMA 19 IWL2902 The manufacturer shall submit instructions for retrofitting the 6.5 ~toker retrc&@@tructioN boiler with [be recommended stok~ for converting to coal firing (see 3.6.1). 6.6 ~ms vt%ftcao“on. The manufacturer shall furnish data to vwifi compliance with the specified heat input rates (see 3.7.3). instaUation. Installation instructions covering the ccmrsectionof the flue gas bagbouse shaUbe provided (see 3.7.5). 6.7 -e 6.8 ~. When a the-standing remote mounted mntrol panel is to be tismished (see 3. IQ installation instructions covering the COMCOtiOn of the control panel shsdl be provided. 6.9 Relkfvalw. A certificate of compliance verbjfing the performance and results of the relief vrdve pressure test (see 4.6) shall be provided to the contracting officef. 6.10 ~ marsuu. The manufacturer shall provide two mmmercisd technical msntrals normaUyprepared and supplied with the boiler. 6.11 ~. Definitions used in this specification are in accordmce with the American Boiler Manufactuwm Association Lexicon of Boilex and Auxiliary Equipment. Other terms used in this specification should be interpreted in accordance with the referenced nationsd standards. 6.12 ~cation fNavv oaJ.Q The boiler operational certification should be performed, wbcre applicable, per NAVFAC MO~324 tier the boiler complies with the on-site teata (see 4.7). The boilw inspector should be certified by NAVPAC and licensed by the Engineering Field ‘Division. Burner coal tired Combmation fiel fired Gas 6red Od fired Stoker 20 F-B-2902 MILITARY INTERESTS: CIVIL AGENCY COORDINATING ACTIVITY: ~ GSA-FSS Navy-YDl Arrrry - CE Air Force -99 . .. &vimv Actrx Navy - MC, 5A ,% Force -84 Navy-YDl (Project 4410-0098) 21 STANDARDIZATION DOCUMENT IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. The preparing ●cffvitymust complda Mocks 1, 2, 3, and 8. In bfosk1, bofhthe documentnumber and revisionlettershouldbe m. 2. The submittarof thisform must sompfsteblocks4, 5, 6, ●nd 7. 3. The pafwing dwity must provide ● rspfyWhim 30 day%from rscoiptof ffmfoim. f40TP TNS form may not be ussd to rsquestmpi.s of doamcnfs, nof to roqusctwivsrs, of darffimtion ofmquiremeatson surreot submitted on thisform do not sonsflfufa or imply wfhwfzsffon to -No ●ny portionof the refsmnced document(s) w to ●mend cantmstualrequirsmsnfs. sonffssts. Cammmts I RECOMMEND A CHANGE: 1. 00C1fMWf -R S. DOCUMENTDATEfVVMAIDD) %0722 F-B-~2 1. oocuMf3Nfm BOILERS, STEAM WATERTUBE (BENT TUBE, MULTI-DRUM AND CROSS (10,000,000 TO 125,000,000 BTLf/liR ~ERMAL OUTPUT CAPACl~ 1. NATURS OF CffMGE . RSASON F~ fWs@~@l nu@J&andhaWs fxcfondfswr#S, M~. A#& S- DRUM) PACKAGED #l*& lVPE #8naM,) RECOMMEftOA~ . PREPASNG As3Tuslw NAME RUSSEU REYNOLDS ‘ . AOOffESS@&do ~ Cods) COMMANDING OFFICER, NCBC COOE 1581C 1000 23RD AVENUE PORT fWENEME, CA 93043-4301 “—......--.-.-—. n,-. .. .. ..— -.,,, .4,. -.., -, l-r . w. — b. TELEPHoNE h’idda hS (1) COmnadd (805) 982-594I3 CcdsJ f2fAU70VON 551-5946 fFYW 00 NOT RflCEfVEA REPLYWf7HfN4SDAYS,CONTAGC DEFENsE0UAIJ7YANO STANDARDIZATIONOFFICE E2tlSI.mbq ~, SUSS 14C3.Fak Clvxch, VA 22401 -S4XI AUTOVON2S82S40 TSWIC+W @S) 7S52540 .-.,. L “. —.. W&790