Gen Bio II

Gen Bio II
Laboratory 14: Bacteria and Protists p. 5
***Note: Students will NOT be doing the Gram staining method. Prepared Gram stained slides are
available for this lab. Gram staining procedures are reserved for advanced biology courses due to safety
and liability.
Per Lab:
3 types bacteria slides 33
Gloeocapsa slides 77
Oscillatoria slides 79
Anabaena slides 78
Algae slides 0
Volvox slides 13
Spirogyra slides 14
Preserved red, brown, and green algae
Diatom slides 16
Dinoflagellate slides 15
Slime Mold 132
Immersion oil
Per Table:
Start bacteria swab plates (2 nights before lab) and physarum (a few weeks) in advance.
Live Physarum (1 plate/ table. Make 6 plates/semester and re-use for all labs.)
Cultured agar plate (Any bacteria. Make 6 plates/semester and re-use for all labs.)
Sterile nutrient agar plate to incubate after student inoculation
Sterile swabs
Clean slides
China marker or sharpie
1% Bleach beaker
Gen Bio II
Laboratory 15: Fungi p. 25
Per Lab:
Rhizopus slides 23
Yeast slides 101,102
Peziza slides 22
Fungi sample specimens
Live Aspergillus (1 plate/semester to re-use for all sections)
Penicillium slides 126 AP
Aspergillus slides 82 AP
Edible mushrooms
Coprinus slides 24, 83
Lichen samples
Lichen slides 25
Mycorriza slides 0
Cultured agar plates from last week
10% bleach in 800-1000mL beaker
Per Table:
Moldy bread (Start a month before.)
Methylene blue in dropper bottles
Clean slides
Clear tape
Gen Bio II
Laboratory 16: Nonvascular Plants and Seedless Vascular Plants p. 37
Per Lab:
Live Chara (1/semester for demo only)
Preserved mosses
Moss slides 121
Live Marchantia (1/semester for demo only)
Live Selaginella
Live Lycopodium
Preserved Lycopodium
Preserved Selaginella
Lycopodium slides 122
Selaginella slides 122
Preserved Psilotum
Live Equisetum
Fern frond cross section slides 123
Fern slides 123
Gen Bio II
Laboratory 17: Seed Plants p. 53
Per Lab:
Supplies for 17.1-17.2:
Zamia slides 109
Cycas slides 111
Pine needles
Pine cones
Pine cone slides 66, 75
Supplies for 17.3-17.4:
Fresh flowers ( 1/table, but at least 1 monocot and one dicot/lab)
Flower model
Pollen grain slides 68
Mature embryo slides 69
10% bleach in 800-1000mL beaker
Per Table:
Supplies for 17.2:
Pine nuts
All sections:
Dissection tools
Supplies for 17.3:
Clean slides
Note: Monocots include astrolomeria, lilies, daffodils, iris, orchids, bluebells, tulips.
Dicots include geranium, snapdragon, magnolias, water lily, star anise, hornwort.
Gen Bio II
Laboratory 22: Introduction to Invertebrates p. 69
Per Lab:
Supplies for 22.1-22.3:
Preserved sponges (Get these from Bruce. He keeps them in his office.)
Grantia slides
Sponge slides 83, 84
Hydra slides 87
Live Hydra (Don’t order Hydra from Ward’s)
Jellyfish, coral,and sponge specimens and plastimounts
Supplies for 22.4-22.6: This is a different lab!
Live Planaria
Planaria slides
Preserved roundworms
Earthworms (Dr. Coots only)
Live rotifers
10% bleach in 800-1000mL beaker
Per Table:
Supplies for 22.4-22.6: Same as above lab!
Dissection tools
All sections:
Petri dishes
Supplies for 22.4-22.6:
Liver for planaria food source.
Concave depression slides
Ascaris for dissection (male and female)
Ascaris slides 93
Gen Bio II
Chapter 12: Annelida p. 97
Per Lab:
Preserved leeches
Earthworm slides 92
Earthworm anatomy model
10% bleach in 800-1000mL beaker
Per Table:
Earthworm for dissection
Clean slides
Earthworm anatomy charts
Gen Bio II
Chapter 11: Mollusca p. 113
Per Lab:
Preserved mollusks
Mollusk shells
Per Table:
Squid for dissection
Dissection tools
Squid anatomy chart
Petri dishes for ink
Gen Bio II
Chapter 14: Echinodermata p. 131
Per Lab:
Preserved specimens
o Sea stars
o Sea urchins
o Sand dollars
o Sea cucumber
Sea star ray slides 95
Sea star-bipnnaria larva slides 95
Sea star anatomy model
Per Table:
Sea star for dissection
Dissection tools
Sea star anatomy charts (if we have them)
Clean slides
Gen Bio II
Chapter 16: Shark Anatomy p. 141
Per Lab:
Placoid scale slides 119
Fish gill slides 120
Fish skin slides 118
Per Table:
Shark for dissection
Dissection tools
Shark anatomy charts -none
Gen Bio II
Chapter 20: Rat Anatomy p. 229
Per Lab:
Rat anatomy model
Testis slides 45AP
Kidney slides 21 AP
Heart slides 42 AP (Cardiac Muscle)
Mounted rat skeleton
Per Table:
Rat for dissection
Dissection tools
Rat anatomy charts