MATH 1720 Trigonometry Competencies

MATH 1720 Trigonometry Competencies
The student will be able to:
1. Use the six basic trig functions to solve right triangles
2. Do radian/degree conversions
3. Find the trig function values for any angle
4. Solve oblique triangles using the Law of Sines and Law of Cosines
5. Graph the trig functions using amplitude, period and phase shift
6. Work with inverse trig functions
7. Solve trigonometric equations
8. Verify trigonometric identities
9. Use multiple angle and half-angle formulas to solve problems
10. Work with complex numbers
11. Convert rectangular coordinates to polar form, and polar to rectangular
12. Change rectangular equations to polar form, and polar to rectangular
13. Graph polar coordinates
14. Recognize graphs of familiar polar plots
15. Convert rectangular complex numbers to polar form, and polar to complex
16. Use DeMoivre’s Theorem
17. Use the N’th Root Theorem
Measurement Standard: Proficiency of 60% or greater, measured by written test