Aquatic Toxicity Workshop-2008 Prof Giesy was on the organizing committee of the 35th Annual Aquatic Toxicity Workshop held October 5-8, 2008 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. In addition to helping organize the meeting, he and his students and post docs presented 7 papers at the meeting. “Application of a medaka HPG axis real time PCR array method to chemical screening”. With X. Zhang, M. Hecker, A. Tompsett, J. Newsted, and P. Jones. “White sturgeon growth, morphology, and survival after exposure to Columbia River surface water at two sites in British Columbia, Canada. With A. Tompsett, D. Vardy, M. Hecker, S. Wiseman, H. Zhang, and K. Liber. “In vitro evaluation of the toxic effects and endocrine disrupting potential of oil sands processed water and naphthenic acids. With X. Zhang, S. Wiseman, E. Higley, P. D. Jones, M. Hecker, M. Gamel El Din, and J. W. Martin. “Aquatic toxicology of perfluoroctanesulfonate and related fluorochemicals With J. Naile, J. Khim, J. Newsted, and P. Jones. “Toxicity of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) to avian wildlife: ambient safe water value derivation and uncertainty analysis. With J. Newsted, J. Naile, J. Khim, and P. Jones. “Sensitivity of early white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontana) life-stages to copper, cadmium, and zinc”. With D. Vardy, A. Tompsett, M. Hecker, J. Duquette, D. Janz, K. Liber, and M. Adzic. “Assessment of toxicity of upper Danube River sediments using a combination of chemical fractionation, the Danio rerio embryo assay and the Ames fluctuation test. With E. Higley, S. Grund, T. Seiler, U. Vare, W. Brack, T. Schulz, J. Wolz, H. Zielke, H. Hollert and M. Hecker. “Medaka : an in vivo model for molecular ecotoxicology. With D.W.T. Au. 35th Annual Aquatic Toxicology Workshop Abstract Oct 5-8, 2008, Saskatoon, SK, Canada ¾ A graphical system model was developed for the testing and evaluation of environmental EDCs using medaka (Oryzias latipes). Evaluation of Environmental Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Using the Medaka HPG Axis Model ¾ The model illustrates the key pathways that are associated with the reproduction system (hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis). ¾ Real time RT-PCR array was developed to examine expression profiles of 36 genes in brain, liver and gonad. Xiaowei Zhang, Ph.D. ¾ Evaluated by examining effects of five model compounds. Prof. John Giesy, Ph.D., Dr. Markus Hecker, Dr. Paul Jones, Dr. John Newsted Dr. June-Woo Park, Ms. Amber Tompsett ¾ The medaka HPG axis model provides a powerful tool ¾ To delineate mechanism of toxicity ¾ To quantitatively predict the adverse effects on reproduction. University of Saskatchewan University of Saskatchewan, Michigan State University, & ENTRIX University of Saskatchewan, Michigan State University, & ENTRIX Introduction I Introduction II • Small fish model (i.e. medaka, fathead minnow, zebrafish) ¾ Endocrine Disruptor: Definition An exogenous substance that alters function(s) of the endocrine system and consequently causes adverse health effects in an intact organism, or its progeny, or (sub)populations. --- IPCS, 1998 (Global Assessment) – Small body size – Relatively rapid life-cycle – Standard, validated technique for culture in the lab – Literatures of basic biological/toxicological attributes • Ecotoxicogenomics ¾ Greatest concern is that exposure to endocrine disruptors during critical periods of development may predispose individuals to adverse health effects at later stages of life. – Transcriptionomics, proteomics and metabolomics: maximize the information collected from each animals; – Whole genome sequences are publicly available for medaka and zebrafish; ¾ A large number of environmental chemicals need to be tested for potential endocrine disrupting effects – System models can integrate high-dimensional data to aid in mechanism understanding. ¾ Mechanism of action (MOA) is required to evaluate the risk of chemical exposure. University of Saskatchewan, Michigan State University, & ENTRIX 2 University of Saskatchewan, Michigan State University, & ENTRIX Hypothalamus 2. Pituitary 3. 4. PCR array • SYBR Green technology • LH: luteinizing hormone • 384-well format /ABI system • FSH: follicle-stimulating hormone • 3 reference genes • Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) • Fecundity (egg production) • BSI: brain-somatic index • HSI: hepatic-somatic index • GSI: gonadal-somatic index Other endpoints Gonad 1. Exposure T: testosterone 2. E2:17β-estradiol 3. KT:11-ketotestosterone 4. HDL: high-density lipid 5. LDL: low-density lipid Liver 3 Methods Medaka HPG axis 1. 1 • • • • • Villeneuve et al, EST 2007 University of Saskatchewan, Michigan State University, & ENTRIX 4 Animal: 4 month adult medaka Exposure: 5 model chemicals Sex: 5 male : 5 female per tank Vehicle control: DMSO RNA isolation: brain, liver & gonads University of Saskatchewan, Michigan State University, & ENTRIX 5 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) Cumulative Fecundity n =3 (p < 0.05) ♂ • Increased VTG conc. • Feminization • Liver: Increased HSI for males n =3 * p < 0.05 1. Up-regulation of ER-α and egg precursor genes 2. Down-regulation of CYP17 3. Down-regulation of brain androgen receptor (AR) (disordered male sexual behaviors) EE2: 17α-ethinylestradiol; TRB: 17β-trenbolone 6 University of Saskatchewan, Michigan State University, & ENTRIX Prochloraz exposure ♀ Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) CYP19A mRNA in the ovary • • Pesticide Inhibitor of CYP17 and CYP19 • Fecundity • ↓ T and E2 ↓ (Ankley et al 2005) • Compensatory response: Upregulation of CYP17 and CYP19A • Down-regulation of activin: retarded oocyte maturation University of Saskatchewan, Michigan State University, & ENTRIX 7 University of Saskatchewan, Michigan State University, & ENTRIX A: Control ovary hybridized with sense probe B: Control ovary, antisense probe C: 7 day exposure of 500 ng EE2/L D: 7 day exposure of 5000 ng TRB/L • • 8 Localization of a specific gene at the tissue and/or cellular level Change of CYP19A expression in a whole tissue basis was due to a combination of increase of CYP19A-containing cells and an increase of mRNA amount per cell. 9 University of Saskatchewan, Michigan State University, & ENTRIX Summary Fecundity v.s. Gene Expression • Application of the medaka HPG PCR array facilitated mechanistic understanding of environmental EDCs • The gender-, organ-, time- and concentration –specific gene expression profiles provide systematic information to delineate chemical-induced modes of action. • Molecular response at mRNA has potential to quantitatively evaluate chemical induced adverse effects on reproduction. • The medaka HPG axis model has potential to be an effective ecotoxicological screening tool for EDCs University of Saskatchewan, Michigan State University, & ENTRIX 11 University of Saskatchewan, Michigan State University, & ENTRIX 12 Application and Future Work 1. Acknowledgements ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Among -species comparison – Fish, mammalian, and human – Sequences alignments, transcriptional regulations, pathways, sensitivities. 2. Chemical classification – Database buildingup – Classification of chemical based on mechanisms of toxicity 3. ¾ Dr. Doris Au (CityU HK) ¾ Prof. Rudolf Wu (CityU HK) ¾ Dr. Daniel Villeneuve (US EPA) Risk assessment 1. Diagnostic (or retrospective) risk assessment 2. Predictive risk assessment 13 Zhang, X *., Hecker,M., Park, J., Tompsett, A.R., Jones, P.D., Newsted, J.L. and Giesy, J.P. (2008). Development and validation of a medaka brain-gonadal-liver axis model and a real time-PCR array method to facilitate the mechanistic classification of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). Aquatic Toxicol. 88, 173–182. 2. Zhang, X*., Hecker, M. Park, J., Tompsett, A.R., Newsted, Jones, P. D., Newsted, J. L., Wu, R. S. S., Kong, R. Y. C., and Giesy, J. P. (2008). Responses of the Medaka HPG axis PCR array and reproduction to prochloraz and ketoconazole. Environ Sci Technol 42, 6762-6769. 3. Zhang, X*., Hecker, M. Park, J., Tompsett, A.R., Newsted, J.L., Jones, P.D., Wu, R.S.S., Giesy, J. P. (2008). Time-dependent transcriptional profiles of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis to fadrozole and 17beta-trenbolone in medaka (O. latipes). Environ Toxicol Chem. (Article In press) 4. Park, J.-W., A.R. Tompsett, Zhang, X., P.D. Jones, J.L Newsted, D. Au, R. K., R. S.S. Wu, J.P. Giesy, M. Hecker. (2008) Fluorescence in situ hybridization techniques (FISH) to detect changes in CYP19a gene expression of Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes). Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol (Article In press). 5. Tompsett, A. R.; Park, J.; Zhang, X.; Jones, P. D.; Newsted, J. L.; Au, D. W. T.; Chen, E. X. H.; Yu, R. M. K.; Wu, R. S. S.; Kong, R. Y. C.; et al. (2008). Development and validation of an in situ hybridization system to detect gene expression along the HPG axis in Japanese medaka, Oryzias latipes. Toxicol. Sci. (submitted) Fecundity v.s. Gene Expression TRB Prochloraz Ketoconazole Fadrozole 46.1% (*) 5000 ng/L 26.0% (*) 3 ug/L 95.5% 30 ug/L 49.8% (*) 300 ug/L 18.0% (*) 3 ug/L 89.7% 30 ug/L 84.2% 300 ug/L 20.3% (*) 50 ug/L 20.4% (*) ERB_L VTG.I_L CHGH_L VTG.II_L ♀ nnexinM2_L 99.8% 500 ng/L AR_L 65.1% 50 ng/L ERA_L 92.4% 500 ng/L HGHminor_L 50 ng/L CHGL_L EE2 Effects (%) 91.0% -4096 -1024 -256 -64 -16 -4 1 4 16 Fo ld Ch a ng e Conc. 5 0 0 0 n g /L TR B 5 0 0 n g /L 5 0 n g /L 3 0 0 u g /L P RO 3 0 u g /L 3 u g /L 3 0 u g /L K TC 3 0 u g /L FA D 1 0 .0 u g /L 3 u g /L 1 0 0 u g /L 1 .0 u g /L 5 0 0 n g /L EE2 5 0 n g /L 5 n g /L University of Saskatchewan, Michigan State University, & ENTRIX 14 Xiaowei Zhang, Ph.D. 15 University of Saskatchewan, Michigan State University, & ENTRIX University of Saskatchewan, Michigan State University, & ENTRIX Thank you! Related Publications 1. 5 ng/L The Toxicology Centre at the University of Saskatchewan ¾ Strategic to Achieve Results (STAR) grant from US EPA ¾ Computational Toxicology Program of the US EPA, ORD and OSCP, and the US EPA ORD Service Center/NHEERL University of Saskatchewan, Michigan State University, & ENTRIX Chemical Prof. John P. Giesy, Ph.D. Dr. Markus Hecker Dr. Junewoo Park Ms Amber Tompsett Dr. Paul Jones Dr. John Newsted 10 Toxicology Centre University of Saskatchewan 44 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, SK, S7N5B3, Canada Tel: 306-966-1204 Fax: 306-966-4796 Email: Lab Web Site: University of Saskatchewan, Michigan State University, & ENTRIX 16 White sturgeon hatch and survival after exposure to Columbia River surface water at two sites in British Columbia, Canada Background • Poor recruitment of white sturgeon in the trans-boundary region of the Columbia • Adult sturgeon spawn and lay fertilized eggs, which hatch Amber Tompsett Aquatic Toxicity Workshop Saskatoon, SK October 6, 2008 Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan Background • Possible causes for poor recruitment: – Lack of suitable habitat – Flow regime – Alteration of water quality – – – – – – Nutrition Genetic bottlenecks or inbreeding depression Predation by introduced species such as walleye Interspecies competition Pathogens/disease Pollution • However, few young of the year (YOY) have been found in habitats considered suitable for this life stage • Hatchery reared juveniles released to the river exhibit good survival and growth Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan Possible Sources of Pollution • Metal smelter -Liquid effluent -Granular slag/sediment • Pulp and paper mill • May act either alone or in combination Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan Project Objectives Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan Site Location • Exposure of white sturgeon early life stages to Columbia River surface water at 2 sites -Upstream of metal smelter -Downstream of metal smelter -Filtered city water control • Evaluation of biological endpoints at each site -Survival -Growth -Morphology Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan 1 Site Locations Reference Site Fruitvale Trail Smelter Site Rossland Downstream Site Canada U.S.A. Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan Experiment Setup Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan Exposure Systems • Retrofitted commercial trailers River Intake • Identical trailer at each site Overflow to River Fully Replace Every 6h (205 L) 85L Reservoir • Continuous river water supply Recirculating System (205 L) • Controls at upstream site 40 L Streams Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan Experimental Design • 4 replicates per treatment • 3 chambers per replicate • Maintenance of WQ -adequate flow rates -chilled water Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan Methods: Exposure • Fertilized eggs obtained from wild broodstock • Eggs hatched and reared to ~60 d post-fertilization • Dead fish collected and counted daily -basic morphometrics • Subsampling and water sampling Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan 2 Methods: Exposure Termination Results: Survival to Hatch 90 • Survival Percent Hatch • Weight and length 80 • Abnormal morphology • No significant treatment differences • Lower hatch rates in river water treatments -insufficient flow in hatching jars -fungal growth 70 • Preservation for: -histology -molecular biology -contaminant analysis 60 C D U Treatment Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan Exposure Mortality Why do the fish die? Cumulative Mortality 90 % Mortality % Dead 80 Day 1 70 60 7 Egg 50 60 20 Yolk Sack Larvae Exogenous Feeding Larvae 40 Fertilization 30 Control 20 Upstream Downstream Hatch Transition to exogenous feeding Exposure initiation 10 Transition to juvenile Exposure termination 60 57 54 51 48 45 42 39 36 33 30 27 24 21 18 15 12 0 Day of Exposure Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan Cumulative Mortality: Yolk-sac Larvae 35 Cumulative Mortality: Exogenous Feeding Larvae 18 30 16 14 Control 20 Upstream 15 Downstream 10 Mortalit %% Mortality Mortalit %% Mortality 25 12 Control 10 Upstream 8 Downstream 6 4 5 2 0 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Day of Exposure Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan 0 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Day of Exposure Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan 3 Why do more control fish die? Absolute Survival: A Better Measure? R2=0.983!!! Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan • No significant treatment differences • Similar survival even with different stocking rates Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan Tentative Conclusions What next? • Further analysis of survival and termination data • Downstream river water had no adverse effects on hatching success • Mortality rates of white sturgeon in culture were highly dependent upon initial fish density • Downstream river water probably did not have adverse effects on survival of larval white sturgeon to 60 d Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan • Analysis of water samples -Trace metals -Organic carbon • Histological and molecular analysis • Expansion to new sites in 2009 Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan Thanks to… • • • • • • • • • David Vardy Markus Hecker John Giesy Marco Adzic Howard Zhang Marcie Allan Hanne Smith Adam Jonas Kootenay Trout Hatchery -Ron Ek • Karen Smyth • Eric Higley • Jonathan Naile • TeckCominco Metals Ltd. -Bill Duncan -Rick Brown • Selkirk College • US EPA • University of Saskatchewan -Environmental Tox Lab -Shanda Sedgwick -Jacinda Duquette -Liber Lab -Dube Lab Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan Questions? Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan 4 In Vitro Assessment of the Endocrine Modulating Potential of Oil Sands Processed Water and Naphthenic Acids Xiaowei Zhang Steve Wiseman Paul D. Jones Markus Hecker John P Giesy Mahamed Gamel El-Din Johnathan Martin Alberta’s Oil Sands Contain an estimated 1.7 – 2.5 trillion barrels of bitumen - 1/3 of known global oil reserves. Alberta’s Oil Sands “…The banks of the Athabasca would furnish an in exhaustible supply of fuel..[they] have found it to contain from 12-15 per cent of bitumen. Although this proportion may appear small, yet the material occurs in such enormous quantities that a profitable means of extracting oil…may be found.” - Robert Bell; Geological Survey of Canada; 1884 Alberta’s Oil Sands ... Mining Two Mining Practises 1.Surface / Open Pit Mining Could supply Canada’s energy needs for more than 475 years, or total world needs for up to 15 years! - Truck and shovel operations - Oil sands transported to processing plants 2. In Situ Mining Production has steadily increased since the first oil sands development in 1967. SAG-D (Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage). CSS – Cyclic Steam Stimulation. - HSAGD – Hybrid Steam Assisted Gravity drainage 2004 - Oil sands production accounted for 62 percent of Alberta’s total oil. 2015 - Expected to be 87 percent. Alberta’s Oil Sands ... Extraction Clarke Hot Water Extraction > Hot water and caustic soda added to sand. > Resulting slurry is piped to the extraction plant > It is agitated and the oil skimmed from the top. > Combination of hot water and agitation releases bitumen from the oil sand. Alberta’s Oil Sands ... Tailings Ponds Waste water is stored in tailings ponds. > For each barrel of oil recovered, 2.5 barrels of waste are generated. Tailings ponds estimated at more than 550 cubic kilometres and growing. - Syncrude Mildred Lake site contains over 600 x 10(6) cubic maters of water. Replacing conventional crude with oil sands to meet the world's energy demands would require about 700 additional plants. - Generate a tailings pond the size of Lake Ontario. Tailings Ponds Chemistry Basin Year [NA] [NH4] [NA] [Ca] [Cl] [SO4] MLSB 1978 50 25 600 20 350 350 WIP 1995 77 15 910 15 510 370 NA are a complex mixture of alkyl-substituted cycloaliphatic carboxylic acids and acyclic aliphatic acids. In Vitro Assessment of the Endocrine Modulating Potential of Sediment-Free OSPW and Commercial NA Using the H295R Cell Line Non-volatile and chemically stable. Naturally components of petroleum. Produced by biodegradation of petroleum. Clemente and Fedorak, 2005 The H295R Cell Line The H295R Cell Line Cholesterol Derived from a human female adrenocortical carcinoma. CYP11A CYP17 CYP17 Produces a variety of hormones Pregnenolone - androgens and estrogens - mineralcorticoids - glucocorticoids 17α-OH-Pregnenolone 3β-HSD Progesterone Cell line has been used to investigate endocrine disruption in response to: - PBDEs - PCBs - Pesticides - Pharmaceuticals CYP21 11-DeoxyCorticosterone DHEA 3β-HSD 3β-HSD CYP17 CYP17 17α-OH-Progesterone Androstenedione 17β-HSD CYP21 11-Deoxycortisol Estrone CYP19 17β-HSD CYP11B1 CYP11B2 17β-Estradiol Cortisol Corticosterone Effects on Steroidogenesis have been measured at the level of - mRNA abundance - Enzyme activity - Steroid hormone concentrations CYP11B2 Aldosterone Endocrine Modulation Protocol Incubate 24h Impact of OSPW on Estradiol Production Incubate 48h * * Seed Plate * Change Media Dose Cells % OSPW Treatment groups: - OSPW - Sigma NA - Merichem NA CYP19 Testosterone Estradiol and Testosterone ELISA Extract Media Significant (p< 0.05) increase in estradiol synthesis. * * Impact of NA on Estradiol Production Merichem Impact of OSPW on Testosterone Production Sigma * * * * * * * Testosterone * % NA * * % NA % OSPW Significant (p< 0.05) increase in estradiol synthesis. Very little impact on testosterone synthesis. Merichem NA stimulate greater increase in estradiol production. Summary Impact of NA on Testosterone Production OSPW and NA impact estradiol production. Merichem Sigma * * * * Testosterone production is less impacted by OSPW exposure. * * * NA have greater impact on testosterone production than OSPW. * % NA % NA Significant (p< 0.05) increase in testosterone synthesis. Merichem NA have greater impact on testosterone synthesis than sigma NA. OSPW as an EDC Goldfish Goldfish (Carassius (Carassiusauratus) auratus) (Lister (Listeretetal., al.,2008) 2008) Slimy SlimySculpin Sculpin (Cottus (Cottuscognatus) cognatus) Future Directions Reduced Reducedplasma plasmatestosterone testosteroneand andestradiol estradiol in ingoldfish goldfishexposed exposedto toOSPW. OSPW. >>Based on hCG challenge assay steroidogenesis Based on hCG challenge assay steroidogenesis remained remainedfunctionally functionallyintact. intact. >>Exposure Exposureto to aaNA NAextract extractfailed failedto togive givethe thesame same response. response. Reduced Reducedininvitro vitroproduction productionof ofestradiol estradioland and testosterone testosteroneby byovarian ovarianand andtesticular testiculartissues. tissues. (Tetreault (Tetreaultetetal., al.,2003) 2003) Pearl PearlDace Dace (Semotilus (Semotilusmargarita) margarita) (Tetreault (Tetreaultetetal., al.,2003) 2003) No Nodifference differencein inthe theininvitro vitroproduction productionof of testosterone testosteroneand andestradiol estradiolby byovarian ovariantissue tissue in inindividuals individualscollected collectedfrom fromreference referencesites sites and andOSPW. OSPW. - Studies need repeating!!! - Determine Mechanism of Action - mRNA Abundance - Aromatase Activity - Coexposure studies - Other hormones ??? Impact of OSPW fractions on hormone production. Aquatic Toxicology of Perfluoroctanesulfonate and Related Chemicals Authors Jonathan Naile, Jong Seong Khim, John Newstead, Paul Jones, and John Giesy Toxicology Centre University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, SK, Canada Aquatic Toxicity Workshop Saskatoon, SK October 7th, 2008 Website: What are they? Background and History z z F F F F F F O F z O F F F F F F F F F F F F F F O O S F F F F F F F F F O Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) Physical/Chemical Properties • PFOS is a fatty acid analogue • Log Kow is not useful due to Amphiphilic properties • Resistant to hydrolysis, photolysis, and biodegradation • Preferentially retained in liver and blood Fundamentally different from traditional organic pollutants Previously thought to be chemically stable and biologically inert in the environment F Perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) F Previous research primarily focused on brominated and/or chlorinated halogenated compounds z z Globally distributed in matrices varying form human blood to polar bear tissue Many uncertainties from analytical methods for quantification, to toxicity to wildlife and humans Bioaccumulation and concentration tion (Laboratory) • BAF for trout was calculated to be 0.32 ± 0.05, therefore based on lab studies diet does not appear to be the major source for PFOS accumulation in fish • Enterohepatic recirculation may cause Kow to under predict accumulation Apparent Species Tissue Bluegill Edible Unnedible Whole Rainbow trout Carcass Blood Liver a a Ku Kinetic Parameters Kd BCFK b Half‐life BCF 484 1124 (L/kg*d) (1/d) (L/kg) (d) 8.9 22 0.0047 0.0052 1866 4312 146 133 856 ‐ ‐ ‐ 16 53 240 260 0.0045 0.048 0.057 0.05 3614 1100 4300 5400 152 15 12 14 Apparent BCF was calculated as the concentration in fish at the end of the exposure phase divided by the average water concentration BCFK was estimated as Ku/Kd b Bioconcentration and Accumulation (Field) Acute Ecotoxicology (Fresh water) Y In general based on the laboratory toxicity studies, PFOS is known to be moderately acutely toxic to aquatic organisms • However big differences exist between laboratory and field measured results Trophic level • Bioaccumulation calculated in the field ranges greatly (6,300 to 125,000 for the common shiner), and is often much higher than what is predicted in the laboratory • Reasons for the difference include: interspecies variability, sex‐dependent variables, diet over the entire life span, and precursors being metabolized to PFOS Lemna gibba Invertebrate Daphnia magna Amphibians Acute Ecotoxicology (Marine) AS Invertebrate Fish Test organism/Species Artemia salina Test Duration Endpoint LOEC (mg/L) (mg/L) EC50/LC50/IC50 Robertson 1986 48 h Survival 9.4 Robertson 1986 Survival 96 h 2nd generation survival Crassostrea virginica 96 h 96 h Oncorhynchus mykiss 96 h Survival 96 h Survival 96 h Survival 1.1 8.9 Robertson 1986 3.6 Drottar and Krueger 0.53 Shell growth <15 >3.0 Drottar and Krueger 13.7 Robertson 1986 13.7 Robertson 1986 >15 Palmer et al. 2002 Chronic Ecotoxicology (Marine) y Desjardins et al. 2001 7 d Frond number 29.2 59.1 Desjardins et al. 2001 7 d 48 h Biomass Survival 6.6 33.1 31.1 130 Boudreau et al. 2003 48 h Immobility 0.8 67.2 48 h Survival/immobility 32 61 48 h 2nd generation survival 12 96 h Growth Survival 96 h Survival Trophic level 96 h 96 h Survival 96 h Survival Test Species Test Duration Endpoint NOEC LOEC (mg/L) (mg/L) EC50/LC50/IC50 (mg/L) Test Species Skeletonema costatum Mysidopsis bahia Reference 96 h Growth (cell density) 93.8 131 Desjardins et al. 2001 96 h Inhibition of growth rate 93.8 176 Desjardins et al. 2001 96 h 35 d Growth (cell density) Growth, # young produced >3.2 0.24 >3.2 Drottar and Krueger 7.97 5.4 6.3 13 Palmer and Krueger 15.6 9.1 Drottar and Krueger 7.8 Robertson 1986 9.9 Robertson 1986 22 Palmer et al. 2002 Test Duration Endpoint NOEC LOEC (mg/L) (mg/L) Desjardins et al. 2001 Drottar and Krueger 2000 EC50/LC50/IC50 (mg/L) Reference 96 h Respiratory inhibition Microalgae Selenastrum capricornutum 96 h Growth (cell density) 96 h Inhibition of growth rate 42 96 h Growth (cell density) 150 263 Sutherland and Krueger 2001 96 h Inhibition of growth 206 305 Sutherland and Krueger 2001 Chlorella vulgaris 96 h Growth (cell density) 8.2 81.6 Boudreau et al. 2003 Zooplankton community 35 d Community structure 3 Myriophyllum spicatum 42 d Biomass, dw 11.4 12.5 42 d Root length, cm 11.4 16.7 42 d Biomass, dw 2.9 3.4 Hanson et al. 2005 42 d Root length, cm 0.3 2.4 Hanson et al. 2005 Daphnia magna 21 d Adult survival 5.3 42.9 Boudreau et al. 2003 Chironomus tentans 10 d >0.15 MacDonald et al. 2004 Macroalgae Myriophyllum sibiricum Invertebrate 42 >870 Schaefer and Flaggs 2000 68 Drottar and Krueger 2000 121 Drottar and Krueger 2000 Boudreau et al. 2003 Hanson et al. 2005 Hanson et al. 2005 Survival 0.05 10 d Growth (chlorophyll a) 0.05 Amphibians Rana pipiens 16 wk Partial life cycle 0.3 3 6.21 Ankley et al. 2004 Fish Pimephales promelas 28 d Microcosm 0.3 3 7.2 Oakes et al. 2005 47 d Early life stage 0.29 0.58 0.087 MacDonald et al. 2004 Drottar and Krueger 2000 Ecotoxicology for Perfluorobutanesulfonate (PFBS) PFBS was chosen because it one of the main replacement chemicals now used instead of PFOS Organism Genus/Species Acute Water flea Fathead minnow Daphnia magna Pimephales promelas Bluegill Algae Microalgae Invertebrate Boudreau et al. 2003 Drottar and Krueger 4.82 3.2 Test Trophic level Boudreau et al. 2003 Microorganism community There is limited chronic marine toxicological data available, but in general it appears that marine microorganisms and invertebrates behave similarly to their freshwater relatives Microorganisms Anabaena flos‐aquae Reference (mg/L) Microorganisms Drottar and Krueger 1.8 EC50/LC50/IC50 108 Pimephales promelas Navicula pelliculosa 9.4 Survival LOEC (mg/L) (mg/L) 15 Oncorhynchus mykiss Reference Survival 48 h NOEC Endpoint Frond number Based on the laboratory toxicity studies, PFOS is known to be slightly chronically toxic to aquatic organisms (mg/L) 48 h Mysidopsis bahia Cyprinodon variegatus NOEC Test Duration 7 d Chronic Ecotoxicology (Fresh water) Limited marine toxicology data exists, and the Sheepshead minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus) study reports a value above the solubility of PFOS in salt water because they added 0.05% methanol to increase PFOS solubility. Trophic level Xenopus laevis Fish • More data is needed to evaluate bioconcentration and bioaccumulation under environmental conditions Test organism/Species Macroalgae Mysid a NOEC LOEC LC50 duration Media (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) Reference 48 h 96 h FW FW 886 888 1707 1655 2183 1938 WLI 2001 WLI 2001 Lepomis macrochirus 96 h FW 2715 5252 6452 WLI 2001 Selenastrum capricornutum Mysidopsis bahia 96 h FW 1077 2216 2347 WLI 2001 96 h SW 127 269 372 WLI 2001 502 995 Chronic Daphnia magna 21 d FW Water flea b a Reported data are based on biomass measurements b Reported data based on reproduction and length measurements WLI 2001 Water Quality Criteria for PFOS Water Quality Criteria (PFCs) Log Scale • Purpose: To derive water quality values for those perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) that have sufficient and appropriate toxicity data • Used the US EPA Great Lakes Initiative methodology because it provided specific procedures and methodologies for utilizing toxicity data to derive water quality values protective of aquatic life • OVERALL GOAL: To derive toxicity reference values that are protective of aquatic life Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) • Limited Toxicological data available for many PFCs, so the use a Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship was developed to estimate toxicological data where no measured data is available • Results show that chain‐length is the most important factor in determining toxicity, although functional head group and the addition of an amide group can also be important 24 mg/L‐CCC for PFBS 121 mg/L‐ CMC for PFBS 25 mg/L‐CMC for PFOA 2.9 mg/L‐CCC for PFOA 21 ng/L‐CMC for PFOS 5.1 mg/L‐CCC for PFOS 47 ng/L‐AWV for PFOS 17 ng/L‐AWV for PFBS CMC: criteria maximum concentration CCC: criteria continuous concentration AWV: avian wildlife value Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) • Shorter than 6 or 7 carbons do not tend to accumulate and bioconcentration factors are usually less than 1.0 • Bioconcentration tends to go up by a factor of about 100 with the addition of 2 carbons for PFCs C4 to C8 • Chain‐lengths greater than 12 appear to have reduced toxicity • Length does not appear to be as important for fluorotelomer alcohols Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) Chain‐length not functional group makes the difference 100000 PFAS Fish Bioconcentration Factors 10000 Conclusions • Based on the GLI a protective water concentration of PFOS was calculated to be 0.46mg PFOS/L for chronic exposure and 0.78mg PFOS/L for acute exposure. • In most cases chain‐length appears to be the most important factor determining PFC toxicity PFCA 1000 100 • There are big differences between BCF calculated in the field and what has been calculated in the Laboratory 10 1 • There are still many knowledge gaps and more aquatic toxicity data is needed 0.1 0 2 4 6 8 10 Perfluorinated Carbons 12 14 Thank You! Structure of Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) Toxicity of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) to Avian Wildlife: Ambient Safe Water Derivation and Uncertainty Analysis O C8F17 S - O PFOS is the ultimate degradation product of POSF-based compounds and the compound found in the environment - O J.L. Newsted1, J. Naile2, J. Khim2, P.D. Jones2, J.P. Giesy2,3 F 1 F ENTRIX, Inc., East Lansing, MI, USA 2 Department of Biomedical and Veterinary Biosciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada C C F F F F F F C FF C C FF C F O C S O FO * * The compound is a mixture of isomers and homologues. Biology and Chemistry Department, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, SAR, China Commercial PFOS is approx. 70 % straight chain and 30 % branched 2 Global Sampling Locations PFOS concentrations in North American Waters 1.2 Cumulative Probability 3 F F F C 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 Wildlife Value=50 ng/L 0.2 0 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 PFOS Concentration (ng/L) 3 4 Assessment Approach Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative or GLI (USEPA 1995) Comprehensive approach used by regulatory agencies Where did this number come from? 9 Utilizes environmental properties of chemical 9 Utilizes Environmental Fate Properties 9 Toxicological data for both humans and ecological receptors Approach assumes primary exposure pathways to receptors of concern is from water through species specific food chains 5 6 1 Derivation of Safe Water Concentrations for the Protection of Wildlife Wildlife Value = Test Dose x BW Uncertainty Factor W +∑(FTLi xBAF WL TLi Establishing a Toxicological Dose ) • WV = Wildlife Value in milligrams of PFOS per liter (mg/L) • TD = Test dose or threshold dose in mg of PFOS per kg per day (mg/kg body weight-day). • UF = Overall Uncertainty factor interspecies, toxicological endpoint and exposure duration extrapolations. • BW = Average body weight in kilograms (kg) for the representative species. • FTLi = Species specific average daily amount of food consumed (kg/day) for trophic level I • W = Species specific average daily amount of water consumed (L/day) • BAFWLTLi =Bioaccumulation factor for wildlife food in trophic level i. For consumption of piscivorous birds by other birds, the BAF is derived by multiplying the Trophic Level 3 BAF by the biomagnification factor (BMF). 7 8 Thresholds for Avian Species Exposed to PFOS in the Diet Relevant Avian Toxicological Studies 1000 603: 8-day LC50 juvenile mallard PFOS Concentration (mg PFOS/kg in diet) Laboratory Studies In vitro Cwinn, MA et al 2008-Chicken hepatocyte study In ovo Molina ED et al. 2007-Chicken embryo toxicity study In vivo Newsted JL et al. 2006. Mallard and Bobwhite Quail acute dietary study Newsted JL et al. 2007. Mallard and Bobwhite quail chronic dietary study Newsted JL et al. 2005. Derivation of an Avian Toxicity Reference Value Field Studies Hoff PD et al. 2005. Biochemical evaluation of song birds collected from organo-halogen contaminated site 212: 8-day LC50 juvenile bobwhite quail 100 10 141: No mortality concentration mallard acute 70.3 No mortality concentration quail acute 50: LOAEL for mortality in mallard and quail in chronic dietary study 10: LOAEL reduced survival of quail offspring from exposed adults 10: LOEL reduced testes size in adult mallard and quail 1 Arrows indicate various toxicity thresholds for avian species that have been tested in laboratory studies. Values are dietary PFOS concentrations. 9 10 Uncertainty Factors for a Generic Trophic Level 4 Predator Exposed to PFOS Derivation of Toxicant Reference Values (TRVs) US EPA Great Lakes Initiative (GLI) Toxicity data based on whole-life in vivo studies with bobwhite and mallards Application of uncertainty factors UNCERTAINTY FACTORS (UF) Values Inter-taxon Extrapolation (UFA) Exposure Duration (UFL) 6 2 Toxicological Endpoint (UFS) 2 UF for TRV 11 UF= (6 x 2 x 2) = 24 12 2 Bioaccumulation Factors Derived from Field Studies Bioaccumulation Factors (BAFs) Cumulative Probability 1.0 Potential Sources of BAFs • Field derived values • Should include multiple trophic level species (TL3 and 4) • Laboratory based values • Need to include Food Chain Magnification (FCM) factors • Values based on Kow • Structure-Activity 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 BAF~13,000 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 BAF~3,500 0.1 0.0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 Bioaccumulation Factors 13 BAF and Water PFOS Concentration Association PFOS BCFs in Aquatic Vertebrates Species 100000 10000 Log BAF 14 1000 Species Tissue Apparent BCF Kinetic BCF (L/kg) Bluegill Whole 859 2796 Rainbow trout Carcass Liver - 1100 5400 Carp Whole Liver 1300 4300 - Fathead Minnow Liver 300 to 600 - Northern Leopard Frog Whole - 100 10 1 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Log PFOS Water Concentraton (ug/L) 27.7 to 200 15 Biomagnification Factor for PFOS in Avian Species Species Feed Liver (ug PFOS/g) (ug PFOS/g) 10 61 6.1 Quail 10 88 8.8 Geometric mean Surrogate Avian Species Used in Wildlife Value Estimates BMF Mallard 16 Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) • Order Charadriiformes, Family Laridae • Feeds on a variety of foods including fish, crustacea, molluscs, insects, small mammals and birds, and garbage Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) • Order Falconiformes, Family Accipitridae • Opportunistic feeder that consumes fish, birds, and small mammals depending on availability 7.3 - BMF values calculated from the dietary chronic studies Belted Kingfisher (Ceryle alcyon) • Order Coraciidormes, Family Alcedinidales • Generally feeds only on fish but when available, will also consume crayfish. - Geometric mean of mallard and bobwhite quail BMFs used in the calculation of wildlife values. BMF = 7.3 - All measured values reported on a wet weight basis 17 18 3 Exposure Parameters for Three Surrogate Avian Species Identified for Deriving Wildlife Values Adult Water Food ingestion rate of Body ingestion rate each prey in each wt. (kg) (L/day) trophic level (kg/day) Species Herring gull 1.1 0.063 MODEL ASSUMPTIONS Bioaccumulation Factors Trophic level of prey (% diet) TL3: 0.192 Fish: 90 (TL3: 80; TL4: 20) TL4: 0.0480 Other: 10 Trophic Magnification Factor (TFM): Trophic Level 3 BAF*: Trophic Level 4 BAF: Biomagnification Factor (BMF): Other: 0.0267 Bald Eagle 4.6 0.160 TL3: 0.371 Fish: 92 (TL3: 80; TL4: 20) TL4: 0.0929 Birds: 8 (PB: 70; other: 30) Toxicity Data PB: 0.0283 Test Dose (mg PFOS/kg bw/day): Total Uncertainty Factor: Other: 0.0121 Belted Kingfisher 0.15 0.017 TL3: 0.0672 2.0 2000 4000 7.0 TL3: 100 Note: TL3 or TL4 = trophic level 3 or 4 fish; PB= piscivorous birds; Other = non-aquatic birds and mammals 0.77 24 *Based on use of the bluegill (2796) and rainbow trout (1100) BCF 19 20 Effects Ranges: Water PFOS Wildlife Values Concentration for Avian Species 70,000 ng/L – Lethal to Juvenile birds (LOAEL) Species Wildlife Value (μg PFOS/L) Herring Gull 0.048 Bald Eagle 0.078 Kingfisher Geometric Mean 1,500 ng/L – Subtle effects on testes without any effects on survival, growth or reproduction of quail (LOAEL) 0.029 0.046 TRV: 50 ng/L – No effects, includes safety factor of 24 (EPA GLI) 15 ng/L - Average Great Lakes Water PFOS concentration 21 Comparison of PFOS Concentrations in Laurentian Great Lakes to its Chronic Value 22 General Conclusions Concentrations less than 100 ng PFOS/L pose no environmental hazard to birds Lake Erie WV = 50 ng/L Lake Huron Values greater than 1,000 would require site-specific assessments, including sampling to confirm exposures and population-level effects Lake Ontario Mich. Waters Niagara River Concentrations greater than 5,000 ng PFOS/L are likely to cause adverse effects to fish-eating birds 1000 0.10 1.0 10 100 Log PFOS Concentrations (ng/L) 23 24 4 Thank You John L. Newsted Entrix, Entrix, Inc. Okemos, Michigan 48864 USA Tel: (517) 381381-1434 Fax: (517) 432432-1984 Email: 25 5 Sensitivity of early lifelife-stages of white sturgeon Acipenser transmontana to copper, cadmium, and zinc David Vardy1, Amber Tompsett1, Jacinda Duquette1, John Giesy1 , Markus Hecker1,2 1 Department • A sensitive transition period from yolk sac to exogenous feeding (~day 20-35) was discovered within the controls and all treatment groups (except the high metal doses where 100% mortality occurred prior to feeding) that promoted fish mortality (Fig 2, 3, 4.) • The drastic increase in mortalities across all groups during the transition feeding stage has raised the question of whether it may be more appropriate to test early life-stages of white sturgeon at independent time intervals and thereby excluding this period of time that is characterized by a naturally greater mortality. • All treatment groups experienced greater mortality throughout the exposure period compared to controls (Fig 6.) Results • 100% mortality occurred between hatch and day 10 for the two highest doses of Cu and the highest dose of Cd and Zn. • Copper affects sodium regulation across the gills and appears to drastically impact early life-stages of white sturgeon during the first few days of exposure, especially at the higher doses (Fig 2,5). Cumulative Copper Mortality 100 % Mortality % Mortality 100 80 60 Cu 0.2 ug/L Cu 1.2 ug/L Cu 7.2 ug/L 40 Cu 43.2 ug/L Cu3 Cu4 Cu5 60 10 20 30 60 Cd2 40 Cd3 30 Cd4 20 Cd5 10 Zn1 0 Zn2 40 50 60 Cd3 Cd4 Cd5 Zn1 Zn2 Zn3 Doses Zn4 Zn5 Zn4 Zn5 Fig 6. Cumulative mortalities for Cu, Cd and Zn for duration of exposure. % Mortality after 96h - Cu Cd 81.92 ug/L % Mortality after 96h - Cd % Mortality after 96h - Zn Control Cu Lab 125 20 30 40 50 60 70 • Cadmium is known to disrupt calcium uptake but has also been found to bioaccumulate within the kidneys and liver. In the present study cadmium appears to have a pronounced acute effect at the highest dose at an early stage (Fig 5) and a more chronic effect in the second to highest dose towards the end of the exposure period (Fig 3). 75 50 25 100 75 50 25 0 100 1000 75 50 25 0 10 0 1 ug/L • Zinc is an essential nutrient and most fish can tolerate relatively high concentrations. In this study only the highest dose of zinc (1296 µg/L) had a pronounced effect early in the experiment. A slight increase in mortality was experienced in the second to highest does near the end of the exposure period (Fig 4). Zn In Situ 100 1 Zn Lab 125 Cd In Situ 100 Fig 3. Cadmium cumulative mortalities Cd Lab 125 Cu In Situ Day 10 100 1000 10 ug/L 100 1000 LC50 (µg/L) Lab In Situ WER Cu 74.29 38.675 0.520595 Cd 15.786 62.53603 3.961486 Zn 156.2893 646.2608 4.135029 100 Table 1. LC50 values and WER for early life-stages of white sturgeon exposed to Cu, Cd and Zn in laboratory and UCR water 80 60 Zn 1.0 ug/L Zn 6 ug/L Zn 36 ug/L 40 Zn 216 ug/L Zn 1296 ug/L Control 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Day 10000 ug/L Figure 7. 96hr Acute LC50 tests for Columbia River Water and Standard Laboratory Water (Conducted through a parallel study with Amber Tompsett) Cumulative Zinc Mortality % Mortality Cd2 0 Cd 0.16 ug/L 10 120 Future and upcoming work: -Histology and biobio-energetic analyses. -Metal speciation model -Benthic invertebrate experiments. -Slag exposure experiments. Fig 4. Zinc cumulative mortalities Acknowledgments: Cd1 20 Cd 1.28 ug/L 0 Fig 2. Copper cumulative mortalities Cu5 60 40 • Early-life stages of white sturgeon appear to be less sensitive to Cd and Zn in UCR waters compared to standard laboratory water and more sensitive to Cu (Fig 7). • Complexation of metals with organic materials decreases bioavailability and in turn toxicity to fish and could explain the lower toxicity of Cd and Zn in river water. • The decrease in Cu toxicity in laboratory water compared to river water is surprising and merits further investigation. Cd 10.24 ug/L 20 70 Cu4 80 Cd 0.02 ug/L 40 Day B Figure 1. A: Flow-through exposure system; B: Exposure chamber design. Cd1 0 Cu3 100 Fig 5. Cumulative mortalities for Cu, Cd and Zn during the first 20 days 0 0 • Further morphological analyses are currently being conducted at the University of Saskatchewan Toxicology Centre. 80 Cu 259.2 ug/L Control 0 • Continuous flow-through exposure systems were designed and used to test 5 different exposure concentrations per metal based upon environmentally relevant concentrations found in the Columbia River and concentrations expected to produce toxic effects (Fig 1.): Cu 0.2 µg/L (ppb)—260 µg/L Cd 0.02 µg/L (ppb)—82 µg/L Zn 1 µg/L (ppb)—1300 µg/L • Fertilized white sturgeon eggs were obtained from the Kootenay Trout Hatchery, Fort Steele, B.C. • Embryos, larvae and juveniles were exposed for 65 days and the surviving juveniles were euthanized, measured, weighed and fixed in formalin. • 96 hr static renewal LC50 tests were conducted with 8-day old larva. A Cumulative Cadm ium Mortality 120 20 Methods Cu2 Zn3 Discussion 120 2. Collect information that will be used along with metal speciation models to predict thresholds for effects of these metals on eggs and larvae of white sturgeon under field conditions Cu2 Cu1 90 80 70 50 Control Cu1 Control 100 Doses Objectives 1. Develop a species-specific dose-response relationship that will be used to establish metal toxicity threshold values for white sturgeon for Cu, Cd and Zn. Total Cumulative Mortalities Cumulative Mortalities-Swim Up Phase (Day 1-20) • Cd 4 (10.24 µgL) treatment experienced greater mortality near the end of the exposure period (day 40) than all other treatments. • 96hr LC50 values for Cu, Cd and Zn were 74.29 µg/L, 15.29 µg/L and 156.29 µg/L, respectively. • Water effects ratios (WER) indicate a 4 fold factor for Cd and Zn and a 0.5 fold factor for Cu between UCR waters and standard laboratory water for early life-stages of white sturgeon (Table 1). % Mortality . It has been reported, however, that juveniles released into the UCR as part of a recovery initiative exhibit good survival, growth rates and body condition. Habitat alteration, varying flow regime, poor nutrition, genetic bottlenecks, predation and pollution have all been suggested as possible explanations. Presently, little toxicity data exist characterizing the sensitivity of white sturgeon to metals of concern (Cu, Cd, Zn). Inc., Saskatoon, SK, Canada % Mortality There is evidence that adult white sturgeons are spawning and depositing viable eggs in only certain areas of the Canadian reach of the Columbia River, especially at Waneta Eddy located just north of the U.S.-Canada border, but only limited numbers of young of the year (YOY) have been found in habitats considered suitable for this life stage (Golder Associates Ltd. 2007. White sturgeon spawning at Waneta, 2007 investigations. Report prepared for Teck Cominco Metals Ltd. Trail Operations. Golder Report No. 07-14800031F: 28p.) 2ENTRIX, % Mortality Introduction of Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada. % Mortality Poor recruitment of white sturgeon Acipenser transmontana in the Upper Columbia River (UCR) has been documented since the 1970s. There are many possible causes for this phenomenon, including exposure to metals that may influence survival of eggs and or juveniles. In general, little is known about the potential toxicity of metals such as Cu, Cd, and Zn to white sturgeon. The purpose of this study was to establish baseline laboratory toxicity data for the exposure of early life-stages of white sturgeon to Cu, Cd, and Zn that can be used in risk assessments, and, in combination with field experiments conducted in a parallel study, to assess the potential toxicity of these metals in waters of the Columbia River. Embryos, larvae and fry were exposed to increasing concentrations of dissolved Cu, Cd, and Zn for 65 days using laboratory based flow-through exposure systems. In addition, 96hr LC50 static toxicity tests were conducted for each metal in order to gather information to calculate water effect ratios (WER) between laboratory and separate concurrent field studies (see Amber Tompsett et al.;metal coal and diamond mining session, ATW). Preliminary results indicate that early life-stages of white sturgeon are more sensitive to Cu and Zn during the first 20 days post hatch compared to Cd which had a greater impact during prolonged exposure. % Mortality Abstract Funding for this project was provided by Teck Metals Ltd. Thanks to the Kootenay Trout Hatchery, Dr. Liber’s Lab, Eric Higley, Jonathan Naile, the UofS undergraduate team and the US-EPA for their advise during the planning stage of the studies. Assessment of Toxicity of Upper Danube River Sediments Using a Combination of Chemical Fractionation, the Danio rerio Embryo Assay and the Ames Fluctuation Test Eric Higley1, Stefanie Grund3, Thomas B.-Seiler2, Urte Lubcke-von Varel6 ,Werner Brack6, Tobias Schulz6, Jan Wölz2, Hanno Zielke2, John Giesy1,5, Henner Hollert2, Markus Hecker4 1. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, 2 RWTH, Aachen, Germany, 3 University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 4 ENTRIX, Inc., Saskatoon, SK, 5 City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, 6 UFZ Leipzig, Germany. Introduction Objectives The world’s river systems provide fresh water to people and support thousands of species. However, many of the great rivers have been polluted in the past decades. Possible sources of such pollution include effluents from domestic sewage pants (i.e. urine and feces, detergents, pharmaceuticals), industry (i.e. PCBs, dioxins, and metals), agricultural runoff (i.e. pesticides and fertilizers), and storm water runoff from urban areas (i.e. salts, oil, and antifreeze). Severely contaminated sediments from many rivers and lakes have been shown to be acutely and chronically toxic to fish and benthic invertebrate species. For example, sediment samples from the Upper Danube River that were analyzed in six separate assays were found to have considerable geno-toxic, cytotoxic, mutagenic, embryo-toxic and estrogenic effects. It has been hypothesized that decline in fish stocks in the Upper Danube River since the early 1990s may be associated with this pollution. Here, we report on the results of a study conducted to determine the toxicity of extracts from sediments of the Danube River by means of the Danio rerio embryo assay, and by assessing lethal and sub lethal endpoints. In addition, mutagenicity was assessed using the Ames fluctuation assay. For the sediment samples that revealed toxicity, fractionation of each sample was performed by separating compounds according to their polarity, planarity, and the size of the aromatic ring system. 18 fractions for each sediment sample were tested separately in the Ames fluctuation assay and Danio rerio embryo assay to assess which group of chemicals within the sediment sample caused the original toxicity. 1. Assess the toxicity of raw sediment extracts from four locations along the Upper Danube River using the Danio rerio Embryo Assay and Ames Fluctuation Assay 2. Evaluate which groups of chemicals caused the measured toxicities using new chemical fractionation techniques that separate the raw sediment extracts into 18 different chemical fractions. 3. Analyze all 18 chemical fractions using the Danio rerio Embryo Assay and Ames Fluctuation Assay. Results Figure 1: Map of Germany and sediment sampling locations Methods Lauchert reference Öpfingen 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 *** *** SC 12.5 25.0 *** * **** *** *** * 50.0 100.0 200.0 400.0 Danio rerio Embryo Assay 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 Sigmaringen TA98 Strain * 2.0 Lauchert reference Lauchert Öpfingen Sigmaringen * * 12.5 25.0 50.0 100.0 200.0 400.0 Sig PC Lauchert reference Lauchert Öpfingen Sigmaringen Lau ** 15.0 Lau ref * * Zebrafish are breed overnight Add pH indicator media without histidine 12.5 25.0 50.0 100.0 200.0 400.0 PC 0.0 12.5 25.0 50.0 100.0 200.0 400.0 Incubate at 37 ° C for 48 hours After 48 hours, any bacteria that have back mutated and can produce histidine will live and grow and turn the media from purple to yellow Count # of wells that are yellow 14 15 16 X XXX X XXX X X XX 17 XX X X X XXX XX Opf Lau Lau ref SC 12.5 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 25 50 + + + + - Chemical fractions that showed effects 8 X 10 XX 11 X XX X 13 XX X X X Conclusions Incubate for 48 hours in 96 well plate Record lethal and sublethal effects after 48 hours 13 XX PC Sediment Equivalent Concentrations (mg/ml) Öpfingen Sigmaringen Lauchert Lauchert Reference in + sample DMSO Zebra fish egg + ISO water 11 X Sig SC Danio rerio embryo assay on whole extracts Sediment Place histidine deficient bacteria into 384 well plate without histidine 10 XX TA100 Strain Mortality % Viable eggs less than 1 hour old are collected 9 X X With or Sample Location without S9 5.0 Figure 2. Dose response of four whole sediment extracts ran in the Ames Fluctuation Assay with and without the liver enzyme S9 mix and on two different bacteria strains (TA98 and TA100). * indicates significant difference from control. Incubate for 90 minutes with histidine + + + + - 10.0 Sediment Equivalent Concentration (mg/ml) Sediment sample in DMSO 3 S9 0.0 TA100 Bacteria Strain -S9 * Chemical fractions that showed effects Sample With or Location without 1.0 Sediment Equivlaent Concentrations (mg/ml) * SC + Öpfingen Table 1. Fractions (3 – 17) showing significant increases in the number of mutations compared to the controls as determined by the Ames Fluctuation Assay. TA98 Bacteria measures frame shift mutations and TA100 Bacteria measures base pair substitutions. Sig=Sigmaringen, Opf=Opfingen, Lau=Lauchert, Lau ref=Lauchert Reference. X = less than a 3-fold increase; XX = 3- to 10-fold increase; XXX = greater than 10 fold increase. 3.0 SC M u t a g e n ic E f f e c t ( # o f r e v e r t a n t s ) •Crude sediment extracts and all 18 fractions were analyzed for their toxicity using the Ames fluctuation assay and Danio rerio egg assay Bacteria culture Lauchert 4.0 PC TA100 Bacteria Strain +S9 M u t a g e n ic E f f e c t ( # o f r e v e r t a n t s ) •Samples were extracted and fractionated into different chemical groups using a new technique by Varel et al., 2008 that uses 3 HPLC columns and separates the sample into 18 fractions according to their polarity, planarity and the size of their aromatic system deficient Lauchert reference Opf •Sediments were sampled (top 5cm) at four locations along the Upper Danube River using a Van Veenen grabber in January 2006 (Figure 1) Histidine 5.0 Sediment Equivalent Concentrations (mg/ml) Sampling and extraction Ames Fluctuation Assay TA98 Bacteria Strain -S9 Lauchert Sigmaringen M u t a g e n ic E f f e c t ( # o f r e v e r t a n t s ) M u t a g e n ic E f f e c t ( # o f r e v e r t a n t ) TA98 Bacteria Strain +S9 100 Sediment equivalents concentration (mg/ml) Figure 3. Dose response of four sediment extracts analyzed with the Danio rerio embryo assay • Mortality of Danio rerio embryos increased in a dose-dependent manner when exposed to whole sediments collected at Öpfingen and Sigmaringen, but none of the fractionated samples were toxic. These results indicate that the observed toxicity was likely due to the combination of groups of chemicals in the whole sediment samples. • Toxicity was observed for whole sediments from Sigmaringen, Öpfingen and Lauchert in the Ames Fluctuation Assay only when TA98 bacteria with S9 were tested. Toxicity was also found in the fractionated samples in both bacterial strains, although the pattern was inconsistent. • However, toxicity was measured in fractions 10 and 15 of every sediment sample except Lauchert reference. Previous work has found that fraction 10 can contain sixringed PAHs (i.e. benzo(a)pyrene or benzo(k)fluoranthene) and fraction 15 can contain more non-polar chemicals like benzocarbazole and benzanthrone. Further work using other analytical techniques may identify which chemicals caused the observed toxicity. Reference: Varel U, Streck G, Brack W. 2008. Automated fractionation procedure for polycyclic aromatic compounds in sediment extracts on three coupled normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography columns. Journal of Chromatography A. 1185:31-42