Toxicology Centre Chemodynamic behavior of Thallium in the Slave River, Northwest Territories, Canada Brett Tendler, Allison Hill, Ehimai Ohiozebau, John Giesy, and Paul Jones ATW 2013 Toxicology Centre Project Background •Current open-pit mining activities in the Alberta oil sands are adjacent to the Athabasca River •Aerial emissions and oil sands process-affected waters contain many different chemicals including metals PAHs, and naphthenic acids. •Concerns have been raised by local communities about possible effects of these chemicals. Photo by Edward Burtynsky • Concerns include human health, cultural, and economic effects. • More information on potential environmental impacts is needed. ATW 2013 Toxicology Centre Locations Fort Resolution (FR) Fort Smith (FS) Fort Chipewyan (FC) Oil Sands Projects Fort MacKay (FM) Fort McMurray (FMU) Upstream (US) ATW 2013 Toxicology Centre Sampling Procedure Goldeye (Hiodon alosoides) GE Walleye (Sander vitreus) WE Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) WF • • • • ATW 2013 Pike or Jackfish (Esox lucius) JF Burbot (Lota lota) BB Fish were collected from 8 sites at 4 different time points. Target sample size for each site was 30 individuals of species. Each fish was subject to a standardized external and internal health assessment. Tissue samples were collected and preserved. Toxicology Centre Metal Analysis Procedure Taken from: ATW 2013 • Dry muscle was added to a Teflon vial and digested in concentrated nitric acid (69%) and hydrogen peroxide (30%). • Digestates were evaporated to dryness at 70ᴼC. • 2% nitric acid was added to dry sample which was then filtered and transferred into an HDPE vial for storage and analysis. • Concentrations of 20 metals were measured by ICP-MS. Toxicology Centre Results: Vanadium Summer 2011 Fall 2011 150 300 100 200 SPP$ GE JF WE WF 50 0 FMU FM FC LOC$ ATW 2013 V (ug/Kg) 400 V (ug/Kg) 200 FS FR SPP$ GE JF WE WF 100 0 FMU FM FC LOC$ FS FR Toxicology Centre Results: Selenium Summer 2011 Fall 2011 8,000 6,000 7,000 5,000 Se (ug/kg) 4,000 5,000 3,000 4,000 SPP$ 2,000 GE JF WE WF 1,000 0 FMU FM FC Location ATW 2013 Se (ug/kg) 6,000 FS FR 3,000 SPP$ 2,000 GE JF WE WF 1,000 0 FMU FM FC Location FS FR Toxicology Centre Results: Thallium ATW 2013 Toxicology Centre Additional Sampling Sites for 2012 Fort Resolution (FR) Fort Smith (FS) Fort Fitzgerald (FF) Peace Point (PP) Fort Chipewyan (FC) Oil Sands Projects Fort MacKay (FM) Fort McMurray (FMU) Upstream (US) ATW 2013 Toxicology Centre Results 2012 Spring 2012 6,000 5,000 Se (ug/kg) 4,000 3,000 SPP$ 2,000 GE JF WE WF 1,000 0 FMU FM FC PP FF FS FR Location 300 V (ug/kg) 200 SPP$ 100 0 GE JF WE WF FMU FM FC PP FF Location ATW 2013 FS FR Toxicology Centre Statistics Metal Site BB Mean ± SE (n) * p-value GE Mean ± SE (n)* p-value JF Mean ± SE (n)* p-value WE Mean ± SE (n)* p-value WF Mean ±SE (n)* p-value Tl FMU 8.94±0.42 (3) 0.003 0.234 14.45±2.36 (13) B <0.001 20.94±3.61 (13) C <0.001 <0.001 FM 0.05 (2) 9.26±1.28 (20) A 8.02±1.32 (19) B 19.96±3.10 (20) C 6.32±0.70 (20) B FC 8.88±3.38 (4) 12.04±2.13 (19) A 16.84±2.22 (20) B 37.4±2.00 (15) B 6.85±1.26 (20) B FS 8.43±1.36 (8) B 13.70±1.82 (20) A 32.82±4.00 (21) A 66.16±6.97 (20) A 20.30±2.70 (18) A FR 15.99±1.53 (30) A 15.44±2.98 (12) A 47.72±5.41 (21) A 78.54±7.96 (10) A 17.59±1.19 (20) A FMU 1848±166 (3) FM 1476±121 (2) 2397±205 (20) B 843±118 (19) C 1432±137 (20) C 1546±78 (19) C FC 2282±164 (4) 3262±216 (19) AB 1639±105 (20) A 2041±106 (15) AB 1509±105 (20) C FS 1984±201 (8) A 3549±353 (20) A 1879±80 (21) A 2338±108 (20) A 2069±136 (18) AB FR 1806±71 (30) A 4053±456 (12) A 1869±94 (21) A 2303±94 (10) AB 2233±89 (20) A FMU 46.6±2.0 (3) FM 20.5±2.1 (2) 20.9±3.4 (20) A 16.3±2.8 (19) A 16.8±3.6 (20) A 18.8±3.4 (20) A FC 12.7±3.2 (4) 18.5±3.8 (19) A 23.7±5.1 (20) A 25.5±8.0 (15) A 37.0±5.6 (20) A FS 66.3±16.4 (8) A 35.6±8.7 (20) A 25.0±5.7 (21) A 34.1±6.4 (20) A 40.7±8.4 (18) A FR 28.8±3.6 (30) B 36.0±4.2 (12) A 14.0±4.0 (21) A 17.7±5.7 (10) A 49.2±16.5 (20) A Se V ATW 2013 0.308 0.031 11.51±1.50 (11) A 3060±340 (11) AB 22.3±5.4 (11) A 0.005 0.141 1205±106 (13) B 22.3±4.4 (13) A <0.001 0.208 1717±146 (13) BC 25.3±5.8 (13) A <0.001 0.265 6.75±1.51 (10) B 1612±133 (10) BC 35.7±8.0 (10) A <0.001 0.096 Toxicology Centre Why Thallium is important • Thallium is poorly understood – chemically and biologically • Anthropogenic sources include: • Fossil Fuel Extraction • Potassium based fertilizers • Thallium is toxic to aquatic organisms (comparable to Cu toxicity) • Three forms of thallium occur in environment. • Tl+ • Tl3+ • Dimethyl thallium (CH3)2Tl+ • Thallium concentrations measured in fish do not represent a risk to human consumers based on current consumption limits ATW 2013 Toxicology Centre Questions • • • • ATW 2013 Why are Tl concentrations higher in some fish species in the Slave river ? What forms/species of Tl are accumulating in fish of the Slave river ? Why are Tl concentrations greater in higher trophic level species ? Does Tl originate from oil sands activities ? Toxicology Centre Future work 1. 2. 3. ATW 2013 Analyze Livers for metals • ICP-MS • Compare to muscle concentrations Thallium Speciation • Develop method HPLC/ICP-MS Stable Isotope analysis Toxicology Centre Acknowledgements Thanks to all who made contributions including: • Garry Codling • Eric Higley • Dr. Karsten Liber and lab • Erin Kelly and ENR personnel • Tim Barrett and Kelly Munkittrick – statistical analysis • Slave River and Delta Partnership • Deninu School, Fort Resolution • Aurora College, Fort Smith • Deninu Kue First Nation, Fort Resolution Metis Council, Hamlet of Fort Resolution, Salt River First Nation, Smith’s Landing First Nation, Town of Fort Smith, Fort Smith Metis Council, Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, Mikisew Cree First Nation, Fort Mackay First Nation, Fort McMurray First Nation, Fort McMurray Metis Council ATW 2013 Toxicology Centre Questions? ATW 2013