Environ Sci Pollut Res (2012) 19:2460–2462 DOI 10.1007/s11356-012-0923-z LETTER TO THE EDITOR Environmental and health challenges of the global growth of electronic waste Qiang Liu & Shu Juan Shi & Li Qing Du & Yan Wang & Jia Cao & Chang Xu & Fei Yue Fan & John P. Giesy & Markus Hecker Received: 15 March 2012 / Accepted: 9 April 2012 / Published online: 26 April 2012 # Springer-Verlag 2012 Electronic waste (e-waste) is the fastest growing type of solid waste because of the continual improvement of electrical and electronic equipment. The e-waste recycling business is a large and rapidly consolidating business in all areas of the developed world (US Environmental Protection Agency 2011). The recovery of precious metals, such as copper, gold, silver, and palladium, is the incentive for erwaste recycling. The threats to health and the environment posed by e-waste must also be considered. The Responsible editor: Philippe Garrigues Qiang Liu and Shu Juan Shi contributed equally to this study and share first authorship. Q. Liu : L. Q. Du : Y. Wang : J. Cao : C. Xu : F. Y. Fan (*) Institute of Radiation Medicine, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Molecular Nuclear Medicine, 238 Baidi Road, 300192 Tianjin, People’s Republic of China e-mail: faithyfan@yahoo.cn S. J. Shi Basic Medical College of Tianjin Medical University, 22 Qixiangtai Road, 300070 Tianjin, People’s Republic of China J. P. Giesy Toxicology Centre, Department Of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences, University of Saskatchewan, 44 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5B3, Canada M. Hecker School of the Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan, 44 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5B3, Canada management of e-waste has become a global challenge to the environment. By 2020, e-waste from old computers will have increased by 200 % to 400 % from 2007 levels in South Africa and China and by 500 % in India. By 2020, e-waste from discarded mobile phones will be approximately 7 and 18 times higher than 2007 levels in China and India, respectively (United Nations Environment Programme 2012). Despite China’s ban on e-waste imports, the country remains a major e-waste dumping ground for developed countries. Moreover, most e-waste in China is handled improperly, with much of this waste incinerated by backyard recyclers to recover valuable metals such as gold. India’s e-waste recycling industry is dominated by the socalled informal sector, where tens of thousands of people are estimated to make their living from material recovery. Many facilities where e-waste is processed and materials are recovered for recycling are small, independent workshops. There are often few or no real controls over the materials processed in these facilities or their emissions and discharges. A wide variety of organic chemicals and high concentrations of heavy metals have been found in samples of e-waste burning residues collected in China and India. In addition to the effect of the ongoing input to the environment from the open burning of e-waste, workers at a site in Ibrahimpur, New Delhi, India reported that food was often cooked over burning e-waste. There is clear potential for food to become contaminated with the hazardous chemicals identified in the ash from such sites (Brigden et al. 2005; United Nations Environment Programme 2009). In 2009, approximately 171,000 tons of e-waste from consumers, repair shops, and communal collection reached the informal recycling sector in Ghana. Assuming linear growth, the import of e-waste will double by the year 2020. The current situation has led to an important informal Environ Sci Pollut Res (2012) 19:2460–2462 industry in Ghana that recycles or reprocesses e-waste, similar to these industries in other developing countries, to take advantage of the valuable metals that can be extracted and sold. Unfortunately, proper recycling facilities, management systems, and industry standards do not exist. No clear and specific national regulations have been established to define, restrict, or prohibit hazardous e-waste recycling (Amoyaw-Osei et al. 2011). These practices release steady plumes of far-reaching toxic pollution and yield very low metal recovery rates. The occurrence of toxic chemicals in e-waste can pose a risk to human and environmental health if improperly managed (Chen et al. 2011; Townsend 2011). Several attempts in India to define a legal framework have been unsuccessful. Unless action is accelerated to properly collect and recycle materials, many developing countries face the specter of mountains of hazardous e-waste, with serious consequences for the environment and public health (United Nations Environment Programme 2009). The following suggestions may be helpful for directing further action: 1. Pay attention to the hereditary effect: For the first time, we have reported cytogenetic damage in populations exposed to e-waste. These data may complement knowledge of the health stresses related to the processing of e-waste (Liu et al. 2009). Long-term hereditary effects are a crucial issue within the context of health risks in e-waste recycling areas. Most of these recycling sites have operated for more than 10 years, with long-term exposure to e-waste toxicants. The cumulative effect may be present both in the local environment and in humans. 2. Evaluation of environmental pollution: The biological effects and the mechanisms of e-waste are highly complex. To enhance the protection of the exposed population, a detailed assessment of environmental exposure is necessary, including the assessment of environmental samples and biological samples and an assessment of the transportation of toxicants from the environment to organisms. This letter recommends that countries establish e-waste evaluation and management centers of excellence, building on existing organizations working in the areas of recycling and waste management. 3. Prevention: Because e-waste exposure has become a global environmental problem, global collaborative solutions are required. For the manufacture of electronic products, new, environmentally friendly materials are needed to replace ordinary materials. Reasonable policies should be established in both developing and developed nations to improve the management of e-waste, including the recycling process, exports, and imports. Further research on the applicability, effectiveness, and efficiency of various processes and equipment for the management of e-waste is needed. The Swiss e-waste recovery model 2461 can be imitated in any country. With items collected separately, the preprocessing and end processing of the existing Swiss e-waste collection and recovery systems has resulted in significantly lower environmental impacts per ton of e-waste (Wäger et al. 2011). 4. New actions: An initiative project on solving the e-waste problem (StEP), titled “Best of 2 Worlds” (Bo2W), has conducted eco-efficiency calculations of the recycling of e-waste in China since 2007. The results show that deeplevel dismantling has a lower system cost, produces higher material revenue, and has a lower environmental impact compared with the scenario of implementing shredding in China. Based on the concepts identified in the Bo2W project, the Integrated Waste Management in Western Africa (IWWA) project was established. IWWA aims to promote integrated solid waste management systems in Western African countries by empowering all stakeholders to participate in the waste management chain through the reinforcement of institutional and legal frameworks and the open transfer of knowledge and technology (Solving the e-waste problem 2010). Similar to many Western African countries, the E-Waste Africa Programme was launched in Benin, Ghana, the Ivory Coast, Liberia, and Nigeria. The program was implemented within the framework of the Basel Convention and lasted from November 2008 to March 2012. The E-Waste Africa Programme was a comprehensive program that aimed to enhance the environmental governance of e-waste and to create favorable social and economic conditions for partnerships and small businesses in the recycling sector in Africa (Secretariat of the Basel convention 2011). In conclusion, this letter is expected to give new urgency to the establishment of ambitious formal and regulated processes for collecting and managing e-waste via the establishment of large, efficient facilities in China and other developing nations. Acknowledgments This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31170804), the technology support project of Tianjin (10JCZDJC16900, 11ZCGYSY02400, 12JCYBJC15300), the Science Research Foundation for Doctor–Subject of High School of the National Education Department (20101106110046) and the Development Foundation of the Institute of Radiation Medicine, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College (SF1101, SF1102). Conflict of interest None References Amoyaw-Osei Y, Agyekum OO, Pwamang JA, Mueller E, Fasko R, Schluep M (2011) Ghana e-waste country assessment. SBC 2462 e-waste Africa project. http://ewasteguide.info/files/AmoyawOsei_2011_GreenAd-Empa.pdf. Accessed 22 March 2012 Brigden K, Labunska I, Santillo D, Allsopp M (2005) Recycling of electronic wastes in China & India: workplace & environmental contamination. http://www.greenpeace.org/raw/content/china/en/press/ reports/recycling-of-electronic-wastes.pdf. 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