EDITORIAL AND REFEREE LIST: Editorships: Chemosphere

Editor, Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment Section,
Chemosphere, Elsevier Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 1999Present
Associate Editor, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2004-Present
Guest Editor, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Proceedings of 4th International
Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology, June 1-5, 2004, Hong
Kong, SAR, China.
Associate Editor (Ecotoxicology, North American), Chemosphere Pergamon
Press, Oxford, England. 1987-1999.
Guest Editor: Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds. Special issue
of Chemosphere. Vol. 24. 1992.
Guest Editor: Science-Based Decision Making to Reduce Risks from
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). 2005. Chemosphere. Vol 60.
Associate Editor. International Association for Sediment-Water Science.
Associate Editor for Special Publications-Biology, Society of Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry, Pergamon Press. 1988-Present.
Editorial Board: International Society for Theoretical and Applied
Limnology: 1980-1983.
Editorial Panel Office of Toxic Substances, U. S. Environmental Protection
Agency: 1980-Present.
Grant Review Panel, Office of Research and Development, U. S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Exploratory Research-Biology,
Editorial Board The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry series. Springer
- Verlag. 1987-Present.
Editorial Board Reviews in Environmental Contamination & Toxicology.
Advisory Board The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry series.
Springer - Verlag. 2004-Present.
Editorial Advisory Board: Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry.
Gordon and Breach/Scientific Publishers. London. 1989-Present.
Editorial Board: Environmental Bioindicators. , 2007-Present.
Editorial Board: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (Environmental
Toxicology Section). 1988-1992.
Editorial Board:
Editorial Board Advances in Trace Substances Research, Lewis Press.
1991-Present. "Metal Ecotoxicology: Concepts and Applications, 1991".
National Audubon Society- Television Scripts and Companion Books.
Editorial Board Ecotoxicology, Chapman & Hall, 1991-1994.
Editorial Board Handbook of Ecotoxicology, Lewis Publishers /CRC Press.
Editorial Board:
European Journal of Pharmacology (Elsevier;
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology Section. 1991-Present.
Editorial Board:
Editorial Board: Geochemistry and Environmental Health. 2006-Present
Editorial Board Toxicology Modeling. 1994-1996
Special Editor: Water Science and Technology.
Special Editor. Geochemistry and Environmental Health. Proceedings of the
To: 3rd Intrnational Conference on Environmental Enhancement and
Sustainable Development, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China, August 4-8, 2006.
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 1993-
Proceedings Issue for
Editorial Referee: Manuscripts and Proposals:
Air Water and Soil Pollution: Manuscripts, 1980.
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry: Review of Interaction
Profile Document for PCBs, PCDEs, PCDFs, DDT and Mercury, 2000.
Alberta New Faculty Grant Program: Reviewer, 2005
Ambio: Manuscripts, 1992.
American Chemical Society: Manuscripts, 1979-1981, annually 1983-1985.
American Fisheries Society: Manuscripts, 1977, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1986.
American Institute of Biological Sciences: Manuscripts, 1977, annually
American Naturalist: Manuscripts, 1984.
American Society for Testing and Materials. Proposed Standard Guide
for: use
of Bioindicators in Field Studies: 1988.
Analytical Chemistry: Manuscripts, 2005, 2008, 2009 (2), 2010 (1)
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry: Manuscripts, 2007
Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Assessment Vol. II, ASTM. 1989.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology: Manuscripts, 1977, 1979.
Aquatic Botany: Manuscripts, 1976.
Aquatic Living Resources: Manuscripts, 1990.
Aquatic Photochemistry: Manuscripts, 1985.
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems: Manuscript
Review, 2001
Aquatic Toxicology: Manuscripts, 1986, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999,
2000, 2001, 2002.
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology: Manuscripts,
1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1984, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
2002, 2003.
Aquatic Sciences: Manuscripts, 2006
Armenian-U.S. Bilateral Grants Program:
1) Review of Proposals, 2002
Atmospheric Deposition of Contaminants to the Great Lakes and Coastal
Waters. J.E. Baker (Ed.) A special publication of the Society of
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Primary Reviewer.
Binational Agricultural Research and Development fund; United States Israel (BARD) Grant Proposals: 1985.
Biological Availability of Trace Metals - Symposium held at Battelle North
West Laboratories: 1981.
CALFED Bay-Delta Programs Ecological Restoration Program: Grant
proposals, 2002
California Sea Grant Program: Grant proposals, 1994
Canada Foundation for Infrastructure: Grant proposals, 2008
Can. J. Fish. and Aquat. Sci: Manuscripts, 1976, 1979, annually 1985-1987,
1990, 1992-1994, 1997.
Biomarkers: Manuscripts, 1999
California Public Health Foundation San Francisco Bay Initiative: Grant
proposals, 1995
Canadian National Sciences and Engineering Research Council: Grant
proposals 1991, annually 1992-1996.
Canadian Association on Water Quality: Grant proposals, 1996
Canadian Water Network: Grant Proposals, 2004
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS): Review of candidates for the
Outstanding Science and Technology Prize of the Chinese Academy of
Sciences (CAS). 2007
Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability, Editorial Board: 1988-Present.
Chlorine Chemistry Council of the Chemical
Review of Research Project completion reports, 1999.
Contaminants in the Upper Mississippi River, J. G. Wiener (ed.): 1983.
Comp. Biochem. Physiol.: Manuscripts, 1996, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
2007, 2008 (2), 2010 (1)
Connecticut Sea Grant Program: Proposals, 1999
Cottrell Research Corporation: Document reviews, 1988.
Critical Reviews in Toxicology: Manuscripts, 1997
CRC Press, Inc. Boca Raton, FL. Forecasting Toxicology Risk in Aquatic
Ecosystems: 1986.
Czech Republic, Grant agency: Review of Grants, 2002
Department of Energy: Grant proposals, 1974-1981, annually 1983-1985.
Duke University, Durham North Carolina, Faculty Tenure Review, 1999.
Ecology: Manuscripts, 1978, 1980, 1991.
Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety: Manuscripts, 2004
Ecological Engineering: Manuscripts, 2008
Electric Power Research Institute: Grant proposals, 1978, annually
Energy and Environmental Stress in Aquatic Systems, J. H. Thorp and J. W.
Gibbons (eds.): 1977.
Environment International: Manuscripts, 2004
Environmental Bioassay Techniques and Their Application, Kluwer
Scientific, Dordrecht, Netherlands. 1989.
Environmental Biology of Fishes: Manuscripts, 1979, 2003.
Environmental Chemistry and Cycling Processes, D. C. Adriano and I. L.
Brisbin (eds.): 1977.
Environmental Geochemistry and Health: Manuscripts, 1993, 2001
Environmental Health Perspectives: (NIEHS) Manuscripts, 1997 (1), 2010
Environmental Monitoring & Assessment: Manuscripts, 2010 (1)
Environmental Pollution: Manuscripts, 1979, 1992-1993, 1995-1996, 2001,
2002, 2004, 2008.
Environmental Research: Manuacripts, 1976, 2000 (2)
Environmental Science and Pollution Research: Manuscripts, Annually,
1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
2002, 2003, 2004
Environmental Science and Technology: Manuscripts;1984, 1985, 1987,
1988, 1989 (2), 1990, 1991 (3), 1992,1993 (2), 1994, 1995 (2), 1996 (2), 1997
(30), 1998 (4), 1999 (4), 2000 (3), 2001 (5), 2002 (6), 2003 (11), 2004 (6),
2005 (6), 2006 (4), 2007 (6), 2008 (6), 2009 (7), 2010 (4).
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Manuscripts, annually 1981,
1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993,
1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 (10),
2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 (2), 2009 (2), 2010 (2).
Editorial Board; Environmental Toxicology Section: 1988-1992.
Special Publication Committee: 1988-1991.
Environmental Toxicology and Environmental Health: Manuscripts, 2004
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology: Editorial Board, 1996Present
Manuscripts,1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2009.
Environment Canada:
Review of Ducument entitled ACanadian Tissue Residue Guideline (TRG) for
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) for the Protection of Wildlife Consumers
of Aquatic Biota. 1998
Review of document entitled AEcological Risk Assessment of Nonylphenol
and it’s Ethoxylates in Canada”. 1999
Environment International: Manuscripts, 2007
Food and Chemical Toxicology: Manuscripts, 2009
Foundation of Research, Science and Technology of New Zealand. Grant
proposals, annually, 1992-present
Freshwater Biology: Manuscripts, 1976.
Freshwater Wetlands and Wildlife, R. R. Sharitz and J. W. Gibbons (eds.):
Functional Testing for Hazard Evaluation, John Wiley: 1986.
Fundamental & Applied Toxicology: Manuscripts, 1993
Geochimica and Cosmochemica Acta: Manuscripts, 1986.
Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Technical Reports: 1990, 2004.
Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia:
Dissertation, 2004
Handbook of Detergents, 2001.
Handbook of Hazardous Materials-Acadmeic Press.
Handbook of Ecotoxicology. D.J. Hoffman, B.A. Rattner, G. Allen Burton, jr
and J. Cairns, jr (Eds.). Lewis Publishers, Inc, Boca Raton, FL. Primary
Handbook of Ecotoxicology Second Edition. D.J. Hoffman, B.A. Rattner, G.
Allen Burton, jr and J. Cairns, jr (Eds.) Lewis Publishers, Inc, Boca Raton,
FL. Primary Reviewer. 2002
Health Council of the Netherlands:
External Examiner, Ph.D.
Reviewer of Ecologically Based Recommended Exposure Limits for PCBs in
Soils and Sediment, 2004
Hong Kong Baptist University
External reviewer for faculty promotion, 2009
Hong Kong University, Faculty of Science
External Reviewer, MS thesis, 2008
Hudson River Research Foundation: Grant proposals: 1985, 1994-1997.
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: Manuscripts, 2005, 2006 (2)
Reviewer of papers for the special issue entitled AEndocrine
Disruptors”, 2000.
Hydrobiologica: Manuscripts, 2000
Idaho State Department of Education. Grant proposals: 1993.
Indiana - Illinois Sea Grant Program: Grant proposals - 1987.
Influence of Aquatic Humic Substances on Fate and Treatment of
Pollutants, ACS Symposium: 1987.
Informa Healthcare (Expert Opinions in Healthcare): Manuscripts 2008,
Institute of Water Research, Department of Interior, Annual Allotment
Grant proposals: 1984.
Integrated Environmental Monitoring and Assessment: Manuscripts, 2009
International Water Association:
Peer Reviewer of Materials for the 2002 IWA Third World Congress
Peer Reviewer of Materials for the 2002 IWA Third World Congress
Journals. IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition, September 2006,
Beijing, PRC
International Joint Commission - Review of Manual for Assessing Areas of
Concern: 1985.
International Journal of Environmental Health Research: Manuscripts,
International Symposium on the Fate and Effects of Toxic Chemicals in
Large Rivers and Their Estuaries, Quebec City, Canada, October, 1988.
Journal of Chromatography: Manuscripts, 2005
Journal of Enviornmental Quality: Manuscripts, 1995, 2002, 2003
Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Manuscripts, 1990.
Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science: Manuscripts, 2003,
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology: Manuscripts, 2002
Journal of Great Lakes Research: Manuscripts: 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997,
2000, 2001.
Journal of Shellfish Research: Manuscripts, 2003
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health: Manuscripts, 1996, 2004
Limnology and Oceanography: Manuscripts, 1978.
Lakes and Rivers: Editor of Special issue of proceedings of symposium
entitled “Toward Sustainable Management of Lake-Watershed Ecosystems”.
Hikone, Japan, July 2001.
* McGill University, Office of Graduate Studies:
dissertation, 2007.
Outside reviewer of
* McMaster University: Promotion and tenure review, 2010.
* Marine Chemistry: Manuscripts, 1988.
* Marine Environmental Research: Manuscripts, 1989, 1994.
Memorie dell' Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia: Manuscripts, 1993
Marine Pollution Bulletin: Manusripts, 2003
1) Special Editor of issue including Papers from the Marine Pollution
Symposium, 2004
2) Special Editor of issue including Papers from the Marine Pollution
Symposium, 2007
Michigan State University
Office of Vice President for Research: Grant proposals, All University
Research Grants: annually 1981-1998.
Office of Vice President for Research: Incubator Research Grant
Program, 1999
Microscale Aquatic Toxicology-Advances, Techniques and Practice P.G.
Wells, K. Lee and C. Blaise (eds.): 1996
Mineral Cycling in Southeastern Ecosystems, F. G. Howell, J. B. Gentry and
M.H. Smith (eds).: 1974.
Minnesota Sea Grant College Program: Grant proposals, 1995
MONTS; Montanans on a new Trace for Science, University of Montana:
Grant proposals, 1988.
MSU/Center for Environmental Toxicology/U. S. Department of
Agriculture: Grant proposals, Dioxins in the Great Lakes Food Chain,
National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Grant proposals, annually
National Environmental Research Council (NERC) of the Unaited
Kingdon: Grant Proposals, 2003
National Institutes of Environmental Health, Environmental Toxicology
Program,: Manuscript review, 2003
National Science Foundation: Grant proposals, 1976, annually, 1978-1984,
1986-1988, 1991-1996, 2000, 2003
National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Annually, 1990-1996, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; National Sea Grant
Program: Grant proposals, annually 1980-1983, 1989.
National Toxicology Program, National Institutes of HealthReviewer of technical reports on the toxicology of:
(1) 3,3',4,4'-Tetrachloroazoxybenzene (1998)
(2) 3,3',4,4'-Tetrachloroazobenzene (1998)
National Undersea Research Center, University of Connecticut- Grant
Proposals, 1984
Natural Environmental Research
proposals, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005
Nature: Manuscripts, 1980.
Netherlands Health Council, 2002
(1) Review of method for the development of environmental risk limits for
PCBs in the environment
New York Sea Grant Institute: Grant proposals, 1988, 1989, 1991
New Zealand Foundation for Research Technology: Grant proposals,
Annually, 1992-1996.
Antarctic Institute: Grant proposals, 1997
Public Good Science Fund, Environmental Grant proposals, 1998
Netherlands Life Science Foundation: Grant proposals, 1997, 1998
Netherlands Institute of Public Health and Environment (RIVM),
Review of the document entitled “Recommended Exposure Limits for
Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Soils and Sediments, for the Protection
of Ecosystems”, 2003
Oecologia: Manuscripts, 1979.
Ohio Board of Regents
Reviewer of proposals for the Eminent Scholar Program at Ohio
Universities, 2000.
Oregon Sea Grant Program: Grant proposals, 1997
Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development:
Review of UK Risk Reduction Strategy and Advantages and
Drawbacks for Perfluorinated Sulfonate (PFOS), 2003
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology: Manuscripts, 1991.
Phycologia: Manuscripts, annually 1975-1978.
PLOS-Computational Biology: Manuscripts 2007
Polar Biology: Manuscripts, 1998.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science-USA: Guest Editor: 2007,
2009 (3), 2010 (2)
Quantitative Ecology: A Heirarchical Approach, Lewis Publishers, 1994
Quantitative Methods in Aquatic Toxicology, Lewis Publishers, 1995
Research Grants Council of Hong Kong: Research Proposals, 2004, 2005,
Rutgers University, Dept. Environmental Sciences, Cook College,
Reviewer for faculty promotion and tenure, 1998
SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research: Manuscripts, 1993.
Science: Manuscripts, 1979, 1981-1983.
Science of the Total Environment: Manuscripts, 1989, 1990, 1994, 1996,
Screening and Testing Chemicals in Commerce: Background papers for
Office of Technology Assessment, US Congress, 1994
Sediment/Water Interactions-V. Developments in Hydrobiology Series.
Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1992.
Separation Science: Manuscripts, 2006
Sea Grant Program (National; NOAA): .
1) Review of Proposals, 1992
2) Program Review, Chesapeake Bay Toxics Program, 1993.
SETAC Press, Pensacola, FL:
1) Review of Book Chapter, 2004
2) Review of Endocrine Disruptor Book, 2005
Springer Publishers, New York, NY:
1) Review of “Trace Elements in Terrestrial Environments:, Biochemistry,
Bioavailability, and Risks of Metals”, 2000.
State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution (SKLMP) in Hong Kong
Academic Committee 2010-Present
State University of New Yourk-Albany
1) External reviewer, Ph.D. student committee, 2003-Present
Swedish National Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden
1) Review of Research Division, 2002.
2) Review of candidates for the position of Chair in Environmental
Toxicology. 2007.
Swiss National Scientific Research Organization: Grant proposals, 1992.
Review of proposals for program in “Endocrine Disruptors: Relevance to
Humans, Animals and Ecosystems”. 2001, 2002, 2003
1) Reviewer of Manuscripts: 2003
Technical University Berlin, Faculty of Science
Externam Reviewer for Filling of Faculty positions, 2008
Telaviv University, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences:
External examiner, promotion and tenure, 1998
Texas Tech University: Promotion and Tenure Reviews, 2002, 2003
The Auk: Manuscripts; 2003
The Universities Council on Water Resources, Inc: Grant proposals, 1985,
1990, 1991.
The Analyst, Manuscripts: 2003
Toxic Substances and Aquatic Ecosystem Health, M. S. Evans (ed.). In John
Wiley Advances in Environmental Science and Technology: 1985.
Trout Unlimited: Grant proposals, 1987.
Universal Energy Systems; Department of Defense: Grant proposals, 1985.
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Columbia Laboratory: Grant proposals,
Toxic and Hazardous Substance Control: Manuscripts, 1990.
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology: Manuscripts, 1985, 2009.
Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry: Manuscripts, 1987, 1898,
1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002,
2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 (3), 2008 (2), 2009 (2), 2010 (4)
Toxicology Letters: Manuscript Review, 2004
Toxicological Sciences: Manuscripts, 1999-2000, 2003, 2004, 2005 (2), 2006
(3), 2007 (4), 2008 (2), 2010
US Civilian Research and Development Foundation:
US Dept. Agriculture: Proposals
Water Resources Assessment and Protection Program: Grant
proposals, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
Ecosystem Science Program, 1999
Watershed Processes and Water, 2000
Small Business Innovation program, 2000
Soils and Soil Biology Program, 2001
US Environmental Protection Agency: Reviewer, 2000
Grant Proposals,
“Acute to Chronic No-Observable-Effect Concentration Software
(ACE) for the Windows Environment”
US Environmental Protection Agency:
Grant proposals, annually 1975-1988.
Promotion of Research Scientist, 1998, 2002
National Center for Environmental Research (NCER) research grants
and Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contracts and
Fellowship pre-applications. Reviewer 2005.
United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation: Grant proposals, 2001.
University of Aachen, Germany: External Examiner for Promotion, Biology
Department, 2008
University of Albany, SUNY: Review of Faculty for promotion: 1994
University of Agriculture of Malaysia: External Assessor. 1990-1993.
University of California - Davis, Ecotoxicology Program: External Review
Panel. 1994.
University of California - Riverside Environmental Sciences Program:
External Reviewer for faculty search committee
University of California -Santa Cruz: External reviewer for promotion and
tenure, 1997
University of Guelph: External examiner for Ph.D. Dissertation, 1998
University of Helsinki: External Examiner, Ph.D. Dissertation, 2004
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor:
Positions, 2008
University of Toledo Internal Grants Program: Grant proposals, 1989.
University of Toronto:
Promotion and Tenure review, 2004
Dissertation External Reader, 2008
External Examiner, Executive
University of Waterloo, Waterloo Ontario: Promotion & Tenure Review,
University of the West Indies, Faculty Promotion and Tenure Review, 2008
United States Conference of Mayors:
Review of document on dioxins in soils due to use of urban bio-solids
as a soil amendment, 1998.
Water Air and Soil Pollution: Manuscripts, 1996
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada: Manuscripts, 2000
Water Research: Manuscripts, 1976, 1979, 2000.
Water Science and Technology: Manuscripts, 2003
University of Wageningen, Graduate School of Environmental Chemistry
and Toxicology, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Program review, 1999
William and Mary University, Institute of Marine Science, Department of
Fisheries Science, faculty promotion and tenure, 1998.