UCL DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL PHYSICS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING MPHYGB97: Medical Physics MSc Project STUDENT ASSESSMENT FORM Name of Student:________________________________ Name of Assessor: _________________________________ First Supervisor Tick box: Project Outline (out of 100) Progress Report (out of 100) Second Supervisor Final Report (out of 100) Mark: Marking Guidelines Project Planning Scientific contribution and understanding Quality and amount of work Typographical errors and tables Demonstrates a (descriptor) understanding of techniques and methodology applicable to their project, including (descriptor) evidence of selfdirection. Demonstrates a (descriptor) knowledge of the relevant subject, and its application, showing(descriptor) abilities in evaluating new lines of enquiry or identifying practical limitation. The work shows a (descriptor) ability to critically evaluating different types of evidence from literature /experiment and a (descriptor) quantity and originality of scientific work. Grammar and syntax, clarity of scientific writing, tables and figures and referencing are, overall, done to a (descriptor) standard. Descriptors 40% - Poor 50% - Acceptable 60% - Good 70% - Strong 80% - Excellent Assessment Guidelines Marks may be deducted for late submission of the written components if these are submitted late without sufficient reason (up to a maximum of 5 marks each). Significant reports (about one side of A4) on the Final Report are expected from both supervisors. The first and second supervisors must produce INDEPENDENT reports. A single report signed by both supervisors is not acceptable. The two completed student assessment forms and one copy of the Final Report should be handed to Mohini in the Medical Physics & Bioengineering department office. Malet Place Engineering Building, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7679 0200 Fax: +44 (0)20 7679 0255 www.ucl.ac.uk/medphys Comments on Project Outline Mark: __.out of 100. The mark of the project outline counts for 5% of the total mark of the MSc project. Please comment on the quality and content. Is the student engaging? Does the student understands the aims and does the student has an understanding of the work involved? Comments on Progress Report Mark: __ out of 100. The mark of the project outline counts for 10% of the total mark of the MSc project. Please comment on the quality and content. Is the student engaging? Does the student understands the aims and does the student has an understanding of the work involved? Comments on MSc Final Report Mark: __ out of 100. The mark of the MSc Final Report counts for 60% of the total mark of the MSc project. The marks awarded for the MSc Final Report should be broken down as follows: Project planning: 10 marks Scientific contribution by student and understanding of context: 40 marks Quality and amount of work: 40 marks Standard of presentation including referencing: 10 marks Please provide an extensive report below on the quality and content of the student’s Final Report, and on the student’s performance on the project in general. This needs to be a significant report (one side of A4). (an indication of how the project was planned and executed; the level of supervision required; the significance of the student’s contribution; the student’s experimental ability; etc) Project planning: /10 Scientific contribution: /40 Quality and amount: /40 Presentation: /10 Malet Place Engineering Building, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7679 0200 Fax: +44 (0)20 7679 0255 www.ucl.ac.uk/medphys