ULM Dual Enrollment Course Descriptions


ULM Dual Enrollment Course Descriptions

ACCT 1010. ACCOUNTING SURVEY. 3 cr. Fundamental principles and managerial applications; data processing. Designed to meet the needs of students majoring in subjects outside the College of Business

Administration. Course counts as an elective for majors in the College of Business Administration.

AGBS 1001. FUNDAMENTALS OF AGRIBUSINESS ANALYSIS. 3 cr. This course introduces students to the fundamental tools of quantitative analysis in agribusiness. Topics include time value of money, economic indices, enterprise budgeting, farm records and accounts, loan structures, macroeconomic indicators, spreadsheet and database techniques, and other quantitative methods used in agriculture.

AHSC 2000. MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY. 2 cr. Origin of words and principles of their construction. Definitions of medical terms, diseases, syndromes, and procedures are stressed.

ART 1009. ART APPRECIATION. 3 cr. A general orientation and understanding of visual and plastic art forms.

For non-art majors

BIOL 1001. THE LIVING WORLD. 3 cr. Basic scientific and biological principles with an emphasis on the structure and processes of organisms. The course also includes a survey of the major types of living organisms.

Non-majors only. No prerequisite.

BIOL 1009. LABORATORY EXPERIENCE FOR THE LIFE SCIENCES. 1 cr. A laboratory course to accompany

Biology 1001 and 1010 lecture course. Two hours laboratory. Prerequisites: credit or registration in 1001 or

1010, or approval by of department head. Non-majors only.

BIOL 1010. HUMAN BIOLOGY. 3 cr. A comprehensive study of the structure and function of the human body and of the ecological problems that face mankind today. Non-majors only. Prerequisite: “C” or better in 1001.

BUSN 1001. BUSINESS AND SOCIETY. 3 cr. A systems approach to the nature of business and its role in society, emphasizing business functions, ethics and values, and the interfaces of business with its environment.

Not open to juniors and seniors in the College of Business Administration.

CHEM 1001. INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY I. 3 cr. The fundamentals of inorganic chemistry. Prerequisite:

Math ACT 19

CHEM 1002. INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY II. 3 cr. The fundamentals of organic and biochemistry.

Prerequisite: “C” or better in CHEM 1001. Three hours lecture.

CHEM 1003. INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY LABORATORY I. 1 cr. A laboratory course to accompany CHEM

1001. Three hours of laboratory. Prerequisite: Credit or registration in CHEM 1001. For non-majors.

CHEM 1007. GENERAL CHEMISTRY I. 3 cr. A course in modern chemistry theories and principles; quantitative approach and problem solving; descriptive chemistry of selected elements and compounds. Three hours of lecture and one hour of recitation. Prerequisite: Math ACT 19

CHEM 1008. GENERAL CHEMISTRY II. 3 cr. A continuation of CHEM 1007; continuation of theory with emphasis on chemical equilibria; a quantitative approach to solution chemistry; descriptive chemistry of selected elements and compounds from the main groups and the first transition series. Three hours of lecture and one hour of recitation. Prerequisite: “C” or better in CHEM 1007.

ULM Dual Enrollment Contact : Mary Elizabeth Bridges

318-342-1032 or bridges@ulm.edu

700 University Avenue, ULB 109, Monroe, LA 71209

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CHEM 1009. GENERAL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY I. 1 cr. A laboratory course to accompany 1007. Three hours laboratory. Prerequisite: Credit or registration in CHEM 1007.

CHEM 1010. GENERAL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY II. 1 cr. A laboratory course to accompany CHEM 1008 including qualitative analysis. Prerequisite: “C” or better in CHEM 1009; credit or registration in CHEM 1008.

CMST 2001. PUBLIC SPEAKING. 3 cr. The process of public communication, including an understanding of audience to produce, evaluate, and critique public expression in public arenas.

CSCI 1070. COMPUTER LITERACY. 3 cr. A study of computer concepts with an emphasis on the personal computer and its practical use, the impact of computers on society, and the knowledge required to be computer literate in today’s digital world.

CURR 2001. EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIONS FOR DIVERSE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS. 3 cr. This course provides an orientation to teaching that includes legal and organizational aspects of public education; history and philosophy of education; and provides multicultural insight to support the educational needs of diverse students in their learning environment.

ENGL 1001. COMPOSITION I. 3 cr. Composition of analytical, expository, and argumentative writing; emphasizing writing as a process that includes analyzing a writing situation, prewriting, drafting, revising, and some documentation. Prerequisite: English ACT 18

ENGL 1002. COMPOSITION II. 3 cr. Composition of analytical and argumentative writing using documentation and research. Prerequisite: 1001 with “C” or better.

FRNH 1001. ELEMENTARY FRENCH I. 3 cr. each. An introduction to the basic grammatical structures of

French with the objectives of developing an elementary ability to speak, understand, read, and write the language.

FRNH 1002. ELEMENTARY FRENCH II. 3 cr. A continuation of the study of French on the elementary level.

Prerequisite: A “C” or better in French 1001 or permission of the department head.

GEOL 1001. PHYSICAL GEOLOGY. 3 cr. The external and internal features of the earth and the agents responsible for them, including the work of rivers, winds, glaciers, volcanoes, earthquakes, and oceans.

GEOL 1003. PHYSICAL GEOLOGY LAB 1 cr. Two hours laboratory to accompany GEOL 1001.

HIST 1011. WORLD CIVILIZATION I. 3 cr. Survey of world history from early humanity to the eighteenth century.

HIST 1012. WORLD CIVILIZATION II. 3 cr. Survey of world history since the seventeenth century.

HIST 2001. UNITED STATES HISTORY I. 3 cr. Survey of the political, economic, social, and cultural foundations of American life with emphasis upon the rise of the United States as a world power. To 1877.

HIST 2002. UNITED STATES HISTORY II. 3 cr. Survey of the political, economic, social, and cultural foundations of American life with emphasis upon the rise of the United States as a world power. 2002: Since


ULM Dual Enrollment Contact : Mary Elizabeth Bridges

318-342-1032 or bridges@ulm.edu

700 University Avenue, ULB 109, Monroe, LA 71209

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HLST 2007. NUTRITION. 3cr. Application of principles of basic nutrition throughout the life cycle. Emphasis is on the relationship of nutrition to health and disease.

LATN 1001. ELEMENTARY LATIN I. 3 cr. Cultural readings accompanied by the basics of grammar. Work in the computerized Language Learning Center is required.

LATN 1002. ELEMENTARY LATIN II. 3 cr. A continuation of Latin 101. Cultural readings accompanied by the basics of grammar. Work in the computerized Language Learning Center is required. Prerequisite: A “C” or better in LATIN 1001 or approval of department head.

MATH 0093. INTRODUCTORY ALGEBRA. 3 cr. Review of fundamentals; operations and properties of rational and real numbers; solutions and linear equations and applications; graphing linear equations and inequalities in two variables; solving systems of linear equations; exponents and polynomials; factoring polynomials; simplifying rational and radical expressions; solving fractional, radical, and quadratic equations. Three semester hours will be added to the degree program of any student required to take this course. Open only to students whose Math ACT is less than 19.

MATH 1011. COLLEGE ALGEBRA. 3 cr. Solving equations, inequalities and systems of equations. Functions and graphs including but not limited to polynomials, rational, logarithmic and exponential functions.

Prerequisite: Open only to students whose Math ACT is 19 or higher or successful completion of MATH 0093.

MATH 1012. TRIGONOMETRY. 3 cr. Trigonometric functions, trigonometric identities and equations, logarithms, vectors, complex numbers. Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MATH 1011.

MATH 1014. APPLIED CALCULUS FOR THE LIFE SCIENCES. 3 cr. A study of the concepts of differential and integral calculus with applications from the life sciences. Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in Math 1011.

MATH 1016. ELEMENTARY STATISTICS. 3 cr. Introduction to descriptive statistics, probability, binomial and normal distributions, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression. Not applicable to a major or minor in mathematics or computer science. Prerequisites: A grade of “C” or better in MATH 1011, 1013 or 1014.

MUSC 1091. ENJOYMENT OF MUSIC. 3 cr. A non-technical course designed to provide the layman with the understanding necessary for the enjoyment of music of various types, including music of different races and ethnic groups.

POLS 2001. AMERICAN NATIONAL GOVERNMENT. 3 cr. Consideration of the nature of democracy, civil rights, federalism, the political process, the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, and current problems.

PSYC 2001. INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY. 3 cr. Principles of psychology as a science, characteristics of human behavior and cognitions and a survey of major topic areas including motivation, learning, emotions, and social and biological factors.

PSYC 2078. DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY. 3 cr. Human life-span developmental psychology emphasizing an integrative conceptualization of the totality of ontogenetic, behavioral and physiological changes.

Prerequisite: PSYC 2001.

ULM Dual Enrollment Contact : Mary Elizabeth Bridges

318-342-1032 or bridges@ulm.edu

700 University Avenue, ULB 109, Monroe, LA 71209

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PSCI 1001. PHYSICAL SCIENCE I. 3 cr. each. An interdisciplinary approach to physical and chemical laws and principles applied to matter and energy. Cannot be used to satisfy major or minor requirements. Prerequisite for 1002.

PSCI 1002. PHYSICAL SCIENCE II. 3 cr. each. An interdisciplinary approach to physical and chemical laws and principles applied to matter and energy. Cannot be used to satisfy major or minor requirements. Prerequisite: credit in PSCI 1001.

SOCL 1001. INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY. 3 cr. A survey of the basic concepts of sociology and techniques of sociological research; factors and principles influencing the social life of man.

SPAN 1001. ELEMENTARY SPANISH I. 3 cr. An introduction to the basic grammatical structures of Spanish with the objectives of developing an elementary ability to speak, understand, read, and write the language.

SPAN 1002. ELEMENTARY SPANISH II. 3 cr. A continuation of the study of Spanish on the elementary level.

Prerequisite: A “C” or better in SPAN 1001 or permission of the department head.

THEA 1091. ENJOYING THEATRE. 3 cr. Seeks to improve appreciation and understanding of theatre art to include playwriting, acting, directing, designing (scenery, lighting, costumes and make-up) and managing. The course gives emphasis to critical observation and thinking skills.

ULM Dual Enrollment Contact : Mary Elizabeth Bridges

318-342-1032 or bridges@ulm.edu

700 University Avenue, ULB 109, Monroe, LA 71209

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