ULM Graduate Council Minutes Hemphill Hall 316 September 17, 2015 3:30 p.m.

ULM Graduate Council Minutes
Hemphill Hall 316
September 17, 2015
3:30 p.m.
Present: Jana Giles(Chair), Patti Calk (Secretary), Rhonda Hensley, Amal Kaddoumi, Carl
Kogut, Attapol Kuanliang, Donna Luse, Paul Sylvester, Kim Marie Tolson, Leonard Clark
(Director, Graduate School), Therese Filhiol (Graduate School)
Absent: Jack Palmer*, Amy Dagley (*excused)
Preliminary, Old, Initial Business:
August minutes - motion to approve by Paul Sylvester and second by Carl Kogut Approved by Council
A. Initial Business:
1) Drs. John Sutherlin and Joshua Stockley were unable to visit as planned and will
reschedule for a later meeting.
2) As directed by VPAA, Dr. Pani, through Dr. Clark, the Graduate Council no
longer needs to approve the list of graduating graduate students.
Old Business:
1) Policy Items Tabled in July:
A. Appeal for Admission, Readmission, and Continuance:
Council recommended having separate requirements and instructions for
Appeal for Admission, Appeal for Readmission, and Appeal for Continuance.
It was recommended that the wording used for appeals reflect the wording in
the “Checklist” wording. The changes will need to be made to both the
Graduate Catalog and the Graduate School website.
Donna Luse volunteered to draft the wording for the documents to be
reviewed at the October meeting.
B. Proposed Change of Wording in Catalog:
The question arose as to whether the wording in the catalog is misleading and
confusing. The following change was proposed:
FROM: “Some programs have additional requirements for taking courses
under non-degree status”
TO: “Some programs have additional requirements and/or exceptions for
taking courses under non-degree status”.
- Motion by Donna Luse; second by Carl Kogut
Approved by Council
C. Suspension Based on 6+ hours of “C” vs. 3.0 GPA:
Revision of catalog wording:
1) If placed on probation, a student must maintain at least a 3.0 semester GPA
for each semester until one’s overall graduate GPA is at least a 3.0. While
on probationary status, if a student’s semester GPA falls below a 3.0 and the
student has previously earned two C’s in graduate coursework, the student
will be denied further continuance.
- Motion by Carl Kogut; second by Amal Kaddoumi
- Approved by Council
D. Confidential or Legally Problematic Information for Appeals:
The Council will be satisfied with verbal testimonial from Dr. Clark, faculty,
or administration
- Motion by Rhonda Hensley; second by Amal Kaddoumi
- Approved by Council
E. Admission Deadline Policy Adjustment (see attachment in September Moodle
TABLED until October meeting. Feedback needs to be provided to Dr.
Clark prior to the October meeting so that he can provide an updated
document for consideration at that meeting.
Three things to be considered: 1. Admission deadline change; 2. Restructure
conditional status; 3. Priority track
- Motion to TABLE by Kim Tolson; second by Attapol Kuanliang
- Approved by Council
Graduate Faculty Recommendations:
A. Dr. Donald Shepard for FULL membership
Approved for FULL Member
Motion by Donna Luse; second by Kim Tolson
Approved by Council
B. Dr. Srinivas Garlapati for FULL membership
Approved for FULL Member
Motion by Donna Luse; second by Patti Calk
Approved by Council
C. Dr. William Rogers Youngman for FULL membership
Approved for ASSOCIATE Member until he has publications and
experience in graduate teaching
Motion by Carl Kogut; second by Patti Calk
Approved by Council
D. Dr. Lyle M. Holin for ASSOCIATE membership
Approved for Associate Member
Motion by Donna Luse; second by Kim Tolson
Approved by Council
E. Dr. William Hey for FULL membership
Approved for FULL Member
Motion by Kim Tolson; second by Paul Sylvester
Approved by Council
F. Dr. Nikki Nichols for ASSOCIATE membership
Tabled until we receive letter of support and updated CV
Motion by Carl Kogut; second by Paul Sylvester
Approved by Council
New Business
ULM Graduate Program
The Graduate Council seeks clarification on how eULM policies / postings
regarding online graduate programs are related to the Graduate School and to the
Council itself. Dr. Clark will speak with Dr. Pani and report back to the Council.
Meeting adjourned: 5:03 p.m.
Motion to adjourn by Jana Giles- Approved by Council