Hanbury Brown–Twiss Interference of Anyons The MIT Faculty has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters. Citation Campagnano, Gabriele et al. “Hanbury Brown–Twiss Interference of Anyons.” Physical Review Letters 109.10 (2012). Copyright 2012 American Physical Society As Published http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.106802 Publisher American Physical Society Version Final published version Accessed Thu May 26 05:09:48 EDT 2016 Citable Link http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/74067 Terms of Use Article is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use. Detailed Terms PRL 109, 106802 (2012) week ending 7 SEPTEMBER 2012 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Hanbury Brown–Twiss Interference of Anyons Gabriele Campagnano,1 Oded Zilberberg,1 Igor V. Gornyi,2,3 Dmitri E. Feldman,4 Andrew C. Potter,5 and Yuval Gefen1 1 Department of Condensed Matter Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel 2 Institut für Nanotechnologie, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 76021 Karlsruhe, Germany 3 A. F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia 4 Department of Physics, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island 02912, USA 5 Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA (Received 10 April 2012; published 6 September 2012) We present a study of a Hanbury Brown–Twiss interferometer realized with anyons. Such a device can directly probe entanglement and fractional statistics of initially uncorrelated particles. We calculate Hanbury Brown–Twiss cross correlations of Abelian Laughlin anyons. The correlations we calculate exhibit partial bunching similar to bosons, indicating a substantial statistical transmutation from the underlying electronic degrees of freedom. We also find qualitative differences between the anyonic signal and the corresponding bosonic or fermionic signals, indicating that anyons cannot be simply thought of as intermediate between bosons and fermions. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.106802 PACS numbers: 73.43.Cd Two-particle interference is a major pillar of quantum mechanics, very much like the phenomenon of single particle interference. Such interference has been observed with photons in the historical Hanbury Brown–Twiss (HBT) experiment [1,2], and much later with electrons [3]. Quantum Hall systems can exhibit emergent particles (dubbed anyons) with fractional statistics [4,5]. Despite intensive study, direct signatures of anyonic statistics remain elusive. Here we study an HBT interferometer with anyons, which can directly probe entanglement and fractional statistics of initially uncorrelated particles. Specifically, we calculate HBT cross correlations of Abelian Laughlin anyons. The correlations exhibit partial bunching similar to bosons, indicating a substantial statistical transmutation from the underlying electronic degrees of freedom [6]. Furthermore, we find qualitative differences between the anyonic signal and the corresponding bosonic or fermionic signals, indicating that anyons cannot be simply thought of as intermediate between bosons and fermions. Edge channels of a fractional quantum Hall system offer a natural framework to study transport properties of anyons. Earlier attempts to consider entanglement of such quasiparticles (QPs) either addressed time-resolved correlation functions [7] (which may be very hard to measure) or relied on a single source geometry setup [8–10] (which may introduce superfluous interaction-induced correlations). Here we study zero-frequency current-current correlations in a truly HBT interferometer setup, whose physics is governed by QPs dynamics. Because of their fractional charge and fractional statistics, scattering of these QPs results in non trivial correlations. Below, we consider the case ¼ 1=3 for concreteness, but our analysis can be generalized to other Laughlin fractions. Consider first a heuristic estimate of these correlations, outlined in Fig. 1. Two particles are emitted, respectively, 0031-9007=12=109(10)=106802(5) from two sources S1 and S2 and scattered toward two detectors D1 and D2 by a beam splitter, e.g., a quantum point contact (QPC) for electrons and QPs, or a halfsilvered mirror for photons. We evaluate the probability Pðm; 2 mÞ, m ¼ 0; 1; 2, that m particles are collected at the drain D1 while ð2 mÞ are collected at the drain D2 . Consider, e.g., the diagrams contributing to Pð1; 1Þ [cf. Figure 1(a)]. Each diagram represents an amplitude contributing to Pð1; 1Þ. Their weights are tt0 exp½ið1=2Þ and rr0 exp½ið3=2Þ, with ¼ 0;1;1=3 for bosons, fermions, and ¼ 1=3 anyons, respectively. (a) D2 D2 t’ r S2 S1 S2 S1 t (b) r S1 r’ D1 D1 D2 D2 r t’ S2 S1 t’ S2 FIG. 1 (color online). Two-particle amplitudes contributing to (a) Pð1; 1Þ, the two particles are emitted from S1 and S2 , and collected at D1 and D2 ; (b) Pð0; 2Þ, both particles are collected at D1 . t; r; t0 ; r0 are the single particle scattering amplitudes, jtj2 þ jrj2 ¼ 1, jt0 j2 þ jr0 j2 ¼ 1. Note the statistical factors, reflected by the winding of one particle around the other. For (a) they are exp½ið1=2Þ and exp½ið3=2Þ, respectively. 106802-1 Ó 2012 American Physical Society PRL 109, 106802 (2012) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Note that we have included quantum statistics factors which reflect the extent by which one-particle winds around the other. It follows that Pð1; 1Þ ¼ jtt0 exp½ið1=2Þ þ rr0 exp½ið3=2Þj2 . For simplicity we consider symmetric scatterers, jrj2 ¼ jtj2 ¼ 1=2, in which case Pð1; 1Þ ¼ ð1=2Þð1 cosÞ. Similarly, Pð2; 0Þ ¼ Pð0; 2Þ ¼ ð1=4Þ ð1 þ cosÞ. For classical particles one sums up probabilities, rather than amplitudes, leading to PC ð1; 1Þ ¼ 1=2, PC ð2; 0Þ ¼ PC ð0; 2Þ ¼ 1=4. The results for fermions and bosons coincide with calculations based on second quantization [11]. For ¼ 1=3 this results in bosonlike bunching [7] [P¼1=3 ð2; 0Þ > PC ð2; 0Þ]. Our main analysis, outlined below, reinforces the observation that the scattering of two Laughlin anyons is bosoniclike. At the same time, it also reveals the nonanalytic structure of the interferometry signal of such anyons, implying that the latter are not simple interpolation between fermions and bosons. The schematic setup is depicted in Fig. 2. What replaces optical beams in the solid state device are edge states of the quantum Hall effect, formed due to the presence of a strong perpendicular magnetic field. The chirality of these edge states allows the transport of charge excitations over large distances. The presence of an Aharonov-Bohm (AB) flux (AB ) provides an important handle to control and analyze the HBT correlations. The analogue of half-silvered mirrors are QPCs, which facili- FIG. 2 (color online). Scheme of a Hanbury Brown–Twiss setup realized with edge states. The relevant edges for our analysis are the lines Si Di with i ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4. The external edges, S1 D1 and S4 D4 , are kept at potential V, the internal ones, S2 D2 and S3 D3 , are grounded. Interedge tunneling (dashed lines) takes place at the four QPCs, A; B; C; D, with tunneling amplitudes, A ; B ; C ; D , respectively. The bias V is assumed to be large compared to the thermal energy, kB T, so that only processes that involve a transfer of QPs from the external to the internal edges are relevant for our analysis. Li (not shown in the figure) is the distance between two consecutive QPCs along edge Si Di . The magnetic flux threading the blue area (defined by the line connecting the four QPCs along the edges), tot , is relevant for the interferometry discussed here. week ending 7 SEPTEMBER 2012 tate a controlled forward transmission or backscattering reflection of the impinging charge excitation. Electron interferometers with such features have been realized [3,12]. We focus on the magnetic flux sensitive part of the current-current correlation, and show that the result is radically different from what has been predicted [13], and later observed [3] for the electronic case ( ¼ 1). A QP in a quantum Hall liquid at Laughlin filling factor can be described as a composite object, consisting of a point charge q ¼ e with a single quantum magnetic flux solenoid, 0 ¼ hc=e, attached to it. When a QP encircles another QP it will pick up an AB phase ¼ 2 which accounts for their mutual fractional statistics [14]. When a QP tunnels from the external to the internal edges, its flux is trapped inside the interferometer [15,16]. The magnetic flux enclosed in the active area of the interferometer (depicted in blue, and defined by the line connecting the four QPCs along the edges, in Fig. 2) is tot ðnÞ ¼ AB þ stat ðnÞ, where stat is the statistical flux and is given by 0 times the number n of trapped QPs. The dynamics of QPs moving along the edges of the interferometer is then entirely determined by n modð3Þ, i.e., for a given value of AB the system can be found in three possible states characterized by n ¼ 0; 1; 2. For the study of the nonequilibrium dynamics of our strongly interacting HBT interferometer, we address the Markovian evolution of the system among the three possible values of the statistical flux. Our microscopic Keldysh analysis simplifies, and can be cast in terms of rate equations for a certain parameter range [17]. The rate equations (whose coefficients are obtained by a microscopic analysis) carry information on interference effects of current cross correlations. Below we treat the QP tunneling current at each QPC perturbatively. Let us define the quantities needed in the ensuing analysis: hIi i is the R average tunneling current measured in drain i and Si;i0 1 1 dth½Ii ðtÞ hIi i½Ii0 ð0Þ hIi0 ii is the zerofrequency current-current correlations between drains i and i0 . The latter is the main object of this Letter. Next, we define Pðf; tjjÞ, the probability to find the system with statistical flux f [indices are defined mod(3)] at time t given that it had statistical flux j at time zero. The system’s dynamics is governed by a standard master equation: X d Pðf; tjjÞ ¼ ½Pðk; tjjÞWk;f Pðf; tjjÞWf;k : (1) dt k¼0;1;2 Here Wj;f is the total transition rate from the state j to the state f. In order to study the magnetic flux-dependent part of the current-current correlations, we need to consistently include at least single-QP processes and two-QP processes, i.e., second and fourth order in the tunneling amplitudes , respectively. In the high voltage bias limit, eV kB T, considered here, only processes that transfer QPs from the outer to the inner edges are relevant. 106802-2 PRL 109, 106802 (2012) week ending 7 SEPTEMBER 2012 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Several microscopic processes, labeled by , contribute P ðÞ to each Wj;f such that Wj;f ¼ Wj;f . The processes ðÞ ðÞ ðÞ , Wj;jþ1 , or Wj;jþ2 . The former allowed are either Wj;j renormalizes the vacuum current and does not affect any ðÞ quantity calculated below. Wj;jþ1 has contributions from single-QP processes (independent of flux, hence, independent of j), as well as from two-QPs processes (dependent ðÞ of flux). Wj;jþ2 consists of two-QPs processes, and may or may not be flux dependent. Each of the rates can be written ðÞ ~ ðÞ jðÞ with ðÞ as Wj;f ¼W j discussed in the caption of Table I, which depicts all relevant processes. Consider, first, the current collected at any of the drains. Assuming short-range interactions [18], which is reasonable in the presence of a metallic top gate, this current is flux-independent (similarly to the ¼ 1 case [13]), hence, is not of interest for us here. The following argument can be used to show this: consider for instance the current at TABLE I. Elementary QP transfer processes. Each process, ðÞ ¼ ðm; N; Þ, is characterized according to the change m in the number of QPs trapped in the interferometer, N the QPCs at which QP tunneling takes place, and the flux entering the flux factor jðm;N;Þ ¼ cos½2=ð30 Þ. Note that ¼ 0 depicts a flux-independent process and ¼ tot ðjÞ ¼ AB þ j0 , a process that depends on the total trapped flux. The order of the process (second or fourth in the tunneling amplitude ), the initial and final fluxon states [(j; f), where f j is the added number of statistical fluxons], and the charge added at each drain [ þ 1 refers to the absorption of one QP or charge q ¼ ð1=3Þjej at the drain], are indicated. For example (cf. Figure 3), the process ðÞ ¼ ð1; A; 0Þ corresponds to the emission of a QP from source S1 , its tunneling across QPC A, and its trapping at D3 . Following the tunneling event, a quasihole is created at edge S1 D1 and a charge q is consequently absorbed in D1 . The flux-dependent processes {the two-QPs trapping process ½2; ABCD; tot ðjÞ and the single-QP trapping ½1; ABCD; tot ðjÞ1 g are illustrated in Fig. 3. drain D3 : owing to the chiral propagation along the edges this tunneling current does not depend on the scattering at QPC D. A gauge transformation can then ascribe the total magnetic flux to QPC D—hence the current in drain 3 is AB independent. A similar argument holds for the tunneling currents collected at the other drains. We, next, consider the AB-dependent component of the cross-current correlations. It is sufficient to express the ð1;AÞ;0 following rates: the single-QP rates Wj;jþ1 ¼ jA j2 [and similar expressions for rates involving the processes (1, B, 0), (1, C, 0), and (1, D, 0)]; and the two-QPs rate ½2;ABCD;tot ðjÞ Wj;jþ2 ¼ jA B C D j 2 ðAB þ j0 Þ=0 : cos 3 Here the ’s are the QPs tunneling amplitudes at the four QPCs, and are coefficients to be calculated below. Using the method developed in Refs. [19,20], we are able to calculate the AB-dependent component of the crosscurrent correlator S1;4 : SAB 1;4 S1;4 hS1;4 iAB ¼ e2 jA B C D j3 3 cos½2ðAB =0 Þ ; (2) 6ðjA j2 þ jB j2 þ jC j2 þ jD j2 Þ2 2 where hiAB refers to averaging over AB . Model and Methods.—The low energy physics of the system is well described by the effective bosonic Hamiltonian [18] H0 ¼ 4 Z @v X dxð@x l Þ2 ; 4 l¼1 (3) Elementary processes Process ð1; A; 0Þ ð1; B; 0Þ ð1; C; 0Þ ð1; D; 0Þ ð2; A; 0Þ ð2; B; 0Þ ð2; C; 0Þ ð2; D; 0Þ ð2; AB; 0Þ ð2; CD; 0Þ ð2; AD; 0Þ ð2; BC; 0Þ ½2; ABCD; tot ðjÞ ½1; ABCD; tot ðjÞ1 ½1; ABCD; tot ðjÞ2 Order 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 (j, f) (j, j þ 1) (j, j þ 1) (j, j þ 1) (j, j þ 1) (j, j þ 2) (j, j þ 2) (j, j þ 2) (j, j þ 2) (j, j þ 2) (j, j þ 2) (j, j þ 2) (j, j þ 2) (j, j þ 2) (j, j þ 1) (j, j þ 1) D1 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 1 1 2 0 1 0 1 D2 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 2 0 2 1 1 1 0 1 D3 1 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 D4 0 1 1 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 FIG. 3 (color online). (a) In process ½2; ABCD; tot ðjÞ two QPs are transferred from edges 1 and 4 to edges 2 and 3, the process is AB-sensitive due to the interference between two amplitudes A1 and A2 . In A1 a QP tunnels from edge 1 to edge 3 and a second QP tunnels from edge 4 to edge 2 (red dotted line). In A2 a QP tunnels from edge 1 to edge 2 and a second QP tunnels from edge 4 to edge 3 (blue dashed line). This process changes the statistical flux by two. (b) Process ½1; ABCD; tot ðjÞ1 {and similarly, process ½1; ABCD; tot ðjÞ2 g is also AB-sensitive but in this case only one QP is trapped inside the interferometer changing the statistical flux by one. 106802-3 PRL 109, 106802 (2012) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS describing chiral plasmonic excitations on the four edges (e.g., S1 D1 ) of the interferometer. Here, v is the plasmonic velocity at the edge. The bosonic fields l satisfy the commutation relations ½l ðx; t ¼ 0Þ; k ðx0 ;p t ffiffiffi ¼ 0Þ ¼ 0 ilkp sgnðx x Þ. The operators expði = Þ and l ffiffiffi expði l Þ are, respectively, proportional to the electron and the quasiparticle creation operator on the edge l. To fully account for the quantum statistics of such particles one needs to multiply these bosonic operators by ‘‘string operators,’’ known as Klein factors [7,15,16,21]. In our analysis, this procedure is replaced by carefully accounting for the dynamics of the statistical flux, which is attached to the tunneling QPs. The total Hamiltonian, H ¼ H0 þ HT , includes a tunneling part, HT ¼ ðHTA þ HTB þ HTC þ HTD Þ þ H:c:, which accounts for the most relevant tunneling operators at the QPCs. We assume that the external (internal) edges are tuned at voltage V (0), select a gauge whereby the flux dependence is attached to HTA , and redefine the vacuum value pffiffiffiof the fields at the external edges l ðxÞ ! l ðxÞ eV x=ðv@Þ (l ¼ 1; 4). With these manipulations the tunneling operators read pffiffiffi HTA ðt; nÞ ¼ A eieVt=@ e2iðab þn Þ=0 ei ½1 ð0;tÞ3 ð0;tÞ ; pffiffiffi HTB ðtÞ ¼ B eieVt=@ eieVL4 =ð@vÞ ei ½4 ðL4 ;tÞ3 ðL3 ;tÞ ; pffiffiffi HTC ðtÞ ¼ C eieVt=@ ei ½4 ð0;tÞ2 ð0;tÞ ; pffiffiffi HTD ðtÞ ¼ D eieVt=@ eieVL1 =ð@vÞ ei ½1 ðL1 ;tÞ2 ðL2 ;tÞ : Note that the magnetic flux attached to HTA comprises of both the AB-flux and the statistical flux due to n modð3Þ QPs. We next calculate the transition rates. The above model facilitates the calculation of the rates of the processes appearing in Table I. Rates are computed using generalized Fermi’s golden rule (see, e.g., [22]) in order to evaluate single and two particles transfer between the edges. Generally, we can write the transition rate between any initial state j c i i with thermal occupation i to any final state j c f i obtained from the initial one by transferring one P ðÞ ~ c f ij2 ðEf or two QPs as Wi!f ¼ ð2=@Þ if i jh c i jTj Ei Þ, where T~ ¼ HT þ HT ðEi H0 i0þ Þ1 HT þ . For example, ½2;ABCD;tot ðjÞ Wj;jþ2 ¼ jA B C D j 2 ðAB þ j Þ=0 cos 3 Z 1 d > G< 4 ð ;L4 ÞG3 ð þ eV; L3 Þ 1 2 < G> (4) 2 ð þ eV; L2 ÞG1 ð ;L1 Þ < Here we have introduced G> i ð ; xÞ and Gi ð ; xÞ, the Green’s functions in energy-space representation. In time-space representation they are given by week ending 7 SEPTEMBER 2012 pffiffiffi pffiffiffi i i ðx;tÞ ei i ð0;0Þ i G> xÞ ¼ phe and G< i pðt; i ðt;xÞ ¼ ffiffi ffi ffiffi ffi i i ð0;0Þ i i ðx;tÞ he e i. We find for and [cf. Equation (2)] ~ ¼C 1=3 e=2 ; 2 i ½1 þ 2 coshðÞð23Þð23 i 2 Þð3 þ 2 Þ (5) and ¼ 5=3 321=3 l4=3 c ; 21=3 ð2=3Þ4=3 @7=3 v4=3 (6) where ¼ eV=ðkB TÞ, ¼ 1=ðkB TÞ, and C~ ¼ ðlc =vÞ2=3 ð2=@Þ5=3 . In order to obtain Eq. (6) we have assumed that the lengths of the individual interferometer arms satisfy L1 þ L4 L2 L3 @v=ðeVÞ and 1 [23]. Discussion.—Equation (2) is our main result. We first note that the leading AB cross-current dependence comes with a plus sign, akin to bosonic HBT correlations (cf. Refs. [7,24]). This conclusion is in qualitative agreement with our toy model discussed above. The structure of Eq. (2) is worth noting as well. For an electronic twoparticle interferometer operating in the integer quantum Hall regime ( ¼ 1), the leading flux-dependent contribution in the weak tunneling regime is proportional to 4 (bosons would behave the same way) [13]. Likewise, one might expect the fundamental flux periodicity of SAB 1;4 to be 0 , in line with gauge invariance [15,16,25]. This would 12 suggest that SAB 14 is proportional to , representing a coherent sequence of three ½2; ABCD; tot ðjÞ two-QP 8 processes. Our result for SAB 14 scales as , implying that an ½2;ABCD;tot ðjÞ expansion of SAB , is 14 in two-QPs rates, Wj;jþ2 nonanalytic. This unique scaling with is the signature of QP HBT interference. Formally, this intriguing behavior is the outcome of the dressing of two-QPs processes by an infinite series of single-QP processes. We notice that the above results apply to the case of ¼ 1=3 considered here; for a generic Laughlin filling factor ¼ 1=m (m odd), having m possible values of the statistical flux results in ð2mþ2Þ SAB . 1;4 being proportional to In summary, we have found that the scattering of two uncorrelated anyonic beams gives rise to HBT correlations which are bosonic in nature. This has been shown for a HBT interferometer threaded by an Aharonov-Bohm flux, and has also been suggested by the analysis of our toy model. The amplitude of the flux-dependent cross-current correlations is nonanalytic in the rates of the elementary two-anyon processes. Generalizing our model to finite temperatures (eV kB T) allows QPs to tunnel from the inner edges to the outer edges, but otherwise no quantitative changes are expected. The extension to finite range interaction will introduce higher harmonics at the flux dependence [26]. More interesting is the inclusion of multichannel edges (going beyond Laughlin fractions), and 106802-4 PRL 109, 106802 (2012) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS eventually the generalizations to QPs satisfying nonAbelian statistics. We thank A. Carmi, I. Protopopov, and H.-S. Sim for useful discussions; and N. Gontmakher for the illustration of the device. We acknowledge financial support by BSF under Grant No. 2006371, GIF, ISF, Israel-Korea MOST grant, DFG CFN, and NSF under Grant No. DMR0544116. [1] R. Hanbury Brown and R. Q. Twiss, Philos. Mag. 45, 663 (1954). [2] R. Hanbury Brown and R. Q. Twiss, Nature (London) 177, 27 (1956). [3] I. Neder, N. Ofek, Y. Chung, M. Heiblum, D. Mahalu, and V. 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