Business Courses

Business Courses
BUSN 1110
Career Planning (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 1
This web-enhanced course emphasizes career assessment, employment searches, networking, resume
building, and interviewing techniques. The course will give major exposure to the tools and
information available and necessary for acquiring employment. F, Sp
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 100
BUSN 1125
Intro to Comp Presentations (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 1
Introduction to creating digital presentations that include sound, video, charts, graphics and other
enhancements. F, Sp.
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 1025
BUSN 1126
Bus Spreadsheet Fundamentals (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 1
Introduction to spreadsheet and charts creation and design; including table formatting, formulas, and
functions. F, Sp
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 1030
BUSN 1127
Introduction to Database (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 1
Introduction to database management in a business environment including: terminology, creation,
querying, report generation, and defining table relationships.
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 1035
BUSN 1300
Personal Finance (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 3
A course designed to aid the student in practical money management. Topics included are charting
financial objectives; budgeting; consumer borrowing, renting, and buying; investing; employee
benefits and taxation. (Prerequisite: Completion of Reading Learning Support, if required) F, Sp
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 112
BUSN 1305
Introduction to Business (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 3
Orientation course designed to introduce the basic functions of business as a framework for further
detailed study into business management and the functional areas of accounting, software
applications, marketing, leadership, organizational design, etc. Included are vocational/career
opportunities, business terminology, and the functions/theories that are utilized in the process of
business management. F,S
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 1010
Business Courses
BUSN 1310
Business Communications (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 3
This course focuses on the principles of written and oral communication skills in a business
environment. Business letters, memos, e-mail, reports, and presentations, along with other projects,
will be covered. Emphasis will be on organization, composition, and evaluation of communications for
specific purposes, as well as style, mechanics, and grammar. (Pre- or corequisite: ENGL 1010). F, S
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 203
BUSN 1320
Business Calculations (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 3
A course dealing with mathematics as applied to business operations. Included are mathematics of
trading, operating, finance, ownership and investment, and summary and analysis. (Prerequisite:
Completion of Reading Learning Support, if required) F, Sp
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 111
BUSN 1326
Service Learn and Wrld Culture (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 3
This course will allow students to conceptually compare classroom learning with a real-world global
experience in business. Students will work as a team to research, examine and study the global
business environment of a selected international economy and cultural society. Roane State
Community College will partner with an international student exchange organization so that students
may travel to a selected international destination as a capstone of this class.
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 216
BUSN 1330
Entrepreneurship (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 3
An introductory course designed to provide an overview of the business environment and
requirements for successfully operating a small business. Topics covered include forms of business,
credit management, utilizing professionals, information management, etc. (Prerequisite: Completion of
Reading Learning Support, if required) Sp
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 278
BUSN 1350
Sales and Service (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 3
A course emphasizing the relationship of product and market, industrial and consumer sales, methods
of market analysis, sales and sales methods. (Prerequisite: Completion of Reading Learning Support, if
required) F, Sp
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 271
BUSN 1360
Software Appl for Business (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 3
Business Tools and Applications is an introductory survey and hands-on course designed for business
majors that includes computer application tools used in businesses today. These include: Windows,
Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, Internet Explorer, Google Earth, Bing,
PollEverywhere, Skype, and many other applications. Students will apply computer technology to a
Business Courses
course-long business case. They will learn how to research the industry, create and format text,
charts, and graphics for a business plan, a company logo, brochures, a company database, and
computer presentations. They will also learn how to communicate using web and cell phone
technology. Throughout the course, students will learn and apply soft skills such as problem solving,
team works, and leadership.
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 106
BUSN 1362
Document Creation and Design (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 3
In this comprehensive course, students will learn how to create and format professional-looking
documents including letters, memos, reports, research papers, mailing labels, flyers, and newsletters.
In addition, students will learn how to work with tables, mail merge, templates, and desktop
publishing, as well as how to collaborate with others, and create web pages. Students will apply
critical thinking and problem-solving skills to gain a comprehensive understanding of word processing
applications in which they may apply to real-life tasks.
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 102
BUSN 1380
Supervisory Management (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 3
This course is designed to introduce the basic aspects of supervisory development, to include the
functions of management, communication skills, interpersonal relations, motivation, morale, discipline,
leadership training and evaluation, decision-making and self-development. (Prerequisite: Completion
of Reading Learning Support, if required) F, Sp
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 281
BUSN 1390
Intro to Govt Contracts (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 3
Introduction to Government Contracts is designed to establish a foundational understanding of the
federal procurement system and the use of contracts in the acquisition of goods and services required
by agencies of the US Government. Students will become familiar with contract types, language and
terminology applicable to relevant agencies, and acquire a basic understanding of the Federal
Acquisition Regulation. (Prerequisite: Completion of Reading and English Learning Support, if required)
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 107
BUSN 1391
Mission Directed Contracting (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 3
Mission Directed Contracting builds upon Introduction to Government Contracts and is designed to
establish the basic principles, processes, and techniques of managing procurements that achieve
mission objectives. The course will survey the contracting professionals roles and responsibilities in
the acquisition process from source selection through negotiation, contract management, and contract
close-out. Mission Directed Contracting will focus on leadership, problem solving, analytical,
management, and negotiation skills. FAR regulations applicable to source selection, contract
management, and contract close-out will be addressed. (Prerequisites: Completion of Reading and
English Learning Support, if required)
Business Courses
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 108
BUSN 1392
Mission Performance Assessment (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 3
Mission-Performance Assessment builds upon Introduction to Government Contracts and Mission
Directed Contracting and is designed to further establish the basic principles and methods of achieving
programmatic objectives through the government contracting process. The course will focus on the
techniques, processes, and strategies of contract management professionals in ensuring compliant and
satisfactory contractor performance, preventing and resolving contract disputes, effecting contract
changes, and providing leadership throughout the contracting process. FAR regulations applicable to
contractor performance evaluation, contract disputes, changes, subcontracts, terminations, socioeconomic programs, and payments will be addressed. (Prerequisite: Completion of Reading and
English Learning Support, if required)
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 109
BUSN 2300
Business Ethics (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 3
A course concerned with the relationship between business goals and practices and the good of
society. Of specific concern will be matters such as fair pay, safe working conditions, well-made
products at fair prices and environmental issues. (prerequisite ENGL 1010) Sp
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 215
BUSN 2350
Organizational Behavior (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 3
This course applies psychological principles to business and other organizations concerned with
effective management. Topics covered include leadership and supervision; communications and
human relation skills; scientific and humanistic management and motivation skills, group dynamics
and coping with change. (Prerequisite: Completion of Reading Learning Support, if required) F, Sp
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 261
BUSN 2360
Neg and Conflict Resolution (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 3
This course is designed to provide the student with the necessary knowledge and skill to resolve
various types of conflict we all encounter. Additionally, the course will focus on both learning and
applying negotiation skills in a variety of business situations to reach successful solutions. Students
may not receive credit for both BUS 236 and MGT 225. (Prerequisite: Completion of Reading Learning
Support, if required) F, Sp
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 236
BUSN 2365
Database Creation and Design (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 3
Focus is on database management in a business environment, including: terminology, object creation,
data manipulation and integration with other business applications. F
Business Courses
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 105
BUSN 2370
Legal Environment for Business (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 3
Emphasis is placed on classification of laws, historical background of our systems of law, duties,
buying services, insurance, consumer protection, negotiable instruments, and business organization.
(Prerequisite: Completion of Reading Learning Support, if required) F, Sp
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 251
BUSN 2380
Principles of Marketing (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 3
A general but critical survey of the field of marketing, covering international industries and commerce,
distribution of resources, factors of distribution and transportation, and the marketing functions.
(Prerequisite: Completion of Reading Learning Support, if required) F, Sp
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 273
BUSN 2385
Project Design & Management (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 3
Students will use PMI principles and hands on Project Management applications to learn all the
essential topics of completing a major project including: planning a project, creating project
schedules, communicating project information, using the critical path, assigning resources, tracking
progress, and sharing information across applications and the Web. Sp
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 202
BUSN 2390
Business Presentations (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 3
Students learn the art of designing, creating, and delivering sophisticated and professional computer
presentations using PowerPoint. Presentations will include sound, video, charts, graphics, hyperlinks,
and other enhancements that will illustrate their topics. S
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 104
BUSN 2840
Management Seminar (Active, effective Fall 2014)
Credits: 3
Consideration of current problems, issues, and developments in the area of management. Students
are guided through individual projects and outside research related to their area of concentration and
employment training. (Prerequisite: Completion of Reading Learning Support, if required) Sp
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.
Formerly BUS 284