UCL MEDICAL SCHOOL MBBS ASSESSMENT DATES 2017-2018 Provisional Version: May 2016

Version: May 2016
Year 1 Formative papers
Year 1 Formative papers
Year 1 Formative OSCE
Year 2 Formative papers
w/c 27 November 2017
Mond 12 February 2018
Tues 13 February 2018
Mon 19 February 2018
Year 1 and 2 Summative papers
Year 2 Summative OSCE
Pre-Exam Board Meeting
Examiners’ Meeting
*Appointments for unsuccessful candidates
w/c 14 May 2018
TBC by UCL Exams
Tues 8, Wed 9 May 2018 TBC
Mon 4 June 2018, 10.00am
Tues 5 June 2018, 10.00am
Wed 6 June 2018, 10.00-10.30am
Wed 6 June PM, Thurs 7, Fri 8 to 5.00pm
Year 1 and 2 Resits
Summative papers
Year 2 Summative OSCE
Pre-Exam Board Meeting
Examiners’ Meeting
*Appointments for unsuccessful candidates
w/c 9 July 2018
Mon 9 July 2018
Mon 23 July 2018, 10.00am
Tues 24 July 2018, 10.00am
Wed 25 July 2018, 10.00am
Wed 25 July PM, Thurs 26, Fri 27 to 5.00pm
Year 3 (IBSc)
Exams timetabled by UCL Examinations
Examiners’ Meeting
w/c 18 June 2018
Appointments for unsuccessful candidates with the Academic Lead (Year 3) and/or Faculty Tutor will
be arranged after the Year 3 Examiner’s Meeting
Year 4
Written Assessments (Formative)
OSCE (Summative)
Written Assessments (Summative)
Pre-Exam Board Meeting
Examiners’ Meeting
*Appointments for unsuccessful candidates
End of each module via Moodle
Tues 17 July 2018, Wed 18 July 2018 (all day)
Thurs 26 July 2018
Tues 31 July 2018, 10.00am
Wed 1 August 2018, 10.00am
Thurs 2 Aug 2018, 10.00am
Thurs 2 Aug PM, Fri 3 Aug to 5.00pm
Year 5
Written Assessments (Formative)
OSCE (Summative)
Written Assessments (Summative)
Pre-Exam Board Meeting
Examiners’ Meeting
*Appointments for unsuccessful candidates
End of each module via Moodle
Wed 11 July, Thurs 12 July 2018 (all day)
Tues 24 July 2018
Mon 30 July 2018, 10.00am
Tues 31 July 2018 2018, 2.00pm
Wed 1 Aug 2018, 10.00am
Wed 1 Aug 2018 PM, Thurs 2 AM
Year 6
Summative Short station OSCE
Summative Long station OSCE
Summative papers
Tues 6, Wed 7 March 2018 - RF/UCL/Whittington
Thurs 8, Fri 9 March 2018 - RF/UCLH/Whittington
Tues 6, Wed 7, Thurs 8 March - Basildon
Wed 7, Thurs 8 March – Luton
Wed 7 March - North Middlesex
Tues 13 March 2018
Pre- Exam Board Meeting
Examiners’ Meeting
*Appointments for unsuccessful candidates
Mon 19 March 2018, 10.00am
Tues 20 March 2018, 10.00am
Wed 21 March 2018, 10.00am
Wed 21 Mar PM, Thurs 22, Friday 23 to 5.00pm
1718 Medical School Assessment dates May 16.docx
Year 6 Resits
Summative Papers
Summative Long & Short Station OSCEs
Pre- Exam Board Meeting
Examiners’ Meeting
*Appointments for unsuccessful candidates
Mon 18 June 2018
Tues 19/Wed 20 June 2018 (Site TBC)
Mon 25 June 2018, 10.00am
Mon 25 June 2018, 2.00pm
Tues 26 June 2018, 10am
Tues 26 June 2018, PM, Wed 27 June to 5.00pm
University of London Gold Medal vivas:
Graduation Day
Award of MBBS degrees & GMC registration
Thurs 28 or Fri 29 June 2018 TBC
w/c 2 July 2018 TBC by UCL
15 July 2018
National Patient Safety Assessment
It a GMC requirement that all final year medical students take this assessment during Year 6 on one of
the dates offered by the Medical School and that they pass the assessment before commencing F1.
Dates to be published.
Foundation Programme SJT
Primary list allocations released
Friday 1 December 2018, 10.00am Confirmed
w/c 5 March 2018 TBC
Students are required to be available at the end of the academic year until the last
appointment time shown for their year group. These appointments are compulsory for
students who are unsuccessful in their examinations and any student who fails to attend an
appointment will need to account for their absence to the Divisional Tutor. Failure to attend a
compulsory appointment can lead to a student being required to leave the programme.
1718 Medical School Assessment dates May 16.docx