UCL MBBS IT AND LIBRARY SERVICES PROVISION FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS AT NHS SITES Part 1 Standards for Trusts (May 2015) These standards should be read alongside those within the Trusts-signed LDA (reproduced below) ITEM Expected Trusts must implement in 2015-16 ACCESS TO CLINICAL SYSTEMS 1 Clinical system: Read-only access to path, imaging (after suitable Access in clinical induction) settings during whole attachment using individualised login ACCESS TO PERSONAL COMPUTING FACLITIES 2 PCs Sufficient numbers of PCs to ensure students can gain access to Desktop @ UCL Anywhere when needed, without competing with other users – http://www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/common/ucldesktop/any where-user-guide See also https://www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/howto/desktop/accessing-desktop-browser 3 Email access: Essential for student access to UCL communications Access to Live@UCL and Desktop @ UCL Anywhere Ideal Trusts should aim to implement in 2016-17 Responsibility for implementation and monitoring: UCL + Trust liaison Relevant LDA, GMC advice or good / best practice Appropriate access to electronic patient records including entering appropriate data * Liaison required with IT department at each Trust GMC Advice: §33 student access to the placement providers’ IT systems §50 when on a student assistantship students must be able to access IT systems in order to gain a realistic experience of patient care §56 The effectiveness of the placement, for example in delivering the set learning objectives, should be evaluated. This may include: (b) the availability of resources such as libraries and IT systems LDA (V2): The Placement Provider is required to: 2.7.3 provide Medical Students with passwords for secure access to electronic medical record and electronic radiography systems used in the Placement Provider * See also NHS-HE Connectivity Best Practice Working Group recommendations: https://community.ja.net/groups/nhs-he-forum-connectivity-project/article/accessdirectly-nhs-desktops 24 hour access * Liaison required with IT department at each Trust (UCL ISD) Ensure access to Live@UCL and Desktop @ UCL Anywhere is not blocked from NHS computers * Liaison required with IT department at each Trust (UCL ISD) LDA: The Placement Provider is required to: 2.7.2 ensure Medical Students have access to personal computing facilities on the Placement Provider’s placements site. These facilities should include: access to standard applications, the ability to access their remote desktop, and the ability to print. These facilities should be readily available to Medical Students during normal working hours and as much out of hours access as is reasonably possible * See also NHS-HE Connectivity Best Practice Working Group case studies: https://community.ja.net/groups/nhs-he-forum-connectivity-project/article/useterminal-services LDA: The Placement Provider is required to: 2.7.2 ensure Medical Students have access to personal computing facilities on the Placement Provider’s placements site. These facilities should include: access to standard applications, the ability to access their remote desktop, and the ability to print. These facilities should be readily available to Medical Students during normal working hours and as much out of hours access as is reasonably possible 4 Printing Inexpensive and in safe locations on the hospital site * Free printing * Printing may be subsidised if funding is allocated for this purpose * Liaison required with IT department at each Trust (UCL ISD) 5 Internet access Fast access – for audio and video streaming etc This should ideally include wifi access for students to enable use of their own devices (tablet devices, laptops, mobile phones etc) at the placement sites * Liaison required with IT department at each Trust (UCL ISD) 6 Web resources access e-resources to be accessible through Trust firewalls 7 Access to elearning resources Access to all Desktop @ UCL Anywhere-accessible resources – http://www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/common/ucldesktop/any where-user-guide INTERNET ACCESS IN ACCOMMODATION 8 Internet access in At least some access, at least some extended hours accommodation * Liaison required with IT department at each Trust (UCL ISD, UCL Library Services) Sufficient bandwidth, hardware and software to allow full access (including audio and video streaming) * 24 hour wifi or fast broadband cable access (with the ability for students to create their own secure wifi hotspot if not provided); free or on not-for-profit basic charge (eg £10 per month) * Should fulfil all the e-learning * Liaison required with IT department at each Trust (UCL ISD, UCL Library Services) LDA: The Placement Provider is required to: 2.7.2 ensure Medical Students have access to personal computing facilities on the Placement Provider’s placements site. These facilities should include: access to standard applications, the ability to access their remote desktop, and the ability to print. These facilities should be readily available to Medical Students during normal working hours and as much out of hours access as is reasonably possible LDA: The Placement Provider is required to: 2.7.2 ensure Medical Students have access to personal computing facilities on the Placement Provider’s placements site. These facilities should include: access to standard applications, the ability to access their remote desktop, and the ability to print. These facilities should be readily available to Medical Students during normal working hours and as much out of hours access as is reasonably possible See e.g.: LKS Leads SIMTG List of Domains which should not be blocked http://www.libraryservices.nhs.uk/forlibrarystaff/information/technology.html or e.g. the NHS-HE Forum Connectivity Best Practice Working Group report: Web 2.0 and Social Media in Education and Research https://community.ja.net/system/files/515/NHF_Web2%200SoMEinEdResearch_May 2013_final.pdf See e.g. the e-Learning ToolKit Technical Standards page: http://www.elearningreadiness.org/page_189.html or e.g. the e-Learning for Healthcare Technical checker http://support.e-lfh.org.uk/technical-information/technical-checker/ See e.g. NHS-HE Connectivity Best Practice Working Group case studies on Shared Use of Wireless at: https://community.ja.net/groups/nhs-he-forum-connectivity-project/article/nhs-andeduroamshared-use-wirelesspsnroam and access requirements outlined above * Dongles and portables with full Desktop @ UCL Anywhere facilities may allow interim student access to personal computing in accommodation ACCESS TO LIBRARY BOOKS AND NHS E-RESOURCES 9 Access to library As a minimum, libraries will be open for at least the books / study core hours of 09:30 to 17:00, Mondays to Fridays space outside working hours 10 Access to NHS eresources CONTACTS FOR LIAISON Named IT contacts Named library contacts Study space to be available 08:0020:00 * Liaison required with the library at each Trust (UCL Library Services) * Liaison required with the library at each Trust (UCL Library Services) At each Trust an identifiable IT contact / point of contact to work with Students UCL ISD * Annual check of named contacts recommended * Clear instructions required on how to report problems to UCL ISD service desk staff * UCL Library Services / DGH Librarians meeting to review library contacts list annually GMC Advice: §56 The effectiveness of the placement, for example in delivering the set learning objectives, should be evaluated. This may include: (b) the availability of resources such as libraries and IT systems LDA The Placement Provider is required to: 2.7.1 ensure that Medical Students have access to a library, meeting the standards as defined in Library Services for Medical Students on Placement in the NHS – reproduced below 3.4.2 ensure that the provision of any teaching and teaching support facilities (including local Placement Provider-managed library and information services) by the Placement Provider takes account of the needs arising from Undergraduate Medical Education Training activity * UCL Medical School students will have been issued with personal NHS OpenAthens accounts giving access to NHS England e-resources, but may need to be reminded of these at start of placement; guidance to be provided by UCL Library Services * Optionally, it may be appropriate for students to be issued with additional local NHS OpenAthens accounts when on placement, if access is required to specific local resources that are not otherwise accessible Part 2 Learning Development Agreement specification for library services – Draft LDA Schedule 2015-16 V2 – Part B 2. Medical Placement Obligations The Placement Provider is required to: 2.7 Library and Knowledge Management 2.7.1 ensure that Medical Students have access to a library, meeting the standards as defined in Library Services for Medical Students on Placement in the NHS – reproduced below 2.7.2 ensure Medical Students have access to personal computing facilities on the Placement Provider’s placements site. These facilities should include: access to standard applications, the ability to access their remote desktop, and the ability to print. These facilities should be readily available to Medical Students during normal working hours and as much out of hours access as is reasonably possible, and, 2.7.3 provide Medical Students with passwords for secure access to electronic medical record and electronic radiography systems used in the Placement Provider and ensure that the Medical Students are aware of their responsibilities and the security arrangements relating to this. … 3.1.3 provide a learning environment in which high quality Undergraduate Medical Education Training thrives … 3.4 Medical Records, Library and Knowledge Systems 3.4.1 ensure the provision of medical records and information systems sensitive to the needs arising from Undergraduate Medical Education Training and ensure that all Medical Students are aware of local patient confidentiality agreements and the requirements of the Data Protection Act, 3.4.2 ensure that the provision of any teaching and teaching support facilities (including local Placement Provider-managed library and information services) by the Placement Provider takes account of the needs arising from Undergraduate Medical Education Training activity. This should include the provision and maintenance of an infrastructure to support new developments in medical education, including facilities for participating in video lectures, IT and library facilities for staff and Medical Students as specified by the Medical Schools and clinical skills laboratories as appropriate, and, 3.4.3 provide appropriate financial contribution to the academic library and information services. This should be in accordance with the arrangements as set out in the library service agreements in cases where such agreements exist between the academic institution and the Authority. Part 2 Learning Development Agreement specification for library services – Draft LDA Schedule 2015-16 V2 – Part B Library Services for Medical Students on Placements in the NHS – revised February 2015 This specification describes the core library services that should be provided by NHS libraries to medical students on placements in the NHS. Loan and reference services will be provided free of charge. Medical students will be referred back to their university library for document delivery services and for any formal training in the use of electronic resources. 1. Staffing Professional library staff should be available for at least 75% of the opening hours. As a minimum, libraries will be open for at least the core hours of 9.30am to 5.00pm, Mondays to Fridays Core Services 2.1 General loan and reference services should be provided. 2.2 A photocopying service should be available and functioning for 90% of library staffed hours 2.3 A collection of resources to meet the needs of medical students should be maintained and regularly updated 2.4 Computers should be provided for medical students (either in the library or in a separate facility) to access electronic information and learning resources. Access to NHS electronic resources 3.1 Placement libraries should assist medical students with the registration process for accessing national NHS-funded and locally purchased resources and provide details about such resources. Promotion of Services and User Education 4.1 There should be active promotion of the library to new medical students and orientation to services and layout. Induction for groups of new medical students should be provided on request. Customer Satisfaction 5.1 The library manager should liaise with course coordinators to ensure that services meet the needs of medical students. 5.2 A user feedback mechanism should be provided with the aim of improving the service. Accommodation 6.1 A welcoming, comfortable, learning environment should be provided, including study facilities and computer equipment with appropriate technical specification. Ideally free wifi should be available in the library for use by medical students. 6.2 Furniture and equipment should comply with current health and safety standards and should be fit for purpose. 1.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Part 3 Below are extracts about IT and library access as specified in the GMC Advice supplementary to Tomorrow's doctors (2009) Clinical placements for medical students: advice supplementary to Tomorrow's doctors (2009) / General Medical Council. [London]: GMC, 2009 URL: http://www.gmc-uk.org/Clinical_placements_for_medical_students_1114.pdf_56437824.pdf 33 Throughout this advice various provisions are mentioned that medical schools could consider including in their agreements with placement providers. For ease of reference they are as follows: (d) student access to the placement providers’ IT systems. This should include who is responsible for ensuring students understand the protocols relating to their use 50 Medical schools should ensure that their students are aware that they are subject to the same obligations as NHS staff concerning confidentiality and patients’ consent to the use of their health records. Medical students may need access to their placement provider’s IT system in order to carry out their placement objectives effectively. For example when on a student assistantship students must be able to access IT systems in order to gain a realistic experience of patient care. Medical schools should ensure that their agreements with placement providers cover student use of IT systems. The agreement should also make it clear who is responsible for ensuring that the student understands and follows the rules and procedures for IT use in that placement. 56 The effectiveness of the placement, for example in delivering the set learning objectives, should be evaluated. This may include: (b) the availability of resources such as libraries and IT systems Updated April 2015