MBBS Clinical and Professional Practice Student Guide UCL

MBBS Clinical and Professional Practice
Student Guide
The UCL Doctor
A highly competent and scientifically literate clinician, equipped to practise patient-centred
medicine in a constantly changing modern world, with a foundation in the basic medical and
social sciences. This vision is underpinned by the values of scholarship, rigour and
professionalism. The focus is on the development of the student as a scientifically informed,
socially responsible professional who, in turn, can serve the health needs of individuals and
The information contained in this Student Guide was correct at the time of going to press
(September 2015) but may be subject to change before the commencement of, or during, the
programme. Please refer to the Clinical and Professional Practice Moodle Pages regularly
as you progress.
Clinical and Professional Practice
Section 1:
Section 2:
Introduction to Clinical and Professional Practice (CPP)
The purpose of the Student Guide
The aims of Clinical and Professional Practice
The structure of Clinical and Professional Practice
Moodle resources
Assessment and progression
Attendance / Engagement
Absence reporting
Medical Student Code of Conduct
The Individual Clinical and Professional Practice modules
Integrated Clinical and Professional Practice
o Anatomy and Imaging
o Clinical Skills and Practical Procedures
o Pathological Sciences
o Use of Evidence
o Use of Medicines
Overarching Themes
o Mental Health
o Social Determinants of Health (including Electives)
o Professionalism
o Ethics and Law
o Clinical Communication
o e-Health
Patient Centred Learning, Student Centred Learning
o Portfolio (and Record of Completed Procedures Card)
Section 3:
Four Patient Pathways
Staff Contact Details
Section 1: Introduction to Clinical and Professional Practice
The purpose of this Student Guide
Welcome to the Clinical and Professional Practice modules of the MBBS programme at UCL
Medical School. Over the course of the six year MBBS programme it is tempting to see
learning medicine as a series of separate tasks, specialities and disciplines to be mastered.
However, medical practice involves integrating all of your learning and bringing your
knowledge, skills and ‘know-how’ to bear on patients’ problems. Clinical and Professional
Practice is designed to help you pull all of this learning together and see how themes, ways
of thinking, skills, and approaches to patients and their healthcare run through all modules
and all years of the programme.
This booklet therefore acts as an orientation to your studies in Clinical and Professional
Practice in all years of the programme, outlining:
 its overall structure and delivery
 how learning is organised and assessed
 the criteria for successful progression through each year of the course
Year 1: https://moodle.ucl.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=22557
Year 2: https://moodle.ucl.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=22560
Year 4: https://moodle.ucl.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=22057
Year 5: https://moodle.ucl.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=22563
The aims of Clinical and Professional Practice
The overall aims are to enable you to:
 understand medicine as an integrated whole
 understand how theory and understanding of health and disease link to practice
 make evidenced-based clinical decisions that promote patient-centred practice in a
rapidly evolving healthcare system
 integrate knowledge of biomedical and human sciences to enhance your
interpretation of the patient’s own narrative, physical signs and social data
 develop and demonstrate your professionalism through commitment to the duties
of a doctor, an understanding of patient safety and the application of ethical and
legal principles.
There are 16 modules within Clinical and Professional Practice and each module has its own
aims and objectives.
The structure of Clinical and Professional Practice
The 16 Clinical and Professional Practice modules in the MBBS programme are organised
into three groupings. These are: Integrated Clinical and Professional Practice, Overarching
Themes and Student Centred Learning, Patient Centred Learning. The following diagram
shows how these modules run ‘vertically’ across the ‘horizontal’ year group based teaching.
Although linked where possible to the ‘horizontal’ module in which the teaching takes place,
they have their own internal coherence and outcomes over the six years of the course.
The learning is delivered through a range of activities including:
specifically targeted lectures, small group work, tutorials, self-directed learning and
placements in time that is ring-fenced
all teaching sessions in the ‘horizontal’ modules
the virtual learning environment (Moodle), for example in Case of the Month (Year 6)
the student portfolio
In the programme, the ‘notional’ time dedicated to Clinical and Professional Practice
learning is equivalent to approximately one day per week across the programme.1
This means that learning and teaching about Clinical and Professional Practice
themes is not restricted to the ring-fenced Clinical and Professional Practice time – i.e.
it is “everybody’s business”; your teachers are aware that they are all responsible for
helping you to ensure you reach the learning outcomes of Clinical and Professional
Integrated Clinical and Professional Practice
Delivered through all six years of the programme, the Integrated Clinical and Professional
Practice modules address factual knowledge connecting science and clinical medicine and
core skills and competencies. This grouping includes: Anatomy and Imaging, Clinical
Skills and Practical Procedures, Pathological Sciences, Use of Medicines, and Use of
Overarching Themes
These three domains represent themes that either pervade all elements of practice, or are
central aspects of learning in all modules. Mental Health and Social Determinants of
Health mirror two of the domains of the Academic Health Sciences Centre (UCLPartners)
and represent contemporary health and healthcare priorities. By linking our focus to these
1 Clinical and Professional Practice time is significantly less in Year 3, the integrated BSc year, and is limited mainly to Use of Evidence and the
UCLP priorities we aim to maximise the benefits to students of studying medicine at UCL.
Professionalism, Ethics and Law, Clinical Communication, and e-Health address a wide
range of areas including scholarship & critical thinking, professional skills and behaviours,
teamwork, leadership, safety, quality of care and medical ethics.
Student Centred Learning, Patient Centred Learning
This grouping focuses on making sense of learning, both learning over the entire programme
and patient based learning. It includes the Portfolio, and the four Patient Pathways.
Clinical and Professional Practice Moodle Resources
The Clinical and Professional Practice modules are complex to represent in Moodle as they
are intended to relate to other modules in the programme. They contain a significant amount
of small group teaching and irregular patterns of when and where the teaching takes place.
Therefore, a group of students have designed all the Clinical and Professional Practice
Moodle courses in consultation with the whole student body to present the content in a
manner that is best for you. Each year has a separate Moodle page, but access is open to all
other years’ pages (using guest access). This should help with revision. Moodle displays
timetables, group allocations, room allocations and all teaching materials relevant to Clinical
and Professional Practice sessions. Where sessions are integrated with other ‘horizontal’
modules, there will be a link on that module’s Moodle page. The resources on Moodle are
subject to change, so students are advised to check Moodle regularly. Where there are
significant changes close to teaching we will contact you by email to notify you of them.
Assessment and Progression
In course assessment
As in other parts of the programme, during the course of the year you will receive feedback
on your performance and on developing skills and understanding. This will mostly be informal
feedback in smaller group activities. If you would like specific feedback, it is sensible to ask
for this directly. This will lead to more useful, specific and targeted comments that will help
you improve. Some Clinical and Professional Practice sessions, such as the multi-source
feedback session in Year 2, Clinical Skills sessions in Years 4 and 5, and Clinical
Communication simulation sessions in Year 4, have one-to-one feedback built into the
In addition, you can make the most of small group work sessions and placements by thinking
about your own performance, identifying aspects you are pleased with, and those you would
feel could improve. Record this in the private section of your portfolio. Some Clinical and
Professional Practice activities provide opportunities to receive meaningful feedback from
patients and service users about your developing skills as a doctor. Use these opportunities
wisely. This feedback and advice is often the most informative and has the most impact.
Patients are less familiar with the term feedback so ask them their opinion or about your
approach. Ask them to be candid; perhaps asking them to suggest one thing you could do to
improve the way you work with patients.
Most Clinical and Professional Practice modules also contribute questions to formal formative
assessments that take place during the year. In Years 1 and 2, Anatomy and Imaging also
run regular practice practical or ‘spot’ tests to help you gauge your own learning and
Summative assessment
Some Clinical and Professional Practice modules have required course work that must be
completed in order for you to progress to the next year of study. This is clearly outlined in the
relevant student year guides and in relevant Moodle resources. It will also be highlighted to
you by the Year Lead at the start of the year and the Clinical and Professional Practice
administrators. In line with GMC’s guidance on expected outcomes for graduates, you will
prepare yourself for practice across all modules through the maintenance of a portfolio and
the completion of a record of completed procedures card. Whilst some of the activities in the
card and portfolio are formative, submission of the card and portfolio are progression
requirements for each year of the programme. Summative assessment varies between the
individual modules, with most modules contributing single best answers (SBAs) and / or
OSCE stations in one or more years of the programme.
Good attendance is part of your professional responsibility. Many of the areas addressed in
Clinical and Professional Practice relate to specific competencies identified in Tomorrow’s
Doctors and in some cases an individual Clinical and Professional Practice session may be
the only opportunity you get during the programme to address that competency. You are
expected to attend every Clinical and Professional Practice teaching session in line with the
Medical School attendance policy:
At times you will be presented with conflicting learning opportunities, but timetabled Clinical
and Professional Practice sessions always take priority over other teaching. Regarding the
patient pathways, you will need to be proactive in organising your time so that you can attend
relevant activities with your patient and still meet the learning and attendance needs of your
other modules.
Attendance at 80% of the course is the minimum for completion of each year. If attendance is
falling below 80% at Clinical and Professional Practice sessions then this may trigger
‘Concern over Professional Behaviours’ (CoPB) proceedings which will entail referral to the
Divisional Tutor and possibly being placed on close supervision. In Years 1 and 2, your CPP
tutor will have a register to record your regular attendance. Any unexplained absences may
be reported and escalated to Student Support services, for consideration of appropriate
action. Similarly in years 4 and 5, attendance will be monitored and poor attendance or
unexplained non-attendance may result in the intervention of student services or the
Divisional Tutor.
Absence Reporting
If you are unable to attend a teaching session, please contact the relevant teacher by email,
copying in the CPP office (medsch.cpp@ucl.ac.uk), to let them know that you will not be
attending their session. If your absence will be for longer than 24 hours, please contact your
year office to let them know. If you will be absent during a placement, you will also need to
contact your individual placement as early as possible.
Medical Student code of conduct
UCLMS enjoys a reputation as a world class medical school and prides itself on creating
Tomorrow’s UCL Doctors – highly competent and scientifically literate clinicians, equipped to
practice patient-centred medicine is a constantly changing modern world, with a strong
foundation in the basic medical and social sciences.
As a medical student you will study for a degree that automatically allows you to work as a
Foundation doctor. The Medical School has a duty to ensure that its students can fulfil the
requirements of the General Medical Council, both for studying medicine and for working as a
doctor, and it fulfils this duty by enabling students to acquire the knowledge and to develop
the skills and attitudes appropriate to their future role. These include professional behaviour
and fitness to practice right from the start of the programme.
This code of conduct sets out the School’s expectation of you as a UCLMS student and
should be read in conjunction with:
Medical School policies set out at: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/medicalschool/staff-students/generalinformation/a-z
Policies specific to conduct include:
o Absence reporting
o Additional placement-related
o Attendance and engagement
o Communications
o Concerns over Professional
o Dress and Behaviour
o Disclosure and Barring Service
o Duties of a doctor and student
o Exceptional Leave
Fitness to Practise proceedings
Freedom of information
Harassment and bullying
Health clearance /Immunisations
and BBVs
Honesty and probity
Patient confidentiality
Patients in medical education
Personal beliefs
Use of social media
Student Support Card
Substance use and misuse
GMC policies set out at:
o www.gmc-uk.org/guidance/good_medical_practice/index.asp
o www.gmc-uk.org/guidance/good_medical_practice/duties_of_a_doctor.asp
o www.gmcuk.org/education/undergraduate/undergraduate_policy/professional_behaviour.asp
If you anticipate any difficulty adhering to any element, please make an appointment with a
Student Support Tutor who will discuss with you how best to reconcile it. A copy of the code
of conduct is signed on entry to the School as confirmation of your understanding and
agreement to abide by it. We recommend that you keep a copy for your records.
In the interests of public safety, in accordance with Tomorrow’s Doctors, and in your own
best interests, information pertinent to your educational achievements and to your fitness to
practise may be shared by UCL Medical School with training providers, employers, regulatory
organisations and other medical schools.
As a UCL medical student:
I agree to:
 abide by the medical school code of conduct and policies at:
 where applicable, carry a student support card outlining any restrictions to my practice
or any special requirements and to present the card to each educational supervisor to
whom I am attached so that they are aware of my circumstances
 update the Portico website (www.ucl.ac.uk/portico) with any change to personal or
contact details
I consent to:
 my photograph being made accessible to teaching/professional services staff at UCL
and associated NHS Trusts and Primary Care colleagues
 my examination results being emailed to my UCL email account
 my examination results being copied by email to my Personal Tutor
 my personal details and UCL email address (student ID number, full names, date of
birth, home address, telephone numbers and photograph) being passed to the
General Medical Council for the purposes of provisional registration
 my personal details and UCL email address (full names, home address, telephone
numbers) being passed to the NHS Bursaries Office for bursary applications
You are advised to:
 join either the MDU or the MPS, both of which offer free student membership and
provides advice in instances of medical student negligence
1. Attendance must be satisfactory throughout the programme. You are expected to attend
between 9am – 5pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and 9am – 12.55pm on
Wednesday and to attend some teaching events starting at 8.00am or finishing at 6.00pm
During Years 4-6 there may be times when you are also expected to attend in the
evening, early morning and at weekends. We expect you to spend a minimum of 10 hours
per week in personal study outside the programme.
You are required to inform us of any absence from teaching following the process set out
in the School’s attendance and engagement policy. Exceptional leave may only be taken
with prior permission after completing the process set out in the School’s exceptional
leave policy.
2. You are expected to listen to patients and respect their views, treat them politely and
considerately, respect patients' privacy and dignity and respect their right to refuse to take
part in teaching.
3. You should not allow personal views about a person’s age, disability, lifestyle, culture,
beliefs, ethnic or national origin, race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, marital or
parental status, social or perceived economic status to prejudice your interaction with
patients, teachers, professional services staff or colleagues.
4. You are expected to be honest. You should not abuse the trust of a patient or other
vulnerable person. You should not plagiarise material from other sources and submit it as
your own work. You should not present false information or omit important information in
your dealings with the Medical School or in any application related to your studies,
including UCAS form and Foundation School application. Dishonesty is a fitness to
practise issue.
5. You should not enter into an improper personal relationship with another person, for
example, with a school pupil whom you are mentoring or a member of staff who is
teaching you.
6. You must always make clear to patients that you are a student and not a qualified doctor.
Introducing yourself as a “medical student” or “training to be a doctor” is preferable to
describing yourself as a “student doctor”. You must always act within the direction of
your educational supervisor(s) and within the remit and competencies of a medical
7. You are bound by the principle of confidentiality of patient records and patient data. You
must therefore take all reasonable precautions to ensure that any personal data relating
to patients that you have learned by virtue of your position as a medical student will be
kept confidential. You should not discuss patients with other students or professionals
outside the clinical setting, except anonymously. When recording data or discussing
cases outside the clinical setting you must endeavour to ensure that patients cannot be
identified by others. You must respect all hospital and practice patient records.
8. You are expected to maintain appropriate standards of dress, appearance, and personal
hygiene so as not to cause offence to patients, teachers, or colleagues. The appearance
of a student should not be such as to potentially affect a patient’s confidence in their
professional standing.
9. You are expected to be aware of safe drinking guidelines for alcohol and to adhere to
these guidelines. Misuse of alcohol and any use of an illegal drug is a fitness to practise
10. To ensure appropriate communication, students are required not to cover their faces in
any part of the programme, including assessments/examinations, except where clinically
11. You are required physically to examine patients of both sexes (which includes touching
and intimate examinations) in order to establish a clinical diagnosis, irrespective of the
gender, culture, beliefs, disability, or disease of the patient. In order to qualify as a doctor
in the UK, it is required that the practitioner is willing to examine any patient as fully and
as intimately as is clinically necessary.
12. You are required to keep your health clearance and immunisations up-to-date and to
inform the Divisional Tutor of any changes which might affect your ability to undertake
Exposure Prone Procedures, e.g. exposure to, or infection with, blood-borne viruses.
Exposure Prone Procedures (EPPs) are practical procedures which carry a risk of
transmission of blood-borne viruses. If you have not had HIV and Hepatitis C testing prior
to entry to Medical School then you will either need to undergo testing as part of your OH
clearance or you will not be able to do EPPs. If you opt not to undergo testing and are not
cleared for EPPs, you will need to carry a student support card to present to your clinical
placement supervisor explaining that you are not cleared for these procedures and you
will not be able to perform or assist in some surgical procedures, for example episiotomy
in Obstetrics, and much of Orthopaedic surgery. This will not stop you qualifying but may
have a bearing on your future career.
13. You are required to adhere to the local NHS Trust policy on infection control, which may
include bare arms, during your clinical placements
14. You must inform us if you are investigated, charged with, or convicted of a criminal
offence during your time as a student at UCL Medical School. Although you are required
to have a Disclosure and Barring Service check upon entering the programme, we also
need to know if you receive a subsequent warning, reprimand, caution or conviction.
15. You must inform us if there is any significant change to your health that might affect your
fitness to study medicine or to practise as a doctor. It is a student’s responsibility to
recognise when they are ill, to seek medical advice, to accept appropriate treatment, and
to recognise when their fitness for clinical work is, or could be impaired.
16. You are required to maintain a portfolio and to present it as requested.
Section 2: The Individual Clinical and Professional Practice Modules
This section contains the following information and guidance for students:
 A brief description of each of the 16 Clinical and Professional Practice modules
 Contact details for each Clinical and Professional Practice module’s Academic and
Administrative Leads
 The key aims and activities of each of the Clinical and Professional Practice modules
Integrated Clinical and Professional Practice
Anatomy and Imaging
The aims of Anatomy and Imaging are to:
 ensure students acquire a sound working knowledge of normal human structure and
 ensure students become fluent at reading and interpreting normal and abnormal
human structure and function via a broad range of modern medical imaging
 provide a seamless programme of integrated teaching that shifts over the years from
core human structure and function towards anatomy and imaging being part of the
integrated basis of clinical diagnosis and treatment.
Overview of teaching
Anatomy and imaging teaching is delivered over each of the six years of the course. In the
first and second years, anatomy is an integrated core component of the horizontal modules
and imaging and clinically illustrative material are key learning adjuncts. In year 4 the
emphasis switches to case-based teaching sessions where imaging and applied anatomy are
now taught in a clinical context through a series of module specific clinical vignettes. In years
5 and 6 teaching is fully integrated with placements based teaching delivered by the NHS
Trust radiologists and core teaching weeks. Aspects of this module will be incorporated into
assessments throughout the programme.
Year 1: Anatomical language and the grand plan of the major systems. The anatomy of the
thorax, abdomen and pelvis, including the principles of routine medical imaging techniques.
Year 2: The functional anatomy of the musculoskeletal system and associated clinical
imaging. Further anatomy of the pelvis with emphasis on the reproductive system. Basic
clinical anatomy of the head and neck including neuroanatomy, neuroscience and imaging of
the head, neck and brain.
Year 3: Intercalated BSc year. Certain IBSc programmes provide an opportunity to study
aspects of anatomy at an advanced level.
Year 4: Case-based anatomy and imaging sessions are timetabled early in each clinical
module. Module A prepares students for the essential imaging and anatomy they will use in
cardiology, respiratory and acute medicine. Module B focuses on gastroenterology,
orthopaedics and general surgery whilst Module C puts the emphasis on clinical cases that
illustrate how anatomy and imaging are central to endocrine disorders, neurology and
infectious diseases.
Year 5 and 6: Included in placements based radiology and surgical teaching, teaching in the
core teaching and Anchor weeks and in elements of Case of the Month and Moodle revision
Clinical Skills and Practical Procedures
The aims of Clinical Skills and Practical Procedures are to:
 ensure all of our students are competent and confident to perform the skills and
procedures listed in Tomorrow’s Doctors
 introduce these skills and procedures at an appropriate point in the programme and to
increase these skills every year
 ensure that the student has the skills to be a valuable team member as early as
possible in their clinical placements
Overview of teaching:
Clinical skills and practical procedures are key elements of the MBBS programme and
proven competence in a wide range of skills is part of achieving the ‘Doctor as Practitioner’
outcomes of Tomorrow’s Doctors 2009. The GMC has produced a list of the skills that it
expects all graduates to be able to prove they have mastered on graduation: (see
The Clinical Skills and Practical Procedures module ensures that students have are taught
how to perform many of these skills but relies on the ‘horizontal’ modules to teach the rest
and reinforce the learning by building on the foundations provided by this module’s teaching.
Achievement of the GMC Required Competencies are recorded on the Record of Completed
Procedures card; these cards should be uploaded into your e-portfolio as they will provide
evidence for your Foundation School of the completion of these skills. Aspects of this module
will be incorporated in assessments throughout the programme. Over the six years of the
course, the teaching delivered under the umbrella of clinical skills and practical procedures
Year 1: infection control measures including: hand washing using the seven stage technique;
pulse, BP and temperature measurement; basic cardiovascular, respiratory and abdominal
examination; PEFR recording, urinalysis; and first aid, including CPR.
Year 2: basic motor and sensory neurological examination, Gait Arms Legs Spine
Assessment (GALS).
Year 4: clinical examinations including cardiovascular, respiratory, abdominal, cranial nerve,
neurological examination of upper and lower limbs, examination of the eyes and
musculoskeletal system examination. Practical skills and procedures including venepuncture,
cannulation, arterial blood gas sampling, manual handling, basic suturing techniques,
intravenous / subcutaneous / intramuscular injection, basic airway management, bladder
catheterisation, insertion of nasogastric tube, basic and advanced life support, the immediate
assessment and treatment of the critically ill patient and prescribing.
Year 5: In Module A procedures include: measuring occipito-frontal head circumference;
testing urine using dipstick; plotting weight, height and OFC on growth chart; changing and
feeding a baby; measure peak expiratory flow rate, blood pressure; administer inhaled
medication; advise/administer/use adrenaline auto-injector. In Module B procedures include:
antenatal examination; sexual history taking; female genital examination; Cusco speculum
examination; female bimanual examination; support to women in labour; breast examination;
digital rectal examination; male genital examination; male and female urethral catheterisation.
In Module C procedures include: full psychiatric mental state examination; visual acuity and
field testing; fundoscopy; otoscopy; health of the older person case; cancer case; psychiatry
case; breaking bad news case.
Year 6: In DGH procedures include: taking a blood culture; performing an arterial blood gas
sample; performing and interpreting a 12 lead electrocardiograph; inserting an iv cannula &
writing up an infusion; performing a catheterisation; performing suturing / applying dressings
or steristrips; taking a full set of clinical observations and plotting them on a chart;
demonstrating competency in performing life support on a manikin; writing safe prescriptions;
completing an inpatient drug chart; writing a discharge notification with TTAs; completing a
death certificate; and setting up oxygen. In GP placement procedures include: writing a letter
referring a patient to outpatients; completing a GP prescription form; administering a drug via
intra muscular injection; performing respiratory tests; completing an imaging request form;
and completing blood test request forms.
Pathological Sciences
The aims of Pathological Sciences are to:
 ensure students acquire a sound understanding of the theoretical basis of the
pathological sciences
 ensure students become proficient in the application of the principles of pathological
sciences to the investigation of disease and its management
 provide a seamless programme of integrated teaching that shifts over the years from
basic scientific principles to part of the integrated basis of clinical diagnosis and
Overview of teaching
Over the six years of the course, the teaching that is delivered under the umbrella of
Pathological Sciences includes: clinical biochemistry, haematology, immunology,
microbiology (including virology) and pathology (histopathology).Teaching is through
sessions woven into the fabric of the horizontal modules and via additional lectures, tutorials
and practical sessions in Clinical and Professional Practice Modules and in the introductory
and core module teaching time in years 4 and 5. Case-based teaching sessions are
introduced in year 1 and increasingly utilised as students progress through the course.
Aspects of this module are incorporated into assessments throughout the programme.
Year 1: an introduction to pathological sciences as a whole; principles of haematology,
microbiology and immunology.
Year 2: Principles of the pathology of bones & joints, endocrine disease, disease of the
foetus and cancer, neuropathology.
Year 3: Intercalated BSc year. Certain programmes provide opportunities to study aspects of
pathological sciences at an advanced level e.g. those provided by the Division of Infection &
Year 4: Teaching relevant to each clinical module both within the core introductory weeks
and embedded within the module. This is accompanied by a pathological sciences workbook.
Year 5: Teaching relevant to each clinical module both within the core introductory weeks
and embedded within the module.
Year 6: Included in elements of Case of the Month, Moodle revision resources and anchor
Use of Evidence
The overall aim of Use of Evidence is to enable students to make use of research evidence in
their learning and practice by helping them develop the understanding and skills necessary
for finding the evidence, evaluating it, and using it in decision making, research and clinical
practice. This includes teaching them to understand the role of evidence in the practice of
medicine and to critically appraise the results of relevant clinical trials, epidemiological
studies, and other quantitative research studies, as reported in the medical and scientific
literature. Detailed aims include helping students to:
 understand the role of evidence in the practice of medicine
 develop the skills to search for the evidence relating to a particular clinical question
 understand the methodology used in biomedical research and appreciate the
strengths and weakness of different research designs, including being able to:
o understand important methodological features and their rationale in the design,
conduct and analysis of randomised controlled trials (RCTs); define, interpret
and calculate statistical measures relevant to the interpretation of their results;
and undertake a standard appraisal of a scientific paper, presenting the conduct
and results of an RCT
o understand the difference between observational and intervention studies, and
appreciate their relative uses, strengths and weaknesses, and contributions to
research evidence
o understand the aims, methodological features, and strengths and weaknesses
of commonly used observational epidemiological study designs (e.g. crosssectional, case-control and cohort studies) and interpret simple statistical
measures used in the analyses of such studies
 gain the skills required to critically appraise and interpret the results of studies from the
medical and scientific literature, including:
o achieving an understanding of fundamental statistical concepts and techniques
relevant to the analysis, understanding and interpretation of medical research
o appreciating how the accuracy of diagnostic tests can be evaluated and
summarised; developing the skills to calculate and interpret statistical measures
relating to the evaluation of the accuracy of diagnostic tests; and applying
knowledge of the accuracy of a diagnostic test to a particular patient’s
probability of having a given condition
o understanding how to calculate and interpret statistical measures relating to the
assessment of growth using standard growth charts
o developing an understanding of the fundamental properties required for
accurate clinical measuring instruments; and understanding and interpreting the
ways in which these are evaluated and assessed
 acquire the skills to utilise and apply evidence in a critical manner to help inform
clinical decision making, including:
o developing the skills to identify, explain and communicate to audiences with
varying levels of expertise the results of a complex RCT
o understanding, assessing the conduct of, and interpreting the results of a
systematic review which brings together evidence relating to a particular clinical
o developing the knowledge and skills to interpret the results of a systematic
review; and applying the results to clinical decision making, taking into account
the patients’ own values and preferences.
Overview of teaching
Over the six years of the course, the teaching delivered under the umbrella of Use of
Evidence involves two main themes: finding and using evidence and understanding research
evidence. This includes searching for evidence, referencing evidence appropriately,
understanding the types of evidence available (including the types of research design as well
as resources such as NICE Evidence, systematic review databases etc.) the evaluation of
evidence and use of statistics; using evidence to support clinical decision making, academic
writing and one’s own research. It includes sessions woven into the fabric of the ‘horizontal’
modules, particularly in Years 1 and 2, and additional sessions in Clinical and Professional
Practice time, mainly in Years 1, 2 and 4.
Year 1: Finding and using evidence: range of resources and sources, utilising databases,
introducing NICE Evidence, referencing and avoiding plagiarism, how to use an article about
a diagnostic test, finding and appraising reports of randomised controlled trials.
Understanding research evidence: basic statistical concepts relevant to medicine, evaluation
of the accuracy of diagnostic tests, epidemiological measures of disease morbidity and
mortality, types of epidemiological study design, randomised controlled trials, their
methodology and the interpretation of their results, basic statistical techniques used in the
analysis of randomised controlled trials, methodology and interpretation of cohort studies and
case-control studies.
Year 2: Finding and using evidence: developing key skills in searching for evidence
concerning the effectiveness of specific health care interventions.
Understanding research evidence: growth charts and the calculation and interpretation of the
relevant measures used in their interpretation, assessment of the accuracy of measuring
instruments, communicating the results of complex RCTs, systematic reviews of randomised
controlled trials; their methodology and critical appraisal, interpretation and application of the
results of systematic reviews as presented in Forest plots, concept of causation in
epidemiological studies.
Year 3: Finding and using evidence: developing key skills in searching for evidence and
using evidence in answering research or clinical questions.
Year 4: Use of evidence in establishing prognosis in clinical medicine; use of evidence in
clinical decisions; revision of epidemiological concepts and research designs: the example of
antioxidants in cardiovascular disease; Finding and using evidence: accessing evidence that
matters (i.e. that is patient-oriented); finding and using sources of patient information.
Year 5: Finding and using evidence: developing key skills in searching for evidence for Year
5 group projects; a taster on finding quality information for quality practice.
Year 6: Revision sessions and inclusion in Case of the Month.
Assessment: Assessment of this module is through a combination of written and OSCE
Use of Medicines
The overall aim of teaching therapeutics is to produce doctors who know how to use the right
drug, at the right dose and duration, for the right patient, at the right price.
The specific aims of Use of Medicines are to enable students to:
acquire in years 1 & 2, the knowledge and understanding of the basic principles and
language of drug action
apply this understanding, in the clinical setting of years 4-6, in order to develop a
rational therapeutic approach for drug treatment of common medical conditions
acquire a core knowledge of mechanisms of drug action of major drug classes, and
understand expected therapeutic and harmful effects and the differences between
symptom relief and benefits on long term outcomes
develop an understanding of the complexities of using multiple drugs in patients with
multiple pathologies.
apply pharmacology and therapeutics knowledge to prescribe drugs rationally and
develop skills for evaluation new medicines as they emerge.
Aspects of this module will be incorporated into assessments throughout the programme.
Overview of teaching
Year 1: basic pharmacology linked to the horizontal modules, consisting of five lectures and
one problem-based learning exercise
Year 2: basic pharmacology lecture series (45 lectures), six practical classes and five
Year 3: a range of BSc units are offered including Drug Development, Molecular
Pharmacology, Receptor Mechanisms, Synaptic Pharmacology, Psychopharmacology,
Neuropharmacology & Immunopharmacology.
Year 4: six live lectures in the Introduction and orientation module, 40 streamed lectures
covering the basics of use of medicines; three live lecture afternoons (at the end of each
block); nine therapeutics and prescribing sessions in “Contemporary Medical Practice”; an
after-hours revision course consisting of ten lectures between April and July
Year 5: practical therapeutics in maternal medicine delivered as small group teaching
Year 6: revision course in medicine and therapeutics (1.5 days). This will also include a
specific session on preparation for the National Prescribing Exam.
Assessment: Assessment of this module is through a combination of written and OSCE
Overarching Themes
Mental Health
The aims of Mental Health are to:
 provide students with an understanding of the frequency, nature, range and
associated morbidity of mental health problems across the life course
 provide students with knowledge and understanding of both common and severe and
enduring mental illness, the principles underlying modern psychiatric theory and
commonly used treatments in all age groups and across clinical contexts (primary care
and community care and, secondary care and inpatient care)
 enable students to understand the complex relationships between physical and mental
 assist students in developing the necessary skills to apply this knowledge in clinical
 facilitate an understanding of public attitudes towards those with mental health
problems and ways of changing unhelpful attitudes.
 encourage students to develop the appropriate attitudes necessary to respond
empathically to mental illness and psychological distress in medical and broader
Overview of teaching
Mental Health is an overarching theme of the programme designed to enable UCL graduates
to have a better understanding of mental health and be more able to help those with mental
health needs, regardless of which specialty they ultimately pursue. It is addressed in all years
and in all modules, including plenaries, tutorials, small group work, a number of attachments
including child and adolescent mental health, liaison and community based mental health,
adult mental health and mental health services for older persons. Over the six years of the
course the teaching includes a significant number of sessions woven into the fabric of the
‘horizontal’ modules, placements and additional sessions in Clinical and Professional
Practice. Aspects of this theme will be incorporated into assessments throughout the
Teaching under the umbrella of Mental Health across the programme includes:
Year 1: an overview lecture: It’s all in the mind, one small group work session and a number
of psychology lectures.
Year 2: a small group work session on drug misuse and self-care, pharmacology of
psychotropic drugs (delivered by the Use of Medicines team), further psychology lectures.
Year 4: Year 4 provides students with an introduction to clinical psychiatry with an emphasis
on mental health in a medical setting (primary and secondary care). Module A: liaison
psychiatry, is a freestanding week of lectures, tutorials and face to face patient contact and
covers; the relationship between physical and mental health, managing behavioural
disturbance, common mental disorders, personality disorders, introduction to
psychotherapies, drugs and alcohol, self-harm and suicide, ; Clinical and Professional
Practice modules focus on Cultural Psychiatry, Patients with intellectual disabilities, an
introduction to Psychosis, and an introduction to Mood Disorders.
Year 5 : In Year 5, there are plenary lectures and small group sessions covering core topics
in psychiatry. In Module C students are placed for four week in one of the neighbouring
mental health Trusts or in the private sector. This year also covers aspects of mental health
and the life course: Perinatal psychiatry, child psychiatry, menstrual psychiatry, men and
mental illness, old age psychiatry, palliative care psychiatry.
Year 6: Mental health revision in GP and DGH placements.
Social Determinants of Health (including Electives)
The aims of Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) is to ensure students are aware that that:
 the social environment and social process have powerful effects on health and illness,
access to, and delivery of healthcare in local communities, populations and across the
 health, disease and healthcare have important social and economic origins
and consequences
 efforts to improve population health have to take into account different social,
institutional and environmental contexts
 economic development, alongside public health and health promotion interventions,
often have more profound health benefits than biomedical treatments.
Through this learning, students will be expected to integrate and apply this knowledge to
every clinical problem and each individual patient they encounter during their studies and
throughout their medical careers.
Overview of teaching
This module integrates six components: medical sociology, public health and health systems,
social epidemiology, global health, health promotion and occupational health.
We aim to make these topics immediately relevant and valuable by linking to them students'
learning over the six years of the course, starting with early community orientated experience
in years 1 and 2 , and followed by clinical placements in the UK in years 4, 5 and 6 , and their
overseas elective in year 6. This module connects to all ‘horizontal’ modules and to Use of
Evidence. The teaching and learning will be delivered by experienced researchers and
practitioners in order to equip students with a firm theoretical basis as well as a practical
approach to understanding and addressing the social determinants of the health
of individuals, communities, and populations; local, national and global. Aspects of this
module will be incorporated into assessments throughout the programme.
Year 1: introduction to all components of the module – focus on theory and evidence
regarding the effects of social context, processes, structures and institutions on everyday
medical practice and variation in causation and outcomes of ill health, locally and globally.
Linked to community and GP placements and community visitors.
Year 2: focus on doctor-patient communication, health promotion and individual experience
of health and healthcare. Linked to community visitors, disability workshops and
community/GP placements.
Year 3: the earlier exposure to qualitative and qualitative research methods provided by this
module will be valuable to many iBSc students and encourage them to think about the nature
of scientific knowledge from different perspectives.
Year 4: focus on access and equity in healthcare, disease prevention, screening, health
promotion and population and individual perspectives.
Year 5: focus on public health dimensions of the ‘horizontal’ modules (communicable
diseases, drugs and alcohol, mental health), health systems case studies – local, national
and global and trans-national threats to health. Introduction of the Global Health and
electives portfolio.
Year 6: completion of Global health and electives related portfolio and aspects of Case of the
Professionalism, Ethics and Law, Clinical Communication and e-Health
These modules aim to equip students to:
 understand the contemporary thinking and frameworks about what constitutes
professionalism and professional practice
 develop core skills and an orientation for effective communication, ethical practice,
and working within the framework of the law and professional guidance
 understand the roles of the doctor in the healthcare system, including clinical
leadership, patient advocacy and ensuring good quality care
 understand the role of e-Health in the management of patients and populations
 recognise workplace based teaching around real patient encounters as a process of
integrative thinking
 keep accurate, useful clinical records
 access and use information sources to perform their job as a junior doctor and
 understand how e-Health transforms data into knowledge and
organisational change.
Overview of teaching
These modules underpin principles or ways of thinking in medicine. They include a wide
range of activities and learning domains: the duties of a doctor, personal development,
clinical communication, ethics and law, e-Health, leadership, advocacy, patient safety and
quality of care, team-working and inter-professional practice.
They describe teaching that encourages integrative thinking and includes making sense of
learning about the science of disease, the science of disease management, diagnostics,
clinical reasoning alongside learning in all other domains to create a deep understanding of
health and disease.
Over the six years of the programme the teaching includes a small number of plenary
sessions within the ‘horizontal’ modules and a significant number of peel off sessions, often
in small groups with a facilitator, self-directed learning activities and the Case of the Month: a
virtual learning environment activity. Aspects of these modules will be incorporated into
assessments throughout the programme.
Year 1:
 Professionalism: what professionalism is; learning and working in groups; being a
medical student; personal development; making sense of learning in year 1;
foundation doctor shadowing.
Clinical Communication: the clinical consultation, the impact of clinical communication,
interviewing patients in hospital and community-based settings.
Ethics and Law: ethics and law in medicine; personal and professional values; duty of
care; confidentiality; consent.
e-Health: introduction to e-Health.
Year 2:
 Professionalism: good medical practice; patient centredness; giving and receiving
feedback; self-care (including resilience; drugs and alcohol; the patient and
complementary therapies; error, safety, and multisource feedback (peer feedback on
the student’s performance and contribution to small group work).
 Clinical Communication: core topics: empathy and patient centredness, discussing risk
and uncertainty, communicating when there are barriers (speech and language
impairment, sensory impairment, English as a second language).Ethics and Law:
assisted dying; abortion; humanitarian ethics; reproduction without sex - opportunities
and challenges; practical ethics - debating and arguing logically
 e-Health: confidentiality and data protection issues.
Year 3:
 Professionalism: academic writing and writing for publication.
 Ethics and Law: ethical research.
 e-Health: confidentiality and data protection issues.
Year 4:
 Professionalism: professional practice and the NHS.
 Clinical Communication: the structure of the clinical consultation (Calgary-Cambridge
guide), conducting an effective consultation as a medical student, staying within
professional boundaries, adapting one’s consultation style, gathering information,
explanation and planning, breaking bad news, basic skills in inter-professional
communication, structured handover.
 Ethics and Law: from theory to practice; capacity; raising and responding to concerns;
withholding and withdrawing treatment, DNAR decisions.
 e-Health: recording consultations.
Year 5:
 Clinical Communication: conducting effective consultations in specific contexts,
consultations with patients, relatives and families, gathering information, explanation
and planning, breaking bad news, responding to difficult situations.
 Ethics and Law: integrating ethics and law with clinical practice: beginning of life;
childhood; end of life; women’s sexual and reproductive health
 e-Health: making clinical decisions.
Year 6:
 Professionalism: Case of the Month.
 Clinical Communication: applying the principles of effective communication with
patients, relatives and colleagues to the role of the Foundation doctor.
 Ethics and Law: dealing with ethically challenging situations faced by Foundation Year
doctors; pre-finals revision lecture.
Student centred learning, patient centred learning
The Portfolio
The aims of the portfolio are to:
 encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning
 encourage reflection on learning and experience
 prepare students for postgraduate practice, where portfolios form the core of
assessment in foundation and higher training, and evidence for revalidation
 provide a place for students to store evidence of their learning and experience
Overview of teaching
The portfolio supports learning in all years of the programme. It acts as a place to: complete
and record progress and achievements; reflect on learning and professional development;
and store required pieces of course work. In Years 1, 2 and 3, it is managed through Moodle.
In Years 4, 5 and 6 it is delivered via the NHS e-Portfolio.
Years 1-3: Students use on line portfolios from the beginning of their course to the end of
Year 3 (the IBSc year) to record achievements and encourage reflective learning. The
contents of the portfolios may serve as a basis for discussions with their personal tutors and
some items may be brought forward to be loaded into the electronic portfolio, which is
introduced in Year 4.
Years 4-6: Students in these years use the NHS e-Portfolio that they will go on to use as a
Foundation doctor. The portfolio for these years gathers evidence of both clinical and
academic learning. Students use it to record supervised learning events (SLEs), grade forms
and meetings with their personal tutor. A substantial number of reflective and achievement
logs provide a place to record and reflect on particularly significant learning events or
experiences. Students use the portfolio to gather feedback from their peers using the
miniPAT. The portfolio is also place to gather evidence of other learning or achievement in
the student’s Personal Library.
Case of the Month and Record of Completed Procedures sign-off card
Each Year has a record of completed procedures card. You are expected to bring your card
to relevant sessions to collect signatures, and submission of a completed card will be
expected at the end of the year.
If you lose your record of completed procedures card, contact your Year Group office to get a
new one. You will have to ask the people who signed it off to re-sign it. If you cannot get the
original person, you may have to redo the procedure or re-take the session. Please
remember that some sessions may only take place once in your programme.
Case of the Module / Month (COTM) is a self-directed learning module in the fourth and final
year. It is a significant part of the e-portfolio programme. You complete the cases via
Moodle, which you can do from any internet connection. Cases raise issues ranging from
communicating with patients in very difficult circumstance to safe prescribing. Issues which
are explored are some that students often struggle with when they qualify. Each case
integrates professional skills with core clinical problems, but are not specific to any particular
module. A varying number of cases must be completed depending on your year. Each case
has approximately 10 individual tasks ranging from SBAs to short answer questions. When
you submit your answers you will receive feedback, some instant, and some from a
designated tutor. You will also see a recommended answer which you can compare with your
own. Students are required to engage with the learning tasks highlighted and then submit
their work via Moodle. COTM is compulsory and must be completed satisfactorily for
The Patient Pathways
The patient pathways create opportunities for students to understand the experience of
illness from the patient perspective, aspects of illness such as the natural history of disease
processes and the care pathways that support patients in the management of their illness
and also, where possible, to develop longitudinal relationships with patients. There are four
formal patient pathways but you will be encouraged to follow individual patients through their
treatment in areas such as breast cancer, liaison psychiatry, COPD etc. The patient
pathways teaching and learning includes some or all of: plenaries, tutorials, placements,
visits to services and patients, and meetings between the student and patients without direct
Overview of the pathways
 Integrated and community care pathway activities take place in Years 1 and 2. Through
these, students:
gain exposure to patients, carers, health and social care professionals from all walks
of life and to a range of health and social care services in the community; they meet
patients/clients, professionals and community volunteers in small group work and
community visits to discuss their experiences of health/illness and/or of delivering
learn to explore people’s personal histories and take account of their social context
when considering health support needs
consider how diversity, inequalities and discrimination affect people’s lives and their
access to services
participate, in year 2, in disability awareness workshops.
 Cardiometabolic illness patient pathway takes place in Year 2 from January to March on
Friday afternoons. It consists of six small group work sessions, four of which involve
patients with either cardiovascular or diabetic disease. The sessions are facilitated by
doctors who are specialists in cardiometabolic disease. Week by week, the tutors
introduce students to skills of history taking and investigative techniques used in diagnosis
and they explore the impact of illness of their patients. Students are encouraged to interact
and practice their communication skills within this supported environment. Students are
assessed by a presentation and an essay on a chosen area of interest related to a patient
they have seen during the module.
 Cancer patient pathway takes place in Year 4 and is designed to provide: an
understanding of the diagnosis and management of cancer patients, exposure to the
patients’ experience of their cancer journey, and practice in forming relationships with
patients. Students are allocated a cancer patient pathway tutor, whom they meet together
with fellow students for six tutorials between October and June. They are supported to find
a suitable cancer patient themselves and accompany them to some of their appointments
and investigations for a period of a few months. At the end of the pathway, they submit an
essay on the case history with a personal reflection and a section on an area of special
interest of the diagnosis and management of their patient. Their learning is reinforced with
lectures on the management of side effects of cancer treatment, principles of radiotherapy
and oncological emergencies that are available on Moodle.
 Person Centred Care patient pathway takes place in Year 5 and is designed to allow the
student to gain insight into the patient perspective of navigating encounters with different
health professionals and different healthcare settings over a six month period between
October and April. Students will be supported to recruit a ‘patient’ from within their Autumn
Term module – for students in Module A, this might be a child with a chronic health
condition, or a newborn baby and their family; for Module B, this will usually be a pregnant
woman early on in her pregnancy; for Module C, this might be an old person with a chronic
health condition, or a person with a psychiatric condition. All students will be allocated a
patient pathway tutor who will meet with them once each term, together with fellow
students, for a series of teaching sessions designed to support development of student
skills and reflective practice around the student experience. Students will be expected to
keep a reflective diary during the course of the pathway, and to submit this at the end of
the pathway.
Section 3: Staff contact details
MBBS Management Contacts
Clinical and Professional Practice Office
020 3108 2400
Policy and Planning Officer
Teaching Co-Ordinator
Teaching Administrator
Mrs Izzie Jay
Miss Janet Arnold
Academic Module Leads
Clinical and Professional Practice Lead
Clinical and Professional Practice Deputies
Dr Faye Gishen
Dr Amali Lokugamage
Dr Derick Adigbli
Anatomy & Imaging
Clinical Skills & Practical Procedures
Clinical Communication
Ethics & Law
Mental Health
Pathological Sciences
Patient Pathways
Integrated & Community Care
Cardiometabolic Illness
Person Centred
Social Determinants of Health
Use of Evidence
Use of Medicines
Prof Christopher Dean
Dr Alison Sturrock
Dr Lorraine Noble
Dr Paul Taylor
Dr Jayne Kavanagh
Dr Andre Strydom
Dr Kate Ward
Ms Shirley Cupit
Dr Riyaz Patel
Dr Ursula McGovern
Dr Melissa Whitten
Dr Will Coppola
Dr Will Coppola
Dr Anita Berlin
Mr Mark Griffin
Dr Reecha Sofat
Further contact details (such as specific module administrators) may be available on Moodle.
Please note that these details are subject to change, and Moodle will always have the most
up to date information.