Daily Open Source Infrastructure Report 19 September 2012 Top Stories

Daily Open Source Infrastructure Report
19 September 2012
Top Stories
A FBI report shows cybercriminals targeted banks and credit unions, using spam, phishing
emails, and malware, to illegally transfer money in amounts between $400,000 and
$900,000. – Softpedia (See item 7)
Peregrine Financial Group’s CEO pleaded guilty in court in Iowa to carrying out a 20-year
fraud that stole $200 million from about 24,000 customers. – Associated Press (See item 9)
Al Qa’ida’s branch in North Africa is calling for attacks on U.S. diplomats in many
countries, and an escalation of protests against an anti-Islam video that triggered a wave of
demonstrations. – Associated Press (See item 25)
Students at Louisiana State University returned to their dorms September 17, many hours
after a bomb threat. Police spoke to counterparts in other States hit during a recent spate of
bomb threats against colleges. – Reuters (See item 29)
Microsoft issued a security advisory September 17 that confirmed in-the-wild attacks are
exploiting an unpatched bug in Internet Explorer (IE), which comprises 53 percent of all
browsers used worldwide. – Computerworld (See item 39)
Firefighters continued to battle wildfires in Washington that scorched dozens of square
miles of acreage, burned or threatened thousands of structures, and forced hundreds of
evacuations. – Associated Press; Yakima Herald-Republic (See item 48)
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Energy Sector
1. September 18, WNYF 7 Watertown – (New York) Route 68 re-opens following tanker
spill. A section of State Route 68 in Canton, New York, where crews worked to contain
a fuel spill, was re-opened to motorists September 18. A fuel truck overturned the
afternoon of September 17 near the intersection with County Route 14. State
Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) officials said the initial cleanup
wrapped up around 8 p.m. and the truck was removed. Roughly 2,200 gallons of fuel
either leaked or remained in the tank that ruptured, a DEC spokesman said. About 150
tons of contaminated soil was removed. About another 2,000 tons of soil with less
contamination still must be removed, which should be completed over the next few
weeks. About 7,300 gallons of fuel was not affected by the crash and was recovered.
Source: http://www.wwnytv.com/news/local/Canton-Tanker-Rolls-Over-Leaking-Fuel170047586.html?skipthumb=Y
2. September 18, San Francisco Business Times – (International) Chevron fined $17.3
million for Brazil oil spill. Brazil’s National Petroleum Agency has fined Chevron
Corp. $17.3 million for its role in an offshore oil spill in 2011, the Wall Street Journal
reports, according to the San Francisco Business Times, September 18. The fine covers
24 of 25 sanctions that the agency issued Chevron earlier this year, and could be
increased when a decision is made on the final sanction. An estimated 3,700 barrels of
oil leaked into the ocean from the Frade field last November, and Brazil charged
several Chevron executives with various crimes, including altering documents and
breaches of regulations. Chevron and the drilling company Transocean Ltd. are also
facing civil and criminal lawsuits related to the spill.
Source: http://www.bizjournals.com/sanfrancisco/morning_call/2012/09/chevron-fined173m-for-brazil-oil.html
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Chemical Industry Sector
3. September 17, WSBT 22 South Bend – (Indiana) Report: EPA responsible for
chemical leak. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said its own mistake
caused a chemical fire and leak at an abandoned Mishawaka, Indiana factory. An EPA
incident report said contractors working to clean up the old Baycote building left two
different chemicals — cyanide and sodium hydrosulfite — too close together, causing
them to spontaneously combust. The fire and leak led to an evacuation of about 200
people September 14. Sodium hydrosulfite is a highly reactive chemical, the report
says, and the combination is likely what caused the fire to ignite, but the official cause
of the fire is still under investigation. Clean up continued September 17 inside the
building that Mishawaka’s mayor said has had many problems. ―The building was
literally corroding from within,‖ he said. ―The roof was collapsing, beams were
corroding, tanks were corroding.‖ The EPA’s on-scene coordinator said some materials
were mismarked and difficult to identify when contractors started clean up earlier this
year. He said mistakes like the one EPA contractors made by accidentally putting
chemicals too close together are rare. The plan is to have clean up finished by
November, the on-scene coordinator added.
Source: http://articles.wsbt.com/2012-09-17/atkociunas_33907538
4. September 17, Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel – (Wisconsin) EPA tallies
nearly 9,000 gallons of hazardous material at abandoned factory. Federal
emergency response contractors have inventoried 8,868 gallons of hazardous chemicals
inside an abandoned metal plating factory in Slinger, Wisconsin, a U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) official said September 17. The chemicals were found stored
in 315 barrels, drums, vats and large jugs at the former Niphos Coatings company, said
an on-scene coordinator with the EPA’s Superfund program in Chicago. An additional
100 jars and other small containers of laboratory chemicals are in the building, he said.
September 17, contractors continued physically separating containers of various
chemicals for removal and disposal. Two chemicals inside are considered extremely
hazardous: nitric acid and sodium cyanide. Niphos closed in March 2010. The owner
has not paid property taxes since 2007, and has not filed chemical inventory reports
required under federal law since 2008, records show.
Source: http://www.jsonline.com/news/ozwash/epa-tallies-nearly-9000-gallons-ofhazardous-material-at-abandoned-factory-a76sv55-170052356.html
5. September 17, KSLA 12 Shreveport – (Louisiana) Train cars carrying hazardous
chemicals derail in Claiborne Parish. Five rail cars containing hazardous materials
went off track September 17 in Claiborne Parish, Louisiana, but no chemical leaks have
been found. Still, authorities cordoned off a 1-mile radius surrounding the train
derailment as a precaution. Claiborne Parish sheriff’s officials said the nearest
residence is about 2 miles from the derailment. The derailed cars contained five
chemicals: chlorine, sulphur, benzine, methyl, and alkamide. The sheriff’s department
dispatched hazardous materials technicians to the scene. The next concern is moving
the cars as Louisiana & North West Railroad officials must keep the tanks from leaking
when they are picked up and put back on the track.
Source: http://www.ksla.com/story/19567310/train-cars-carrying-hazardous-chemicalsderail-in-claiborne-parish
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Nuclear Reactors, Materials and Waste Sector
Nothing to report
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Critical Manufacturing Sector
6. September 18, Associated Press – (National) Feds expand Hyundai Elantra air bag
probe after severed ear claim. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
added the 2011 and 2013 model years to an investigation of an air bag problem with
2012 Hyundai Elantras that cut a car owner’s ear in half, the Associated Press reported
September 17. The agency also upgraded the probe to an engineering analysis, a step
closer to a recall. The agency started investigating 123,000 2012 Elantras in May, but
now said only Korean-built Elantras have the part that caused the problem. About
75,000 were sold in the U.S. In April, an Elantra owner told investigators a side air bag
inflated in a crash and a metal bracket sliced the driver’s ear. Hyundai said the problem
appears to be isolated.
Source: http://www.freep.com/article/20120917/BUSINESS01/120917049/Fedsexpand-Hyundai-Elantra-air-bag-probe
For more stories, see items 4 and 13
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Defense Industrial Base Sector
Nothing to report
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Banking and Finance Sector
7. September 18, Softpedia – (International) FBI: Networks of financial institutions
targeted with malware, RATs, and keyloggers. A FBI report shows that
cybercriminals have started focusing their efforts on targeting the networks of financial
institutions, Softpedia reported September 18. Cybercriminals are relying on spam,
keyloggers, Remote Access Trojans (RATs), phishing, and other malicious elements to
steal employee log-in credentials. The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) reported
that the stolen information has been utilized to perform unauthorized wire transfers for
amounts between $400,000 and $900,000. In the first phase of these operations, the
criminals use spam and phishing emails. Once they compromise the machine of an
employee, they plant RATs, keyloggers, and other pieces of malware to gain access to
internal networks and the details needed to access third party systems. Most of the
victims appear to be small to medium-sized banks and credit unions, but major
financial institutions have also been targeted. In some cases, the crooks launched
distributed denial-of-service attacks against the bank’s Web site, most likely to cover
up their fraudulent transactions.
Source: http://news.softpedia.com/news/FBI-Networks-of-Financial-InstitutionsTargeted-with-Malware-RATs-and-Keyloggers-293126.shtml
8. September 18, The Register – (International) ‘How I crashed my bank, stole PINs
with a touch-tone phone’. Miscreants can crash or infiltrate banks and help desks’
touch-tone and voice-controlled phone systems with a single call, a security researcher
warned, according to The Register September 18. A researcher who works for iSight
Partners said audio processing algorithms in office telephone networks and speechdriven command software are liable to crash when bombarded with unusual data in
―fuzzing‖ attacks. Certain DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency) signals can cause
private branch exchanges (PBX) and interactive voice response (IVR) systems to raise
exceptions and bail out, much in the same way unexpected input data can disrupt
applications running on a desktop computer or server. PBX and IVR machines are
often used to run phone banking, call centers, and other interactive telephone systems.
Given the appropriate DTMF input, it may be possible to crash backend application
servers or convince them to cough up sensitive data. Repeating the trick to bring down
a machine effectively launches a denial-of-service attack on the phone line as a paper
by the researcher explained. ―We would be able to extract sensitive information about
the application’s hosted environment with these sorts of bugs. Since applications that
use DTMF algorithms are mainly phone-based, it was possible to extract output in the
form of audio data‖, he said. He also claimed it was possible to extract customer PINs
from an unnamed Indian bank.
Source: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/09/18/dtmf_phone_system_hack_attack/
9. September 18, Associated Press – (Iowa; National) Peregrine CEO pleads guilty in
scandal. Peregrine Financial Group’s CEO pleaded guilty in court in Iowa, September
17 to carrying out a 20-year, $200 million fraud that he first confessed to in a note
found on him after an unsuccessful suicide attempt in July. The CEO pleaded guilty to
charges of mail fraud, embezzling customer funds, and making false statements to two
regulatory agencies. He acknowledged that he secretly withdrew funds from about
24,000 customers starting in the 1990s, and used computers to make phony bank
statements to conceal the theft. He gave fraudulent statements to his accounting
department showing fictitious deposits and balances. The false numbers were used to
generate monthly reports to regulators showing the company was holding more than
$200 million in customer funds than it actually had. He fooled auditors with the
National Futures Association by changing the bank’s address in the statements to a post
office box he controlled. The auditors would mail forms asking the bank to verify
Pergrine’s account balances; the CEO would send back false documents purporting to
be from the bank.
Source: http://www.omaha.com/article/20120918/MONEY/709189965/1707
10. September 18, The Register – (International) Romanians plead guilty to credit card
hack on U.S. Subway shops. Two Romanian nationals who were extradited to the
United States in May confessed their involvement in a $10 million scam aimed at
stealing credit and debit card data from payment terminals at hundreds of Subway
restaurants and other merchants across the country, according to a U. S. attorney’s
office, The Register reported September 18. They were among four Romanian nationals
extradited in May after being charged in December 2011 with hacking into Subway
vulnerable point-of-sale (POS) computers between 2009 and 2011. The scheme led to
the compromise of more than 146,000 payment cards. The hack against POS terminals
relied on identifying machines running exploitable remote desktop software
applications. The U.S. Department of Justice said one of the men hacked into these
systems to install keystroke logging applications, which subsequently recorded card
data from swiped cards before transferring this information to dump sites. In some
cases he had to crack passwords to circumvent the remote desktop applications, which
in normal use were used to update the software on POS terminals. The other individual
admitted to attempting to make fraudulent transactions using the stolen credit card data
as well as selling the data to co-conspirators.
Source: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/09/18/romanian_cybercrooks_plead_guilty/
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Transportation Sector
11. September 18, Associated Press – (New York) Stun gun pen found in luggage at
JFK. Authorities said a man was arrested at New York’s John F. Kennedy International
Airport security checkpoint after a stun gun pen was discovered in his luggage
September 17. The Transportation Security Administration contacted the Port
Authority police, who arrested the passenger on a State weapons charge and
confiscated the stun gun. Airport operations were not affected.
Source: http://www.cbs6albany.com/template/inews_wire/wires.regional.ny/224a04bawww.cbs6albany.com.shtml
12. September 18, New York Post – (New York; Texas) JFK hijack scare. Three packed
passenger jets were searched at New York City’s John F. Kennedy International
Airport September 17 after an anonymous phone caller claimed there were Islamic
hijackers aboard armed with explosives — but it was nothing but a hoax, lawenforcement sources said. The jets, American Airlines flights 24 and 846, and Finnair
Flight 5, were instructed to park in a remote part of the airport for security inspections
after they landed on schedule. Police gave them a 90-minute once-over before declaring
the call a hoax. Two other U.S. airports, including one in San Antonio, received similar
fake calls, the sources said. The caller, who spoke to Kennedy’s Port Authority police
desk, said he got the information from a member of an unnamed Muslim terrorist
group. He claimed that the hijackers were hiding in the wheel wells of the plane and
were wearing gas masks, one law-enforcement source said. The pilots reported no
indications that anything was wrong.
13. September 18, National Transportation Safety Board – (National) NTSB issues 2
urgent safety recommendations to FAA. The National Transportation Safety Board
(NTSB) September 18 issued two urgent safety recommendations to the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) regarding two recent occurrences in which the fan
midshaft on General Electric GEnx-1B engines fractured or exhibited crack indications;
and a GEnx -2B incident that appears similar in nature. The recommendations are: (1)
Issue an airworthiness directive to require, before further flight, the immediate
ultrasonic inspection of the fan midshaft in all GEnx-1B and -2B engines that have not
undergone inspection, and (2) Require repetitive inspections of the fan midshaft at a
sufficiently short interval that would permit multiple inspections and detection of a
crack before it could reach critical length and the fan midshaft fractures. July 28 the
NTSB initiated an investigation of an engine failure that occurred on a Boeing 787
during a pre-delivery taxi test in Charleston, South Carolina. This investigation is
ongoing. In addition, August 31, a GEnx-1B engine installed on a Boeing 787 that had
not yet flown was found to have an indication of a similar crack on the fan midshaft.
The fan midshaft was removed from the engine for further inspection and examination.
As a result of the investigative work to date, the NTSB has determined that the fan
midshafts on the GEnx engines fractured or cracked at the forward end of the shaft
where the retaining nut is installed.
Source: http://news.thomasnet.com/companystory/NTSB-Issues-2-Urgent-SafetyRecommendations-to-FAA-621970
14. September 17, Associated Press – (Wisconsin) Delta flight returns to Green Bay
after smoke fills cockpit. Officials from Green Bay, Wisconsin’s Austin Straubel
International Airport said a Delta flight made an emergency landing after smoke filled
the airplane’s cabin, the Associated Press reported September 17. An airport director
said the Detroit-bound flight left Green Bay September 16. He said the plane’s cabin
filled with smoke, forcing it to return to Austin Straubel where it made an emergency
landing about a half-hour later. Sixty-five passengers and a crew of four evacuated on
the taxiway using a set of stairs. They were taken to the terminal where a medical crew
checked everyone. No one was transported to the hospital. WLUK 11 Green Bay
reported officials have not said what caused the smoke.
Source: http://travel.usatoday.com/flights/story/2012/09/17/delta-flight-returns-togreen-bay-after-smoke-fills-cockpit/57794040/1
For more stories, see items 1, 5, and 24
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Postal and Shipping Sector
15. September 17, Aberdeen Patch – (Maryland) Devices detonate mailbox, burn car
near Aberdeen. The Maryland State Fire Marshal’s office was investigating incidents
that led to a car blaze and an explosion in a mailbox September 16 outside of Aberdeen,
Maryland; the incidents took place in a 90-minute span in the Perryman community.
The Aberdeen Fire Department responded after an explosive detonated in a custom
steel mailbox. Around 90 minutes earlier, the Aberdeen Fire Department and Harford
County Sheriff’s Office responded to a vehicle fire. A Yukon Denali XL was found
―totally consumed by fire in a field‖ in the rear of an industrial park, authorities said.
The fire marshal said the blaze was caused by an incendiary device in the interior of the
Source: http://aberdeen.patch.com/articles/devices-detonate-mailbox-burn-car-inperryman-sept-17-2012
For another story, see item 27
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Agriculture and Food Sector
16. September 18, Food Safety News – (International) Ground beef recalled for E. coli
risk across Canada. Ground beef products sold at major grocery chains across Canada
were recalled because they may be contaminated with E. coli. The Canadian Food
Safety and Inspection Agency (CFIA) announced September 17 that XL Foods of
Alberta was recalling various ground beef products such as patties, meatballs, and
meatloaf because the ground beef from which they were made may contain E. coli. The
majority of the affected foods were sold to retail stores in Alberta, British Columbia,
Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario, but Costco’s Kirkland Signature brand was sold
at stores nationwide. Other companies who carry the affected meats include Safeway,
Walmart, and Calalhoo Meats. Products subject to the recall include ground beef,
burger patties, ground chuck, ground sirloin patties, stuffed peppers, meatballs, beef
sliders, meatloaf, cheddar cheese patties and ground beef tubes. CFIA said that the
recall is part of an ongoing food safety investigation and that it is working to verify all
involved products and determine whether any more may need to be recalled.
Source: http://www.foodsafetynews.com/2012/09/ground-beef-sold-across-canadarecalled-for-e-coli-risk/#.UFhp7K66TlY
17. September 18, Associated Press – (North Dakota) ND stiffens rules for female cattle
imports. North Dakota stiffened cattle import rules because of cases of a bovine
venereal disease in other States, the Associated Press reported September 18. The State
veterinarian said the board of animal health recently voted to tighten the restrictions for
female cattle imports because of concerns about trichomoniasis, which can cause
infertility and miscarriages in cattle. She said officials expect more cattle to be brought
into North Dakota because of drought in other States.
Source: http://www.necn.com/09/18/12/ND-stiffens-rules-for-female-cattleimpo/landing_nation.html?&apID=b6906ccb2686452cacb683a2a1be0109
18. September 18, Associated Press – (Idaho) Fire causes $2 million in damages to hop
shed. Fire officials in Wilder, Idaho, were investigating the cause of a fire that
destroyed an estimated $2 million worth of hops and machinery used to dry the pinecone like flowers. The fire September 16 ignited in one of several hop driers in a barn
outside the southwest Idaho city. The Wilder fire chief said the fire spread quickly and
forced firefighters to focus on keeping the flames from spreading to other structures.
Hops grow all across southwestern Idaho and are a key ingredient in the brewing of
beer, lending bitterness and aromatic qualities.
Source: http://www.sacbee.com/2012/09/18/4830039/fire-causes-2-million-indamages.html
19. September 17, U.S. Food and Drug Administration – (Oregon; Washington) Peterson
Company recalls Ricotta Salata Frescolina brand cheese for possible health risk in
2 States. Peterson Company recalled Ricotta Salata Frescolina brand cheese that came
from its supplier Forever Cheese of Long Island City, New York, the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration reported September 17. Forever Cheese recalled this cheese
product due to possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination. The cheese was sold to
distributors, retailers, and restaurants in Washington and Oregon from July 17September 10. The potential for contamination was noted after an illness was reported
in connection with eating the cheese. Each and every distributor, retailer, and restaurant
has been contacted in an effort to recall any and all remaining product in the
Source: http://www.fda.gov/Safety/Recalls/ucm319734.htm
20. September 17, Food Safety News – (New York) Ruling: Spice Co. linked to
Salmonella outbreak owes $33 million. A New York-based spice company whose
pepper was pinpointed as the source of a 2009-2010 Salmonella outbreak owes $33
million to the salami maker that had to recall 1.4 million pounds of meat products
because they were made with the contaminated spices, ruled a judge September 17. In
March 2010, salami and other ready-to-eat meats produced by Rhode Island-based
Daniele International, Inc. were linked to an outbreak of Salmonella Montevideo that
sickened 272 people in 14 States. The company was obligated to recall the implicated
products, which turned out to have been contaminated by red and black pepper —
manufactured by Brooklyn, New York-based Wholesome Spice, Inc. — that was used
to coat some of its meat products. Daniele filed a suit against Wholesome Spice in
April 2010, but the spice company never responded. Wholesome Spice dissolved in
April, according to the Wall Street Journal. Due to Wholesome’s failure to respond to
the suit, a district court judge granted Daniele’s request for a default judgment,
requiring the spice company to pay Daniele $33 million in damages, reported the Wall
Street Journal. However, because Wholesome is no longer in operation, Daniele may
not receive the payment it is owed, said a lawyer for the meat company.
Source: http://www.foodsafetynews.com/2012/09/ruling-spice-maker-responsible-forsalmonella-outbreak-owes-33-million/#.UFhp8a66TlY
21. September 17, U.S. Department of Labor – (Mississippi) U.S. Department of Labor’s
OSHA cites Omega Protein for 25 safety and health violations following worker
fatality at Moss Point, Miss., plant. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) September 17 cited Omega Protein Inc. with
25 safety and health violations based on an April inspection of the company’s
processing plant in Moss Point, Mississippi. OSHA initiated the inspection after the
death of a worker who had been caught in a rotating screw conveyor. Twenty-one
serious violations involved failing to: have employees affix personal lockout devices to
a group lockout device, develop a written respirator protection program, develop and
document procedures for controlling hazardous energy, provide training for forklift
operators, conduct annual noise training, properly secure compressed gas cylinders, and
provide a suitable facility for quick eye and body drenching or flushing. OSHA also
identified fall and electrical hazards; a lack of equipment guarding on rotating drums;
fan blades and horizontal rotating shafts; and a lack of guarding on the belts and pulleys
of the grinding screw and the hopper screw conveyor. Four other-than-serious
violations were also cited. Proposed penalties totaled $79,200.
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Water Sector
22. September 18, Poughkeepsie Journal – (New York) A cleanup plan for
Shenandoah. Cleanup of the Shenandoah Superfund site in Hopewell Junction, New
York would rely on a combination of natural processes and removal of chemicals from
the spill point under a plan proposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA), the Poughkeepsie Journal reported September 18. Efforts to deal with the spill
have been under way since 2000, when it was discovered that solvents and metals
dumped into a septic tank and a ground pit at the site of an IBM contractor
contaminated the groundwater with tetrachloroethene, or PCE. The 140-home site was
added to the Superfund list in 2001. Residents were connected to a public water supply
system in 2009. The EPA’s preferred cleanup plan calls for continued operation of a
process at the spill site that draws contaminated groundwater out of the bedrock,
removes the contamination, and releases treated water to a storm sewer system. That
process went online in 2012 and would continue for 15 years. The public has until
September 28 to comment on the plan. The balance of the cleanup plan would allow
naturally occurring processes to filter out the remaining levels of PCE from the area
affected by the spill, expected to take 30 years. The EPA preferred plan is expected to
cost $4 million.
23. September 16, Abilene Reporter-News – (Texas) Water boil notice issued for city of
Anson water customers. Water customers in Anson, Texas, were under a boil order
September 16 due to consumption safety issues in the water system. The water plant
supervisor said he noticed a blockage in the water line and believed a chemical
solidified causing the stoppage. Bacterial samples were submitted September 16 to the
Abilene office of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The boil notice
was expected to be lifted by September 19.
Source: http://www.reporternews.com/news/2012/sep/16/just-water-boil-notice-issuedanson/
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24. September 16, Zanesville Times Recorder – (Ohio) Dry weather, leak near Riverside
likely cause of rash of line breaks. Nearly 80 water line breaks in the past 2 months
across Zanesville, Ohio, were likely caused by shifting ground, city officials said.
Another likely contributor to brown water was a leak discovered the week of
September 10 on a hydrant branch, the Zaneville Reporter said September 16. The lack
of rain from early July through the end of August caused drought conditions throughout
the region. Compacted ground around the pipes can give way and cause water line
breaks, a service director said. The age of the water lines has been a concern for years,
but the dry weather exacerbated the problem, he said. With inventory of hydrants and
valves in good shape, the biggest expense for the city is repairing damaged roads.
For another story, see item 30
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Public Health and Healthcare Sector
Nothing to report
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Government Facilities Sector
25. September 18, Associated Press – (International) Al Qaeda branch in North Africa
calls for attacks on US diplomats. Al Qa’ida’s branch in North Africa is calling for
attacks on U.S. diplomats and an escalation of protests against an anti-Islam video that
triggered a wave of demonstrations in Muslim countries. In a statement released
September 18, al Qa’ida in the Land of the Islamic Maghreb praised the killing of the
U.S. ambassador to Libya, in an attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi September
11. The group threatened attacks in Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, and Mauritania in
response to the movie that denigrates the Prophet Muhammad. Yemen-based al Qa’ida
in the Arabian Peninsula recently issued a similar call for attacks on U.S. diplomatic
facilities. The group is al Qa’ida’s most active branch in the Middle East.
Source: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/09/18/al-qaeda-branch-in-north-africacalls-for-attacks-on-us-diplomats/
26. September 18, Associated Press – (Utah) Police: Man took hostage in office
building. Police are investigating why a knife-wielding man took a worker hostage in
the elevator of a downtown Salt Lake City building that houses FBI offices September
17. Salt Lake City police say the man was moving from floor to floor in the building
and holding a man against his will at knife-point. He was detained by agents as he
stepped off the elevator into the lobby of the FBI offices on the 12th floor. The victim,
who works in the building, was unharmed. The Salt Lake Tribune reports the man did
not resist arrest and was booked on suspicion of aggravated kidnapping. KTVX 4 Salt
Lake City reports police have not determined a motive for the hostage taking or
- 11 -
whether it was targeted to the FBI.
Source: http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Police-Man-took-hostage-in-officebuilding-3874064.php
27. September 17, Tampa Bay Times – (Florida) Suspicious package prompts
investigation at Pinellas courthouse. Authorities were called September 17 to the
Pinellas County, Florida Courthouse after the discovery of a suspicious package that
contained a dirty white powder and a letter containing death threats. Initial tests showed
nothing toxic in the powder, but it was taken to the University of South Florida for
additional testing, said the manager of criminal court records for the Pinellas County
Clerk’s Office. The powder resembled concrete dust, she said. The letter had a return
address from a Florida prison, she added. Hazardous materials crews from Pinellas
Park and Largo fire departments responded to the criminal complex after someone on
the second floor received the envelope, a sheriff’s spokeswoman said.
Source: http://www.tampabay.com/news/publicsafety/suspicious-package-promptsinvestigation-at-pinellas-courthouse/1252030
28. September 17, Associated Press – (California) CA man arrested after blog post
about killing kids. A statement issued September 18 by the Los Angeles County
sheriff says a man with guns in his Valencia, California home that overlooks two
schools wrote an Internet post saying he was watching kids and would not mind
murdering them. He was arrested on suspicion of making terrorist threats. The
statement said Bristol, Connecticut police alerted sheriff’s investigators to the blog,
where an anonymous man said he wanted to kill kids like July’s shootings in a movie
theater in Aurora, Colorado. Investigators linked the posting to the man’s home, where
several firearms were found. Sheriff’s officials are working with Bristol police and
Yale University police.
Source: http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/CA-man-arrested-after-blog-post-aboutkilling-kids-3872900.php
29. September 17, Reuters – (Louisiana) Students return to Louisiana State University
after bomb scare. Students at Louisiana State University (LSU) in New Orleans were
allowed to return to their dorms late September 17 after police swept residential halls
on the campus following a bomb threat. Dining and recreational facilities also were
reopened, LSU said in a statement. The university was evacuated following a
telephoned threat to the East Baton Rouge Parish emergency center at 10:32 a.m. and
the center relayed the information to campus police, said a university spokesman. The
university chancellor made the decision to evacuate the campus, and LSU alerted
students, faculty, and staff via text message at about 11:30 a.m., he said. As word of the
threat spread, public school officials placed three nearby elementary schools and one
high school on lockdown, according to the East Baton Rouge Parish School System.
Louisiana State Police were talking to their counterparts in other areas of the nation
where university bomb threats were reported the week of September 10 of to determine
whether there were similarities.
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/09/18/us-usa-louisiana-evacuationidUSBRE88G15820120918?feedType=RSS&feedName=domesticNews
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30. September 17, WCMH 4 Columbus – (Ohio) Park-Stradley Hall remains evacuated
after Ohio State water main break. More than 1,000 students at Ohio State
University in Columbus, Ohio, remained unable to stay in their residence halls after
being evacuated September 16 due to an underground water main break. An Ohio State
spokesman said the underground break was found under College Avenue between
Drinko Hall and Smith Hall. The water main break prompted officials to shut off water
to Park-Stradley and Baker halls, along with the Ohio Union. Water was restored
September 17 and students were able to return to the Ohio Union and Baker Hall.
However, 1,100 students at Park-Stradley Hall remained evacuated. The university’s
office of student life arranged alternative housing options for Park-Stradley residents.
To date, 40 students requested alternative housing accommodations. According to the
university, there is 10-12 feet of water in the basement of Park-Stradley Hall, which
soaked electrical equipment. While water service was restored to all of the affected
facilities, possible water damage in the mechanical rooms may delay the return of
students to Park-Stradley Hall for at least another day.
Source: http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2012/sep/16/17/water-line-break-sends-2000osu-students-out-dorms-ar-1173611/
31. September 16, Associated Press – (International) French police reinforce security
around US Embassy. Police said they are reinforcing security around the American
Embassy in Paris, France, after hundreds of people gathered outside the building
September 15 to protest a film produced in the United States that insults the Prophet
Muhammad. A police officer said more uniformed and plain clothes police were put in
place September 16 on the streets surrounding the embassy. He said that 150 people
were detained September 15 and had their ID’s checked because the protest was
unauthorized. One person remained in custody for roughing up an officer. The
demonstration was part of a wave of protests outside U.S. diplomatic posts around the
world, some of which have turned violent.
Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-501714_162-57513733/french-policereinforce-security-around-us-embassy/
For another story, see item 43
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Emergency Services Sector
32. September 18, WSPA 7 Spartanburg – (South Carolina) Officers looking for guns
stolen from Greenwood police cruiser. A Greenwood, South Carolina police cruiser
was broken into September 16 and several guns were stolen. According to a police
report, an unmarked car, belonging to the department’s narcotics unit, was the vehicle
that was broken into. The report said the doors were left unlocked. A pistol, a shotgun,
a bulletproof vest, 2,000 rounds of ammunition, several magazines for the pistol, and a
black patrol bag were stolen from the car. The Greenwood police chief said that if the
investigation showed the car was unlocked, then such a slip is a violation of the
department’s rules. He said the officer may face consequences as a result.
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Source: http://www.independentmail.com/news/2012/sep/18/officers-looking-gunsstolen-greenwood-police-crui/
33. September 18, Cincinnati Enquirer – (Ohio) CPD changes Taser policy after study
finds they can cause death. In light of a recently released scientific study that shows
the electronic Taser stun guns can cause cardiac arrest and death, leaders of the
Cincinnati Police Department — greater Cincinnati and northern Kentucky’s largest
police force — announced changes September 18 to the department’s use of force
policy regarding the devices. Earlier in 2012, the police chief said the findings
concerned him so he felt a review of the city’s Taser policy was prudent. The new rules
prohibit front shots except in situations of self defense or defense of another. And, they
direct officers never to aim the Taser X26 at a person’s head, neck, eyes, throat,
chest/breast, or genitals. Cincinnati’s approximately 1,000 sworn officers began
training on the new policy in September.
Source: http://news.cincinnati.com/article/20120918/NEWS/309180103/CPD-changesTaser-policy
34. September 17, Daytona Beach News-Journal – (Florida) Security guard faces charges
of reporting fake incidents. A security guard faces possible charges for calling 9-1-1
to report fake incidents that summoned a helicopter and police dogs to search for
fictitious persons, a Volusia County, Florida sheriff’s spokesman said September 17.
Deputies are in the process of filing a charging affidavit with the State attorney’s office
to determine what the security guard will be charged with, said a sheriff’s spokesman.
The complaint stemmed from several incidents that the guard reported while working
as a security guard at Manheim Auto Auction.
Source: http://www.newsjournalonline.com/article/20120917/NEWS/309179968?Title=Security-guard-facescharges-of-reporting-fake-incidents
35. September 17, National Journal – (Florida; National) Undercover cops use
smartphones to monitor protests. A network that allowed undercover police to use
smartphones and tablets to monitor and communicate during protests at the Republican
National Convention has given new meaning to having ―eyes on the ground,‖ National
Journal reported September 17. At the 2012 Republican National Convention in
Tampa, Florida, police tried out a new tool that can turn officers’ smartphones into
multimedia surveillance and communication platforms. In Tampa, emergency
responders used specialized apps and software to turn off-the-shelf smartphones and
tablets into tools for sending real-time video, voice, and data. That allowed undercover
officers to transmit real-time video, for example, of protesters as they moved about the
streets. The network in Tampa was used with special permission from the Federal
Communications Commission. It was part of an effort to eventually develop a similar
$7 billion National Public Safety Broadband Network for everyday use across the
country. In addition to law-enforcement surveillance and communication, a future
network could allow firefighters to transmit building plans to each other, or allow
paramedics to review multimedia health records.
Source: http://mashable.com/2012/09/17/smartphones-monitor-protests/
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36. September 17, WCMH Columbus 4 – (Ohio) Licking County 911 center experiencing
an outage. The 9-1-1 center for Licking County, Ohio, said the center was
experiencing an outage for portions of the county, WCMH 4 Columbus reported
September 17. The Licking County 9-1-1 center reported that the 828 Exchange was
down, which affected residents in Harrington, Fallsburg, and Frazeysburg.
Source: http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2012/sep/17/licking-county-911-centerexperiencing-outage-ar-1174302/
37. September 17, Park Rapids Enterprise – (Minnesota) Fiber optic cut affects regional
use of 911 from cell phones. An accidental fiber cut in the area has knocked out 9-1-1
service to most cell phone users, the Park Rapids Enterprise reported September 17.
According to a news release from the Beltrami County, Minnesota Sheriff’s Office, the
fiber cut impacts cell phone users with AT&T, Verizon, and Northern PCS. Those who
dial 9-1-1 will receive a busy signal. Crews are working to repair the damage.
Source: http://www.parkrapidsenterprise.com/event/article/id/34158/group/homepage/
38. September 17, Redlands-Loma Linda Patch – (California) Sixteen fire hydrants stolen
in northwest Redlands, estimate $40,000 to replace. The city of Redlands,
California, September 17 announced the theft of 16 fire hydrants in northwest
Redlands. The estimated cost of replacing the missing hydrants is $40,000, according to
Redlands Municipal Utilities and Engineering Department staff. The thefts occurred
between September 11-12.
Source: http://redlands.patch.com/articles/sixteen-fire-hydrants-stolen-in-northwestredlands-est-40-000-to-replace
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Information Technology Sector
39. September 18, Computerworld – (International) Microsoft confirms hackers
exploiting critical IE bug, promises patch. September 17, Microsoft issued a security
advisory that confirmed in-the-wild attacks are exploiting an unpatched bug in Internet
Explorer (IE). The software maker is working on a fix. The advisory addressed the
zero-day vulnerability that was found and disclosed by a researcher the weekend of
September 15. September 17, the Metasploit open-source penetration framework
published an exploit module for the bug. All but one supported edition of IE are
affected: 2001’s IE6, 2006’s IE7, 2009’s IE8, and 2011’s IE9. Together, those browsers
accounted for 53 percent of all browsers used worldwide in August. The only exception
was IE10, the browser bundled with the new Windows 8, which does not contain the
bug. Microsoft acknowledged it was investigating reports of a vulnerability but it did
not promise a patch. The bug, when Microsoft patches it, will be rated ―critical.‖
Exploiting the flaw allows hackers to execute code and opens Windows XP, Vista, and
Windows 7 to drive-by attacks that only require getting victims to visit a malicious or
compromised Web site. Until a patch is available, Microsoft recommends users block
attacks with EMET 3.0 (Exploit Mitigation Experience Toolkit), boost IE’s security
zone settings to ―high,‖ and configure the browser to display a warning before
executing scripts.
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40. September 18, The H – (International) Apple fixes VNC security problem in Remote
Desktop 3.5. September 17, Apple released an update to the 3.5.x branch of its Apple
Remote Desktop (ARD) administration application to close a known security hole.
Version 3.5.3 of the desktop management solution for remotely managing Mac OS X
systems corrects an information disclosure vulnerability (CVE-2012-0681) when
connecting to third-party VNC servers that could result in data not being encrypted
when the ―Encrypt all network data‖ setting is enabled. When this happens, no warning
is presented to alert users that the connection could be insecure.
Source: http://www.h-online.com/security/news/item/Apple-fixes-VNC-securityproblem-in-Remote-Desktop-3-5-1710538.html
41. September 17, Infoworld – (International) Jenkins integration server suffers security
vulnerabilities. Jenkins, the open source continuous integration server, faced several
security vulnerabilities September 17, with the Jenkins project leader recommending
upgrades to the Jenkins core and some plug-ins to fix the problems. A security advisory
posted by the project leader cites four vulnerabilities, including two affecting the
Jenkins core. The first vulnerability was deemed critical. It ―allows unprivileged users
to insert data into Jenkins master, which can lead to remote code execution. For this
vulnerability to be exploited, the attacker must have an HTTP access to a Jenkins
master, and he must have a read access to Jenkins,‖ the security advisory said. The
second vulnerability in the core involves a cross-site scripting vulnerability, allowing
an attacker to craft a URL that points to Jenkins, with an attacker able to hijack a
legitimate user’s session. Two other vulnerabilities, also involving cross-site scripting,
affect the Violations and Continuous Integration Game plugins. The Violations plug-in
scans for violation XML files in the build workspace; the Game plug-in offers tips on
improving builds.
42. September 17, eSecurity Planet – (International) Mobile emphasis at HP’s
Pwn2Own. September 19, HP planned to host its first mobile Pwn2Own hacking
competition at the EUSecWest event in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The event will
challenge security professionals to find and exploit flaws in mobile technology for cash
and prize awards. The contest will take aim at mobile Web browsers, near field
communication (NFC), and Short Message Service (SMS), as well as cellular baseband
technologies. Apple iOS, Blackberry, and Android smartphones will be among the
devices under attack. HP will award the largest prize in the mobile Pwn2own contest to
the researcher who can demonstrate a cellular baseband vulnerability.
Source: http://www.esecurityplanet.com/hackers/mobile-emphasis-at-hpspwn2own.html
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43. September 17, Threatpost – (International) New iteration of TDSS/TDL-4 botnet uses
domain fluxing to avoid detection. A new version of the TDSS/TDL-4 botnet is
rapidly growing, primarily because it is having success using an evasion technique
known as a domain generation algorithm (DGA) to avoid detection, researchers at
Damballa Security revealed September 17. The algorithm helps the latest version of the
botnet conduct click-fraud campaigns and is used primarily to rapidly move
communication between victims and command-and-control servers from domain to
domain, a technique known as domain fluxing, similar to fast fluxing. Since this new
version appeared in May, it has reportedly infected 250,000 unique victims, including
machines inside government agencies, ISP networks, and 46 of the Fortune 500.
Damballa researchers said they found 85 command and control servers and 418
domains related to the new version, primarily hosted in Russia, Romania, and the
Source: http://threatpost.com/en_us/blogs/new-iteration-tdsstdl-4-botnet-uses-domainfluxing-avoid-detection-091712
For more stories, see items 7, 8, 10, and 44
Internet Alert Dashboard
To report cyber infrastructure incidents or to request information, please contact US-CERT at sos@us-cert.gov or
visit their Web site: http://www.us-cert.gov
Information on IT information sharing and analysis can be found at the IT ISAC (Information Sharing and
Analysis Center) Web site: https://www.it-isac.org
[Return to top]
Communications Sector
44. September 17, Threatpost – (National) Developer warns millions of Virgin Mobile
subscribers about authentication flaw. An Alamo, Texas developer September 17
warned Virgin Mobile U.S. subscribers that their accounts can be hacked after the
company failed to respond with a fix. ―I reported the issue to Virgin Mobile a month
ago and they have not taken any action, nor informed me of any concrete steps to fix
the problem, so I am disclosing this issue publicly,‖ he said in a blog post. He said he
found that the carrier’s current authentication method relied on the user’s phone
number and a six-number PIN to access an account. Using his own account, he created
a script to narrow in on the 1 million possible passwords. Once the script unlocked his
numeric PIN he realized ―pretty much anyone can log into your Virgin Mobile account
and wreak havoc, as long as they know your phone number.‖ He said he contacted the
firm and its parent, Sprint, in August to alert them to the issue but became frustrated
with the pace of the investigation and lack of communication. After several emails back
and forth with a Sprint official, he was told September 14 the company did not plan
further action on Virgin Mobile’s end.
Source: http://threatpost.com/en_us/blogs/developer-warns-millions-virgin-mobilesubscribers-about-authentication-flaw-091712
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For more stories, see items 8 and 42
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Commercial Facilities Sector
45. September 18, WTXF 29 Philadelphia – (Pennsylvania) Coatesville fire kills mother
and son, leaves dozens homeless. Officials said a mother and son are dead and more
than two dozen people were homeless after an overnight fire in Coatesville,
Pennsylvania, WTXF 29 Philadelphia reported September 18. Several people were
taken to nearby hospitals. A total of 31 people were displaced because of the fire. The
Red Cross was at the scene helping them at a nearby shelter.
Source: http://www.myfoxphilly.com/story/19569999/fatal-3-alarm-fire-in-coatesville
46. September 17, Orange County Register – (California) Fire burns warehouse in Santa
Ana. Fire crews contained a fire at a commercial warehouse in Santa Ana, California,
September 17 that workers said was sparked while they were cutting metal. Firefighters
responded to reports of a fire at Franco’s Safe and Vault in an office park. The first
units arrived to find heavy smoke and fire, and asked for additional crews to be sent, an
Orange county fire authority official said. An explosion was reported, and a portion of
the roof collapsed, officials said and forced crews to battle the fire from outside the
building. Authorities closed Grand Avenue in both directions as they battled the flames.
Firefighters stayed at the scene for several hours, mopping up after the fire. Workers at
the safe and vault business said they were using cutting tools on metal when a spark
struck an acrylic door, which was rapidly engulfed by the fire. The fire caused an
estimated $500,000 in damage to the structure of the building, as well as $350,000 in
damage to the building’s contents. The fire damage was contained to the safe and vault
business, although an adjacent pest-control business suffered water damage.
Source: http://www.ocregister.com/news/warehouse-371772-burns-fire.html
47. September 14, Reuters – (International) Foreign journalists in China targeted by
malware attacks. Foreign journalists in Beijing, China, have been targeted by two very
similar malware attacks in just over 2 weeks in the lead-up to China’s once-in-a-decade
leadership transition. The emails, one appearing to come from a Beijing-based foreign
correspondent and the other from a Washington-based think tank, both contained an
attachment with the same type of malware, according to an independent cyber security
expert who reviewed the files. A government spokesman warned against jumping to
conclusions about who was responsible. Both of the emails referred to the upcoming
handover of power in the top ranks of the ruling Communist Party. The attachment, if
opened, would have installed malware that sent encrypted information from the user’s
computer to an external server. That server is hosted in England.
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/09/14/us-china-malwareidUSBRE88D0CU20120914
For more stories, see items 10, 43, 48, and 49
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National Monuments and Icons Sector
48. September 17, Associated Press; Yakima Herald-Republic – (Washington) Crews
labor away on Yakima Complex blazes. Work to prevent a fire burning west of
Yakima, Washington, from growing went well September 17 as crews continued to
establish fire breaks. But fire officials were unsure when it will be fully contained.
Firefighters dug fire lines on the west end of the Wild Rose Fire, which is part of the
Yakima Complex Fire burning east of Rimrock Lake. That fire was last reported at
about 1,300 acres, but growth was minimal, said a Yakima Complex Fire spokesman.
Meanwhile, another State team of roughly 350 firefighters that took over the Table
Mountain Fire burning on about 2,500 acres near Blewett Pass in Kittitas County
worked toward containment. Evacuations in the area remained in place September 17.
That fire forced the closure of all land east of U.S. Highway 97 and south of U.S.
Highway 2 in the Okanogan Wenatchee National Forest, according to a news release
from fire officials overseeing the Yakima Complex Fire. Two firefighters suffered
minor injuries. Both were treated at area hospitals and released, the news release said.
Meanwhile in the Wenatchee area, an inversion moved in September 16, holding
smoke in the region where 1,700 people were fighting a complex of wildfires burning
on about 51 square miles. Hundreds of people have been evacuated. The Wenatchee
complex was about 17 percent contained as of September 17. No homes had burned,
but nearly 800 houses and other structures were threatened. The firefighting effort had
so far cost an estimated $8.1 million.
Source: http://www.yakima-herald.com/stories/2012/09/17/crews-labor-away-onyakima-complex-blazes
49. September 17, Billings Gazette – (Montana) Crews continue mopping up on Dugan
fire near Ekalaka. Work reinforcing lines and mopping up on the 10,675-acre Dugan
fire continued September 17. The fire, burning about 2 miles south of Ekalaka in and
around Montana’s Custer National Forest, has destroyed an uninhabited home, eight
outbuildings, an uninhabited trailer, and three sheds since it started September 14. The
fire’s cause remains unknown and is under investigation. The fire also burned through
the Ekalaka Park Campground. A U.S. Forest Service closure of National Forest
System lands in the area impacted by the fire remained in effect.
Source: http://billingsgazette.com/news/state-and-regional/montana/crews-continuemopping-up-on-dugan-fire-near-ekalaka/article_e714f502-a032-54ec-b844c6ebf9d7f6de.html
50. September 17, Casper Star-Tribune – (Wyoming) Local officials take lead on Casper
Mountain fire, focus shifts to recovery. With evacuations almost entirely lifted and
all pre-evacuation notices cancelled, a fire management crew of mostly Wyoming land
officials was managing what was left of the Sheep Herder Hill Fire, the Casper StarTribune reported September 17. Even with 100 percent containment, the Sheep Herder
Hill Fire was not entirely out. For fire officials, this meant focus has moved from fire
suppression to securing roads and still-standing structures from hazardous trees, and
cooling hot spots around structures and fire lines.
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Source: http://trib.com/news/local/casper/local-officials-take-lead-on-casper-mountainfire-focus-shifts/article_44afc158-2bdd-5356-a371-4739b12290ef.html
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Dams Sector
51. September 18, MLive.com – (Michigan) Plug the dikes to protect the lake:
Muskegon County Drain Commissioner explains plan for Mona Lake. The drain
commissioner of Muskegon County, Michigan, said he is getting permits to plug holes
in the dikes of the 200-acre celery flats on either side of Black Creek on the east end of
Mona Lake, MLive.com reported September 18. A recent study found that about 70
percent of the phosphorus in Mona Lake came from the flats. Phosphorus promotes the
growth of algae that is toxic to animals and aesthetically displeasing to humans.
Phosphorus left over from when the area was a farm is still leaching into Mona Lake.
The commissioner plans to plug the current holes in the dikes, but set them low enough
so water will spill into Mona Lake during floods instead of ending up in people’s yards
and basements. Currently, the flats are connected to the lake and rise and fall with it,
because the water that spills over during a flood will not contain much phosphorus.
[Return to top]
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