and 10/29/2007 Requirements at Roane State Community College

Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication
with Graphic Design Concentration
Students must apply and be accepted to SCAD.
Requirements at
Roane State Community College
Requirements at
Savannah College of Art and Design
Elective. ART 111 Drawing 1+++
Elective. ART 101 + 102 Studio Fundamentals
Elective. ART 201 Survey of Art History 1+++
Elective. ART 202 Survey of Art History II+++
Humanities Elective
Choose ART 1030 Art Appreciation+++
ENGL 1010 Composition I
ENGL 1020 Composition II
ENGL Sophomore Literature Elective
SPCH 201 Basic Speech Communication
Mathematics Elective+
Social Science Elective++
Physical/Natural Science Sequence
Physical/Natural Science Sequence
History Sequence
History Sequence
Humanities Elective
Foreign Language Sequence (AA) or
ART 113 Painting I
Foreign Language Sequence (AA) or
ART 141 Beginning Graphic Design
++++ Social Science Elective
Maximum quarter hour credits transferring
to SCAD is 90.
Total BA degree requirements (quarter
hours) is 180.
DRAW 100 Drawing 1+++
DSGN 100 2-D Design
ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art 1+++
ARTH 110 Survey of Western Art II+++
Art History/Architectural History Elective+++
ENGL 123 Composition
English elective
English elective
COMM 105 Speech and Public Speaking
MATH 100 Basic Mathematics+
Social/behavioral sciences requirement++
General education elective
General education elective
General education elective
Maximum quarter hour credits transferring
to SCAD is 90.
Total BA degree requirements (quarter
hours) is 180.
+MATH 1530 will not fufill requirement at SCAD.
++Se1ect ANTH 2150, ECO 201, 202, GEOG 1220, POL 101,102, PSY 110,210,220, SOC 201,202,211 or 212.
+++Courses suggested to maximize transferable credit.
++++This course is required to earn the Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree in Art from Roane State
Community College. A maximum of 18 courses may transfer into the BA program at SCAD.
The courses listed are currently transferable under the 2007 SCAD course catalog for specific
SCAD requirements for the Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication with a concentration in
Graphic Design. Students are subject to the requirements of the SCAD course catalog in effect
at the time of his or her entry and registration at SCAD. Students may choose to fulfill
requirements of any subsequent SCAD course catalog within five years of their first enrollment
at SCAD. This document is specific to Roane State Community College's AAJAS degree in Art
and the Savannah College of Art and Design's Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication with a
concentration in Graphic Design. In order for a class to be considered for transfer, it needs to be
at least three semester credit hours or five quarter hours. A grade of "COO or higher must be
earned in the class. A course transferred from Roane State Community College may fulfill only
one SCAD course requirement. A maximum of 18 courses may transfer into the SCAD BA
program of study. In some instances, a student's course selection may fulfill a different
requirement than listed above. In those specific instances, it may be advantageous in the
student's course of study to allow the course to fulfill a different requirement rather than a
general education or free elective.
Dr. Gary off
Roane State Community College
Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication
with Sequential Art Concentration
Students must apply and be accepted to SCAD.
Requirements at
Roane State Community College
Requirements at
Savannah College of Art and Design
Elective. ART 111 Drawing 1+++
Elective. ART 101 + 102 Studio Fundamentals
Elective. ART 201 Survey of Art History 1+++
Elective. ART 202 Survey of Art History II+++
Humanities Elective
Choose ART 1030 Art Appreciation+++
ENGL 1010 Composition I
ENGL 1020 Composition II
ENGL Sophomore Literature Elective
SPCH 201 Basic Speech Communication
Mathematics Elective+
Social Science Elective++
PhysicallNatural Science Sequence
PhysicallNatural Science Sequence
History Sequence
History Sequence
Humanities Elective
Foreign Language Sequence (AA) or
ART 113 Painting I
Foreign Language Sequence (AA) or
ART 141 Beginning Graphic Design
++++ Social Science Elective
Maximum quarter hour credits transferring
to SCAD is 90.
Total BA degree requirements (quarter
hours) is 180.
DRAW 100 Drawing 1+++
DSGN 100 2-D Design
ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art 1+++
ARTH 110 Survey of Western Art II+++
Art History/Architectural History Elective+++
ENGL 123 Composition
English elective
English elective
COMM 105 Speech and Public Speaking
MATH 100 Basic Mathematics+
Sociallbehavioral sciences requirement++
General education elective
General education elective
General education elective
Maximum quarter hour credits transferring
to SCAD is 90.
Total BA degree requirements (quarter
hours) is 180.
+MATH 1530 will not fufill requirement at SCAD.
++Select ANTH 2150, ECO 201,202, GEOG 1220, POL 101, 102, PSY 110,210,220, SOC 201, 202, 211 or 212.
+++Courses suggested to maximize transferable credit.
++++This course is required to earn the Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree in Art from Roane State
Community College. A maximum of 18 courses may transfer into the BA program at SCAD.
The courses listed are currently transferable under the 2007 SCAD course catalog for specific
SCAD requirements for the Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication with a concentration in
Sequential Art. Students are subject to the requirements ofthe SCAD course catalog in effect at
the time of his or her entry and registration at SCAD. Students may choose to fulfill
requirements of any subsequent SCAD course catalog within five years of their first enrollment
at SCAD. This document is specific to Roane State Community College's AA/AS degree in Art
and the Savannah College of Art and Design's Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication with a
concentration in Sequential Art. In order for a class to be considered for transfer, it needs to be
at least three semester credit hours or five quarter hours. A grade of "C" or higher must be
earned in the class. A course transferred from Roane State Community College may fulfill only
one SCAD course requirement. A maximum of 18 courses may transfer into the SCAD BA
program of study. In some instances, a student's course selection may fulfill a different
requirement than listed above. In those specific instances, it may be advantageous in the
student's course of study to allow the course to fulfill a different requirement rather than a
general education or free elective.
Dr. Gary Goff
Roane State Community College
Margaret oss
Executive Director of Transfer Enrollment
Savannah College of Art and Design
9' .,~2UOi '7
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Bachelor of Arts in Digital Media
with Interactive Design Concentration
Students must apply and be accepted to SCAD.
Requirements at
Roane State Community College
Elective. ART 111 Drawing 1+++
Elective. ART 101 + 102 Studio Fundamentals
Elective. ART 201 Survey of Art History 1+++
Elective. ART 202 Survey of Art History II+++
Humanities Elective
Choose ART 1030 Art Appreciation+++
ENGL 1010 Composition I
ENGL 1020 Composition II
ENGL Sophomore Literature Elective
SPCH 201 Basic Speech Communication
Mathematics Elective+
Social Science Elective++
PhysicallNatural Science Sequence
PhysicallNatural Science Sequence
History Sequence
History Sequence
Humanities Elective
Foreign Language Sequence (AA) or
ART 113 Painting I
Foreign Language Sequence (AA) or
ART 141 Beginning Graphic Design
++++ Social Science Elective
Maximum quarter hour credits transferring
to SCAD is 90.
Total BA degree requirements (quarter
hours) is 180.
Requirements at
Savannah Colleze of Art and Design
DRAW 100 Drawing 1+++
DSGN 100 2-D Design
ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art 1+++
ARTH 110 Survey of Western Art II+++
Art History/Architectural History Elective+++
ENGL 123 Composition
English elective
English elective
COMM 105 Speech and Public Speaking
MATH 100 Basic Mathematics+
Social/behavioral sciences requirement++
General education elective
General education elective
General education elective
Maximum quarter hour credits transferring
to SCAD is 90.
Total BA degree requirements (quarter
hours) is 180.
+MATH 1530 will not fufill requirement at SCAD.
++Select ANTH 2150, ECO 201, 202, GEOG 1220, POL 101,102, PSY 110, 210, 220, SOC 201, 202, 211 or 212.
+++Courses suggested to maximize transferable credit.
++++This course is required to earn the Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree in Art from Roane State
Community College. A maximum of 18 courses may transfer into the BA program at SCAD.
The courses listed are currently transferable under the 2007 SCAD course catalog for specific
SCAD requirements for the Bachelor of Arts in Digital Media with a concentration in Interactive
Design. Students are subject to the requirements of the SCAD course catalog in effect at the
time of his or her entry and registration at SCAD. Students may choose to fulfill requirements of
any subsequent SCAD course catalog within five years of their first emollment at SCAD. This
document is specific to Roane State Community College's AAJAS degree in Art and the
Savannah College of Art and Design's Bachelor of Arts in Digital Media with a concentration in
Interactive Design. In order for a class to be considered for transfer, it needs to be at least three
semester credit hours or five quarter hours. A grade of "C" or higher must be earned in the class.
A course transferred from Roane State Community College may fulfill only one SCAD course
requirement. A maximum of 18 courses may transfer into the SCAD BA program of study. In
some instances, a student's course selection may fulfill a different requirement than listed above.
In those specific instances, it may be advantageous in the student's course of study to allow the
course to fulfill a different requirement rather than a general education or free elective.
Dr. ?ary Goff
Roane State Community College
/(~/( !
If II/P';
Margaret oss
Executive Director of Transfer Emollment
Savannah College of Art and Design
Bachelor of Arts in Digital Media
with Game Development Concentration
Students must apply and be accepted to SCAD.
Requirements at
Roane State Community College
Elective. ART III Drawing 1+++
Elective. ART 101 + 102 Studio Fundamentals
Elective. ART 201 Survey of Art History 1+++
Elective. ART 202 Survey of Art History II+++
Humanities Elective
Choose ART 1030 Art Appreciation+++
ENGL 1010 Composition I
ENGL 1020 Composition II
ENGL Sophomore Literature Elective
SPCH 201 Basic Speech Communication
Mathematics Elective+
Social Science Elective++
Physical/Natural Science Sequence
Physical/Natural Science Sequence
History Sequence
History Sequence
Humanities Elective
Foreign Language Sequence (AA) or
ART 113 Painting I
Foreign Language Sequence (AA) or
ART 141 Beginning Graphic Design
++++ Social Science Elective
Maximum quarter hour credits transferring
to SCAD is 90.
Total BA degree requirements (quarter
hours) is 180.
Requirements at
Savannah College of Art and Design
DRAW 100 Drawing 1+++
DSGN 100 2-D Design
ARTH 100 Survey of Western Art 1+++
ARTH 110 Survey of Western Art II+++
Art HistorylArchi tectural History Elective+++
ENGL 123 Composition
English elective
English elective
COMM 105 Speech and Public Speaking
MATH 100 Basic Mathematics+
Sociallbehavioral sciences requirement++
General education elective
General education elective
General education elective
Maximum quarter hour credits transferring
to SCAD is 90.
Total BA degree requirements (quarter
hours) is 180.
+MATH 1530 will not fufill requirement at SCAD.
++Se1ect ANTH 2150, ECO 201, 202, GEOG 1220, POL 101,102, PSY 110,210,220, SOC 201, 202, 211 or 212.
+++Courses suggested to maximize transferable credit.
++++This course is required to earn the Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree in Art from Roane State
Community College. A maximum of 18 courses may transfer into the BA program at SCAD.
The courses listed are currently transferable under the 2007 SCAD course catalog for specific
SCAD requirements for the Bachelor of Arts in Digital Media with a concentration in Game
Development. Students are subject to the requirements of the SCAD course catalog in effect at
the time of his or her entry and registration at SCAD. Students may choose to fulfill
requirements of any subsequent SCAD course catalog within five years of their first emollment
at SCAD. This document is specific to Roane State Community College's AA/AS degree in Art
and the Savannah College of Art and Design's Bachelor of Arts in Digital Media with a
concentration in Game Development. In order for a class to be considered for transfer, it needs
to be at least three semester credit hours or five quarter hours. A grade of "C" or higher must be
earned in the class. A course transferred from Roane State Community College may fulfill only
one SCAD course requirement. A maximum of 18 courses may transfer into the SCAD BA
program of study. In some instances, a student's course selection may fulfill a different
requirement than listed above. In those specific instances, it may be advantageous in the
student's course of study to allow the course to fulfill a different requirement rather than a
general education or free elective.
Dr. Gary G
Roane State Community College
Margaret oss
Executive Director of Transfer Emollment
Savannah College of Art and Design