Transfer of Credits From Roane State Community College to Carson-Newman College The following is a listing of Roane State Community College courses that may be accepted at Carson-Newman College. Generally, courses taken from the university parallel program will transfer. However, technology courses are not transferable but some may be accepted upon Carson-Newman departmental approval. A limit of sixty-eight (68) semester hours from Roane State Community College may be applied to a degree at Carson-Newman College. Should Roane State Community College credits exceed sixty-eight (68) semester hours, the excessive hours may be transferred, but a minimum of sixty (60) semester hours must be completed at Carson-Newman College or in combination with credit hours from other senior institutions. It is very important that you review the C-N Catalog for additional information regarding the transfer of courses and credits. The C-N Registrars office retains the right to change the information included in this equivalency table at any time. Amy Humphrey Associate Director of Admissions Revised September 2002 Roane State Community College ART 101 Studio Fundamentals: Drawing ART 102 Studio Fundamentals: 2-D Design Carson-Newman Equivalent ART 100 Art Fundamentals ART 100 Introduction to Design* *Both courses must be taken in order to receive credit for ART 100. If only one course is taken, it transfers as an Art Elective. ART 103 Studio Fundamentals: 3-D Design ART 104 Intro to Illustration ART 105 Illustration II ART 111 Drawing I: Survey of Drawing ART 113 Painting I: Introduction ART 114 Painting II ART 1030 Art Appreciation ART 131 Photography I ART 132 Photography II ART 140 Intro to Industrial Design ART 141 Beginning Graphic Design ART 142 Computer Art ART 143 Computer Art II ART 144 Computer Art III ART 145 Computer Art IV ART 147 Industrial Design II ART 151 Ceramics I: Handbuilding ART 152 Ceramics II: Throwing ART 161 Printmaking I ART 201 Survey of Art History I ART 202 Survey of Art History II ART 203 Survey of Contemporary Art ART 205 Web Graphics ART 206 Web Graphics II ART 207 Animation ART 208 Animation II ART 209 Animation III ART 211 Watercolor I: Introduction ART 212 Watercolor II ART Elective ART Elective ART Elective ART 105 Drawing I ART 302 Oil/Acrylic I ART 402 Oil/Acrylic II ART 210 Art Appreciation ART 104 Photography I ART 204 Photography II ART Elective ART 113 Computer Graphics ART 233 Graphic Design I ART 243 Graphic Design II ART Elective ART Elective ART Elective ART Elective ART Elective ART Elective ART 316 Art History I ART 317 Art History II ART 417 Contemporary Art ART Elective ART Elective ART Elective ART Elective ART Elective ART 202 Watercolor I ART 212 Watercolor II ASTR 1010 Intro to Astronomy ASTR 1020 Intro to Astronomy PHYS 200 Elementary Astronomy PHYS Elective BIOL 1110 General Biology I BIOL 1120 General Biology II BIOL 105 General Biology I BIOL 106 General Biology II *Both BIOL 1110 and BIOL 1120 must be taken at Roane State to equal BIOL 105 & 106. Otherwise, they will count as Biology elective hours. BIOL 1130 Intro to Radiation Biology BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy & Physiology I BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II BIOL Elective BIOL 207 Hum. Anatomy & Phys I BIOL 208 Hum. Anatomy & Phys II *Both 2010 and 2020 must be taken at Roane State to equal BIOL 207 & 208. Otherwise, they will count as Biology elective hours. BIOL 2011 Environmental Science BIOL 2110 Field Biology BIOL 2120 Cell Biology BIOL 2130General Genetics BIOL 2230 Microbiology BIOL 2530 General Ecology BIOL 2540 Human Cross-Sectional Anatomy BIOL Elective BIOL 406 Field Biology BIOL 312 Advanced Cell Biology BIOL 314 Genetics BIOL 316 General Microbiology BIOL 315 General Ecology BIOL Elective BUS 101 Introduction to Business BUS 102 Computer Concepts & Applications BUS 111 Business Mathematics BUS 112 Personal Finance BUS 201 Principles of Real Estate BUS 210 Intro to Quality Management BUS 215 Business Ethics BUS 219 Intro to Electronic Commerce BUS 221 Principles of Accounting I BUS 222 Principles of Accounting II BUS 224 Cost Accounting BUS 225 Income Tax Accounting- Personal BUS 226 Income Tax Accounting-Business BUS 227 Fund Accounting BUS 234 Intro to Public Relations BUS 330 Quality Management Seminar BUS 233 Intermediate Accounting BUS 251 Legal Environment for Business BUS 255 Microcomputing Accounting I BUS 257 Microcomputing Accounting II BUS 261 Psychological Aspects of Management BUS 262-270 Business Seminar BUS 271 Sales BUS 272 Retailing BUS 273 Marketing BUS 274 Marketing Opportunity Analysis BUS 278 Small Business Management BUS 281-282 Management and Supervision I,II BUS 284 Management Seminar BAD 101 Introduction to Business CIS 105 Information Technology BAD Elective BAD Elective BAD Elective MGT Elective BAD Elective CIS Elective ACCT 201 Prin. of Accounting I ACCT 202 Prin. of Accounting II ACCT Elective ACCT Elective ACCT Elective ACCT Elective CA 324 Public Relations ACCT Elective ACCT Elective BAD Elective ACCT Elective ACCT Elective MGT Elective BAD Elective MGT Elective MGT Elective MGT Elective MGT Elective MGT Elective MGT Elective MGT Elective CHEM 1010 Introduction to Chemistry I CHEM 1020 Introduction to Chemistry II CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II CHEM 101 Introductory Chemistry CHEM 102 Intro. Organic & Biochemistry CHEM 103 General Chemistry I CHEM 104 General Chemistry II CHEM 2010 Organic Chemistry CHEM 2020 Organic Chemistry II CHEM 2021 Quantitative Analysis CHEM 2110 Qualitative Analysis CHEM 301 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 302 Organic Chemistry II CHEM 305 Quantitative Analysis CHEM Elective CST 105 Database Management CST 109 Intro to Programming CIS Elective CIS 107 Business Programming I CST 172 MS Excel-Expert CST 203 Data Structures CST 204 Database Management II CST 209 JAVA Programming I CST 211 COBOL CST 212 Visual Basic CST 219 Intro to Electronic Commerce CST 272 Basic Networking CST 273 Advanced Networking CSC 109 Intro to Programming I CIS 210 Advanced Spreadsheet App CSC 108 Computer Programming II CIS Elective CSC 202 Intro to JAVA CIS Elective CIS 107 Business Programming I CIS Elective CIS Elective CIS Elective DSPM 0700 Basic Mathematics Skills DSPM 0800 Elementary Algebra DSPM 0850 Intermediate Algebra DSPM 0990 Geometry DSPW 0700 Basic Writing DSPW 0800 Developmental Writing DSPS 0700 Basic Reading DE DE DE DE DE DE DE OR 032 Basic Math Skills Elective 034 Intermediate Algebra Elective 031 Basic Writing Skills 031 Basic Writing Skills 030 Reading & Study Skills *These classes will transfer, but no hours are awarded toward graduation ECE 202 Infant, Toddler, Child Development ECE 204 Family Dynamics & Community Dev CFS 207 Infancy & Early Childhood CFS 305 Family Services ECO 201 Principles of Economics I ECO 202 Principles of Economics II ECON 201 Prin. of Macroeconomics ECON 202 Prin. of Microeconomics EDU 101 Introduction to Teaching Profession EDU 111 Intro. to Educating Exceptional Children EDU 121 Introduction to Early Childhood Educ. EDU 210 Human Development EDU 211 Educational Psychology EDU 220 Creative Activities for Young Children EDU 221 Trends & Issues in Education EDU 222 Trends & Issues in Education EDU 230 Administration of Early Childhood Prog. EDUC 303 Foundations of Education SPED 313 Persons w/ Exceptionalities FCS Elective PSY 206 Human Dev. Thru the Lifespan PSY 303 Educational Psychology FCS 414 Prog. for Young Children I EDUC Elective EDUC Elective FCS 404 Admin. of Prog. for Children EMT 102 Emergency Medical Technician Basic HLTH 203 First Aid & Safety ENG 1010 Composition I ENG 1020 Composition II ENG 2010 British Literature I ENG 2020 British Literature II ENG 2030 Appalachian Literature ENG 2110 Survey of American Literature I ENG 2120 Survey of American Literature II ENG 2230 Seminar in Creative Writing ENG 2310 World Literature I ENG 2020 World Literature II ENG 2510 Introduction to Poetry ENG 101 Composition I ENG 201 Composition II LIT GER (see note below) LIT GER (see note below) ENG Elective LIT GER (see note below) LIT GER (see note below) ENG- see dept chair for approval LIT GER (see note below) LIT GER (see note below) ENG 343 Studies in Poetry Successful completion of an American, British or World Literature class at Roane State will fulfill the GOAL V A requirement at Carson-Newman. This applies only to Roane State transfer students, not to current C-N students. ERG 161 Fundamentals of Engineering Graphics I ENDR 201 Engineering Drawing ERG 162 Fundamentals of Engineering Graphics II ENDR 202 Engineering Graphics ESC 121 Mechanics I: Statics ESC 131 Mechanics II: Particle Dynamics ESC 211 Statics ESC 212 Dynamics PHYS 105 Mechanics – Statics PHYS 305 Dynamics PHYS Elective PHYS Elective FRE 1010 Beginning French I FRE 1020 Beginning French II FRE 2010 Intermediate French I FRE 2020 Intermediate French II FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEO 1040 Physical Geography GEO 1050 Historical Geography GEOL 103 Physical Geology GEOL 104 Historical Geology GERM 1010 German I GERM 1020 German II GERM 2010 Intermediate German I GERM 2020 Intermediate German II GER 101 Elementary German I GER 102 Elementary German II GER 201 Intermediate German I GER 202 Intermediate German II GGY 101 Geography of the Natural Environment I GEOG 101 Intro to Physical Geog. I GGY 102 Geography of the Natural Environment II GEOG 102 Intro to Physical Geog. II GGY 201 World Geography I GEOG 201 World Regional Geog. I GGY 202 World Geography II GEOG 202 World Regional Geog. II GGY 205 Physical Geography GEOG Elective GGY 211 Environmental Science BIOL 102 Environmental Science GGY 221 Introduction to Economic Geography GGY 2310 Human Geography GEOG Elective GEOG Elective HEA 221 Safety, First Aid & CPR HEA 241 School Health HLTH 203 First Aid & Safety HLTH 401 School Health Services HIST 1010 Survey of Western Civilization I HIST 1020 Survey of Western Civilization II HIST 1210 Survey of World History I HIST 1220 Survey of World History II HIST 2010 Survey of United States History I HIST 2020 Survey of United States History II HIST 131 Western Civilization I HIST 132 Western Civilization II HIST 133 World History I HIST 134 World History II HIST 201 American History I HIST 202 American History II HEC 131 Elementary Nutrition FN 210 Basic Nutrition IDT 110- Intro to Interior Design INF 101 Essential Computer Skills IDT Elective CIS 105 Microcomputer Application JOUR 111 Introduction to Mass Communication JOUR 201 Writing for Mass Media MCOM 322 Mass Media MCOM 123 Basic Media Writing MATH 1030 Math for the Health Sciences MATH 1130 College Algebra MATH 1410 Number Concepts/Alg Structures MATH 1420 Problem Solving/Geometry MATH 1530 Probability & Statistics MATH 1630 Finite Mathematics MATH 1720 Trigonometry MATH 1730 Pre-Calculus MATH 1810 Calculus for Business & Life Science MATH 1910 Calculus I MATH 1920Calculus II MATH 2000 Matrix Computations MATH 2010 Matrix Algebra MATH 2050 Probability & Statistics MATH 2100 Discrete Mathematics MATH 2120 Differential Equations MATH 2110 Calculus III MATH Elective MATH 107 College Algebra MATH 105 Basic Concepts I MATH 106 Basic Concepts II MATH 201 Stat. Concepts/Methods MATH 107 College Algebra MATH 108 College Algebra & Trig. MATH 108 College Algebra & Trig MATH 109 Applications of Calculus MATH 111 Calculus I MATH 112 Calculus II MATH Elective MATH 403 Linear Algebra MATH 406 Mathematical Statistics MATH 207 Discrete Mathematics MATH 303 Differential Equations MATH 211 Calculus III MGT 200 Business and It’s Environment MGT 201 Management Concepts MGT 203 Human Resource Management MGT 205 Marketing in the New Millennium MGT 206 Organizational Aspects of Supply MGT 207 Managerial Accounting & Finance MGT 208 Training and Development BAD 101 Intro to Business MGT 201 Principles of Management MGT Elective MGT Elective MGT Elective MGT Elective MGT Elective MGT 209 Interpersonal Communication MGT 210 Business and Its Legal Environment CA 230 Interpersonal Communication BAD 301 Legal Environment of Business MUS 110 Music Theory I MUS 111 Elementary Theory I MUS 120 Music Theory II MUS 112 Elementary Theory II MUS 1030 Music Appreciation MUS 133 Appreciation of Music MUS 131 Pop Music in America MUS 331 Pop Music in America Culture MUS 140 Fundamentals of Music MUS 110 Fundamentals of Music MUS 210 Music Theory III MUS 211 Advanced Theory I MUS 220 Music Theory IV MUS 212 Advanced Theory II MUS 230 Introduction to Music Literature I MUS 431 History of Music I MUS 240 Introduction to Music Literature II MUS 432 History of Music II MUS 250 Choral Conducting MUS 441 Methods of Conducting *All Music Ensembles and Applied Music courses will transfer to Carson-Newman. All Nursing Courses must be approved by the Nursing Dept. in order to transfer. PHL 103 Introduction to Philosophy PHL 111 Elementary Logic PHL 121 Elementary Ethics PHL 201 Introduction to Religions of the World PHL 231Medical Ethics PHIL 102 Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 101 Practical Reasoning PHIL Elective REL 320 Religions of the World PHIL Elective PED 1750 Concept of Wellness HLTH 202 Wellness *All Physical Education Activity courses will transfer to Carson-Newman College. PHYS 1010 Survey of Physics PHYS 100 Physics in Everyday Life ASTR 1010 Introductory Astronomy I PHYS 200 Elementary Astronomy ASTR1020 Introductory Astronomy II PHYS Elective PHY 2010 Non Calculus Based Physics I PHYS See Note* PHY 2020 Non Calculus Based Physics II PHYS See Note* **If both 2010 and 2020 are taken, they will be equivalent to 103 & 104 PHY 2110 Calculus Based Physics I PHYS 202 Electricity, Magnetism PHY 2120 Calculus Based Physics II PHYS 307 Intro to Modern Physics POL 101 United States Government & Politics POL 102 Introduction to Political Science PSC 102 American Federal Gvmt. II PSC 100 Introduction to Politics PSY 110 General Psychology PSY 205 Psychology of Adjustment PSY 210 Biological Basis of Behavior PSY 213 Abnormal Psychology PSY 102 Understanding Human Behavior PSY 209 Psychology of Adjustment PSY 101 Intro. to Behavioral Science PSY 302 Abnormal Psychology PSY 220 Developmental Psychology PSY 206 Human Dev. Thru the Lifespan REC 201 Social Recreation LS 304 Leisure Prog. Planning & Mgmt. SSC 120 The Civil War SSC 215 World War II SSC 216 Death & Dying SSC 239 North American Indians SSC 270 Appalachian Culture HIST Elective HIST Elective SOC 308 Death & Dying SOC Elective SOC Elective SOC 201 Introduction to Sociology SOC 202 Social Problems SOC 211 Cultural Anthropology SOC 212 Prehistoric Archaeology SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology SOC 105 Social Problems SOC 201 Intro. to Cultural Anthropology SOC Elective SPA 1010 Beginning Spanish I SPA 1020 Beginning Spanish II SPA 2010 Intermediate Spanish I SPA 2020 Intermediate Spanish II SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II SPCH 201 Basic Speech Communication CA 135 Speech Fundamentals SPCH 221 Business & Professional CommunicationBAD 201 Business Communication THEA 1010 Introduction to Theatre THEA 231 Fundamentals of Acting I THEA 232 Fundamentals of Acting II THEA 251-256 Theatre Practicum I-VI CA 110 Introduction to Theater CA 214 Basic Acting CA Elective CA 118-218 Theater Practicum I-II