Academic Programs Committee of Council Course Challenge September 10, 2009

Academic Programs Committee of Council
Course Challenge September 10, 2009
The following curricular changes are being circulated for approval through the University
Course Challenge:
College of Arts & Science
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For approval: program revisions in the International Studies program
College of Education
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For approval: program revision to Elementary and Middle Years Four-year Sequential
B.ED. requirements
Schedule for approval:
Date of circulation: Sept. 10, 2009
Date by which Challenge must be received: Sept. 24, 2009
Date by which changes will automatically be considered approved in the absence of
Challenge: Oct. 8, 2009
The curricular revisions listed below were approved through the January 2009 Arts &
Science College Course and Program Challenge and are now submitted for approval by
University Course Challenge
Division of Social Sciences
Minor Program Revision - Development Studies BA Honours, 4-year
1. Add ECON 272.3 (Economics of Transition) as an alternative to ECON 270.3 for
requirement B6 (required classes).
2. Add both ECON 270.3 and ECON 272.3 to B6 (restricted electives)
3. Add ECON 417.3 (Development Economics) to B6 (restricted electives)
4. Add WGST 410.3 (Situated Transnational Feminisms) to B6 (restricted electives)
5. Delete ANTH 227.3 from B6 (restricted electives) (added in error in Feb 2009)
6. Add SOC 304.3 (Marxist Sociology) to B6 (restricted electives)
7. Add GEOG 381.3 (Geography of Northern Development) to B6 (restricted electives)
8. Add GEOG 395.3 (Central American Geography) to B6 (restricted electives)
(Guatemala term abroad sub-listing)
9. Delete GEOG 348.3 (Population Geography) from B6 (restricted electives)
10. Delete GEOG 394.3 (Society and Environment in the Indian Himalayas) from B6
(restricted electives)
Rationale: Added courses are relevant to the fields and provide majors with a greater
course selection. Deleted courses are unlikely to be offered in the foreseeable future.
Minor Program Revision - International Cooperation and Conflict BA Honours, 4year
1. Delete ANTH 227 from B6 (restricted electives) (added in error in Feb 2009)
2. Add ECON 450.3 (Strategic Choice) to B6 (restricted electives)
3. Add HIST 378.3 (US and Vietnam Wars) to B6 (restricted electives)
4. Add WGST 410.3 (Situated Transnational Feminisms) to B6 (restricted electives)
5. Delete GEOG 348.3 (Population Geography) from B6 (restricted electives)
Rationale: Added courses are relevant to the fields and provide majors with a greater
course selection. Deleted courses are unlikely to be offered in the foreseeable future.
Minor Program Revision - Latin American Studies BA Honours, 4-year
1. Add GEOG 395.3 (Central American Geography) to B6 (restricted electives)
(Guatemala Term Abroad courses)
2. Delete ANTH 227 from B6 (restricted electives) (added in error in Feb 2009)
3. Delete ECON 272.3 from B6 (restricted electives) (added in error in Feb 2009)
Rationale: Added course is relevant to the fields and provide majors with a greater
course selection.
Minor Program Revision - Slavic and East European Studies BA Honours, 4-year
1. Add ECON 272.3 (Economics of Transition) as an alternative to ANTH 227.3 in B6
(required courses)
2. ECON 272.3 is to be included in B6 (restricted electives) in the same manner as other
classes, not as an alternative to ANTH 227.3
Rationale: Added course is relevant to the fields and provide majors with a greater
course selection.
The following was approved at the June 5, 2009 College of Education faculty meeting:
Minor Program Revision -- Elementary and Middle Years Four-year Sequential B.
ED. requirements
That the Health 100.3 or H SC 120.3 requirement for Elementary/Middle Years programs
be eliminated, effective September 2009, to be replaced with 3 c.u. of an external
Rationale: Health 100.3 cannot be used for credit in any other college. It is an
expensive, non- academic requirement for admission to the College of Education and
therefore functions as an artificial barrier. In recent times, no faculty member has taught
this course; we should not have courses on the books that we can’t or don’t want to