Academic Programs Committee of Council Course Challenge March 8, 2010

Academic Programs Committee of Council
Course Challenge March 8, 2010
Arts & Science
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Bioinformatics: new courses
Computer Science: new courses and prerequisite changes; program changes
program changes regarding new computer Science course
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Schedule for approval:
Date of circulation: March 8, 2010
Date by which Challenge must be received: March 22, 2010
Date by which changes will automatically be considered approved in the absence of Challenge: April 5,
Division of Science
New Course
BINF 210.3 Introduction to Bioinformatics Applications
1 or 2 Provides an introduction to Bioinformatics and experience with select bioinformatics tools and
databases currently utilized in the life sciences. Focus is on analysis, storage, and manipulation of
genomic and proteomic information. Topics include BLAST, sequence alignment, structure prediction,
genome annotation, microarrays, primer design.
Prerequisites: BMSC 200.3 or equivalent
Instructor(s): Tony Kusalik, Ian McQuillan
Rationale: Improves department’s offerings in the field and responds to student demands.
Many students from life sciences departments are interested in taking an introductory level
Bioinformatics class (e.g. BINF 200) but are reluctant to do so because of the existing Computer Science
requirement (CMPT 111). The new course will not have a Computer Science prerequisite. As a result we
see many life and health sciences departments encouraging their students to take this new class, and
enrolment to be much higher than enrolments in the existing introductory BINF 200 class.
Bioinformatics has expanded greatly in the last 5 to 10 years. The number of concepts, applications,
databases, algorithms, etc. has grown substantially. For bioinformatics majors, an additional class
presents an opportunity to learn more and more advanced material in the two existing capstone courses
(BINF 200, BINF 300). As a consequence, these latter courses will be revised and re-numbered (BINF
200 to BINF 310, BINF 300 to BINF 410). A proposal for these changes is under development and will
be submitted in next month's College Challenge.
Computer Science
New Courses:
CMPT 113.3 Computing Using Excel/VBA
1 or 2 This course gives the fundamentals of programming, including functions, procedures and arrays. It
introduces object-oriented programming and GUI components. Also some basic numerical methods and
engineering applications are presented.
Prerequisites: Mathematics B30.
Note: Students who have credit for CMPT 111, CMPT 112, or CMPT 116 may not receive credit for this
Instructor(s): Faculty in the Department of Computer Science
Rationale: Responds to student demands. Most branches of Engineering use spreadsheets, but make very
little use of a programming language like C that is taught in CMPT 116. CMPT 113 teaches much the
same concepts as CMPT 116 except in the language VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) within the
Excel spreadsheet framework. CMPT 116 is retained as three branches of Engineering wish to continue
to have their students taught the language C.
CMPT 175.3 Introduction to Computer Science for Business Students
1 or 2 CMPT 175 provides an overview of significant technical and social issues in information
technology, including computer and social networking, eBusiness, new media, and artificial intelligence.
The focus is on business systems examples, issues, constraints and opportunities, while introducing
practical algorithmic problem solving.
Restriction(s): Only open to students enrolled in the Edwards School of Business
Instructor(s): T. Roebuck, G. McCalla
Rationale: Improves department’s offerings in the field. It is anticipated that this will be the first course in
a computing stream in the Edwards School of Business.
Minor Course Revisions and Prerequisite changes:
CMPT 105 Introduction to Computing and Interactive Systems Design
The Note in the Calendar to be updated to exclude students who have already taken CMPT 111, 113 or
117 from taking this course.
OLD: Note: CMPT 105 can be taken as a science course by non-science majors. Science majors may not
receive science credit for this course. CMPT 105 can be taken for credit after completion of CMPT 100 or
102; but CMPT 100 and 102 cannot be taken for credit after completion of CMPT 105.
NEW: Note: CMPT 105 can be taken as a science course by non-science majors. Science majors may not
receive science credit for this course. CMPT 105 can be taken for credit after completion of CMPT 100 or
102; but CMPT 100 and 102 cannot be taken for credit after completion of CMPT 105. In addition,
CMPT 105 cannot be taken for credit after CMPT 111, 113, or 116.
Rationale: CMPT 105 is a gentle introduction to computing with an emphasis on interactive computing
systems. CMPT 111, 113 and 116 are introductions to programming in a technical sense. After any of
these three courses, CMPT 105 would be a very easy course. Hence, this option should be precluded.
CMPT 106.3 Design and Construction of Games and Interactive Systems
Prerequisite Change
OLD: Prerequisite(s): CMPT 105 or (until 2010, CMPT 100).
NEW: Prerequisite(s): CMPT 105 or CMPT 111.
Add Note to Calendar entry: Note: CMPT 106 can be taken concurrently with CMPT 115, but it cannot
be taken after CMPT 115.
Rationale: For the initial offerings of CMPT 106, to encourage more enrollment the prerequisite was set
to be CMPT 100 or 105. However, CMPT 100 does not really provide enough programming background
for CMPT 106, so 100 is being dropped as a possible prerequisite for 106. Also, initially the
programming approach used in CMPT 106 was the same as that of 105. Now, 106 takes a different
programming approach, so the specific approach of 105 is not required. Thus, now CMPT 111 is allowed
as an alternate prerequisite for 106.
Together CMPT 105 and 106 provide the basics of programming, and the basics of the design of
interactive systems. Because they cover the basics of programming, 106 is being added as a possible
prerequisite for CMPT 115. In addition, this coverage allows CMPT 106 to be added to the science list
for science students (requirement 1 in a type C program). Because CMPT 105 and 106, especially 106,
also cover the basics of interactive systems, it makes sense to allow 106 and 115 to be taken
concurrently. A student would learn new material by taking 106 after 115, but the student would be better
served by taking a more advanced computer science course. As a result, CMPT 106 is not allowed after
completing CMPT 115.
CMPT 115.3 Principles of Computer Science
Prerequisite Change
OLD: CMPT 111.
NEW: CMPT 106 or 111
Rationale: Between CMPT 105 and 106, students learn the basics of computer programming. Also, the
programming language used in 106 is similar enough to the language of CMPT 111/115 that students
will be able to make the transition from 106 to 115. If necessary, an extra tutorial will be added to help
students make the transition from 106 to 115. Thus, CMPT 106 is being made an alternate prerequisite
for CMPT 115.
CMPT 117.3 Computing II
Prerequisite Change
NEW: CMPT 116, or a grade of at least 75% in CMPT 113 and permission of the instructor
Rationale: Presently there are two versions of CMPT 116, one that uses C as the programming language,
and one that uses VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) in an Excel spreadsheet. The course CMPT 117
uses the language C, so it is much easier to take CMPT 117 after the C version of 116. Going from the
VBA version of 116 to 117 is seldom (if ever) done. With the creation of CMPT 113 for the VBA
version, then the transition from 116 to 117 will be smooth. For better students, we do want to leave open
the possibility of going from 113 to 117. After some discussion, it was decided to have the cutoff at 75%,
but still require consultation with the CMPT 117 instructor.
CMPT 270.3 Developing Object-Oriented Systems
Prerequisite Change
OLD: CMPT 115 or 117 and a first-year calculus course.
NEW: CMPT 115 or 117; and 3 credit units of 100-Level calculus or STAT 245 or equivalent.
Rationale: CMPT 270 requires the students to have some mathematical maturity, but does not require any
specific mathematics (other than high school).
CMPT 275.3 Organizational Information Systems
Prerequisite Change
NEW: CMPT 100, or 105, or 111, or 113, or 116, or 175
Remove Restriction: Only open to students enrolled in the College of Commerce.
New Calendar entry: Studies the development and management of information systems in
organizations/businesses. The life cycle of information systems is used as a framework for studying the
management and control of information, and the evaluation of opportunities for improving information
systems and integrating them into organizations. Note: Students with CMPT 355 or 370 cannot take
CMPT 275 for credit. CMPT 275 can only be used as a general elective in a Computer Science or
Computing major. Note that the restriction that only students in the College of Commerce can take the
course is removed.
Rationale: Previously, CMPT 275 was restricted to students in the Edwards School of Business. The
general purpose is to provide an overview of the use of computing and information processing in a
business setting. In particular, it or a similar course is required for accounting certification. This proposal
is to make this course available to Arts and Science students. It is felt that this course will be especially
relevant to computer science and economics students. Though, computer science students may have a
much stronger computer science background than the other students, this advantage will likely be
balanced by a need to becomefamiliar with the business concepts discussed in the course. In addition, it is
felt that having a mixed group of students (commerce, computer science, and others) will facilitate
discussions of topics from different perspectives.
CMPT 352.3 Computer Security
Prerequisite Change
NEW: CMPT 270 or CMPT 275
New Title: An Introduction to Information Security
New Short Title: Information Security
Rationale: New title better reflects the content of the course.
Students with CMPT 275 will have adequate background in information systems to study their security.
CMPT 355.3 Theory and Application of Data Bases
Prerequisite Change
OLD: CMPT 260, 270
NEW: CMPT 260 and 270, or CMPT 275
Rationale: CMPT 275 introduces the basics of database systems to allow a student to do a more in-depth
study of databases in CMPT 355.
Minor Program Revisions:
Computer Science BSCH, BSC4 and BSC3
Changes to Requirement C7 only:
1. Add ME 251.3 as an option to STAT 242.3, STAT 245.3 and EE 216.3
2. Add COMM 101.3 and CMPT 275.3 to list of Business Science course options (Honours and 4-year
programs only)
Rationale: ME 251 is very similar to EE 216, and will provide students with greater options.
COMM 101 is the first business course taken by students in the Edwards School of Business, while
COMM 102 is the corresponding course for students in another college. If an Arts and Science student
has COMM 101, it is equally good (or better) than COMM 102.
CMPT 275 is being slightly modified and opened to students in the College of Arts and Science.
CMPT 275 is not primarily a Computer Science course, and cannot be used in a Computer Science
major. The courses deals with information organization and management in organizations, especially
businesses. As such, it deals with computer systems to handle information, and how information is used
in organizations. Thus, the course is relevant to Computer Science students to see the use of computing
and information processing in a business setting. Thus, the proposal is to add CMPT 275 to the Business
Science list.
Computing BSC4
Changes to Requirement C7 only:
1. Add ME 251.3 as an option to STAT 242.3, STAT 245.3 and EE 216.3
Program change relating to the introduction of CMPT 113.3 1/2 (L3-1.5P) Computing Using
That CMPT 113.3 Computing Using Excel/VBA be placed on the following programs in lieu of CMPT
116.3: Agriculture and Bioresource, Chemical, Civil, Environmental and Geological Engineering