AGENDA ITEM NO: 10.5 UNIVERSITY COUNCIL ACADEMIC PROGRAMS COMMITTEE REQUEST FOR DECISION PRESENTED BY: Francois Messier, Vice-Chair, Academic Programs Committee DATE OF MEETING: May 15, 2008 SUBJECT: Approval of Master of Sustainable Environmental Management, Master of Environment and Sustainability, and the Environment and Sustainability specialization in the PhD program DECISION REQUESTED: It is recommended that Council approve the Master of Sustainable Environmental Management, the Master of Environment and Sustainability, and the Environment and Sustainability specialization in the PhD program PURPOSE: The graduate programs in Environment and Sustainability are academic programs at the University of Saskatchewan. SUMMARY: Master of Sustainable Environmental Management (M.SEM.): an interdisciplinary, course based, professional-style program that can be completed within one year of full-time study. Students enrolled in this program will be required to complete 24 credit units of course work, a 6 credit unit project, and participate in the Seminar in Environment and Sustainability. This program is intended to provide prospective or current environmental practitioners a post-graduate learning opportunity in sustainable environmental management. Master of Environment and Sustainability (M.E.S.): an interdisciplinary, thesis-based program that can be completed within two years of full-time study. Students enrolled in this program will be required to complete 12 credit units of course work, a thesis based on original research, and participate in the Seminar in Environment and Sustainability. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.): an interdisciplinary, research-based program that can be completed within three years of full-time study. Students enrolled in this program will be required to complete a qualifying examination, 6 credit units of course work, a comprehensive examination, a dissertation based on original research, and to participate in the Seminar in Environment and Sustainability. New courses: ENVS 801/3 Ecosystem Science and Sustainability ENVS 802.3 Human Dimensions of Environmental Change ENVS 803.3 Research in Environment and Sustainability ENVS 804.3 Strategic Environmental Planning and Project Management ENVS 805.3 Data Analysis and Management ENVS 821.3 Sustainable Water Resources ENVS 831.3 Current Issues in Land Reclamation and Remediation ATTACHED: Proposal documents; Report from College of Graduate Studies & Research; Questions and responses from APC.