AGENDA ITEM NO: 8.3 UNIVERSITY COUNCIL ACADEMIC PROGRAMS COMMITTEE FOR INFORMATION ONLY PRESENTED BY: Gordon Hill, Chair, Academic Programs Committee DATE OF MEETING: January 22, 2009 SUBJECT: Items for Information: Academic Schedule for 2009-2010 Edwards School of Business: change of name of major Letter regarding review of draft proposals for MSc degrees in Occupational Therapy and Speech-Language Pathology Update on other committee activities COUNCIL ACTION: For information only 1. Academic Schedule for 2009-2010 At its January 13, 2009 meeting, the Academic Programs Committee approved the Academic Schedule for 2009-1010. This schedule starts classes before Labour Day. The reasons for this change in the university’s usual practice are as follows: - The nomenclature document states that each term allows for approximately 39 hours of instruction per class; in order to follow this rule, Student and Enrolment Services Division had to start classes before Labour Day. - Equally important is having a sufficient number of examination days at the end of the first term. As the number of 3 credit unit courses grows, more exam slots are needed in December. Other university offices such as Residence were consulted about this start date. When the tentative schedule was distributed to the colleges, the only concern raised was from the Centre for Continuing and Distance Education, which noted that prospective students might have been intending to work until Labour Day. Fall Convocation is scheduled for Saturday, October 31, 2009. Following TCU’s cancellation of the previously scheduled October 24 Convocation Date, SESD determined that the only dates available for the Convocation ceremonies were either Oct. 31 or Nov. 21. Colleges were polled about these dates and no college expressed a preference for the November date while several preferred October 31. The final version of the Schedule and the summary of teaching days per term is attached. 2. Edwards School of Business: change of name of major At its January 13, 2009 meeting, the Academic Programs Committee approved the change of name for the Human Resource Management major to “Human Resources major”, as described in the attached materials. 3. Letter regarding review of draft proposals for MSc degrees in Occupational Therapy and Speech-Language Pathology The Academic Programs Committee was asked to was asked to undertake a preliminary review of proposals for new programs in Speech Language Pathology and Occupational Therapy by the Associate Dean of Medicine, Liz Harrison, and the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies Trever Crowe. The letter written to the Provost about these programs is attached. 4. Update on other committee activities Following discussion at the October meeting of Council and memos received from departments, the Academic Programs Committee established a Subcommittee on Examination Regulations undertake the review and revision of these regulations. The Teaching and Learning Committee of Council was also asked to participate in this Subcommittee. The Subcommittee is working to develop a Policy on Academic Courses which will include procedures and best practices for delivery of academic courses, assessment of student performance, and the conduct of examinations. It is expected that administrative procedures for the conduct of examinations by the Student and Enrolment Services Division will dealt with next month for approval, so that these can be implemented for the April examination period, while the university community will be asked to participate in a broader consultation on other procedures and practices. The Committee is also continuing its review of Articulation and Transfer issues and may offer a workshop in this area this term. The Committee is reviewing its course and program proposal forms and is considering adding a section for discussion of Learning Objectives for new courses and programs. The Committee has now received the following program proposals for review this spring: College of Arts & Science: Changing BSc requirements to encourage multi-disciplinary study, including termination of Advanced and Honours Certificates in Science New program options for science majors: Specializations within a major College of Graduate Studies & Research Proposals for Masters in Public Policy and PhD in Public Policy Edwards School of Business Termination of Biotechnology Management major Respectfully submitted, Gordon Hill, Chair, Academic Programs Committee 2009-2010 Academic Schedule * Denotes fixed dates. When the dates occur on a Saturday or Sunday, the deadline automatically becomes 4:30 p.m. the previous Friday. ** Denotes fixed dates. When the dates occur on a Saturday or Sunday, the deadline automatically becomes 4:30 p.m. the previous Friday for those colleges who manually withdraw their students. April Thursday, April 2, 2009 Last day of classes for Law Friday, April 3, 2009 Last day of classes for fourth-year Dentistry Monday, April 6, 2009 First day of final examinations for Law and fourth-year Dentistry Tuesday, April 7, 2009 Last day of clinical rotations for fourth-year Nursing April completion option and NEPS Second Degree Entry Option (2007 cohort) Wednesday, April 8, 2009 Last day of classes except Dentistry, Law, Medicine, fourth-year Nursing, fourth-year Nutrition, fourth-year Pharmacy and all years Veterinary Medicine Thursday, April 9, 2009 General Academic Assembly meeting Thursday, April 9, 2009 Evening class final examinations begin Friday, April 10, 2009 Good Friday – University closed Saturday, April 11, 2009 Winter Term and Fall & Winter two-term class final examinations begin Thursday, April 15, 2009 Thursday, April 16, 2009 Last day for Master's and Ph.D. students to submit approved thesis to ETD site and for Departments to submit all supporting documentation, indicating completion of the graduate degree, in order to graduate at Spring Convocation. University Council meeting Friday, April 17, 2009 Last day of classes for final-year Medicine and first-, second- and third-year Veterinary Medicine Saturday, April 18, 2009 University Senate meeting Monday, April 20, 2009 First day of final examinations for first-, second-, and third-year Veterinary Medicine Friday, April 24, 2009 Last day of examinations for fourth-year Dentistry Sunday, April 26, 2009 Last day of clinical rotations for fourth-year Veterinary Medicine Thursday, April 30, 2009 Last day of final examinations for all colleges except for Dentistry, first- and second-year Medicine, fourth-year Nutrition, fourth-year Pharmacy. May Friday, May 1, 2009 Last day of classes for fourth-year Nutrition and fourth-year Pharmacy Friday, May 1, 2009 Last day of classes for first- and third-year Dentistry and first-year Medicine Monday, May 4, 2009 First day of final examinations for first- and third-year Dentistry and first-year Medicine Monday, May 4, 2009 First day of classes for fourth-year Nursing September and December completion options Wednesday, May 6, 2009 Faculty meetings Thursday, May 7, 2009 Faculty meetings Friday May 8, 2009 Faculty meetings Saturday, May 9, 2009 Graduation exercises – Certificate Programs Wednesday, May 13, 2009 Spring Term (Quarter 1, Term 1, & Term 1-Term 2) begins Friday, May 15, 2009 Last day of final examinations for first-year Medicine Friday, May 15, 2009 Last day of classes for second-year Dentistry and second-year Medicine Monday, May 18, 2009 Victoria Day – University closed Tuesday, May 19, 2009 First day of final examinations for second-year Dentistry and second-year Medicine Thursday, May 21, 2009 University Council meeting Friday, May 22, 2009 Last day of final examinations for first- and third-year Dentistry Friday, May 22, 2009 Closing date for submitting requests to most colleges for Winter Term and Fall & Winter twoterm supplemental examinations Tuesday, May 26, 2009 Convocation Wednesday, May 27, 2009 Convocation Thursday, May 28, 2009 Convocation Friday, May 29, 2009 Last day of final examinations for second-year Medicine June Wednesday, June 3, 2009 Spring Term (Quarter 1) ends Thursday, June 4, 2009 Spring Term (Quarter 1) final examinations begin. Mid-term break begins for Spring Term 1 and multi-term classes - no classes. Friday, June 5, 2009 Spring Term (Quarter 1) final examinations end. Mid-term break ends for Spring Term 1 and multi-term classes. Friday, June 5, 2009 Last day of final examinations for second-year Dentistry Monday, June 8, 2009 Spring Term (Quarter 2) begins Thursday, June 11, 2009 Winter Term and Fall & Winter two-term deferred and supplemental examinations begin Thursday, June 18, 2009 University Council meeting Friday, June 26, 2009 Last day of classes for Nursing September and December completion options Friday, June 26, 2009 Spring Term (Term 1 & Quarter 2) ends Saturday, June 27, 2009 Spring Term (Term 1 & Quarter 2) final examinations begin. Mid-term break for multi-term classes begins. Tuesday, June 30, 2009 Spring Term (Term 1 & Quarter 2) final examinations end. Mid-term break for multi-term classes ends. July Wednesday, July 1, 2009 Canada Day – University closed Thursday, July 2, 2009 Summer Term (Quarter 3 & Term 2) begins Monday, July 6, 2009 Clinical rotations begin for Nursing September completion options Wednesday, July 22, 2009 Summer Term (Quarter 3) ends Thursday, July 23, 2009 Summer Term (Quarter 3) final examinations begin. Mid-term break begins for Summer Term 2 and multi-term classes - no classes. Friday, July 24, 2009 Summer Term (Quarter 3) final examinations end. Mid-term break ends for Summer Term 2 and multi-term classes. Monday, July 27, 2009 Summer Term (Quarter 4) begins August Monday, August 3, 2009 Saskatchewan Day – University closed Monday, August 17, 2009 Summer Term (Quarter 4, Term 2 & Two-term) ends Monday, August 17, 2009 Classes begin for all years Master of Physical Therapy Tuesday, August 18, 2009 Summer Term (Quarter 4, Term 2 & Two-term) final examinations begin Wednesday, August 19, 2009 Summer Term (Quarter 4, Term 2 & Two-term) final examinations end Thursday, August 20, 2009 Orientation for first-year Medicine Friday, August 21, 2009 Orientation for first-year Dentistry Monday, August 24, 2009 Classes begin for all years Dentistry and all years Veterinary Medicine Monday, August 24, 2009 Classes begin for fourth-year Nutrition and first-,second-, and third-year Medicine Monday, August 31, 2009* Closing date for submission of applications for Fall Convocation September Tuesday, September 1, 2009 Classes begin for Law and third-year Nursing Tuesday, September 1, 2009 Orientation Wednesday, September 2, 2009 Orientation Thursday, September 3, 2009 Other classes begin Thursday, September 3, 2009 Clinical rotations begin for fourth-year Nursing December completion option Monday, September 7, 2009 Labour Day - University closed Saturday, September 12, 2009 Spring & Summer Terms deferred and supplemental examinations Wednesday, September 16, Last day for making changes in registration for Fall Term classes and for Fall & Winter two-term 2009 classes Thursday, September 17, 2009 University Council meeting Tuesday, September 22, 2009 Last day for Master’s and Ph.D. students to submit approved thesis to ETD site and for Departments to submit all supporting documentation, indicating completion of the graduate degree, in order to graduate at Fall Convocation Tuesday, September 29, 2009 Last day of clinical rotations for Nursing September completion option October Monday, October 12, 2009 Thanksgiving Day – University closed Thursday, October 15, 2009 University Council meeting Saturday, October 17, 2009 University Senate meeting Saturday, October 31, 2009 Fall Convocation November Wednesday, November 11, Remembrance Day – University closed 2009 Sunday, November 15, 2009** Last day for withdrawing from Fall Term classes without academic penalty Thursday, November 19, 2009 University Council meeting December Tuesday, December 1, 2009 Last day of classes for second- and third-year Law Tuesday, December 1, 2009 Last day of clinical rotations for fourth-year Nursing December completion option Thursday, December 3, 2009 Last day of classes for first-year Law Friday, December 4, 2009 Last day of classes except for Law, Medicine, fourth-year Nutrition and all years Veterinary Medicine Friday, December 4, 2009 First day of Fall Term final examinations for second- and third-year Law Friday, December 4, 2009 Last day of Fall Term classes for first-, second-, and third-year Dentistry and first-, second- and third-year Medicine Monday, December 7, 2009 Other Fall Term final examinations begin, including night class examinations Monday, December 7, 2009 First day of Fall Term final examinations for first-year Law, first-, second- and third-year Dentistry and first-, second- and third-year Medicine Friday, December 11, 2009 Last day of classes for second- and third-year Veterinary Medicine Friday, December 11, 2009 Last day of classes for fourth-year Dentistry Sunday, December 13, 2009 Last day of clinical rotations for fourth-year Veterinary Medicine Monday, December 14, 2009 First day of Fall Term final examinations for second- and third-year Veterinary Medicine Monday, December 14, 2009 First day of Fall Term final examinations for fourth-year Dentistry Thursday, December 17, 2009 University Council meeting Friday, December 18, 2009 Last day of Fall Term final examinations for second- and third-year Veterinary Medicine Friday, December 18, 2009 Last day of Fall Term final examinations for all years Dentistry and first-, second- and third-year Medicine Friday, December 18, 2009 Last day of classes for fourth-year Nutrition and first-year Veterinary Medicine Tuesday, December 22, 2009 Last day of Fall Term final examinations for all colleges except Dentistry, Law and Medicine Friday, December 25, 2009 Christmas Day - University closed Saturday, December 26, 2009 Boxing Day Monday, December 28, 2009 University closed (in lieu of Boxing Day) Tuesday, December 29, 2009 University closed Wednesday, December 30, University closed 2009 Thursday, December 31, 2009 University closed January Friday, January 1, 2010 New Year’s Day – University closed Monday, January 4, 2010 Classes resume including Physical Therapy Monday, January 4, 2010 Clinical rotations begin for fourth-year Nursing April completion option Monday, January 4, 2010 Classes resume for all years Dentistry, Medicine and Veterinary Medicine Friday, January 15, 2010 Last day for making changes in registration for Winter Term classes Wednesday, January 20, 2010 Closing date for applications for Fall Term supplemental examinations for most colleges Thursday, January 21, 2010 University Council meeting February Monday, February 15, 2010** Last day for withdrawing without academic penalty from Fall & Winter two-term classes Monday, February 15, 2010 Family Day – University closed Monday, February 15, 2010 Mid-term break with no classes begins for all colleges except Veterinary Medicine, fourth-year Nutrition and fourth-year Pharmacy, and fourth-year Medicine Tuesday, February 16, 2010 Fall Term deferred and supplemental examinations begin Saturday, February 20, 2010 Mid-term break ends for all colleges except Veterinary Medicine, fourth-year Nutrition and fourthyear Pharmacy Monday, February 22, 2010 Mid-term break begins for first- second- and third-year Veterinary Medicine - no classes Thursday, February 25, 2010 University Council meeting Sunday, February 28, 2010 Mid-term break ends for first- second- and third-year Veterinary Medicine March Monday, March 1, 2010 Mid-term break begins for fourth-year Veterinary Medicine - no clinical rotations Sunday, March 7, 2010 Mid-term break ends for fourth-year Veterinary Medicine Monday, March 15, 2010** Last day for withdrawing from Winter Term classes without academic penalty Thursday, March 18, 2010 University Council meeting Wednesday, March 31, 2010* Closing date for submission of applications for Spring Convocation April Thursday, April 1, 2010 Last day of classes for Law Thursday, April 1, 2010 Last day of classes for fourth-year Dentistry Friday, April 2, 2010 Good Friday – University closed Monday, April 5, 2010 First day of final examinations for Law and fourth-year Dentistry Tuesday, April 6, 2010 Last day of clinical rotations for fourth-year Nursing April completion option and NEPS Second Degree Entry Option (2008 cohort) Thursday, April 8, 2010 Last day of classes except Dentistry, Law, Medicine, fourth-year Nursing, fourth-year Nutrition, fourth-year Pharmacy and all years Veterinary Medicine Thursday, April 8, 2010 General Academic Assembly meeting Saturday, April 10, 2010 Winter Term and Fall & Winter two-term class final examinations begin Monday, April 12, 2010 Night class final examinations begin Thursday, April 15, 2010 Last day for Master's and Ph.D. students to submit approved thesis to ETD site and for Departments to submit all supporting documentation, indicating completion of the graduate degree, in order to graduate at Spring Convocation. Thursday, April 15, 2010 University Council meeting Friday, April 16, 2010 Last day of classes for final-year Medicine and second-year Veterinary Medicine Saturday, April 17, 2010 University Senate meeting Monday, April 19, 2010 First day of final examinations for first-, second-, and third-year Veterinary Medicine Wednesday, April 21, 2010 Last day of classes for first- and third-year Veterinary Medicine Friday, April 23, 2010 Last day of examinations for fourth-year Dentistry Saturday, April 24, 2010 First day of final examinations for first- and third- year Veterinary Medicine Friday, April 30, 2010 Last day of clinical rotations for fourth-year Veterinary Medicine Friday, April 30, 2010 Last day of final examinations for all colleges except for Dentistry, first- and second-year Medicine, fourth-year Nutrition, fourth-year Pharmacy Friday, April 30, 2010 Last day of classes for fourth-year Nutrition and fourth-year Pharmacy Friday, April 30, 2010 Last day of classes for first- and third-year Dentistry and first-year Medicine May Monday, May 3, 2010 First day of final examinations for first- and third-year Dentistry and first-year Medicine Monday, May 3, 2010 First day of classes for fourth-year Nursing September and December completion options Saturday, May 8, 2010 Certificate Programs Graduation Ceremony Monday, May 10, 2010 Faculty meetings Tuesday, May 11, 2010 Faculty meetings Wednesday, May 12, 2010 Faculty meetings Wednesday, May 12, 2010 Spring Term (Quarter 1, Term 1 & Two-term) begins Friday, May 14, 2010 Last day of final examinations for first-year Medicine Friday, May 14, 2010 Last day of classes for second-year Dentistry and second-year Medicine Monday, May 17, 2010 First day of final examinations for second-year Dentistry and second-year Medicine Thursday, May 20, 2010 University Council meeting Friday, May 21, 2010 Last day of final examinations for first- and third-year Dentistry Friday, May 21, 2010 Closing date for submitting requests to most colleges for Winter Term and Fall & Winter twoterm supplemental examinations Monday, May 24, 2010 Victoria Day – University closed Friday, May 28, 2010 Last day of final examinations for second-year Medicine and Dentistry June Tuesday, June 1, 2010 Convocation Wednesday, June 2, 2010 Convocation and Spring Term (Quarter 1) ends Thursday, June 3, 2010 Convocation Thursday, June 3, 2010 Spring Term (Quarter 1) final examinations begin. Mid-term break begins for Spring Term 1 and multi-term classes - no classes. Friday, June 4, 2010 Spring Term (Quarter 1) final examinations end. Mid-term break ends for Spring Term 1 and multi-term classes. Monday, June 7, 2010 Spring Term (Quarter 2) begins Thursday, June 10, 2010 Winter Term and Fall & Winter two-term deferred and supplemental examinations begin Thursday, June 17, 2010 University Council meeting Friday, June 25, 2010 Last day of classes for Nursing September and December completion options Friday, June 25, 2010 Spring Term (Term 1 & Quarter 2) ends Monday, June 28, 2010 Spring Term (Term 1 & Quarter 2) final examinations begin. Mid-term break begins for multi-term classes. Wednesday, June 30, 2010 Spring Term (Term 1 & Quarter 2) final examinations end. Mid-term break ends for multiterm classes. July Thursday, July 1, 2010 Canada Day – University closed Friday, July 2, 2010 Summer Term (Term 2 & Quarter 3) begins Monday, July 5, 2010 Clinical rotations begin for Nursing September completion options Thursday, July 22, 2010 Summer Term (Quarter 3) ends Friday, July 23, 2010 Summer Term (Quarter 3) final examinations begin. Mid-term break begins for Summer Term 2 and multi-term classes - no classes. Monday, July 26, 2010 Summer Term (Quarter 3) final examinations end. Mid-term break ends for Summer Term 2 and multi-term classes. Tuesday, July 27, 2010 Summer Term (Quarter 4) begins August Monday, August 2, 2010 Saskatchewan Day – University closed Tuesday, August 17, 2010 Spring & Summer Term (Quarter 4, Term 2 & Two-term) ends Wednesday, August 18, 2010 Spring & Summer Term (Quarter 4, Term 2 & Two-term) final examinations begin Friday, August 20, 2010 Spring & Summer Term (Quarter 4, Term 2 & Two-term) final examinations end Tuesday, August 31, 2010* Closing date for submission of applications for Fall Convocation SUMMARY OF TEACHING DAYS 2009 Sept. 3 (Th) – Dec. 4 (F) M T W Th F Total Exam Days 11* 13 12** 14 14 64 14 (Dec. 7-22) )127 2010 Jan. 4 (M) – Apr. 8 (TH) 13+ * Thanksgiving – M. Oct. 12 ** Remembrance Day – W. Nov. 11 + Midterm break – Feb. 15-19 # Good Friday – Apr. 2 13+ 13+ 13+ 11+# 63 2007 Sept. 5 (W) – Dec. 3 (M) 12 13 13 13 62 11** 18 (Apr. 10-30) 15 (Dec. 5-21) )124 2008 Jan. 3 (Th) – Apr. 7 (M) 13+ * Thanksgiving-M. Oct. 8 * Remembrance Day – Sun. Nov. 11 + Midterm break – Feb. 18-23 # Good Friday, Mar. 21 12+ 12+ 13+ 12+# 62 2006 Sept. 6 (W) – Dec. 4 (M) 12 13 13 12** 62 12* 18 (Apr. 10-30) 14 (Dec. 7-22) }125 2007 Jan. 3 (W) – Apr. 9 (M ) 13+ * Thanksgiving – M. Oct. 9 ** Remembrance Day-Sat. Nov. 11 + Midterm break-Feb. 12-17 # Good Friday, April 6 12+ 13+ 13+ 12+# 63 2005 Sept. 7 (W) – Dec. 5 (M) 12 13 13 12** 62 12* 15 (Apr. 12-30) 13 (Dec. 8-22) }125 2006 Jan. 4 (W) – Apr. 7 (F) * Thanksgiving-M. Oct. 10 ** Remembrance Day-F. Nov. 11 + Midterm break-Feb. 13-18 # Good Friday-April 14 12+ 12+ 13+ 13+ 13+ 63 2004 Sept. 8 – Dec. 6 12* 12 13 12** 13 62 17 (Apr. 10-29) 13 (Dec. 9-23) }124 2005 Jan. 5 – Apr. 8 12+ * Thanksgiving-M. Oct 11 ** Remembrance Day-Th. Nov. 11 + Midterm break-Feb. 14-19 # Good Friday-March 25 12+ 13+ 13+ 12+# 62 2003 Sept. 4 – Dec. 3 12** 13 13 13 63 12* 17 (Apr. 12-30) 13 (Dec. 6-20) }125 2004 Jan. 5 - Apr. 6 * Thanksgiving-M. Oct. 13 ** Remembrance Day-T. Nov. 11 + Midterm break-Feb. 16 – 21 # Good Friday-April 9 13+ 13+ 12+ 12+ 12+ 62 2002 Sept. 5 – Dec. 4 11* 13 13 13 13 63 16 (Apr. 10-28) 14 (Dec. 7-21) }125 2003 Jan. 6 - Apr. 8 * Thanksgiving-M. Oct. 14 * Remembrance Day-M. Nov. 11 + Midterm break-Feb. 17 – 23 # Good Friday-April 18 13+ 13+ 12+ 12+ 12+ 62 17 (Apr. 11-30) M T W Th F Total Exam Days 11* 13 13 13 13 63 12 (Dec. 7-20) 2002 Jan. 3 - Apr. 9 13+ 13+ * Thanksgiving-M. Oct. 8 * Remembrance Day-M. Nov. 12 for S.Nov. 11 + Midterm break-Feb. 18 – 24 # Good Friday-Mar. 29 12+ 13+ 12+# 63 2000 Sept. 6 - Dec. 6 14 13 12** 64 2001 Sept. 6 – Dec. 5 }126 12* 13 16 (Apr. 12-30) 11 (Dec 8-20) }127 2001 Jan. 3 - Apr. 6 12+ 12+ * Thanksgiving-M. Oct. 9 ** Remembrance Day-F. Nov. 10 for S.Nov. 11 + Midterm break-Feb. 19 - 24 # Good Friday – Apr. 13 13+ 13+ 13+ 63 1999 Sept. 8 - Dec. 6 13 12** 13 62 12* 12 17 (Apr. 10-28) 12 (Dec. 9-22) }125 2000 Jan. 5 - April 7 * Thanksgiving-M. Oct. 11 ** Remembrance Day-Th Nov. 11 + Midterm break-Feb. 21 - 26 # Good Friday – Apr. 21 12+ 12+ 13+ 13+ 13+ 63 1998 Sept. 9- Dec. 7 12* 12 12** 13 13 62 1999 Jan. 4 - April 8 * Thanksgiving-M. Oct. 12 ** Remembrance Day-W. Nov. 11 + Midterm break-Feb. 22 - 27 # Good Friday-April 2 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+ 11+# 63 1997 Sept. 3 - Dec. 2 12* 12** 13 13 13 63 1998 Jan. 5 - April 8 * Thanksgiving-M. Oct. 13 ** Remembrance Day-T. Nov. 11 + Midterm break-Feb. 16 - 21 # Good Friday-April 10 13+ 13+ 13+ 12+ 12+ 63 1996 Sept. 4 - Dec. 4 11* 13 14 13 13 64 1997 Jan. 6 - April 9 * Thanksgiving-M. Oct. 14 * Remembrance Day-M. Nov. 11 + Midterm break-Feb. 17 - 22 # Good Friday- Mar. 28 13+ 13+ 13+ 12+ 11+# 62 1995 Sept. 6 - Dec. 5 12* 13 13 13 12** 63 13+ 13+ 12+# 64 17 (Apr. 11-29) }125 1996 Jan. 3 - April 9 13+ 13+ * Thanksgiving-M. Oct. 9 ** Remembrance Day-F. Nov. 10 for S.Nov. 11 + Midterm break-Feb. 19 - 24 # Good Friday-April 5 }126 }126 }127 M T W Th F Total 1994 Sept. 7 - Dec. 6 12* 13 13 13 12** 63 1995 Jan. 3 - April 6 * Thanksgiving-M. Oct. 10 ** Remembrance Day-F. Nov. 11 + Midterm break-Feb. 20 - 25 # Good Friday-April 14 12+ 13+ 13+ 13+ 12+ 63 1993 Sept. 8 - Dec. 7 12* 13 13 12** 13 63 1994 Jan. 3 - April 7 13+ * Thanksgiving-M. Oct. 11 ** Remembrance Day-Th. Nov. 11 + Midterm break-Feb. 21 - 26 # Good Friday-April 1 13+ 13+ 13+ 11+# 63 1992 Sept. 9 - Dec. 8 12* 13 12# 13 13 63 1993 Jan. 4 - April 17 * Thanksgiving-M. Oct. 12 # Remembrance Day-W. Nov. 11 + Midterm break-Feb. 22-27 13+ 13+ 13+ 12+ 12+ 63 1991 Sept. 5 - Dec. 4 11*# 13 13 13 13 63 1992 Jan. 6 - April 9 * Thanksgiving-M. Oct. 14 # Remembrance Day-M. Nov. 11 + Midterm break-Feb. 17-22 13+ 13+ 13+ 13+ 12+ 64 1990 Sept. 6 - Dec. 5 11*# 13 13 13 13 63 1991 Jan. 3 - April 9 13+ 13+ * Thanksgiving-M. Oct. 8 # Remembrance Day-Nov. 12 for Nov. 11 Su. + Midterm break-Feb. 18-23 ** Good Friday-March 29 12+ 13+ 12+** 63 1989 Sept. 7 - Dec. 6 13 13 12** 63 13+ 13+ 12+ 62 12* 13 1990 Jan. 3 - April 5 12+ 12+ * Thanksgiving-M. Oct. 9 ** Remembrance Day-Nov. 10 for Nov. 11 S + Midterm break-Feb. 19-24 }126 }126 }126 }127 }126 }125 Undergraduate & Certificate Programs Office 185 ESB – PotashCorp Centre (306) 966‐4785 MEMORANDUM TO: Academic Programs Committee FROM: Alison Renny, Assistant Dean, Edwards School of Business DATE: October 31st, 2008 RE: Request for Change of Department and Major Name I am requesting the following change of Department Name and Major name to come into effect January 1, 2009 September, 2009: • The Department of Industrial Relations and Organizational Behaviour be changed to the Department of Human Resources and Organizational Behaviour * • The Human Resource Management Major be changed to the Human Resources Major I have attached the Formal Request for change of Name to this memorandum and ask that you contact me if you have any questions. A. E. Renny Assistant Dean, Edwards School of Business 966-4792 * FOLLOW-UP NOTE TO ACADEMIC PROGRAMS COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Change of department names are approved by University Council on the recommendation of the Planning & Priorities Committee. The change of name for this department was approved at the Nov. 20, 2008 meeting of University Council. Change of names for academic programs are approved by the Academic Programs Committee and are reported to Council for information. Request for Change of Name Submitted by: Dr. Grant Isaac, Dean, Alison E Renny, Assistant Dean Edwards School of Business Date: October 31, 2008 College: Edwards School of Business Proposed effective date of the change: January 1, 2009 Sept. 2009 1. Proposed change of name From: To: Industrial Relations and Organizational Behaviour Human Resources and Organizational Behaviour College Department Centre name Program name Degree name Name of Field of Specialization (major, minor, concentration, etc) Course label (alphabetic) Building Street Other No changes required as degree does not include major Human Resource Management (Major) No changes required Human Resources (Major) 2. Documentation Rationale There are several reasons why the Department of Industrial Relations and Organizational Behaviour has requested these changes. In respect to the department name, the term “Industrial Relations” no longer reflects what we teach in our department. In both academic and common usage, the term “Industrial Relations” focuses primarily on relationships between unions and management in organizations. What we teach is better described as “Human Resources,” which considers the full spectrum of activities involved in establishing and maintaining the employment relationship in organizations. These include areas such as selection and recruitment, training and development, and compensation and pay management. Where a union exists, labour relations also fall within the purview of “human resources.” Second, the academic field in which we operate has evolved. Some fifty years ago, the employment relationship was seen as simply one aspect of the broader field of “Industrial Relations” and no such academic field as “Human Resources” existed. However, in the ensuing period, as the behavioural disciplines (such as the field of organizational behaviour) underpinning management and business studies have undergone rather dramatic development, the field of human resources has evolved beyond its origins as an administrative function within organizations (historically known as “personnel”) to become an academic discipline in its own right. For example, in the two leading academic associations for scholars of management (the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada and the Academy of Management), the relevant academic divisions are now known simply as “Human Resources”. Third, we wish to provide a more transparent link between the major that our department offers (currently known as “Human Resource Management” and our department name. Currently, it is not obvious to either students or those outside the Edwards School of Business (ESB) that the “Department of Industrial Relations and Organizational Behaviour” is the home of the “Human Resource Management” major. Indeed, many people mistakenly guess that the “Human Resource Management” major falls within purview of the ESB Department of Management and Marketing. In regard to changing the name of our major from “Human Resource Management” to “Human Resources,” reasons include better alignment with the academic discipline (as discussed above) and better linkage with the profession of human resources. For example, when they achieve it, the professional designation for our graduates is known as the “Certified Human Resources Professional” (CHRP). Taken in conjunction with the change in the name of our department, this modification to the name of our major also makes the link between our major and the department more transparent, and avoids confusion with the ESB Department of Management and Marketing. Impact of the change As discussed above, we believe that the impact of the change will be positive for our department and the Edwards School of Business, in terms of better portraying the areas in which we teach and conduct research, and for our most important constituency, our students. This change will also facilitate attraction of appropriate faculty to our department. There will be a minimal impact on costs and on other groups and systems within the University. For example, all undergraduate courses in the Edwards School of Business are currently designated with the prefix “COMM” and we will therefore not need to rename or renumber any courses as a consequence of these changes. As far as system designators are concerned, the change will require change to just one letter—from “IROB” to “HROB”. Our major will now be known by the designator “HR” instead of “HRM.” Currently, letterhead and envelopes in the ESB do not bear printed department names, so no costs will be incurred in this respect. Costs in terms of changes to signage will be minimal. As with other departments within the ESB, such as or Department of Accounting, there may be concern that the name of our academic department may mimic too closely the name of an administrative department. To avoid confusion with the Human Resources Division, we are retaining the name of our second academic discipline—“Organizational Behaviour”—in our proposed new department name. Costs Edwards School of Business will absorb the costs associated with changing SiRIUS and any other impacted University computer systems. Consultation The department conducted informal discussions with both current and former students, as well as other community members. There was strong support for the idea of replacing “Industrial Relations” with “Human Resources” in order to provide a more current and clearer picture of what we teach in our department. Approval of the Department: September 26th, 2008. Approval of ESB faculty: October 3rd, 2008 Approval requested from Academic Programs Committee of Council: October 31st, 2008 MEMORANDUM TO: Kelly McInnes, SESD Eileen Zagiel, Student Information Systems FROM: Alison Renny, Assistant Dean Edwards School of Business DATE: November 6, 2008 RE: Consultation re: Department Name Change: From: Department of Industrial Relations and Organizational Behaviour (INDR in SiRIUS) To: Department of Human Resources and Organizational Behaviour (HROB in SiRIUS) Major Name Change: From: Human Resources Management Major (HRM in SiRIUS) To: Human Resources Major (HR in SiRIUS) With reference to our discussion on November 6th regarding the above changes, we have agreed to the following: 1) The effective term of the change in SiRIUS will be September 2009 2) Current students in the Human Resources Management Major (HRM) will be moved to the Human Resources Major (HR) 3) Grade entry and grade approval for SB INDR will move to SB HROB 4) No change will be made to academic history 5) No change will be made to degree records 6) Courses attached to the department INDR will be changed to HROB 7) Major (HRM) attached to the student record will be changed to (HR) 8) No change is required to COMM classes In our discussions, we agreed that the system change will be effective September 2009. I thank you both for meeting with me in a timely fashion and providing assistance with the SiRIUS changes required. Regards, A. E. Renny MEMORANDUM Office of the University Secretary TO: Provost and Vice-President Academic Brett Fairbairn FROM: Gordon Hill, Chair, Academic Programs Committee of Council DATE: January 14, 2009 RE: Preliminary evaluation by the Academic Programs Committee of the proposed programs in Speech Language Pathology and Occupational Therapy The Academic Programs Committee of Council was asked to provide a preliminary review of proposals for new programs in Speech Language Pathology and Occupational Therapy by the Associate Dean of Medicine, Liz Harrison, and the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies Trever Crowe. It is unusual for the Committee to review a program proposal at this stage, before its budget, resources and curriculum are in place and before the complete proposal has been approved by the College offering the program. However, this review was requested by proponents to demonstrate support by the University for these programs to proceed in their development and to obtain provincial financial support. The draft proposals for MSc. Programs in Speech Language Pathology and Occupational Therapy were received by APC in October, 2008 and a preliminary discussion about the proposals was held at the Committee’s Nov. 2 meeting. At that time, APC established two Subcommittees which were requested to evaluate the sections of the proposal documents related to rationale, overall program characteristics and relationships and impact of implementation on existing programs. It was agreed that only when a final proposal is received will the Academic Programs Committee be in a position to review details of the curriculum, resources and budget, although preliminary data have been provided by the proponents of the program. The Committee discussed the Subcommittee reports and responses from Associate Dean Harrison at its meeting on Dec. 2. At that meeting, Associate Dean Harrison and Associate Dean Crowe attended to provide information and discussion. The following summarizes the Subcommittee reports and Committee discussion. Both proposals have been combined in this memorandum, since there is a high degree of similarity in all aspects of the proposals. Program Justifications: The rationale and objectives of the programs are clearly stated. They will be accredited professional-training degree programs. There are demonstrated needs for these programs based on the shortage of trained Occupational Therapists and Speech Language Pathologists in the Province and the difficulties expressed in recruiting such specialists. This sentiment was mentioned frequently in almost all letters of support by School Boards and Health Regions. It was noted during discussion that President MacKinnon had been asked during his recent President’s Tour of Saskatchewan communities about the progress the University was making towards introducing these programs. The programs are appropriate for a University at a Master’s level. The national curriculum standard for accreditation requires that these programs lead to a Master’s degree. To what extent these programs will be unique in content or approach (relative to similar programs in Canada) remain to be defined, as the curricula have yet to be developed. It must be noted that these are accredited, Professional programs that have to include specified content. However, the proponents of the programs suggest there are unique opportunities at the University of Saskatchewan to develop programs with special focus on aboriginal health, primary health care and rural health. Overall, the programs are justified and relevant to the mission and objectives of the University. They are congruent with the priorities expressed in the 2008-12 Integrated Plan for the College of Medicine and the School of Physical Therapy and will contribute to the three overarching themes in the University’s Second Integrated Plan. Nature of the Programs: The proposals recommend these programs be two-year, full-time course-based programs of study with 1,000 hours of fieldwork. The programs will be designed to meet national accreditation standards. As new programs, they will be required to meet specified academic standards throughout implementation (at admission, at mid-point and compliance with accreditation prior to graduation of the first cohort of students).These programs are to be offered at a Master’s level, inclusive of a research project in the final 9 months to provide opportunities for independent and critical thinking. The proposals provide very good descriptions of the curriculum philosophy and program objectives. However, these are not a research-intensive Master’s program to the degree that is normally considered an M.Sc. The goals of educational equity are to be achieved through the admission process, with a number of places reserved for students of aboriginal ancestry and for out-of-province students (to ensure some diversity of the student body). The program will offer opportunities for application and integration of knowledge with linkages to established programs in Rehabilitation Medicine and Physical Therapy and between the Occupational Therapy and Speech Pathology programs. All these programs will be housed within a new School of Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Saskatchewan. The 1000 hours of field work will provide opportunities for “hands-on” learning experience and communication with other health care providers. The details of the curriculum have yet to be developed, pending the hiring of SLP and OT specialists as the program development moves forward. The full curricula would then be submitted for review and approval by the Academic Programs Committee and by Council. Relationships: Since these are new programs, there will not be issues of transition from one program to another. There has been extensive consultation already with a large number of letters of support received for each program. In particular, the Association of Canadian Occupational Therapy Programs, the Canadian Association of Physical Therapists, the Saskatchewan Society of Occupational Therapists, and the Dept. of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation [and others] strongly endorse the proposed programs. There is unanimous support from the Health regions, which presumably will be providing the clinic site placements. The programs will be two of the three “foundation” programs in what will become the School of Rehabilitation Sciences. This initiative is one goal of the integrated plan (2008-2012) of the sponsoring unit, the College of Medicine. The program is within the domain-of-expertise and administrative purview of the sponsoring unit. There is already extensive administrative experience for a similar size program, the M. PT. (Master in Physical Therapy). It is anticipated that several faculty in the new programs will be cross-appointed to other departments, and vice versa. It was noted, during discussion at the Academic Programs Committee, that the College of Arts & Science anticipates the introduction of a Speech Language Pathology program will strengthen its linguistics undergraduate program. This may allow the introduction of graduate work in linguistics at the University of Saskatchewan. This suggests an exciting opportunity for unique interdisciplinary programming at the University of Saskatchewan. Resources: The Committee was not asked to review or comment on the resources/budget at this point in time. However, some information was provided and a preliminary review was undertaken. The Committee observes that development of the curriculum will require that an assistant-dean be hired in 2009-10, followed by administrative and clerical staff in 2009-10, half the faculty in 2011-12 and the remaining faculty 2012-13. The assistant-dean and newly hired faculty will be charged with development of the curriculum. Currently, there is an apparent shortage of office and other space in Health Sciences to accommodate these expansions. New program space will be available in the new Academic Health Sciences complex, currently in its construction phase, with on-going discussion with the planning committee for the new building. It was also noted that tuition revenue will fall short of on-going operational costs of these two new programs by significant amounts. At this point in time, no identifiable revenue streams have been identified to cover these budgetary shortfalls. Overall: The Academic Programs Committee agrees that these new professional programs are appropriate for the University of Saskatchewan. They will lead to additional recruitment of students at this University and they will meet both current and projected future provincial needs. Gordon Hill, Chair cc. Liz Harrison, Associate Dean, Interdisciplinary Programs, College of Medicine Bill Albritton, Dean, College of Medicine Trever Crowe, Associate Dean, College of Graduate Studies & Research