AGENDA ITEM NO: 10.2 UNIVERSITY COUNCIL ACADEMIC PROGRAMS COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL FOR INFORMATION ONLY PRESENTED BY: Gordon Hill, Chair, Academic Programs Committee DATE OF MEETING: Oct. 23, 2008 SUBJECT: Item for Information: College of Agriculture & Bioresources: Termination of the Cooperative Education program option COUNCIL ACTION: For information only At its Oct. 7, 2008 meeting, the Academic Programs Committee discussed with Associate Dean Dan Pennock the proposal to terminate the Cooperative Education program option. The Report Form for Program Termination (attached) was reviewed and the Committee was informed that the College has now implemented six different field courses which allow students to gain work experience and receive credit. Under the authority delegated from Council to approve options in programs, new program names, minor program changes and other curricular changes, the Academic Programs Committee reports that it has approved the termination of Cooperative Education program option in the College of Agriculture & Bioresources. ATTACHMENT: Report Form for Program Termination Report Form for Program Termination Program(s) to be deleted: Coop Education Program Option 1. List reasons for program termination and describe the background leading to this decision. The Coop Education Program in the College of Agriculture and Bioresources was established in November 1995. A full‐time Coordinator, whose purpose was to develop and market the Co‐op Education Program, reported to an Advisory Board. The program struggled with enrolment from the very beginning. Summer employment in the agribusiness industry is readily available. Students were reluctant to commit to the full extent of the program and were unwilling to pay tuition for an employment experience that was available without enrolling in the program and for which they didn’t receive academic credit. Many corporate employers offer their own training programs to their summer students. Low enrolment and inadequate resources subsequently lead to a review of the program. In 2001 the coordinator position became vacant and the College suspended the program pending the outcome of a review. Since that time resources have been directed to other areas. When the program was suspended, the intention was to look at other opportunities, such as internships, for providing work experience that would better meet the needs of students. As programs have evolved, however, the College has focused its attention towards the development of a range of experiential education activities within its programs. A number of field experience courses have been developed to provide hands‐on experience and the opportunity for students to apply the knowledge gained in the classroom in practice. Partnerships with industry have been pursued. The College has taken a stronger role in partnering with the Student Employment and Career Centre to enhance the annual Career Fair in the College; guest lecturers from industry are an integral part of many courses offered in the college. A special topics course was recently approved which students can enroll in for credit in conjunction with their summer employment. The course involves journaling, reflection, a final report and feedback from the Faculty supervisor and Employer. The foregoing initiatives have been successful and therefore the College is proposing the Coop Education Program be officially terminated. The courses in the program (AGRC 170, 270, 370 and 470) were recently declared moribund. The formal deletion of the program will allow it to be removed from the calendar and from the university system as a program. 2. Technical information. 2.1 Courses offered in the program and faculty resources required for these courses. AGRC 170.0 AGRC 270.0 AGRC 370.0 AGRC 470.0 2.2 Other resources (staff, technology, physical resources, etc) used for this program. A full‐time coordinator was employed to administer the program. The coordinator position was deleted from the staff complement several years ago. 2.3 Courses to be deleted, if any. The courses have been declared moribund for 2008‐09 2.4 Number of students presently enrolled. 0 2.5 Number of students enrolled and graduated over the last five years. 0 3. Impact of the termination. Internal 3.1 What if any impact will this termination will have on students? How will they be advised to complete their program? There are no students enrolled in the program. 3.2 What impact will this termination have on faculty and teaching assignments? n/a 3.3 Will this termination affect other programs, departments or colleges? No 3.4 If courses are also to be deleted, will these deletions affect any other programs? No 3.5 Is it likely, or appropriate, that another department or college will develop a program to replace this one? No 3.6 Is it likely, or appropriate, that another department or college will develop courses to replace the ones deleted? No 3.7 Describe any impact on research projects. n/a 3.8 Will this deletion affect resource areas such as library resources, physical facilities, and information technology? No External 3.9 Describe any external impact (e.g. university reputation, accreditation, other institutions, high schools, community organizations, professional bodies). None 3.10 Is it likely or appropriate that another educational institution will offer this program if it is deleted at the University of Saskatchewan? n/a Other 3.11 Are there any other relevant impacts or considerations? 3.12 Please provide any statements or opinions received about this termination.