Campus Security Authorities 2014

Campus Security Authorities 2014
CSA-The Roane State Police Department, specifically the Chief of Police/Director of Public Safety, is
responsible for maintaining the most current list of Roane State Community College Campus Security
Authorities (CSA). The Clery Act requires that the College to identify other individuals or offices, in
addition to the Roane State Police Department, with significant responsibility for student and campus
Alleged crimes reported to Campus Security Authorities are then reported by them to the designated
individual or office required to collect such reports. The office designated at Roane State Community
College is the Roane State Police Department. CSAs can file the required notice by documenting it on
the College Crime Reporting Form. If you need assistance in classifying the crime, after completing the
form, please contact Security Officer Dale Kendrick.
Note: Crimes in progress should be reported immediately to the Police by dialing 911 from any campus
According to the Clery Act the following categories constitute CSAs:
•RSPD Police - all members of the Roane State Police Department, including all sworn law
enforcement officers, are Campus Security Authorities.
•Individuals with Campus Security Responsibilities - Any individuals who have responsibility for
campus security but who do not constitute a campus police department or a campus security
department, such as an individual who is responsible for monitoring entrance into institutional
•Individuals Designated by the Campus - Any individual or organization specified in an
Institution's statement of campus security policy as one to which students and employees
should report criminal offenses.
•Officials with Significant Responsibility for Student and Campus Activities - An official of an
institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not
limited to student conduct proceedings. If such an official is a pastoral or professional counselor
as defined below, the official is not considered a campus security authority when acting in those
capacities. Examples of this category are: Deans of Students, Student Housing Officials, Students
Conduct Officials, Officials who oversee a student center, and Officials who oversee student
extracurricular activities, Director of Athletics, Team Coaches and Faculty Advisors to student
If a student, faculty, or staff member tells a Campus Security Authority about a criminal incident that
was not reported to the Roane State Police they are required to report the information under federal
law. CSAs completing the form should not include the name of the reporting party or other individuals in
the report if the person making the report request confidentiality. CSAs should not investigate the crime
or attempt to determine if a crime did occur. Roane State Police personnel may later contact the
reporting CSA or others to gather additional information.
Updates to the Clery Act effective for 2013
Three crime classifications have been added for reporting purposes if made known to a Campus
Security Authority:
•Domestic Violence - Defined as violence committed or an attempt to commit an offense that
has an element of the use of force or threatened use of a deadly weapon and is committed
against a current or former spouse, parent, guardian of the accused; a person with whom the
accused has a child in common; person who was cohabitating with the accused as a spouse,
parent or guardian; or a person who was or had been similarly situated to a spouse, parent or
guardian of the accused. (Indiana Code 35-41-1-6.3)
•Stalking - Defined as knowing or an intentional course of conduct involving repeated or
continuing harassment of another person that would cause a reasonable person to feel
terrorized, frightened, intimidated, or threatened and that actually causes the victim to suffer
terrorized, frightened, intimidated, or threatened. (Indiana Code 35-45-10-1)
•Dating Violence - Defined as violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social
relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim and where the existence of such a
relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the following factors: length of the
relationship, Type of relationship, frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the
Two additional categories have been added to the classification of hate crime reportable:
•National Origin - National origin discrimination solely on the basis of a person's nationality,
country of birth, ancestry, ethnicity or foreign accent.
•Gender Identity - Gender Identity discrimination solely on the gender a person identifies with,
whether one perceives oneself to be a man, a woman, or describes oneself to oneself in some
less conventional way), but also can be used to refer to the gender that other people attribute
to the individual on the basis of what they know from gender role indications (clothing, hair
style, etc.).
If you have any questions about the provisional changes, please contact Chief of Police Thomas J.
Stufano at 865.882.4512