Lunch Hour Lectures MARCH

Tuesday 2 Feb
Tuesday 1 Mar
The state, science and
Humphry Davy
‘This should be fun!’:
consent, sex and wronging
Professor Frank James
(UCL Science and Technology Studies)
Professor Veronique Munoz-Darde
(UCL Philosophy)
Thursday 4 Feb
Thursday 3 Mar
International law and
the protection of cultural
property in war
Tuesday 19 Jan
The Health Gap:
the challenge of an
unequal world
Professor Roger O’Keefe (UCL Laws)
Tuesday 9 Feb
Why do we give?
Charity-giving through
an evolutionary lens
Professor Sir Michael Marmot
(UCL Institute of Health Equity)
Dr Nichola Raihani (UCL Department of
Genetics, Evolution and Environment)
Thursday 21 Jan
Thursday 11 Feb
How we should deal with
creationism in schools?
Reverand Professor Michael Reiss
(UCL Institute of Education)
Tuesday 26 Jan
The handmaiden’s emissions:
international shipping
in changing climates
The illusion of infinity:
is there a limit to optical
fibre bandwidth?
Professor Polina Bayvel
(UCL Engineering)
From gases to gloops:
instabilities in fluids
Thursday 28 Jan
Childhood maltreatment
through the lens of
neuroscience and epigenetics
Tuesdays and Thursdays,
Darwin Lecture Theatre
Free and open to all
with no need to book.
Places are on a first-come,
first-served basis.
Contact UCL Events,
+44 (0)20 3108 3840,
Dr Maria Loh (UCL History of Art)
Tuesday 8 Mar
Reproduction without sex: what
does technology have to offer?
Professor Joyce Harper
(UCL Institute for Women’s Health)
Thursday 10 Mar
Ovarian cancer screening:
the long journey
Professor Usha Menon
(UCL Institute for Women’s Health)
Tuesday 15 Mar
Dr Matt Powner (UCL Chemistry)
Tuesday 23 Feb
Dr Helen Wilson (UCL Mathematics)
Professor Henrietta L. Moore
(UCL Institute for Global Prosperity)
Still lives: death, desire and the
portrait of the Old Master
On the origins of life:
a chemist’s perspective
Dr Tristan Smith (UCL Bartlett School
of Environment, Energy and Resources)
Why glaciers don’t like
the smell of frying bacon
Thursday 25 Feb
Thursday 17 Mar
Bones, mummies, tuberculosis
and ancient DNA
Dr Helen Donoghue
(UCL Infection and Immunity)
Professor Eamon McCroy
(UCL Psychology and Language Sciences)