VELO Framework for Core Concepts VELOs 1. Resident Centred Care IPE Outcomes 2.1 Identify members of the IP team. 2.3 Define and discuss the core concepts of IP collaboration. 2.6 Discuss the client’s rights related to perspectives and values of the team. 3.1 Discuss IP communication that supports the care process. 3.3 Demonstrate IP communication that supports the care process. 5.2 The student will reflect on the overall functioning of the IP team. Resident Centred Care Concepts 1. Principles of residentcentred care. 2. Each individual is unique with individual needs. 3. Use a holistic approach when planning and providing resident care. 4. Use teamwork to achieve resident-centred care. 5. The resident is a partner in their care. Clinical Skills/Other Applications 1. New resident interview 2. Communication between team members VELO Framework for Core Concepts VELOs 2. Planning Care IPE Outcomes 1.1 Describe the role of the _____ within the IP team. 3.3 Demonstrate IP communication that supports the care process. 4.1 Discuss own accountability within the team for quality of care, client safety, contribution to change and team effectiveness. 4.2 Identify situations in which crucial conversations are important to team work and client safety. 4.4 Co-operate with other members of the IP team to ensure ethical and legal requirements of differing professions are met. 5.2 The student will reflect on overall functioning of the IP team. 6.2 Discuss the benefits of using constructive communication with other team members. 6.3 Demonstrate supportive peer mentoring. 7.1 Respond professionally and respectfully to situations that may impact person-centred care and IP collaboration. Resident Centred Care Concepts 1. Care is a partnership (residents and/or families). Clinical Skills/Other Applications 1. Geriatric depression assessment. 2. Each individual is unique with individual needs. 2. Demonstrates effective communication techniques. 3. Everyone needs to be understood and respected. 3. Reinforces the importance of documentation. 4. Use teamwork to achieve resident-centred care. 4. Discussion of depression in the elderly. 5. Effective communication is important to provide resident-centred care. 5. Demonstration of a resident care conference. VELO Framework for Core Concepts VELOs 3. Personal Care IPE Outcomes 2.6 Discuss the client’s rights related to the perspectives and values of the team. 3.3 Demonstrate IP communication that supports the care process. 6.3 Demonstrate supportive peer mentoring. Resident Centred Care Concepts 1. Everyone needs a supportive and safe environment. Clinical Skills/Other Applications Discusses the importance of communication (verbal and written) to providing residentcentred care. 2. Everyone needs to be understood and respected. 3. Care is a partnership with resident and/or family. 4. All behavior has meaning. 5. Each individual is unique with individual needs. 2.1 Identify members of the IP team. 4. Oral Care 3.3 Demonstrate IP communication that supports the care process 4.2 Identify situations in which crucial conversations are important to team work and client safety. 4.3 Demonstrate an ability to engage in crucial conversations important to team work and client safety. 1. Oral care procedure. 1. Care is a partnership (residents and/or families). 2. Assessment of the mouth. 2. Each individual is unique with individual needs. 3. Documentation of oral assessment. 3. Everyone needs to be understood and respected. 4. Reporting information regarding client assessment. 5. Demonstrates the importance of communication to providing residentcentred care. VELO Framework for Core Concepts VELOs 5. Restraint Use IPE Outcomes 2.1 Identify members of the IP team. 3.1 Discuss IP communication that supports the care process. 3.3 Demonstrate IP communication that supports the care process. 4.1 Discuss own accountability within the team for quality of care, client safety, contribution to change and team effectiveness. Resident Centred Care Concepts Clinical Skills/Other Applications 1. Restraints are a measure of last resort. 1. Laws and regulations around restraint use. 2. Everyone needs to be treated with dignity and respect 2. Monitoring and documentation of restraint use. 3. Provide activity that is meaningful. 3. Importance of communication that is meaningful and purposeful. 4. Use teamwork to achieve resident-centred care. 4. Client interview. 5. Use a holistic approach when providing care. 6. Each individual is unique with individual needs. 7. Everyone needs a safe and supportive environment.