E l i Committee Evaluation i Report p to the Faculty Senate September 13, 13 2011 Points of agreement between the Ad Hoc and dE Evaluation l ti C Committees itt • Both committees seek: – The use of some alternative to the current reporting of “department, school, or university averages, quintiles, and categorical statements such as average average, above average average, etc. etc ” – The use of department‐ or program‐specific questions on our student evaluations of teaching effectiveness. ff ti This Thi practice ti iis already l d possible ibl and d in use by some programs, but more widespread adoption could improve SPOT usefulness across campus; – The use of multiple measures of teaching effectiveness, of which SPOTs should be just one of many considerations id ti for f reappointment, i t t tenure, t and promotion decisions; More points of agreement • Both committees affirm: – The rights of faculty members to comment upon and contextualize their SPOT results in their RTP materials; – The need for greater uniformity in peer evaluation across the university; – The potential value in inviting representatives of respected private student evaluation vendors to campus to show us what they offer. Comparison of Q16 results across departments, from Spot 2006 This dataset shows 29 departments, 6 of which have zero responses: ACG, BUS, GCA, HON, ISO and MBA. XX What do we observe? 1. Most of BIO’s are 6 & 7 ratings. 2. AAT has only 4 and above. 3. Over 50% of IDS’ are 7. 4. MAT has one of the most flat distributions. 5. Dept X has very few 6 & 7. 6. HST, GRA, and FST have no 1s. By Yishi Wang, Department of Mathematics and Statistics Plotting Q16 by department X By Yishi Wang, Department of Mathematics and Statistics An individual instructor’s summary results, questions 1‐15 By Jim Blum, Department of Mathematics and Statistics Sample department‐wide summary using 2006 SPOT results By Jim Blum, Department of Mathematics and Statistics A view of multiple sections of the same course By Jim Blum, Department of Mathematics and Statistics A depiction of UNCW’s current SPOT process By Kevin Violette, ITSD Recommendation 1: Eliminate the global question (Q16 from UNCW SPOTS) SPOTS). • The Evaluation Committee has conducted quantitative analyses of large volumes of SPOT data in 1995 and 2007 (and a UNCW statistician has done so again in 2011). All found that the vast majority of the fifteen SPOT items are highly correlated with Q16. • Without With t a global l b l measure, faculty f lt and d decision d ii makers must consider fifteen items simultaneously. • Professional organizations that specialize in course evaluations endorse the use of overall measures of effectiveness. Recommendation 2: For RTP, Q1 to Q15 are not reported with any department, department school school, or university averages, averages quintiles, quintiles and categorical statements such as above average, average, etc. • Some benchmark is necessary for understanding how to interpret SPOT results. • Committee members would like to see only disciplinary benchmarks provided, thus agreeing somewhat h with i h the h recommendation d i in i spirit. ii • UNCW statisticians have found that SPOT results can differ sharply between disciplines, making school and university benchmarks potentially h harmful f l to t some faculty f lt members. b Recommendation 3: Q1 to Q15 be reported for RTP only as a comparison i over time ti for f that th t particular ti l iinstructor. t t • Comparisons p over time are p potentiallyy useful,, and we may be able to create new ways of displaying SPOT results that will enable such comparisons more easily, but limiting results to this form would create an unmanageable task for decision makers. p over time could create incentives for • Comparisons attempts to manipulate performance, and may show trends difficult for faculty members to explain. • Without the benchmarks discarded in recommendation #2, comparisons over time would be especially difficult to manage. Recommendation 4: That some questions on the SETEs be t il d to tailored t specific ifi departmental d t t l missions i i and d expectations. t ti • Faculty members and departments already have the option of adding items to the SPOT form. form • The MBA program, for one example, currently takes advantage of this possibility possibility. Recommendation 5: Quantified SETEs (UNCW) cannot be weighted more than 25% to 33% as an assessment for teaching effectiveness for purposes of RTP. • Evaluation Committee members agree g that student evaluations of teaching effectiveness should indeed be one of multiple measures of many aspects of teaching. • This Thi recommendation d ti presumes a fformula, l h however, the remaining components of which are unclear. • We resist assigning numerical weights to any single component of the RTP documents, so that the RTP committee may exercise its own judgment as to the relative importance of each component regarding each individual candidate. Recommendation 6: That the qualitative/written comments from student evaluations be more systematically administered and reported in order for them to be used more effectively in RTP decision. • Without a statistician or ethnographer to handle the tremendous amount of information this would deliver to RTP for each candidate, this recommendation would create an avalanche of additional material for no sure benefit. • Even with trained help help, the interpretation of qualitative data is subjective. Recommendation 7: That the individual faculty member has a right to formally comment, explain, or respond to student evaluations (either quantitative or qualitative/written comments) for purposes of RTP RTP, and that these comments comments, explanations, or responses be formally included as part of the SETE reporting process. • The Evaluation Committee agrees g with the spirit p of this recommendation but does not see the need for any new policy to this effect. • The UNCW Faculty Handbook Handbook, Section IV IV.A. A lists the materials that tenure and promotion candidates may include in their files. Item 3 includes this sentence, among others, “In addition, the candidate may provide: additional SPOT reports received prior to the previous two two‐ and‐one‐half years, and/or his or her own qualitative interpretation of SPOT results.” Recommendation 8: That the process of peer evaluation of teaching be more uniform between departments and schools within UNCW in order for them to be used more effectively in RTP decisions. • The Evaluation Committee agrees with this recommendation and hopes to examine this issue (which has been approached in the past) as soon as the SPOT issue is resolved. • We hope to approach this issue alongside the RTP committee so that our recommendations will be in concert with that committee’s practical needs. Recommendation 9: That peer evaluations be weighted at least equal to student evaluation of teaching (quantified question and student written comment section) for purposes of RTP. • Th The Evaluation E l ti C Committee itt agrees with ith th the spirit i it off thi this recommendation, but rejects its reliance upon the concept p of weighting g g measures of teaching. g • We endorse, instead, multiple measures of teaching, with peer evaluation viewed as at least as significant as student t d t evaluations, l ti alongside l id other th iindicators di t off teaching effectiveness. • The UNCW Faculty Handbook states, “it it is strongly suggested that peer and student evaluations be given similar emphasis in personnel recommendations.” Recommendation 10: That UNCW investigate the IDEA Center’s evaluation system for student evaluation. However, no global question should be used, and any qualified SETE process should never be weighted more than 25 to 35% as an indicator of faculty teaching effectiveness. • The Evaluation Committee accepts the first sentence of this recommendation and rejects the second sentence. • We propose that we invite the IDEA Center and IOTA Solutions to campus for informational forums. • If we trust the IDEA Center’s extensive research, then we trust their conclusion that global questions are valid. valid • We again reject the weighting of specific measures of teaching. We have two measures weighted in these recommendations, d i accounting i for f 50 to 66% off the h teaching portion of RTP’s assessment, but we have no indication of what the other 34 to 50% of the assessment might i h entail. il The Evaluation Committee’s recommendations Recommendation 1: For RTP purposes, SPOT results should be reported p with onlyy disciplinary p y benchmarks. Recommendation 2: In the 2011‐12 academic year, the Faculty Senate Evaluation Committee should be charged h d with ith bringing b i i greater t uniformity if it to t the th process of peer evaluation of teaching throughout the university. Recommendation 3: In the fall semester of 2011, IDEA Center and IOTA Solutions representatives should be invited to campus to meet with members of the Faculty Senate so that we may consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of moving to an off‐site evaluation provider. Definitions of Information Highway, Remote, and Web‐ E h Enhanced d Courses C (f (from UNCW R Registrar’s i t ’ website) b it ) • • Instructional Method Codes (bl k) ‐ In‐person. (blank) I F Face‐to‐face t f instruction i t ti (real ( l time ti and d reall people l with ith instructor in the same room as the students). • WEBE ‐ Web‐based with some in‐person class meetings • OLASY ‐ Fully Online – asynchronous. Internet or Web‐based asynchronous (instructional materials made available on the Internet and available 24 hours a day every day—not time‐dependent slots). OLSYN ‐ Fully Online – synchronous. synchronous Internet or web web‐based based SYNCHRONOUS (instruction made available on the web or internet in time‐dependent slots). REMOT ‐ Non‐web based at remote site. Television, videocassette, CD, DVD, etc. (non‐Web‐based instructional materials distributed to the student at a remote site). site) INHWY ‐ Interactive real‐time video (e.g., NCREN / NC Information Superhighway). Some members of the class at a remote studio with monitors used to convey two way audio and video signals • • •