Available at http://pvamu.edu/aam Appl. Appl. Math. ISSN: 1932-9466 Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM) Vol. 8, Issue 2 (December 2013), pp. 701 – 716 Several New Families of Jarratt’s Method for Solving Systems of Nonlinear Equations V. Kanwar* University Institute of Engineering and Technology Panjab University Chandigarh-160 014, India vmithil@yahoo.co.in Sanjeev Kumar and Ramandeep Behl School of Mathematics & Computer Applications Thapar University Patiala-147 004 Punjab, India sanjeev.smca@thapar.edu, ramanbehl87@yahoo.in Received: July 3, 2013; Accepted: November 6, 2013 *Corresponding Author Abstract In this study, we suggest and analyze a new and wide general class of Jarratt’s method for solving systems of nonlinear equations. These methods have fourth-order convergence and do not require the evaluation of any second or higher-order Fréchet derivatives. In terms of computational cost, all these methods require evaluations of one function and two first-order Fréchet derivatives. The performance of proposed methods is compared with their closest competitors in a series of numerical experiments. It is worth mentioning that all the methods considered here are found to be effective and comparable to the robust methods available in the literature. Keywords: Numerical analysis; systems of nonlinear equations; iterative methods; order of convergence; Jarratt’s method AMS-MSC 2010 No: 41A25, 65H05 701 702 V. Kanwar et al. 1. Introduction This paper addresses the problem of finding real roots of nonlinear system of the form F (x ) = 0, (1) where F ( x ) = ( f1 ( x ), f 2 ( x ), , f n ( x )) T , x = ( x1 , x 2 , , x n ) T and F : R n R n is a sufficiently differentiable vector function. Many problems about finding a root of (1) have emerged in many sciences and engineering applications. The zeros of a nonlinear system can not in general be expressed in closed form, thus iterative methods for approximating solutions of systems of nonlinear equations are the most frequently used techniques. Therefore, finding a root of (1) has become one of the most important and challenging problems in computational mathematics. Many robust and efficient methods for solving (1) are already engaged. One of the most basic procedures for approximating solutions of the nonlinear system F (x ) = 0 , is the quadratically convergent Newton’s method Traub (1964) and is given by x(n1) = x(n) {F ( x(n) )}1 F ( x( n) ), n = 0,1, , (2) where {F ( x)}1 is the inverse of first Fréchet derivative F (x ) of the function F (x ) . In order to improve the local order of convergence of Newton’s method, a number of methods have been proposed in the literature. For a system of k equations in k unknowns, the first-order Fréchet derivative is a matrix with k 2 evaluations while the second-order Fréchet derivative has k 2 (k 1) evaluations. This implies that a huge amount of computational work is required to 2 evaluate every iteration Amat et al. (2003). Third order iterative methods like Halley’s method Amat et al. (2003), Gutierrez and Hernandez (1997) and Chebyshev’s method Amat et al. (2003), Gutierrez and Hernandez (1997) are close relatives of Newton’s method. These methods require the evaluation of the second-order Fréchet derivative per iteration. Therefore, despite their cubic convergence, they are considered less practical from the computational point of view. Multipoint iterative methods for solving nonlinear systems play a significant role in the field of iterative processes since they circumvent the drawbacks of one-point iterations, such as Newton’s method. Such constructions occasionally possess a better order of convergence and efficiency index for solving the systems of nonlinear equations. In recent years, some new higher order iterative methods have been developed and analyzed to solve the nonlinear systems without using the second-order Fréchet derivative cf. Homeier (2004), Grau-S a nchez et al. (2011), Sharma et al. (2013), Cordero et al. (2009), Darvishi and Barati (2007) and Nedzhibov (2008). AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 8, Issue 2 (December 2013) 703 In this paper, our main objective is to develop a wide general class of fourth-order Jarratt’s method Jarratt (1966) for solving nonlinear systems without using the second or any higher-order Fréchet derivatives. For this purpose, we extend the scheme of Behl et al. (2013) to the kdimensional case in a simple way. We also perform different numerical tests that confirm the theoretical results and allow us to compare the methods with some other recently published methods. 2. Description of New General Class of Jarratt’s Method More recently, Behl et al. (2011) have proposed a new optimal family of Jarratt’s method for solving scalar nonlinear equations. This is given by yn = xn 1 = 2 f ( xn ) , 3 f ( xn ) [( 2 221 2 27 22 ) f ( xn ) 3(12 101 2 5 22 ) f ( yn )] f ( xn ) , xn 1 2[1 f ( xn ) 3 2 f ( yn )][3(1 2 ) f ( yn ) (1 5 2 ) f ( xn )] xn (3) where 1 , 2 R such that neither 1 = 2 nor 1 = 3 2 (otherwise these families of methods have a third -order of convergence). In this section, we intend to develop an iterative scheme of higher order for solving systems of nonlinear equations without using second-order Fr e chet derivative. For this purpose, we introduce the following modification over the family Error! Reference source not found. for multidimensional case: y (n) = (n) ( x ) = x ( n ) h( x ( n ) ), 1 x ( n ) { ( x ( n ) )}1 ( x ( n ) )h( x ( n ) ), 2 (2) where ( x( n) ) = [(12 221 2 27 22 ) I 3(12 101 2 5 22 ) B( x( n) )], (3) ( x( n) ) = [1I 3 2 B( x ( n) )][3(1 2 ) B( x ( n) ) (1 5 2 ) I ], B( x ( n) ) = H ( x ( n) ) F ( y ( n) ), y ( n) = y( x) = x ( n) h( x ( n) ), (4) h( x( n) ) = H ( x( n) ) F ( x( n) ) and H ( x( n) ) = {F ( x( n) )}1 , and where I denotes the k k identity matrix and 1 , 2 R where 1 , 2 R such that neither 1 = 2 nor 1 = 3 2 . 704 V. Kanwar et al. 3. Convergence Analysis In order to explore the convergence properties of scheme (2), we recall the following results of Taylor’s series expression on vector functions [see Örtega and Rheinboldt (1970)] and lemma proved by Nedzhibov [(see Nedzhibov (2008)]. Lemma 3.1. Let F : V R n R n be a C p function defined on V = {x ( n) :|| x a ||< r} ; then for any || v || r , the following expression holds: F(a v) = F(a) F(a)v 1 1 1 F(a)vv F(a)vvv F ( p1) (a)(v,v) R p , 2! 3! ( p 1)! (5) where || v || p || F ( p ) ( x ( n ) ) F ( p ) (a ) || . || R p || sup p! xV (6) Lemma 3.2. Let F : V R n R n is a C 4 function, and has a locally convergent unique root V . Further, suppose that the Jacobian F ( x (n ) ) is invertible in a neighborhood of , then the following expressions hold: h( ) = I , h( ) = H ( ) F ( ), h( ) = 2H ( ) F ( ) H ( ) F ( ), B( ) = I , B( ) = H ( ) F ( ), B( ) = H ( ) F ( ) 2(1 ) H ( ) F ( ) (1 )2 H ( ) F ( ) ( H ( ) F ( ))2 . (9) Theorem 3.1. Let F : V R n R n is a C 4 function in an open convex set V R n . Assume that there exits an V such that F ( ) = 0 and F ( ) 1 exits. Then there exits an > 0 such that for every initial guess x (0) U ( , ) , the sequence of iterates generated by x ( n1) = ( x ( n) ) is well defined, 2 converges to , and has fourth-order convergence when = . 3 Proof: From equation (2), we get AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 8, Issue 2 (December 2013) 1 2 ( x ( n) ) = x ( n ) { ( x ( n ) )}1 ( x ( n ) )h( x ( n ) ). 705 (7) We introduce the following notations ( x( n) ) = , (8) x(n) = . (9) Now, equation (7) can be rewritten as 1 2 = { ( x ( n ) )}1[2 ( x ( n ) )e ( x ( n ) )h( x ( n ) )]. (10) Using Lemma 3.1, we can represent h( x (n) ) by using the following Taylor’s series expansion 1 1 h( x ( n ) ) = h( ) h( )e h( )ee h( )eee O (|| e ||4 ). 2 6 (11) Since is a root of system (1.1), therefore, F ( ) = 0 h( ) = H ( ) F ( ) = 0 and h( ) = I by Lemma 3.2. Therefore, equation (11) further gives 1 1 h( x ( n ) ) = e h( )ee h( )eee O(|| e ||4 ). 2 6 (12) Similarly, we express 1 B( x ( n ) ) = B( ) B( )e B( )ee O(|| e ||3 ). 2 (13) Using Lemma 3.2 and equation (13) in (3), we obtain ( x ( n ) ) = 4(12 21 2 3 22 ) I 3 h( )(12 101 2 5 22 )e 3 B( )(12 101 2 5 22 )ee O (|| e ||3 ). 2 (14) Using (12) and (14), we have 2 2 2 (x(n) )h(x(n) ) =4(12 2 1 2 32 )e h ()[1 (2 3) 32 (2 5) 2 1 2 (2 15)]ee 1 2 2 2 [4h()(12 2 1 2 32 ) 9B ()(1 10 1 2 52 ) 6 2 4 9h()2 (12 10 1 2 52 )]eee O(|| e || ). (18) 706 V. Kanwar et al. Using (13) in (4), we obtain ( x ( n) ) = 2(12 21 2 3 22 ) I 3h( )(12 61 2 22 )e 3 [ B( )(12 61 2 22 ) 6h( )2 2 2 (1 2 )]ee O(|| e ||3 ). 2 (19) Substituting Error! Reference source not found. and Error! Reference source not found. in (10), we have 1 2 = { ( x ( n ) )}1{h( )(12 21 2 3 22 )(2 3 )ee 1 [9B( )(12 21 2 3 22 ) 4h( )(12 21 2 3 22 ) 6 9h( )2 (12 22 (5 12 ) 21 2 (5 6 ))]eee O(|| e ||4 )}. 2 , equation (15) becomes 3 1 = { ( x ( n ) )}1 (12 21 2 3 22 ){9 B( ) 6h( ) 2 4h( )}eee O (|| e ||4 ). 12 (15) For = (16) According to Lemma 3.2 and substituting the expressions of h( ), h( ) and B( ) in (16), we have 1 ( 12 2 1 2 3 22 ){H ( ) F ( ) 2 H ( ) F ( ) 12 H ( ) F ( )}eee O(|| e || 4 ). = { ( x ( n ) )}1 (22) Let us differentiate twice the equation H ( x ( n) ) F ( x ( n ) ) = I ; we thereby obtain H ( x( n) ) F ( x( n) ) 2H ( x( n) ) F ( x( n) ) H ( x( n) ) F ( x( n) ) = 0. (17) Using equation (17) in Error! Reference source not found., finally we get = O(|| e ||4 ). (18) This completes the proof of the theorem. 3.1. Special Cases Finally, by using different specific values of 1 and 2 , which are defined in Theorem 3.3, we get the various methods from formula (2) as follows: AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 8, Issue 2 (December 2013) 707 (i) For 1 = 0 , family (2) reads as 2 (n) x ( n ) {F ( x ( n ) )}1 F ( x ( n ) ), y = 3 ( n 1) 1 (n) = x 2( 2 F ( x ( n ) ) 3 2 F ( y ( n ) ))((1 5 2 ) F ( x ( n ) ) 3( 2 1) F ( y ( n ) )) (25) x (27 22 22 2 1) F ( x ( n ) ) 3(5 22 10 2 1) F ( y ( n ) )F ( x ( n ) ). This is a new fourth-order family of methods for solving systems of nonlinear equations. Sub special cases of family Error! Reference source not found. (a) For 2 = 0 , family Error! Reference source not found. reads as (n) y = x ( n 1) = 2 x ( n ) {F ( x ( n ) )}1 F ( x ( n ) ), 3 1 (n) x 3F ( y ( n ) ) F ( x ( n ) ) 2 3F ( y 1 (n) ) F ( x ) {F ( x )} F ( x ). (n) (n) 1 (26) (n) This is the well-known Jarratt’s method [Nedzhibov (2008)] for solving systems of nonlinear equations. (b) For 2 = 2 , family Error! Reference source not found. reads as 2 ( n) ( n) ( n) 1 ( n) y = x 3 {F( x )} F ( x ), 1 x(n1) = x(n) F( x(n) ) 6F( y(n) ) 3F( x(n) ) F( y(n) ) 2 F( y 1 ( n) ) 21F( x ) F ( x ). ( n) (27) ( n) This is a new fourth-order method for solving systems of nonlinear equations. (ii) For 2 = 1 , family (2) reads as 2 ( n) x ( n ) {F ( x ( n ) )}1 F ( x ( n ) ), y = 3 ( n 1) 1 ( n) x = x 2 1 F ( x ( n ) ) 3F ( y ( n ) ) ( 1 5) F ( x ( n) ) 3( 1 1) F ( y ( n ) ) ( 12 22 1 27)F ( x ( n) ) 3( 12 10 1 5) F ( y ( n ) )F ( x ( n ) ). (19) This is another new fourth-order family of methods for solving systems of nonlinear equations. 708 V. Kanwar et al. Sub special cases of family (19) (a) For 1 = 0 , family (19) reads as (n) y = x ( n 1) = 2 x ( n ) {F ( x ( n ) )}1 F ( x ( n ) ), 3 1 (n) x 3F ( y ( n ) ) 5 F ( x ( n ) ) 2 1 5 F ( y ( n ) ) 9 F ( x ( n ) ) F ( y ( n ) ) 1 (20) (n) F ( x ). This is a modification over the well-known Jarratt’s method Jarratt (1966) for solving systems of nonlinear equations. (b) For 1 = 5 , family (19) reads as 2 (n) (n) (n) 1 (n) y = x {F(x )} F(x ), 3 x(n1) = x(n) 5F(x(n) ) 3F( y(n) ) 5F(x(n) ) 9F( y(n) ) 1 (30) 28F(x(n) ) 60F( y(n) ) F(x(n) ). This is a new fourth-order method for solving systems of nonlinear equations. 1 (iii) For 1 = 50 and 2 = , family (2) reads as 10 (n) y = ( n 1) = x 2 x ( n ) {F ( x ( n ) )}1 F ( x ( n ) ), 3 1 (n) x 2 500 F ( x ( n ) ) 3F ( y ( n ) ) 1503F ( y ( n ) ) 505F ( x ( n ) ) 765015F ( y ( n ) ) 238973F ( x ( n ) )F ( x ( n ) ). (21) This is again a new fourth-order method for solving systems of nonlinear equations. Note that family (2) can produce several new multipoint families of Jarratt’s method without using second-order Fréchet derivative for simple roots of nonlinear system by fixing one of the disposable parameters namely, 1 or 2 . 5. Computational Efficiency The traditional way to obtain an assessment of the efficiency index Ostrowski (1973) of iterative 1 C methods is given by E = , where is the order of convergence and C is the computational cost per iteration. For the system of k non-linear equations in k unknowns, the computational cost per iteration is given by [see Grau-Sánchez et al. (2011)] AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 8, Issue 2 (December 2013) C (u 0 , u1 , k ) = u 0 a 0 k u1 a1k 2 P ( k ), 709 (22) where a0 and a1 represent the number of evaluations of F (x ) and F (x ) respectively, P (k ) is the number of products per iteration and u0 and u1 are the ratios between products and valuations required to express the value of C (u0 , u1 , k ) in terms of product. Now, let us compare the efficiency index of the proposed methods namely Error! Reference source not found. ( MJM1 ) (1 ) and Error! Reference source not found. ( MJM 2 ) (2 ) with that of Newton’s method (3 ) (NM ) , third order method by Homeier (HM) (4 ) [Homeier (2004)] and harmonic mean Newton’s method (HMNM ) (5 ) [Grau-S a nchez et al. (2011)], fourth-order methods by Sharma et al. (WNM) (6 ) [Sharma et al. (2013)], Cordero et al. (CM) (7 ) [ Cordero et al. (2009)] and Darvishi (DM) (8 ) [Darvishi and Barati (2007)]. The HM is given by 1 x ( n ) {F ( x ( n ) )}1 F ( x ( n ) ), 2 = 4 ( x ( n ) , y1( n ) ) = x ( n ) {F ( y1( n ) )}1 F ( x ( n ) ). y1( n ) = x ( n 1) (23) The HMNM is given by x( n1) x( n ) {F ( x( n ) )}1 F ( x( n) ), 1 = 5 ( x( n ) , y2( n ) ) = x( n ) {F ( x( n ) )}1 {F ( y2( n) )}1 F ( x( n) ). 2 y2( n ) = (24) The WNM is given by 1 1 9 3 = x(n) {F( x(n) )}1 F ( y(n) ) {F( x(n) )}1 F ( y(n) ) I {F( x(n) )}1 F ( x(n) ). 2 4 4 2 x(n) {F( x(n) )}1 F ( x(n) ), 3 ( n1) ( n) x = 6 ( x , y(n) ) y( n ) = The CM is given by (35) 710 V. Kanwar et al. (n) (n) 1 (n) 1 (n) (n) 1 (n) = y2 2{F ( x )} {F ( x )} F ( y2 ){F ( x )} F ( y2 ). y2 ( n ) = x ( n ) {F ( x ( n ) )}1 F ( x ( n ) ), x( n 1) = 7 ( x ( n ) , y2( n ) ) (25) The DM is given by x ( n ) {F ( x ( n ) )}1 F ( x ( n ) ), y4 ( n ) = x ( n ) {F ( x ( n ) )}1 F ( x ( n ) ) F ( y2 ( n ) ) , x ( n 1) = 8 ( x ( n ) , y2 ( n ) , y4 ( n ) ) 1 1 2 x ( n ) y4 ( n ) 1 (n) (n) (n) (n) = x F ( x ) F F ( y4 ) F ( x ). 3 2 6 6 y2 ( n ) = (26) In the iterative method 3 , that is Newton’s method, instead of computing the inverse operator we solve a linear system, where we have k (k 1)(2k 1)/6 products and k ( k 1)/2 quotients in the LU decomposition and k (k 1) products and k quotients in the resolution of two triangular linear systems. If we suppose that a quotient is equivalent to n products, then k (k 1)(2k 5) k (k 1) k (2k 2 3(n 1)k 3n 5) P (k ) = n = . 6 2 6 (27) In general, we denote by the number of scalar products per iteration by p0 and the number of complete resolutions of a linear system (LU decomposition and resolution of two triangular systems) by p1. We call p2 the number of resolutions of two triangular systems when LU decomposition is computed in another step in the same iteration, then total number of products is (see Behl et al (2013)) P (k ) = k 2 p1k 2 (3 p1(n 1) 6 p 2)k 6 p 0 p1(3n 5) 6 p 2(n 1) . 6 (28) In Table 1, we present the values of a0, a1, p0, p1, p2, and C (u0 , u1 , k ) for each iterative method analyzed in this paper, 1 8 . Table 1. Coefficients used in (22) and (28), local order of convergence and computational Method 1 2 3 cost of iterative methods a0 a1 p0 p1 1 8 , p2 1 2 5 2 1 4 1 2 7 2 1 4 1 1 0 1 0 2 C (u0 , u1 , k ) k 2 k k 2 k 3(2 u n 2) k 3u 3 n 16 /3 3(2 u n 1) k 6u 3n 5 /6 k 2 k 2 3(2 u1 n 2) k 3u 0 3 n 10 /3 2 1 2 1 0 0 AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 8, Issue 2 (December 2013) 711 4 5 6 1 2 1 2 0 3 1 2 1 2 0 3 1 2 4 2 1 4 7 8 2 2 1 1 2 4 2 3 3 2 1 4 k 2 k k 2 k k 2 k k 2 k 3 n 2 /3 6 n 4 /3 k 2 k 2 3(2 u1 n 1) k 3u 0 3 n 2 /3 2 3(2 u1 n 1) k 3u 0 2 3(2 u1 n 2) k 3u 0 2 2 3(4 u1 n 5) k 12 u 0 15 n 11 /6 3(3 u1 n 2) k 6 u 0 6 n 1 /3 5.1. Comparison Between the Efficiencies Let us denote the efficiencies of i , i = 1 to 8, by M i (u0 , u1 , k ). Consider the ratio Gi , j = log M i (u0 , u1 , k ) log( i )C j (u0 , u1 , k ) = , log M j (u0 , u1 , k ) log( j )Ci (u0 , u1 , k ) (29) where Cs (u0 , u1, k) = 2 p1s k 2 (6u1a1s 3p1s (n 1) p2s )k 6u1a0s 6 p0s p1s (3n 5) 6 p2s (n 1),s = i, j. It is clear that if G i , j > 1, the iterative method i is more efficient than j . Taking into account that border between two computational efficiencies is given by G i , j = 1, this boundary (using (29)) can be expressed by an equation which is written as [see Grau-S a nchez et al. (2011)] u 0 = 1 ku 1 2 k 2 3 k 4 , where 1 = log ( i )a1 j log ( j )a1i log( i )a 0 j log ( j )a 0i (30) , 2 = 1 log( i ) p1 j log( j ) p1i , 3 log( i )a0 j log( j )a0i 3 = 1 log( i )(2 p 2 j p1 j (n 1)) log( j )(2 p 2i p1i (n 1)) , 2 log ( i )a 0 j log ( j )a 0i 1 log( i )(6 p2 j (n 1) p1 j (3n 5) 6 p0 j ) log( j )(6 p2i (n 1) p1i (3n 5) 6 p0i ) , 6 log( i )a0 j log( j )a0i 4 = and log ( i ) a 0 j log ( j ) a 0 i 0. 712 V. Kanwar et al. In order to compare the efficiency index of the iterative method 1 , that is M 1 , with the efficiency indices of the other methods in Fig. 1 in the (u1, u0 ) plane for k = 3,5,11 respectively, for n=1, we present the boundary G1,3 = 1 between M 1 and M3 by dotted line S1 , the boundary G1,4 = 1 between M 1 and M4 by dashed line S2 , the boundary G1,7 = 1 between M 1 and M7 by dot-dashed line S3 , the boundary G1,8 = 1 between M 1 and M8 by solid line S4 . The point is that we can’t compare the efficiency indices of the iterative methods 1 & 2 and 1 & 6 since the condition log ( i ) a 0 j log ( j ) a 0 i 0 is violated here. Line S1 divides the maximum efficiency region between 1 & 3 , being that E1 > E3 is above S1 . Similarly, line S2 divides the maximum efficiency region between 1 & 4 , being that E1 > E4 is above S2 , line S3 divides maximum efficiency region between 1 & 7 , being that E1 > E7 is above S3 , line S4 divides maximum efficiency region between 1 & 8 , being that E1 > E8 is above S4 . Figure. 1. (Boundary Lines in (u1, u0)- plane for k=3,5,11 respectively, for n=1) The above results concerning efficiency indices are summarized in the following theorem: Theorem 5.1. For all k 3 , we have (a) M1 > M 3 for u0 > k 5, (3k 8) log(3) 5 2 (b) M 1 > M 4 for u0 > k 2 2k 2ku1 , 4 3 3 log( ) 3 2 k 11 (c) M1 > M 7 for u0 > , 3 (d) M1 > M 8 for u0 > ku1 2. AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 8, Issue 2 (December 2013) 713 On similar lines, we can also compare the efficiency index of the proposed method Error! Reference source not found. ( MJM 2 ) (2 ) with that of Newton’s method (3 ) ( NM ) , the third order method by Homeier (HM) (4 ) Homeier (2004) and harmonic mean Newton’s method ( HMNM ) (5 ) Grau-S a nchez et al. (2011), the fourth-order methods by Sharma et al. (WNM) (6 ) Sharma et al. (2013), Cordero et al. (CM) (7 ) Cordero et al. (2009) and Darvishi (DM) (8 ) Darvishi and Barati (2007). 6. Numerical Experiments Now, we present some numerical examples to illustrate the comparison of the performance of the newly developed methods namely, method Error! Reference source not found. ( MJM1 ) , method Error! Reference source not found. ( MJM 2 ) and method (21) ( MJM 3 ) with that of classical , third order method by Homeier (HM) Newton’s method ( NM ) Error! Reference source not found. and the fourth-order methods by Cordero et al. (CM) Cordero et al. (2009), Darvishi (DM) Darvishi and Barati (2007), Sharma et al. (WNM) Sharma et al. (2013) and Jarratt’s method (JM) Nedzhibov (2008) respectively for solving systems of nonlinear equations given in Table 2. Computations have been performed using MATLAB version 7.5( R 2007 b) in double precision arithmetic. We use = 10 15 as a tolerance error. Following stopping criteria are taken for computer programs: (i) || x( n1) x( n) ||< , (ii) || F ( x ( n) ) ||< . We analyze the number of iterations needed to converge to the required solution. Consider the following systems of nonlinear equations Example 6.1. x12 2 x1 x2 0.5 = 0, x12 4 x22 4 = 0. Solution is (1.900676726367066, 0.311218565419294)T . Example 6.2. x1 exp( x2 ) cos( x2 ) = 0, 3 x1 x2 sin( x2 ) = 0. Solution is (0, 0)T . 714 V. Kanwar et al. Example 6.3. x12 x22 3log( x1 ) = 0, 2 x12 x1 x2 5 x1 1 = 0. Solution is (1.319205803329892, 1.603556555187415)T . Example 6.4. exp( x1 ) x1 x2 1 = 0, sin( x1 x2 ) x1 x2 1 = 0. Solution is (0,1)T . Example 6.5. x12 x22 1 = 0, x13 x22 1 = 0. Solution is (1.2365057 03393025, 0.72728698 2232063) T . Example 6.6. x12 x22 x33 x1 x2 x3 x1 x2 x32 = 9, = 1, = 0. Solution is (2.224244828847784,0.283884974072938,1.583707612825272)T . Example 6.7. cos( x2 ) sin( x1 ) = 0, 1 x1 = 0, x3 x2 2 exp( x1 ) x3 = 0. Solution is (0.9095694 94520044, 0.66122683 2274852, 1.57583414 3906999) T . AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 8, Issue 2 (December 2013) 715 Table 2. (Total number of iterations) Example no. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 Initial guess NM HM CM DM WNM JM MJM1 MJM 2 MJM3 (1.7, 0) (3.5, 2.5 ) (3, 2) (0.3, 0.5) (1.7, 2.2) (0.91, -2) (1.7, -2.2) (1.8, -2.1) (0.7, 0.9) (-0.5, 0.5) (-0.1, 2) (1.5, 1) (1.3, 0.4) (2, 0.6, 1.5) (3, 0.05, 2) (1, 0.5, 5) (1, 1, 2) 4 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 5 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7. Conclusions Evidently, we have proposed and analyzed a wide general class of Jarratt’s method for solving nonlinear equations in the multivariate case. This class is a generalization over the family of Jarratt’s method proposed by Behl et al. (2013) and depends on two disposable parameters. These methods have a fourth-order convergence and do not require the second-order Fréchet derivative. In terms of computational cost, all these methods require evaluations of one function and two first-order Fréchet derivatives. Finally, the computational results verify that the family of methods are efficient and exhibit equal or better performance, compared to other well-known methods available in literature. Acknowledgement The authors are greatly indebted to the anonymous reviewers for their valuable suggestions on the first version of this paper. REFERENCES Amat, S., Busquier, S. and Gutierrez, J.M. (2003). Geometric constructions of iterative functions to solve nonlinear equations, J. Comput. Appl. Math. Vol. 57, pp. 197-205. Babajee, D.K.R., Dauhooa, M.Z., Darvishi, M.T., Karamib, A. and Barati, A. (2010). Analysis of two Chebyshev-like third order methods free from second derivatives for solving systems of nonlinear equations, J. Comput. Appl. Math. Vol. 233, pp. 2002-2012. 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