Available at http://pvamu.edu/aam Appl. Appl. Math. ISSN: 1932-9466 Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM) Vol. 6, Issue 1 (June 2011) pp. 384 – 395 (Previously, Vol. 6, Issue 11, pp. 2125– 2136) Exact Soliton Solutions for Second-Order Benjamin-Ono Equation Nasir Taghizadeh, Mohammad Mirzazadeh and Foroozan Farahrooz Department of Mathematics Faculty of Mathematics University of Guilan P.O.Box 1914 Rasht, Iran taghizadeh@guilan.ac.ir; mirzazadehs2@guilan.ac.ir; f.farahrooz@yahoo.com Received: July 15, 2010; Accepted: February 3, 2011 Abstract The homogeneous balance method is proposed for seeking the travelling wave solutions of the second-order Benjamin-Ono equation. Many exact traveling wave solutions of second-order Benjamin-Ono equation, which contain soliton like and periodic-like solutions are successfully obtained. This method is straightforward and concise, and it may also be applied to other nonlinear evolution equations. Keywords: Homogeneous balance method; second-order Benjamin-Ono equation; Riccati equation; Soliton-like solution; Periodic-like solution. MSC 2000: 34B15; 47E05; 35G25. 1. Introduction It is well known that the nonlinear partial differential equations (NPDEs) are widely used to describe complex phenomena in various fields of sciences, such as physics, biology, chemistry, etc. Exact solutions of these equations are therefore very important and significant in the nonlinear sciences. In recent years, Wang [(1995), (1996)] and Khalafallah (2009) presented a useful homogeneous balance method for finding exact solutions of certain nonlinear partial differential equations. Fan (2000) used the homogeneous balance method to search for the Backlund transformation and similarity reductions of nonlinear partial differential equations. The aim of this paper is to find exact soliton solutions of the second-order Benjamin-Ono Equation, using the homogeneous balance method. 384 AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 6, Issue 1 (June 2011) [Previously, Vol. 6, Issue 11, pp. 2125 – 2136] 385 2. Second-Order Benjamin-Ono Equation For the second-order Benjamin-Ono equation [Hereman et al. (1986)]: u tt (u 2 ) xx u xxxx 0, (1) where and are nonnegative constants, Let us consider the traveling wave solutions u (x , t ) u ( ), k (x lt ) 0 , (2) Where k , l and 0 are constants. Then Eq. (1) becomes l 2u 2 (u ) 2 2uu k 2u 0. (3) We now seek the solutions of Eq. (3) in the form m u qi i , (4) i 0 where q i are constants to be determined later and satisfy the following Riccati equation a 2 b c (5) where a , b and c are constants. Balancing the highest order derivative term with nonlinear term in Eq. (3) gives leading order m 2. We may therefore choose u q 0 q1 q 2 2 , where q 0 , q1 and q 2 are constants to be determined and satisfy Eq. (5). Substituting (6) and (5) into Eq. (3), we have (6) 386 Nasir Taghizadeh et al. l 2u 2 (u ) 2 2uu k 2u l 2 (q 0 q1 q 2 2 ) 2 ((q 0 q1 q 2 2 )) 2 2 (q 0 q1 q 2 2 )(q 0 q1 q 2 2 ) k 2 (q 0 q1 q 2 2 ) {20 a 2q 22 120 k 2a 4q 2 } 6 {24 a 2q1q 2 24 k 2a 4q1 336 k 2a 3bq 2 36 abq 22 } 5 {6 a 2q12 60 k 2a 3bq1 (240 k 2ca 3 330 k 2b 2a 2 6l 2a 2 )q 2 12 a 2q 0q 2 42 abq1q 2 (32 ac 16b 2 )q 22 } 4 {10 abq12 (40 k 2ca 3 2l 2a 2 50 k 2b 2a 2 )q1 4 a 2q 0q1 (36ca 18b 2 )q1q 2 (10l 2ab 440 k 2bca 2 130 k 2b 3a )q 2 20 abq 0q 2 28bcq 22 } 3 {(8 ac 4b 2 )q12 (60 k 2bca 2 15 k 2b 3a 3l 2ba )q1 6baq 0q1 30bcq1q 2 (8l 2ac 4l 2b 2 136 k 2c 2a 2 232 k 2cb 2a 16 k 2b 4 )q 2 (16 ac 8b 2 )q 0q 2 12ac 2q 22 } 2 {6cbq12 (16 k 2c 2a 2 2al 2c 22 ak 2b 2c k 2b 4 l 2b 2 )q1 12c 2q1q 2 (4 ac 2b 2 )q 0q1 12bcq 0q 2 (6l 2bc 120 k 2bc 2a 30 k 2b 3c )q 2 } 2c 2q12 2bcq 0q1 (8 k 2ac 2b k 2b 3c l 2bc )q1 (16 k 2c 3a 2l 2c 2 14 k 2b 2c 2 )q 2 4c 2q 0q 2 0. Setting the coefficients i (i 0,1, 2,3, 4,5, 6) to zero yields the following set of algebraic equations: 20 a 2q 22 120 k 2a 4q 2 0, 24 a 2q1q 2 24 k 2a 4q1 336 k 2a 3bq 2 36 abq 22 0, 6 a 2q12 60 k 2a 3bq1 (240 k 2ca 3 330 k 2b 2a 2 6l 2a 2 )q 2 12 a 2q 0q 2 42 abq1q 2 (32 ac 16b 2 )q 22 0, AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 6, Issue 1 (June 2011) [Previously, Vol. 6, Issue 11, pp. 2125 – 2136] 387 10 abq12 (40 k 2ca 3 2l 2a 2 50 k 2b 2a 2 )q1 4 a 2q 0q1 (36ca 18b 2 )q1q 2 (10l 2ab (7) 440 k 2bca 2 130 k 2b 3a )q 2 20 abq 0q 2 28bcq 22 0, (8 ac 4b 2 )q12 (60 k 2bca 2 15 k 2b 3a 3l 2ba )q1 6baq 0q1 30bcq1q 2 (8l 2ac 4l 2b 2 136 k 2c 2a 2 232 k 2cb 2a 16 k 2b 4 )q 2 (16 ac 8b 2 )q 0q 2 12ac 2q 22 0, 6cbq12 (16 k 2c 2a 2 2al 2c 22 ak 2b 2c k 2b 4 l 2b 2 )q1 12c 2q1q 2 (4 ac 2b 2 )q 0q1 12bcq 0q 2 (6l 2bc 120 k 2bc 2a 30 k 2b 3c )q 2 0, 2c 2q12 2bcq 0q1 (8 k 2ac 2b k 2b 3c l 2bc )q1 (16 k 2c 3a 2l 2c 2 14 k 2b 2c 2 )q 2 4c 2q 0q 2 0. For which, with the aid of Maple, we obtain the following solution of the above set of algebraic equations: q0 k 2b 2 8 k 2ca l 2 , 2 q1 6 k 2ab , q2 6 k 2a 2 . (8) For the Riccati equation (5), we can solve it by using the homogeneous balance method as follows: m Case: I. Let bi tanh i . Balancing with 2 leads to i 0 b0 b1 tanh . Substituting (9) into (5), we obtain the following solution of (5): b2 1 (b 2 tanh ), ac 1. 4 2a (9) (10) From (8), (10) and (6), we have the following traveling wave solution of second-order BenjaminOno equation (1): 388 Nasir Taghizadeh et al. u (x , t ) 2 k 2b 2 8 k 2ca l 2 6k 2 tanh 2 [k (x lt ) 0 ], 2 (11) where b2 ac 1. 4 m Similarly, let bi coth i , then we obtain the following new traveling wave soliton i 0 solutions of second-order Benjamin-Ono equation (1): 2 k 2b 2 8 k 2ca l 2 6k 2 coth 2 [k (x lt ) 0 ], u (x , t ) 2 (12) where ac b2 1. 4 Case: II. From (Zhao, X. Q.; Tang, D. B.; 2002), when a=1, b=0, the Riccati Eq. (5) has the following solutions: =- -c tanh( c ), c 0, 1 , c 0, (13) c tan( c ), c 0. From (6), (8) and (13), we have the following traveling wave solutions of second-order Benjamin-Ono equation (1) : When c 0, we have u (x , t ) 6 k 2a 2c k 2b 2 8 k 2ca l 2 6 k 2ab c tanh[ c (k (x lt ) 0 )] 2 tanh [ c (k (x lt ) 0 )]. 2 When c 0, we have (14) AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 6, Issue 1 (June 2011) [Previously, Vol. 6, Issue 11, pp. 2125 – 2136] 389 u (x , t ) k 2b 2 8 k 2ca l 2 6 k 2ab (k (x lt ) 0 ) 2 (15) 6 k 2a 2 . (k (x lt ) 0 ) 2 When c 0, we have u (x , t ) k 2b 2 8 k 2ca l 2 6 k 2ab c tan[ c (k (x lt ) 0 )] 2 6 k 2a 2c (16) tan [ c (k (x lt ) 0 )]. 2 Case: III. We suppose that the Riccati equation (5) has the following solutions of the form m A 0 (A i f i B i f i 1 (17) g ), i 1 with f 1 sinh , g , cosh r cosh r which satisfy f ( ) f ( ) g ( ), g ( ) 1 g 2 ( ) rf ( ), g 2 ( ) 1 2rf ( ) (r 2 1)f 2 ( ). Balancing with 2 leads to A 0 A1f B1 g . (18) Substituting (18) into (5), collecting the coefficient of the same power f i ( ) g i ( )(i 0,1, 2; j 0,1) and setting each of the obtained coefficients to zero yield the following set of algebra equations aA 02 aB 12 bA 0 c 0, 2aA 0 A1 2arB 12 rB 1 bA1 0, 390 Nasir Taghizadeh et al. aA12 a ( r 2 1)B 12 ( r 2 1) B 1 0, 2aA 0 B 1 bB 1 0, 2aA1B 1 A1 0, which have solutions A0 b , 2a A1 (r 2 1) , 4a 2 B1 1 , 2a c b 2 1 . 4a (19) From (18), (19) we obtain sinh (r 2 1) 1 (b ). 2a cosh r (20) Also from (6), (8) and (20), we obtain the new solutions of second-order Benjamin-Ono equation (1): u (x , t ) 2 k 2b 2 8 k 2ca l 2 2 (21) 3k 2 sinh(k (x lt ) 0 ) (r 2 1) 2 ( ). 2 cosh(k (x lt ) 0 ) r Case: IV. We take in the Riccati equation (5) being of the form e p (z ) p 4 ( ), (22) 1 where z e p 2 p 3 , where p1 , p 2 and p 3 are constants to be determined. Substituting (22) into (5) we find that when c p1e p1 p b 1 . p1 2a a (e p 3 ) If p 3 1 in (23), we have p12 b 2 , we have 4a (23) AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 6, Issue 1 (June 2011) [Previously, Vol. 6, Issue 11, pp. 2125 – 2136] 391 p1 1 b tanh( p1 ) . 2a 2 2a (24) If p 3 1 in (23), we have p1 1 b coth( p1 ) . 2a 2 2a (25) From (6), (8) and (23), we obtain the following new traveling wave solutions of second-order Benjamin-Ono equation (1): k 2b 2 8 k 2ca l 2 u (x , t ) 2 p ( k ( x lt ) ) 2 pe p b p e p ( k ( x lt ) ) p b 6 k ( p 1( k ( x lt ) ) )( p 1( k ( x lt ) ) ). 1 1 e 2 2 e p3 p3 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 (26) 0 When p3 = 1, we obtain the following traveling wave (soliton-like) solutions of second-order Benjamin-Ono equation (1): u (x , t ) p 2 k 2b 2 8 k 2ca l 2 3k 2 p12 tanh 2 [ 1 (k (x lt ) 0 )]. 2 2 2 (27) When p 3 1, we have the following traveling wave (periodic-like) solutions of equal width wave equation (1): p 2 k 2b 2 8 k 2ca l 2 3k 2 p12 (28) u (x , t ) coth 2 [ 1 (k (x lt ) 0 )]. 2 2 2 Case: V. We suppose that the Riccati equation (5) have the following solutions of the form: m A 0 sinh i 1 (A i sinh w B i cosh w ), (29) i 1 dw dw sinh w or coshw . It is easy to find that m 1 by balancing and 2 . d d So we choose where A 0 A1 sinh w B 1 coshw , (30) dw dw sinh w , we substitute (30) and sinhw , into (5) and set the coefficients of d d sinh i w cosh i w (i 0,1, 2; j 0,1) to zero. A set of algebraic equations is obtained as follows: when 392 Nasir Taghizadeh et al. aA 02 aB 12 bA 0 c 0, 2aA 0 A1 bA1 0, aA12 aB 12 B 1 0, 2aA 0 B 1 bB 1 0, 2aA1B 1 A1 0, for which, we have the following solutions: A0 b , 2a 1 B1 , a A1 0, (31) where c b2 4 , 4a and A0 b , 2a A1 1 , 2a B1 1 , 2a (32) where b 2 1 c . 4a From dw sinh w , we have d sinh w csc h , cosh w coth . (33) Also (31) − (33), give where b 2 coth , 2a (34) AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 6, Issue 1 (June 2011) [Previously, Vol. 6, Issue 11, pp. 2125 – 2136] 393 c b2 4 , 4a and b csc h coth , 2a (35) where c b 2 1 . 4a From (6), (8), (34) and (35) we get the following traveling wave solutions of second-order Benjamin-Ono equation (1): u (x , t ) 2 k 2b 2 8 k 2ca l 2 6k 2 coth 2 [k (x lt ) 0 ], 2 (36) where ac b2 1. 4 and u (x , t ) 2 k 2b 2 8 k 2ca l 2 2 3k 2 (coth(k (x lt ) 0 ) csc h (k (x lt ) 0 )) 2 , 2 (37) where c b 2 1 . 4a dw coshw , we obtain the following traveling wave (periodic-like) d solutions of second-order Benjamin-Ono equation (1): Similarly, when u (x , t ) 2 k 2b 2 8 k 2ca l 2 6k 2 cot 2 [k (x lt ) 0 ], 2 (38) 394 Nasir Taghizadeh et al. where ac b2 1. 4 and u (x , t ) 2 k 2b 2 8 k 2ca l 2 2 3k 2 (cot(k (x lt ) 0 ) csc(k (x lt ) 0 ))2 , 2 (39) where c b 2 1 . 4a In summary we have used the homogeneous balance method to obtain many traveling wave solutions of second-order Benjamin-Ono equation. We now summarize the key steps as follows: Step 1: For a given nonlinear evolution equation F (u ,u t ,u x ,u xt ,u tt ,...) 0, (40) we consider its traveling wave solutions u (x , t ) u ( ), k ( x lt ) 0 then Eq. (40) is reduced to an nonlinear ordinary differential equation Q (u , u , u , u ,...) 0, (41) d . d Step 2: For a given ansatz equation (for example, the ansatz equation is a 2 b c in this paper), the form of u is decided and the homogeneous balance method is used on Eq. (41) to find the coefficients of u . where a prime denotes Step 3: The homogeneous balance method is used to solve the ansatz equation. Step 4: Finally, the traveling wave solutions of Eq. (40) are obtained by combining steps 2 and 3. AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 6, Issue 1 (June 2011) [Previously, Vol. 6, Issue 11, pp. 2125 – 2136] 395 3. Conclusion The second-order Benjamin-Ono equation is soluble using the homogeneous balance method. The efficiency of this method was demonstrated. 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