Available at http://pvamu.edu/aam Appl. Appl. Math. ISSN: 1932-9466 Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM) Vol. 6, Issue 1 (June 2011) pp. 284 – 291 (Previously, Vol. 6, Issue 11, pp. 2025 – 2032) The Multisoliton Solutions of Some Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations N. Taghizadeh and M. Mirzazadeh Department of Mathematics Faculty of Mathematics University of Guilan P.O.Box 1914 Rasht, Iran taghizadeh@guilan.ac.ir; mirzazadehs2@guilan.ac.ir Received: February 20, 2010; Accepted: April 7, 2011 Abstract In this paper, we obtain multisoliton solutions of the Camassa-Holm equation and the JosephEgri (TRLW) equation by using the formal linearization method. The formal linearization method is an efficient instrument for constructing multisoliton solution of some nonlinear partial differential equations. This method can be applied to nonintegrable equations as well as to integrable ones. Keywords: Formal linearization method; Camassa-Holm equation; Joseph-Egri (TRLW) equation MSC 2010 No.: 35Q53; 35Q55; 35G25. 1. Introduction The direct linearization of certain famous integrable nonlinear equations was carried out in [Rosales (1978)]. Solutions of the KdV equation were connected with solutions of the Hopf equation by using formal series in [Baikov et al. (1989)]. Convergent exponential series were 284 AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 6, Issue 1 (June 2011) [Previously, Vol. 6, Issue 11, pp. 2025 – 2032] 285 used in a variety of papers [Bobylev (1980), (1981), (1984); Vedenyapin (1981), (1988), Mischenko and Petrina (1988)] for constructing solutions of the Boltzmann equations. The possibility to adopt such series for some other equations was discussed in [Bobylev (1981)]. Fourier series were applied in the construction of solutions to the perturbed KdV equation in [Nikolenko (1980)]. In this paper we consider the class of equations and systems containing arbitrary linear differential operators with constant coefficients and arbitrary nonlinear analytic functions of dependent variables and their derivatives up to some finite order under the assumption that these equations possess a constant solution. The formal linearization method consists of linearizing a nonlinear partial differential equation to the system of linear ordinary differential equations, describing some finite-dimensional subspace of the solution space of the linearized equation. It allows us to develop a very simple technique of finding the linearizing transformation and to apply the method to nonintegrable equations as well as to integrable ones; the solutions are in the form of exponential or Fourier series. We note that a similar approach with a different technique was independently developed for the wide class of evolution equations and the convergence of the constructed exponential series investigated [Vedenyapin]. The multisoliton solution of the Klein-Gordon’s equation by using the formal linearization method was also done [Taghizadeh and Mirzazadeh (2008)]. The aim of this paper is to find multisoliton solutions of the Camassa-Holm equation and the Joseph-Egri (TRLW) equation. 2. Formal Linearization Method Let us consider equations of the following form Lˆ (D x 1 , D x 2 , D x 3 )u (x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ) N [u ], (1) where K1 K2 Lˆ (D x 1 , D x 2 , D x 3 ) K3 l k 1 0 k 2 0 k 3 0 k 1k 2 k 3 D xk11 D xk22 D xk33 is a linear differential operator with constant coefficients and N [u ] N (u ,u1 ,u 2 ,...,u p ), p1 p 2 p3u up , x 1 p1 x 2 p 2 x 2 p 2 p ( p1 , p 2 , p 3 ), (2) 286 N. Taghizadeh and M. Mirzazadeh is an arbitrary analytic function of u and of its derivatives up to some finite order p . We suppose that Eq. (1) possesses the constant solution. Without loss of generality we assume that N [0] 0, u N [u ] 0, N [0] 0, u1 , N [0] 0. u p We consider Eq. (1) in connection with the equation linearized near a zero solution: Lˆ (D x 1 , D x 2 , D x 3 )w (x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ) 0. Let L be the vector space of solutions of Eq. (3) and P w i W i exp( i i ), i x 3 ai x 1 bi x 2 , Here ai ,bi and W i are some constants. The constants the dispersion relation (3) N L be the N-dimensional i 1,2,..., N . i i (ai ,bi ) are assumed to satisfy Lˆ ( i ai , i bi , i ) 0. N The subspace P N {C i i | C i const } is specified by the system of N linear ordinary i 1 differential equations dw i iw i , d i i 1,2,..., N . We use the following notation: w(N ) w11 w2 2 .... wNN , (1 , 2 ,..., N ), N | | i . It is obvious that the monomials i 1 (N ) are the eigenfunctions of the operator (2): Lˆ (D x 1 , D x 2 , D x 3 )w (N ) w (N ) with the eigenvalues AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 6, Issue 1 (June 2011) [Previously, Vol. 6, Issue 11, pp. 2025 – 2032] 287 K1 K2 K3 l k 1 0 k 2 0 k 3 0 N N k 1k 2 k 3 N ( i ai i ) ( i ai i ) ( i i ) k 3 . k1 i 1 k2 i 1 i 1 Theorem: 0 for every multiindex with positive integer components i Z , i 1,..., N , satisfying the condition | | 0,1, then equation (1) possesses solutions connected with N solutions form P by the formal transformation If u nn (w 1 ,w 2 ,....,w n ), (4) n 1 where n (A | |n ) w (N ) (5) n are homogeneous polynomials of degree n in the variables w i . This transformation is unique (for the first term 1 P N fixed). Remark 1: Here is the grading parameter, finally we can put 1. The proof of the theorem is constructive. Substituting (4) into (1) , expanding N [u ] into the power series in , and then collecting equal powers of , we obtain the determining equations for the functions n and show that if 0, then these equations possess the solution (5) with the coefficients ( A n ) uniquely determined through the coefficients ( A1 ) by the recursion relation. Thus, the theorem gives us the method for constructing particular solutions of equation (1). 3. Application 3.1. Camassa-Holm Equation Let us consider the Camassa-Holm equation [Kalisch and Lenells (2005)]: 288 N. Taghizadeh and M. Mirzazadeh Lˆ (Dt , D x )u (t , x ) 3uu x 2u x u xx uu xxx , Lˆ (D , D ) D D D 2 2 D . t x t t x (6) x For simplicity we look for a solution of (6) in the form u nn (w 1 ,w 2 ), (7) n 1 where w i W i exp[ ai 2 (x ai t )], ai i 1,2 is the basis of the subspace P L (let s i and W i be some real constants). Substituting (7) into (6) and collecting equal powers of we obtain the determining equations for the functions n as follows 2 Lˆ1 0, n 1 n 1 n 1 k 1 k 1 k 1 Lˆn 3 k D x n k 2 k D x2n k k D x3n k , n 2. These equations possess the solution n (A | |n ) w (2) , n (1 , 2 ), which can be rewritten in this case in the following form n n A knw 1k w 2n k k 0 (1 P 2 ), (8) the coefficients A k can be found through A 0 and A1 (we can assume that either A 0 A1 1 n or A 0 0, A1 1 ) by the recursion relation: 1 1 If n 2, 0 k n then 1 1 1 1 AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 6, Issue 1 (June 2011) [Previously, Vol. 6, Issue 11, pp. 2025 – 2032] 289 n1 nl a1 2 a 2 m 2 (n l m)) Akl m Amnl 3 ( a1 a2 l 1 m0 n 1 n l 1 a1 2 a2 2 a1 2 a2 2 2 l n l Akn 2 ( m ( n l m ))( m ( n l m )) A A k m m . a1 a2 a1 a2 ( k ,nk ) l 1 m0 n1 nl a 2 a 2 ( 1 m 2 (n l m))3 Akl m Amnl a1 a2 l 1 m0 If k 0 or k n , then A k 0. n ( k ,nk ) (a1 2 ) a1 2 a 2 k (k 2 1) (a2 2 ) 2 (n k )((n k ) 2 1) a1 a2 a1 2 a 2 2 a 2 a 2 (2a1 a2 ) 2 k (n k ) 2 (2a2 a1 ) 1 k (n k )2 . a1 a2 a2 a1 If a1 2 , a2 2 , a1 0, a2 0, then ( k ,n k ) 0 for every pair (k , n k ) with k , n Z , n 2, 0 k n . Remark 2: A 01 0, then 1 P 1 and we get from (7) the expansion for a 1 -soliton solution. For N obtaining the N-soliton solutions, we must take 1 P . If 3.2. Joseph-Egri (TRLW) Equation We next consider the Joseph-Egri (TRLW) equation [Hereman et al. (1986)]: Lˆ (Dt , D x )u (t , x ) uu x , Lˆ (D , D ) D D D D 2 . t x t x x (9) t 2 In this case, the subspace P is generated by the functions w i W i exp[ ai 1 (x ai t )], ai Our procedure gives the solution i 1,2. 290 N. Taghizadeh and M. Mirzazadeh n u n A knw 1k w 2n k , n 1 (10) k 0 where if n 2, 0 k n, then Akn n 1 n l ( k ,nk ) [ l 1 m 0 a1 1 a 1 (n l m)]Akl m Amnl . m 2 a1 a2 If k 0 or k n, then A k 0. n a1 1 a 1 a1 1k (k 2 1) 2 a2 1(n k )((n k ) 2 1) a1 a2 ( k ,nk ) 1 {((a2 1) a1 1(a2 2a1 ))(n k ) a1a2 ((a1 1) a2 1(2a2 a1 ))k}k (n k ). Here, either A 0 A1 1 or A 0 0, A1 1. 1 1 1 If a1 1 and a2 1, then 1 ( k ,n k ) 0 for every pair (k , n k ) with k , n Z , n 2, 0k n. In (10), if A 0 0, then we get 1 u w1 6(a1 1) ( w1 ) 2 2 48(a1 1) ( w1 )3 2 12(a1 1) (1) n 1 nwn , n 1 where w 12(a1 1) w 1. In (t , x ) variables we have u (t , x ) 3(a1 1) sec h 2 [ where x 0 is arbitrary constant. a1 1 (x a1t x 0 )], a1 (11) AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 6, Issue 1 (June 2011) [Previously, Vol. 6, Issue 11, pp. 2025 – 2032] 291 Then, (10) is a 2-soliton solution of the Joseph-Egri equation and (11) is a 1-soliton solution of the Joseph-Egri equation. Acknowledgement The authors are very grateful to the referees for their detailed comments and kind help. REFERENCES Baikov, V.A., Gazizove, R.K. and Ibragimov, N.H. (1989). Linearization and formal symmetries of the Korteweg-de Vries equation, Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR, Vol. 303, No.4, pp. 781 − 784. Bobylev, A.V. (1980). Structure of general solution and classification of particular solutions of the nonlinear Boltzman equation for Maxwell molecules. Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR, Vol. 251, No.6, pp. 1361 − 1365. Bobylev, A.V. (1981). Poincare theorem, Boltzmann equation and Korteweg-de Vries type equations. Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR, Vol. 256, No.6, pp. 1341−1346. Bobylev, A.V. (1984). Exact solutions of the nonlinear Boltzmann equations and the theory of relaxation of the Maxwell gas. 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