Application of Homotopy analysis method to fourth-order parabolic partial differential equations

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Appl. Appl. Math.
ISSN: 1932-9466
Applications and Applied
An International Journal
Vol. 5, Issue 1 (June 2010) pp. 70 - 80
(Previously, Vol. 5, No. 1)
Application of Homotopy analysis method to fourth-order
parabolic partial differential equations
M. Matinfar and M. Saeidy
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Mazandaran
P.O. Box 47416-95447
Babolsar, Iran
Received: May 30, 2009; Accepted: March 11, 2010
In this paper, by means of the homotopy analysis method (HAM), the solutions of some fourthorder parabolic partial differential equations are exactly obtained in the form of convergent
Taylor series. The HAM contains the auxiliary parameter h that provides a convenient way of
controlling the convergent region of series solutions. This analytical method is employed to solve
linear examples to obtain the exact solutions. The results reveal that the proposed method is very
effective and simple.
Keywords: Fourth-order parabolic partial differential equations, Homotopy analysis method,
Variational iteration method, Homotopy perturbation method
MSC 2000 No.: 65L05, 65M99
1. Introduction
In 1992, Liao see Liao (2003) employed the basic ideas of the homotopy in topology to propose
a general analytic method for linear and nonlinear problems, namely the homotopy analysis
method (HAM), see Liao (2003), (2004a), and (2005a). This method has been successfully
AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 5, Issue 1 (June 2010) [Previously, Vol. 5, No. 1]
applied to solve many types of nonlinear problems, see Hayat (2004b), (2004c), (2005b), and
(2005c). The HAM offers certain advantages over routine numerical methods. HAM method is
better since it does not involve discretization of the variables. Hence, is free from rounding off
errors and does not require large computer memory or time.
In this paper, we consider the fourth-order parabolic partial differential equations
 2u
 4u 1
 4u 1
 4u
 g ( x, y, z ), a  x, y, z  b, t  0,
t 2
x 4 y
y 4 z
z 4
where  ( x, y, z ) and  ( x, y, z ) are positive with the initial conditions
u ( x, y, z , 0)  g 0 ( x, y, z ) and
( x, y, z , 0)  f 0 ( x, y, z ) ,
and boundary conditions
u (a, y, z , t )  g 0 ( y, z , t ),
u (b, y, z , t )  g1 ( y, z , t ),
u ( x, a, z , t )  k 0 ( x, z , t ),
u ( x, b, z , t )  k1 ( x, z , t ),
u ( x, y, a, t )  h0 ( x, y, t ),
u ( x, y, b, t )  h1 ( x, y, t ),
 2u
(a, y, z , t )  g 0 ( y, z , t ),
x 2
 2u
( x, a, z , t )  k 0 ( x, z , t ),
y 2
 2u
(b, y, z , t )  g 1 ( y, z , t ),
x 2
 2u
( x, b, z , t )  k 1 ( x, z , t ),
y 2
 2u
( x, y, a, t )  h 0 ( x, y, t ),
z 2
 2u
( x, y, b, t )  h1 ( x, y, t ),
z 2
where the functions fi , gi , ki , hi , g i , k i , and hi , i  0,1, are continuous,  ( x, y, z )  0 is the ratio of
flexural rigidity [see Khaliq (1987)] of the beam to its mass per unit length, see Wazwaz (2001),
Khaliq (1987), Andrade (1977), Gorman (1975) and the references therein. The functions
f 0 ( x), f1 ( x), g 0 ( x), g1 ( x), h0 ( x) and h1 ( x) are continuous functions. We apply the homotopy
analysis method for solving the singular fourth-order parabolic partial differential equation (1)
with variable coefficient.
2. Basic Idea of HAM
Consider the following differential equation
N [ u ( )]  0 ,
Matinfar and Saeidy
where N is a nonlinear operator,  is independent variable, and u ( ) is an unknown function.
For simplicity, we ignore all boundary or initial conditions, which can be treated in the similar
way. By means of generalizing the traditional homotopy method, Liao (2003) constructs the so
called zero-order deformation equation
(1  p ) L[ ( ; p)  u 0 ( )]  pH ( ) N [ ( ; p)],
where p  [0,1] is the embedding parameter,   0 is a nonzero auxiliary parameter, H ( )  0
is a nonzero auxiliary function, L is an auxiliary linear operator, u 0 ( ) is an initial guess of
u ( ) , and  ( ; p) is a unknown function. It is important that one has great freedom to choose
auxiliary things in HAM. Obviously, when p  0 and p  1 , it holds
 ( ;0)  u0 ( ) , and  ( ;1)  u ( ).
Thus, as p increases from 0 to 1 , the solution  ( ; p ) varies from the initial guess u 0 ( ) to the
solution u ( ) . Expanding  ( ; p) by Taylor series with respect to p, we have
 ( ; p )  u0 ( )   um ( ) p m ,
m 1
u m ( ) 
1  m ( ; p)
| p 0 .
m!  p m
If the auxiliary linear operator, the initial guess, the auxiliary parameter  , and the auxiliary
function are so properly chosen, the series (6) converges at p  1 , then we have
u (r , t )  u 0 (r , t )   u m (r , t ),
m 1
which must be one of solutions of the original nonlinear equation, as proved by Liao (2003). As
  1 and H ( )  1 , equation (4) becomes
(1  p) L[ ( ; p )  u 0 ( )]  pN [ ( ; p)]  0,
which is used mostly in the homotopy perturbation method [see He (2000)], where as the
solution obtained directly, without using Taylor series, see He (2006a) and (2006b). According
to the definition (7), the governing equation can be deduced from the zero-order deformation
equation (4). Define the vector
AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 5, Issue 1 (June 2010) [Previously, Vol. 5, No. 1]
u n  u 0 ( ), u1 ( ), ..., u n ( ).
Differentiating equation (4) m times with respect to the embedding parameter p, then setting
p  0 and finally dividing them by m!, we obtain the mth order deformation equation
L[u m ( )   m u m1 ( )]  H ( ) Rm (u m1 ),
 m (u m1 ) 
 m1 N [ ( ; p )]
 p m1
(m  1)!
m  
m 1
m 1
It should be emphasized that u m ( ) for m  1 is governed by the linear equation (10) under the
linear boundary conditions that come from original problem, which can be easily symbolically
solved by Matlab computer software. For the convergence of the above method we refer the
reader to Liao (2003). If equation (3) admits unique solution, then this method will produce the
unique solution. If equation (3) does not possess a unique solution, the HAM will give a solution
among many other (possible) solutions.
3. Applications
In order to assess the advantages and the accuracy of homotopy analysis method for solving
linear equations, we will consider the following three examples.
Example 1.
Consider the following singular fourth-order parabolic equation
 2u  1 x 4   4u
 0,
 
t 2  x 120  x 4
with the initial conditions
u ( x,0)  0,
( x,0)  1 
and the boundary conditions
 x  1, t  0,
Matinfar and Saeidy
 1   (1 2) 
u  , t   1 
 sin t ,
120 
2  
 121 
u (1, t )  
 sin t ,
 120 
t  0,
 2u  1  1  1 
 , t     sin t ,
x 2  2  6  2 
 2u
(1, t )    sin t ,
t  0.
To solve the Equation (13) by means of homotopy analysis method, we choose the linear
L[ ( x, t ; p)] 
 2 ( x , t ; p )
t 2
with the property
L[c1  tc 2 ]  0,
where c1 and c 2 are integral constants. The inverse operator L1 is given by
L1 ()  
0 0
() dtdt.
We now define a nonlinear operator as
N [ ( x, t ; p )] 
 2 ( x , t ; p )  1 x 4   4 ( x , t ; p )
  
t 2
Using the above definition, we construct the zeroth-order deformation equation
(1  p ) L[ ( x, t ; p)  u 0 ( x, t )]  pH ( x, t ) N [ ( x, t ; p)].
For p  0 and p  1 , we can write
 ( x, t ;0)  u 0 ( x, t ) ,
 ( x, t ;1)  u ( x, t ).
Thus, we obtain the mth order deformation equations
L[u m ( x, t )   m u m1 ( x, t )]  H ( x, t ) Rm (u m1 ), (m  1), u m ( x,0)  0, (u m ) t ( x,0)  0,
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Rm (u m 1 ) 
 2 u m 1  1 x 4   4 u m 1
  
t 2
 x 120  x
Now, the solution of the mth order deformation equations (14) are
u m ( x, t )   m u m 1 ( x, t )  H ( x, t ) L1 [ Rm (u m 1 )], (m  1).
x4 
 , by means of the iteration formula
We start with an initial approximation s u 0 ( x, t )  t 1 
(19), if   1 and H ( x, t )  1 , we can obtain directly the other components as
u1 ( x, t )  
u 2 ( x, t ) 
t3 
x5 
1 
3!  120 
t5 
x5 
1 
5!  120 
t7 
x5 
u 3 ( x, t )   1 
7!  120 
Thus, the components which constitute u ( x, t ) are written like this
x 5  t 3 t 5 t 7
t     .
u ( x, t )   u m ( x, t )  1 
m 1
 120  3! 5! 7!
Continuing the expansion to the last term gives the solution of (13) as
x5 
 sin t ,
u ( x, t )  1 
 120 
which is exactly the same as obtained by variational homotopy perturbation method [see Noor
(2009)] and homotopy perturbation method, see Fazeli (2008).
Example 2.
Consider the following singular fourth-order parabolic partial differential equation in two space
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 1 x 4   4u
 1
 4u
y 4   4u
 2 2   4  2 2 
 0,
6!  x
6!  y 4
 x, y  1, t  0,
with the initial conditions
x6 y6
( x, y,0)  2 
6! 6!
u ( x, y,0)  0,
and the boundary conditions
(0.5) 6 y 6 
 sin t ,
u (0.5, y, t )   2 
6! 
(0.5) 4
 2u
(0.5, y, t ) 
sin t ,
x 2
(0.5) 4
 2u
sin t ,
y 2
1 y6 
 sin t ,
u (1, y, t )   2  
6! 6! 
 2u
(1, y, t ) 
sin t ,
 2u
( x,1, t ) 
sin t.
To solve equation (21) by means of homotopy analysis method, we choose the linear operator
same as Example 1 and define a nonlinear operator as
N [ ( x, y, t ; p )] 
 1 x 4   4 ( x, t , t; p)
 1 y 4   4 ( x, y, t ; p )
 2 ( x, y, t ; p)
. (22)
 2
 2 
t 2
x 4
y 4
6! 
6! 
Using the above definition and explanation in section (2), we have
um ( x, y, t )   mum 1 ( x, y, t )  H ( x, y, t ) L1[ Rm (u m 1 )], (m  1),
Rm (u m 1 ) 
 1
 1 x 4   4 u m 1 ( x, y, t )
 2 u m 1 ( x, y, t )
y 4   4 u m 1 ( x, y, t )
 y 2 6! .
 x 6! 
t 2
x6 y6 
 , by means of the iteration
We start with an initial approximation u 0 ( x, y, t )  t  2 
6! 6! 
formula (23) if   1 and H ( x, y, t )  1 , we can directly obtain the other components as
u1 ( x, y, t )  
t3 
x6 y 6 
 ,
3! 
6! 6! 
AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 5, Issue 1 (June 2010) [Previously, Vol. 5, No. 1]
t5 
x6 y 6 
 ,
5! 
6! 6! 
t7 
x6 y 6 
u3 ( x, y, t )    2 
 ,
7!  120 6! 
u 2 ( x, y , t ) 
Thus, the components which constitute u ( x, y, t ) are written as
x 6 y 6  t 3 t 5 t 7
t     .
u ( x, y, t )   u m ( x, y, t )   2 
6! 6!  3! 5! 7!
m 1
Continuing the expansion to the last term gives the solution of (21) as
x6 y6 
 sin t ,
u ( x, y, t )   2 
6! 6! 
which is exactly the same as obtained by variational homotopy perturbation method see Noor
(2009) and homotopy perturbation method see Fazeli (2008).
Example 3.
Consider the following three-dimensional inhomogeneous singular parabolic partial differential
 2u  1   4u  1   4u  1   4u  x y z 1
 4      5  5  5  cos t ,
 4 
 4  
z 
 4! z  x
 4! x  y
 4! y  z
y z x x
with the initial conditions
u ( x, y, z ,0) 
x y z
  ,
y z x
( x, y, z ,0)  0,
and boundary conditions
 1 y
  2 z  cos t ,
u (0.5, y, z , t )  
 2y z
1 z
u ( x, 0.5, z , t )   2 x    cos t ,
2z x 
1 y
u (1, y, z , t )     z  cos t ,
y z
1 z
u ( x,1, z, t )   x    cos t ,
z x
Matinfar and Saeidy
x 1 
u ( x, y, 0.5, t )   2 y    cos t ,
y 2x 
x 1
u ( x, y,1, t )   y    cos t ,
y x
(0.5, y, z , t )    4 z  cos t ,
(1, y, z , t )    z  cos t.
To solve the equation (25) by means of homotopy analysis method, we choose the linear operator
the same as Example 1 and define a nonlinear operator as
 2 ( x, y, z , t ; p )  1   4 ( x, y, z , t ; p )  1   4 ( x, y, z , t ; p
N [ ( x, y, z , t ; p )] 
t 2
x 4
y 4
 4! z 
 4! x 
 1   4 ( x, y, z , t ; p )  x y z 1 1 1 
     5  5  5  cos t ,
z 4
z 
 4! y 
y z x x
(m  1).
Using the above definition and explanation in section (2), we have
u m ( x, y, z , t )   m u m 1 ( x, y, z , t )  H ( x, y, z , t ) L1 [ Rm (u m 1 )], (m  1),
 2um 1  1   4um 1  1   4um 1  1   4um 1
Rm (u m 1 ) 
t 2
 4! z  x
 4! x  y
 4! y  z
x y z 1 1 1 
 (1   m )     5  5  5  cos t ,
z 
y z x x
(m  1).
x y z
  , by means of the iteration
y z x
formula (26) if   1 and H ( x, y, z, t )  1 , we can obtain directly the other components as
We start with an initial approximation u 0 ( x, y, z , t ) 
x y z
 1 1 1
u1 ( x, y, z , t )      (cos t  1)   5  5  5  ( cos t  1  ),
z 
 y z x
 1 1 1
 1
1 
t2 t4
u2 ( x, y, z , t )   5  5  5  (cos t  1  )  70  9  9  9  ( cos t  1   ),
2! 4!
z 
yz 
 x z xy
AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 5, Issue 1 (June 2010) [Previously, Vol. 5, No. 1]
 1
1 
t2 t4 
u3 ( x, y, z , t )  70  9  9  9   cos t  1   
2! 4! 
yz  
 x z xy
 1
1 
t2 t4 
 34650  2 13  2 13  2 13    cos t  1   
2! 4! 
y z
z x 
x y
 1
1 
t2 t4 t6 
 70  5 9  5 9  5 9    cos t  1     ,
2! 4! 6! 
 x y z y z x z x y 
Thus, the components which constitute u ( x, y, z , t ) are written as
 1
x y z
1 
t2 t4 t6 
u ( x, y, z , t )     (cos t )  70 5 9  5 9  5 9   cos t  1       .
2! 4! 6! 
 y z x
 x y z y z x z x y 
x y z
The sequences tends to     cos t , as n   . Therefore, the exact solution is given as
 y z x
x y z
u ( x, y, z , t )      cos t ,
 y z x
which is exactly the same as the one obtained by variational homotopy perturbation method see
Noor (2009).
4. Conclusion
In this paper, the Homotopy analysis method has been successfully applied to find the exact
solution of linear fourth-order parabolic partial differential equation. All the examples show that
the results of the present method are in excellent agree with those obtained by the variational
homotopy perturbation method and homotopy perturbation method. It is apparently seen that
HAM is a very powerful and efficient technique in finding analytical solutions for wide classes
of linear problems. The results show that HAM is powerful mathematical tool for solving linear
partial differential equations having wide applications in engineering.
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