Available at http://pvamu.edu/aam Appl. Appl. Math. ISSN: 1932-9466 Vol. 9, Issue 2 (December 2014), pp. 646-658 Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM) Integrability and Exact Solutions for a (2+1)-dimensional Variable-Coefficient KdV Equation Zhang Yu Department of Mathematics, College of Sciences Shanghai University Shanghai 200444, P.R. China yuning87@sina.cn Xu Gui-Qiong Department of Information Management College of Management Shanghai University Shanghai 200444, P.R. China xugq@staff.shu.edu.cn Received: October 12, 2011; Accepted: August 20, 2012 Abstract By using the WTC method and symbolic computation, we apply the Painlevé test for a (2+1)dimensional variable-coefficient Kortweg-de Vries (KdV) equation, and the considered equation is found to possess the Painlevé property without any parametric constraints. The auto-Bǎcklund transformation and several types of exact solutions are obtained by using the Painlevé truncated expansion method. Finally, the Hirota’s bilinear form is presented and multi-soliton solutions are also constructed. Keywords: (2+1)-dimensional variable-coefficient KdV equation; Painlevé property; Hirota’s bilinear form; soliton solution; symbolic computation AMS MSC No.: 35Q53, 35C08, 33F10, 68W30 1. Introduction Due to the potential applications of soliton theory in mathematics, physics, biology, communications and astrophysics, the studies on the nonlinear evolution equations (NLEEs) 646 AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 9, Issue 2 (December 2014) 647 have attracted researchers’ attention. Many scientists have concentrated their researches on sorts of exact solutions and remarkable properties of NLEEs, which attributes to have a better understanding for those nonlinear mechanism [Ablowitz and Satsuma (1978), Yan (1996), Peng (2005)]. Up to now, various powerful methods have been presented to obtain the exact solutions for the NLEEs, such as the inverse scattering transformation [Ablowitz and Clarkson (1991)], the Darboux transformation [Matveev and Salle (1991)], the Bǎcklund transformations [Rogers and Shadwick (1982)], the Hirota’s bilinear method [Hirota (2004).], the Painlevé analysis [Weiss, Tabor and Carnevale (1983)], homotopy perturbation method[Ganji and Rafei (2006)], tanh function method [Ma and Fuchssteiner (1996), Wazwaz (2005)], sine-cosine method [Abdou (2007)], the homogenous balance method [Fan and Zhang (1998)], variational iteration method [Tang and Liang (2006), Peng (2006)], exp-function method [He and Wu (2006)], Jacobi elliptic function expansion method [Chen et al. (2005)], F-expansion method [Abdou (2007)], the sub-ODE method [Li and Wang (2007)], and so on. Considering that coefficient functions are able to reflect the slowly-varying inhomogeneities, nonuniformities of boundaries, and external forces, recently nonlinear equations with variable coefficients have attracted considerable attention in the literature. Although the variable coefficients increase the difficulty of our investigation, many researchers have investigated the integrable property and exact solutions of the variable-coefficient nonlinear evolution equations [Deng (2006), Xu (2009), Lü et al. (2010), Kraenkel et al. (2011)]. It is easily found that solitons can be compressed and their dynamics effectively controlled through these variable parameters. The Kortweg-de Vries equation is one of the most important systems in mathematical physics and many physical situations are governed by variable-coefficient KdV equation. To our knowledge, the study of the (1+1)-dimensional variable-coefficient KdV equation with different form has been paid attention by some authors, and the authors have obtained the integrable property and exact solutions of these equations [Fan (2011), Yan (2008), Zhu et al. (2010)]. Furthermore, there are some researches about the applications and numerous interesting properties of the (2+1)-dimensional variable-coefficient KdV equation. For example, Emmanuel Yomba et al. constructed the exact solutions of the following equation: (ut 6uux uxxx ) x e(t )ux n(t )u yy 0, (1) by means of the tanh function method, the homogenous balance method and other methods [Yomba (2004), Moussa and M. El-Shiekh (2011)]. Very recently, Peng et al. [ Peng (2010)] derived a new (2+1)-dimensional KdV equation with variable coefficients via the Lax pair generating technique, the equation is given as follows: 4ut a( y, t )(4uu y 2 u y dxux uxxy ) b( y, t )(6uux uxxx ) 0, (2) where a(y, t) and b(y, t) are two arbitrary functions of indicated variables. To our knowledge, equation (2) was considered for special choices with a( y, t ) b( y, t ) 4 . Therefore, in this paper, we will study the Painlevé property and analytic solutions of (2) in the general form. The rest of this paper is arranged as follows. In Section 2, we perform the Painlevé analysis of (2). It is proven that equation (2) possesses the Painlevé property without any parametric constraints. In 648 Z. Yu and X. Gui-Qiong Section 3, several types of exact solutions will be constructed in terms of the Auto-Bǎcklund transformation. In Section 4, the Hirota’s bilinear form of (2) will be presented, and the multisoliton solutions will be derived for equation (2) with a special choice of parameters. Finally, our conclusions and discussions will be given in Section 5. 2. Painlevé analysis The integrable classes of KdV equations intrigue researchers for the past few decades due to their rich variety of solutions. The Painlevé analysis is one of the powerful methods for identifying the integrable properties of nonlinear partial differential equations. In this section we apply the Painlevé test for integrability to (2), using the well-known WTC method and symbolic computation [Xu and Li (2003), (2004), Qu et al. (2010)]. In order to apply the Painlevé analysis, we introduce the transformation u y v x , and equation (2) reduces to the following coupled system: 4ut a( y, t )(4uu y 2vux u xxy ) b( y, t )(6uu x u xxx ) 0, u y vx . (3) Equations (3) is said to possess the Painlevé property if its solutions are “single-valued” about arbitrary non-characteristic, movable singularity manifolds. In other words, all solutions of (3) can be expressed as Laurent series, u ( x, y, t ) u j j , j 0 v( x, y, t ) v j j , (4) j 0 with sufficient number of arbitrary functions among u j , v j in addition to , and , u j , v j are analytic functions of x, y, t. Moreover, the leading orders , should be negative integers. First, find the leading order and coefficients. To reach this aim, we insert u( x, y, t ) u0 , v( x, y, t ) v0 (5) into equations (3). Upon balancing the dominant terms, we obtain, 2, u0 2 x 2 , v0 2 x y . (6) Next, in order to find the resonances that are powers at which the arbitrary coefficients enter into the Laurent series (4), we substitute, u( x, y, t ) u0 2 u j 2 j , v( x, y, t ) v0 2 u j 2 j into equations (3). Inserting equations (6) and vanishing the coefficients of ( j 5 , j 3 ) yields, (7) AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 9, Issue 2 (December 2014) 649 a( y, t ) y ( j 3 9 j 2 14 j 16) b( y, t ) x ( j 1)( j 4)( j 6) 8a( y, t ) x u j 0. (2 j ) y ( j 2) x v j (8) The eigenvalues of the above matrix gives the following resonance equation for the exponent j: ( j 2)( j 4)( j 6)( j 1) x (a( y, t ) y b( y, t ) x ) 0. (9) Thus the resonances occur at j 1,2,4,6 . As usual, the resonance j 1 corresponds to the arbitrariness of the singular manifold ( x, y, t ) . In order to check the existence of a sufficient number of arbitrary functions at the resonance values, the truncated Laurent expansions 6 u ( x, y, t ) ~ 2 2 2 u j j , j 1 6 v( x, y, t ) ~ 2 2 2 v j j (10) j 1 are substituted into equations (3). To simplify the calculations, we make use of the Kruskal ansatz ( x, y, t ) x ( y, t ) , and is an arbitrary function of y and t. Then the coefficients functions u j and v j in equations (10) will be functions of y, and t, too. Equating the coefficients of ( 4 , 2 ) to zero, we obtain a linear system with respect to u1 and v1 , v1 u 1 y 0, 4a( y, t )v1 15b( y, t )u 1 11a( y, t ) y u 1 0, (11) from which we have, u1 v1 0. (12) Setting the coefficients of ( 3 , 1 ) to zero, we obtain a linear system with respect to u 2 and v 2 , a( y, t )(8u 2 y v1u1 2u12 y 3u1 y 4v2 ) 12b( y, t )u 2 3b( y, t )u12 8 t 0, u1 y 0. (13) Solving it, we get, v2 2 t 3b( y, t )u 2 2a( y, t )u 2 y a( y, t ) , (14) 650 Z. Yu and X. Gui-Qiong where u 2 is an arbitrary function which corresponds to the resonance j 2 . Collecting the coefficients of ( 2 , 0 ) and using the values of u0 , v0 , u1 , v1 and v 2 , we have, u 2 y u3 y v3 0, (15) 3b( y, t )u3 2a( y, t )u 2 y a( y, t )u3 y 2a( y, t )v3 0. Solving the above equations with respect to u 3 , v3 yields, u3 0, v3 u 2 y . (16) In this way by proceeding further and collecting the coefficients of ( 1 , ) , ( 0 , 2 ) and ( , 3 ) , one can obtain other coefficients of Laurent series (4), v4 u 4 y , u5 v5 6u 2t 6au 2 u 2 y 5au 4 y 9(b a y ) , 3bu 4 y 2au 4 y y 6u 2t y 6au 2 u 2 y y 9(b a y ) , v6 [6a 2 y u22 y 6abu22 y 6au2 yt y 5a 2 y u4 yy 5ba y u4 y 36a 2u6 y3 36b 2u6 y 6a 2u2u2 y yy 6au2u2 y by 6a y u2t y 6bu2 yt 6au2t yy 6by u2t 5a 2 yy u4 y (17) 5aby u4 y 6a 2u2u2 yy y 6abu2u2 yy 6ba y u2u2 y 72abu6 y2 ] / [36(a 2 y2 b 2 2ab y )], where a a( y, t ), b b( y, t ) , and u 4 , u 6 are arbitrary functions which correspond to the resonances j 4,6 . Up to now, we establish the required number of arbitrary functions corresponding to j 2 , j 4 and j 6 without any additional restrictions on the parameters. Thus we can conclude that equations (3) has Painlevé property and hence is expected to be integrable. 3. Auto-Bǎcklund transformation and exact solutions In order to get auto-Bǎcklund transformation, we may truncate the Laurent series (4) at the constant terms, namely, AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 9, Issue 2 (December 2014) 651 u 2 u0 1u1 u 2 , v 2 v0 1v1 v2 , (18) Where , u j , v j ( j 0,1,2) are analytic functions of x, y, t. Then substituting (18) into (3) and setting the coefficients of ( x, y, t ) with different powers to zero yields, v0 x u0 y 0, u0 y v0 x v1 x u1 y 0, u1 y v1x 0, u0 (3bu0 x 2au0 y av0 x 6b x3 6a x2 y 0, 9bu0u1 x 6au0 x x y 9bu0 x x2 6au0u1 y 2au0 v1 x 6au0 x xy av0u0 x av0u1 x 3bu1 x3 3au0 xx y 3au1 x2 y 3au0 y x2 9bu0 xx x 3bu0u0 x 2au0u0 y 0, 2au0 xy x 4u0t 3bu12 x 3bu1x x2 3bu1u0 x av1u0 x 2au1u0 y 2au0u1 y av0u1x 2av2u0 x av1u1 x 4au2u0 y 2au1x x y 6bu2u0 x 2au12 y au1 y x2 3bu0u1x 2au0 x xy 2au1 x xy au1 xx y 3b xx x 3bu0 x xx 3bu0 xx x au0 xxy bu0 xxx au0 y xx au0 xx y 0, 6bu1u2 x 6bu2u0 x 3bu1x xx 3bu1xx x au0 xxy au1 xxy 6bu1u1x 4u0t 2au1xy x au1 y xx 2au1v2 x 2au1x xy bu1 xxx 2av2u0 x 4au0u2 y 4au2u0 y 6bu0u2 x 4au1u2 y 2av0u2 x 2av1u1x 4au1u1 y bu0 xxx 4u1t au1xx y 0, 4u1t au1xxy 2av1u2 x 6bu1u2 x 2av2u1x bu1xxx 4au1u2 y 4au2u1 y 6bu1xu2 0, 4u 2t 6bu 2 u 2 x 4au 2 u 2 y bu 2 xxx au 2 xxy 2au 2 x v2 0, u 2 y v2 x 0. (19) u0 2 x , v0 2 x y , u1 2 x2 , v1 2 xy . (20) From (19), one can easily obtain, From (18) and (20), we obtain an auto-Bǎcklund transformation as follows, 652 Z. Yu and X. Gui-Qiong u 2(ln ) xx u 2 , v 2(ln ) xy v2 . (21) From the last two equations of (19), it is easily seen that (u 2 , v2 ) is a set of solutions of (3), so we may take the trivial vacuum solution u 2 v2 0 as the seed solution, then (21) are reduced to, u 2(ln ) xx , v 2(ln ) xy , (22) where satisfies the following constraint conditions, 3b xx2 x 4 x2t 4b x2 xxx a xx2 y 2a x y xxx 2a x xy xx 2a x2 xxy 0, (23) 4a x xxxy 8 x xt 2a xxy xx 2b xx xxx 5b x xxxx a y xxxx 4 xxt 0, (24) a xxxxy b xxxxx 4 xxt 0. (25) Once Equations (23)-(25) are solved, we can get exact solutions of (3) by means of the transformation (22). Equations (23)-(25) are homogeneous differential equations, we may suppose that the solutions of (23)-(25) are in the form, ( x, y, t ) 1 f ( ) exp( ) 1 f (kx l ( y, t )) exp(nx m( y, t )), (26) where k, n are constants, l(y, t), m(y, t) are the arbitrary analytic functions, whereas functions f ( ) may be sine, cosine, hyperbolic sine, hyperbolic cosine and so on. In this section, we only consider some special cases. Case 1. f ( ) 1 In this case, the solutions of (23)-(25) read, 1 1 exp(nx m( y, t )), (27) where the parameters satisfy the condition, b 4mt an 2 m y n3 (28) Case 2. f ( ) cos( ) or f ( ) sin( ) In this case, we obtain the solutions of (23)-(25) as follows, 2 1 cos(l ( y, t )) exp(nx m( y, t )), 3 1 sin(l ( y, t )) exp(nx m( y, t )), where the parameters satisfy the conditions, (29) (30) AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 9, Issue 2 (December 2014) a Case 3. 653 4lt , n 2l y b 4mt l y 4m y lt n 3l y (31) . f ( ) cosh( ) or f ( ) sinh( ) Similarly, we can get the solutions of (23)-(25), 4 1 cosh(l ( y, t )) exp(nx m( y, t )), 5 1 sinh(l ( y, t )) exp( nx m( y, t )), (32) (33) where the parametric conditions are given by (31). Inserting equation (27), equation (29), equation (30), equation (32) and equation (33) into equation (22), one can obtain five types of exact solutions of (3). For sake of simplicity, we only list one solution of (3). Substituting the expression (27) into equation (22), we obtain the following solution u n2 sec h 2 (nx m( y, t )), 2 v nm( y, t ) y 2 sec h 2 (nx m( y, t )) , (34) where b satisfies the constraint condition b 4mt an 2 m y (35) n3 4. Hirota’s Bilinear form and Soliton Solutions As the first step, one should transform (3) into the bilinear forms with the help of dependent variable transformation. To this purpose, we consider the standard Painlevé truncated expansion, u 2(ln f ) xx u0 , v 2(ln f ) xy v0 (36) for simplicity we may take the seed solutions u0 v0 0 . With the transformation (36), we get the following bilinear form of (3), ( Dx4 Dx Ds ) f f 0, (4 Dx Dt 2a 3 a Dx D y D y Ds bDx4 ) f f 0, 3 3 (37) where a and b are the functions with respect to x, y and t, s is the auxiliary variable, the wellknown Hirota bilinear operators Dx , D y , Dt are defined by [Hirota (2004)] 654 Z. Yu and X. Gui-Qiong Dxm D yn Dtk a b (x x ' ) m (y y ' ) n (t t ' ) k a( x, y, t )b( x ' , y ' , t ' ) x ' x , y ' y ,t ' t . (38) For the simplicity of computation, we will consider equation (2) with a special choice of parameters with a(y, t) = 3, b(y, t) = 1. In this case, equation (2) becomes, 4ut 3(4uu y 2 u y dxu x u xy ) (6uu x u xxx ) 0. (39) Accordingly, its bilinear form reads, ( Dx4 Dx Ds ) f f 0, (4 Dx Dt 2 Dx3 D y D y Ds Dx4 ) f f 0. (40) The next step is the usual one. Let us represent f by a formal series f 1 f (1) f (2) 2 f (3) 3 , (41) where serves as a parameter. Proceeding as in the Hirota method, we substitute (41) into (40) and equate to zero the different powers of , o( ) : ( Dx4 Dx Ds ) f (1) 1 0 (4 Dx Dt 2 Dx3 D y D y Ds Dx4 ) f (1) 1 0 (42) o( 2 ) : 2( Dx4 Dx Ds ) f (2) 1 ( Dx4 Dx Ds ) f (1) f (2) 2(4 Dx Dt 2 Dx3 Dy Dy Ds Dx4 ) f (2) 1 (43) (4 Dx Dt 2 Dx3 Dy Dy Ds Dx4 ) f (1) f (1) o( 3 ) : ( Dx4 Dx Ds ) f (3) 1 ( Dx4 Dx Ds ) f (1) f (2) (4 Dx Dt 2 Dx3 Dy Dy Ds Dx4 ) f (3) 1 (4 Dx Dt 2 Dx3 Dy Dy Ds Dx4 ) f (1) f (2) (44) First we consider one-soliton solution, suppose that f (1) e1 , 1 k1 x l1 y 1t 0(1) , (45) where k1 , l1 , 1 are constants to be determined. Inserting it to (42) leads to the dispersion relation, 1 3k12 l1 k13 . 4 (46) AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 9, Issue 2 (December 2014) 655 We find, in fact, that the right-hand side of (43) is equal to zero and so we can set f n 0 for n 2 . Therefore, the series (41) truncates, then the exact solution to (40) reads, f 1 e1 , 1 k1 x l1 y 3k12 l1 k13 t 0(1) . 4 (47) Applying the transformation (36) yields the one-soliton solution of (39) (for simplicity, we take 1) 1 u 2(ln f ) xx 2 ln(1 e ) xx where 1 (1) k12 2 k1 x l1 y 1t 0 sec h ( ), 2 2 (48) 3k12 l1 k13 . 4 We now proceed to search for two-soliton solution. Suppose that, f (1) e1 e2 , i ki x li y i1t 0(i ) , (i 1, 2), (49) from (42) one gets, i 3ki2li ki3 , 4 i 1, 2. (50) Together the values of f1 , solving (43) with respect to f 2 yields, f ( 2) e1 2 a12 , e a12 (k1 k 2 ) 2 . (k1 k 2 ) 2 (51) With the help of Maple, the right-hand side of (44) is reduced to zero. Consequently we can set f i 0 for i 3 . Therefore the series (41) truncates, the exact solution for (39) is obtained, f 1 e1 e2 2 (k1 k2 )2 1 2 e , (k1 k2 )2 (52) where i ki x li y 3ki2li ki3 t 0i , 4 i 1, 2. For simplicity one may let 1 , using the transformation (36), the explicit two-soliton solution of (39) reads, 656 Z. Yu and X. Gui-Qiong (k1 k 2 ) 2 1 2 u 2 ln(1 e e e ) xx . (k1 k 2 ) 2 1 2 2 (53) Generally, the N-soliton solution of (39) can be expressed as, u 2 ln( 0,1 exp( j 1 j j 1 j i j i a ji )) xx , n j kjx lj y where the first 1 0,1, 2 0,1, 0 ,1 means , n 0,1, and 3k 2j l j k 3j a n 1 j i 4 n t 0( j ) , e summation over a ji all (k i k j ) 2 (k i k j ) 2 possible (54) , combinations of means a summation over all possible pairs ( j i ). 5. Conclusions In this work we have considered a (2+1)-dimensional variable-coefficient KdV equation. Through the Painlevé analysis, the considered equation is found to possess the Painlevé property without any parametric constraints. Using the Painlevé truncated expansion method, the autoBǎcklund transformation and five types of exact solutions are obtained. 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