STAFF SENATE MINUTES Wednesday, April 13 , 2016

Wednesday, April 13th, 2016
Cameron Hall 214
2:00 – 4:00
Call to Order 2:04
Confirmation of Quorum and approval of minutes from March 2016 meeting 2:04
Reading of Conflict of Interest Statement 2:05
Chair’s Update by Dawn Brown:
Because I may have to leave early, I am going to jump to the “old business” topics during my
Bridges program: We asked Provost if funding is permanent. Sarah Thorndike is working
with Rick Whitfield on guaranteeing funding. We asked for letter guaranteeing funding and
more information on vetting. In my opinion since deadline for nominations are just 3 weeks
away, we should be involved with this next year instead of this year. If someone wants to
apply this year, I suggest this go through the provost. CIE is involved. Provost speaking in
July and will bring more information to us regarding our involvement.
Recently met with Chancellor and had a very productive meeting regarding survey. He was
very supportive of how we approached our spring survey and the comments. He will
review comments all weekend and will let us know if there are any comments that need to
be redacted to protect staff/supervisors. He wants Lauren and Dawn to come to Cabinet
next week with paper copies. Also very pleased with number of responses. He plans to
increase Staff Senate’s involvement in his strategic plan initiatives and actions. He plans to
use this survey and future surveys to measure data and create metrics. Kudos to Megan
Allred and Lauren Allred for their organization and time on the survey.
Summary of spring survey will be in Swoop next week.
We have had some questions regarding Staff Senate minutes and agenda going on website
in timely manner. Will be current from now forward. Thank you, Angie, for responding so
quickly regarding this matter.
Staff Assembly Scholarship applications are due 5/1. More info to follow.
Claire Stanley commended Staff Senate for helping out with Chancellor’s installation.
Since Zach Morgan has to leave early, he will present Faculty Senate committee notes now:
Zach Morgan:
 Faculty senate will meet next week so these notes are from the March 15 meeting.
 New part-time administrative assistant has been hired-Pamela Cunov.
Discussed results from recent survey which will be shared with others soon.
Much discussion on defining roles for lecturers
Also discussed the need to temper hysteria about higher Ed issues because issues
will always exist and do not need to be exaggerated by media or colleagues
There was a short presentation from Chancellor regarding strategic plan
Also, there were a lot of questions about bond money and if any renovations have
been designated.
At conclusion of update from Zach, Dawn then added:
 In reference to President Spelling coming next week (4/22),
 Please send your responses to questions that we sent out and please stay on topic
during discussion/meeting.
 Do not invite other people because small venue and limited refreshments.
Dawn asked Lauren Auton to share notes/summary from Chancellor’s discussion of HB2.
Lauren Auton shared the following points:
 Our policies do not change because of this law
 Our restrooms are all clearly labelled as required by this law
 Law does not cover enforcement
 Complaints handled like every complaint is handled.
 If someone has issues or questions: please refer students to Mike Walker and
refer staff to general council, John Sheerer.
Dawn added that any and all questions regarding this law are being welcomed by
general council and best practice would be to send any questions to them especially
since interpretations and government approach are changing daily. We have to uphold
laws of state and we have to remember we are a state agency. We can have opinions
but as far as UNCW as a whole, we have to avoid trying to define the University’s
opinion/stand on the law.
Lauren added: “We” sent email to administration commending them on emails that
were sent out to UNCW body to let us know what's going on with this law. WE believe
this was a much better response than delayed approach during healthcare benefits
 Spring Staff Senate Community Service Event:
 Erin St Ledger: As discussed in our last meeting, May is global employee fitness
month. Initial idea was to encourage staff to “take a walk” and use charity miles
app. Now, U an thinking that we should not push this APP in particular and instead
concentrate on this being a “Wellness” event. Considering Tues 5/24 or Wed 5/25
for event and whether or not we should/could use Trask and/or Rec center.
After discussion that followed the information Erin presented, Dawn asked for a
motion to hold this event on 5/24. Motion Passed.
Next, the discussion followed as to whether we should just focus on this as a
wellness event and not mention the “App” or do both.
 The decision was we could do both: use charity miles APP and use this as a
wellness event.
Should we use our funds for incentives?
 All agreed on spending funds on incentives/swag. Dawn asked us to send
ideas to Linda for pricing.
Discussion followed on possible prizes and how to put on event:
 Maybe if you go to 3 locations: get a prize. Prizes to consider Frisbees, Cups
$1.58 each, Phone pocket, or Lanyard $1.71.
Question asked: Do we want to involve other departments?
 Send ideas for other department partners to Dawn by next Wednesday and
she will send email out to whole group.
 Maybe send it to leadership council to get buy in from Deans.
Volunteers for temp ad hoc committee to help with event will meet with Erin to
plan event.
Share idea for event with supervisor so they will have buy in and can encourage
other staff members
Elections -- update by committee chair Courtney Lee:
 As of now we still have open seats.
 Nominations close tomorrow. Encourage people to self-nominate.
 You can self -nominate even if you are cycling off.
 We prefer nominations instead of trying to fill seats by appointments after
 Contact Courtney Lee directly if you have issues or comments:
 Need more nominations for Business Affairs and Chancellor’s Division: 4 in BA and 1
in Chancellors. Student Affairs is still open but we have lots of nominations from
that division.
Staff Senate Funds – Linda Register:
 We already decided to use funds for spring event. We have $835 in General Funds.
Human Resources Report – Jennifer Coombs:
 Information on award of excellence.
 There is a new tool for performance evaluations. Olivia Cunningham from HR wants
to present to Staff Senate so we can inform our constituents.
 Please be aware that we will receive a diversity survey in an email from an outside
vendor soon.
Also, be aware that the Federal Law regarding changing FLSA salary exempt position
thresholds for exempt employees is reaching the final stages of approval and
implementation. Once approved, 60 to 90 day to implementation. HR and the
university is preparing for implementation.
Committees Report
Staff Scholarship committee:
 Applications for scholarship close this Friday.
 We have 8 applications.
 Vote in May and issue scholarship in June.
Communication Committee: our webpages are updated, working on new logo. Dawn
added that we need to make sure we get new stories (especially upcoming events) on
website quickly.
Orientation committee: need to meet soon to plan for orientation of new senators bookmarks are well received by new employees.
Clarification- cycling off senators leave in June. New senators 1st meeting July. Approach to
electing chairs for committees will be a little different this year.
o Check out sustainability website for information on Earth Day activities and for more
information on “Bike to Work” day.
o CAS is holding their open house on Saturday April 16th at 10:00am. Please attend.
o Please volunteer for graduation. Transition programs has to hire help every year and
really needs staff support.
o CHHS is holding a lecture on childhood obesity next Wednesday from 7 to 8 pm and on
4/28 we are holding our 5th annual spring picnic/potluck. All are invited.
o Next year graduation is on same weekend of PGA tour golf tournament so we
anticipate a real issue with hotel rooms and traffic in Wilmington that weekend.
o New ticket system for ITS. We still can email TAC.
o Please remember to renew library books.
Motion to adjourn 3:24
Minutes taken by Melissa Cox