UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ANNUAL REPORT 20 14-2015 Donald R. Smith Dean of the Library February 18,2016 The academic year of 2014-2015 was just like every other year for the last several years: funding only to acquire a limited number of journals, relying on Student Assessment funds and Digital Library Funds to pay for serials and databases outside of LOUIS, and continuing to maintain library staffing with our reduced numbers. The coming year will follow this pattern but in addition to preparing the collection to become largely digital, the planning for the renovation of the library building continues. The librarians have been busily reviewing the collections and a major portion has been withdrawn. Our statistics bear witness to this. Donald R. Smith Dean of the Library February 18,2016 STATISTICS LIBRARY 2014-15 Materials Expenditures (excluding $67,000 paid towards LOUIS from non-library funds) I Library expenditures from capit;l Outlay and Operating Services Library expenditures from Student Assessment Digital library funds TOTAL $ $ $ 156,268.00 64,000.00 20,000.00 $ 240,268.00 VOLUME STATISTICS 2014-15 Units Units Added Withdrawn Units Net 2013-14 Total Vols. & Equivalencies 2014-15 Total Vols. & Equivalencies PRINT VOLUMES* Cataloged Added volumes Government Documents (Uncatalogec Print volumes Print volumes sub-total NON-BOOK MATERIALS Gov't. Pubn's (Microfiche and CD's) Microforms Microcards ERIC Microfiche Microfiche Microfilm Maps Other Sub-total GRAND TOTAL *Print Volumes includes cataloged monographs, serials, archives, and uncatloged government documents TITLE STATISTICS 2014-15 1 Added BOOKS Gen'l Coll. Govt. Documents Sub-total NON-BOOK MATERIALS Serials Microforms Maps A.V. Sub-total TOTAL 1894 986 2880 Withdrawn 34681 2557 37238 Net -32787 -157'1 -34358 Carried Forward TOTAL USAGE CATEGORIES 2003104 2004105 2005106 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008109 2009110 201011 1 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-14 2014-15 Assistance 5380 4772 4353 3546 2581 2583 2195 1943 1466 1294 1092 856 Reference Directional 12628 12378 7304 7777 5583 7318 6490 6866 3588 5013 7009 6619 Research 865 617 527 277 398 486 401 458 375 270 154 146 Bibl. Instr. 92 67 68 58 77 83 76 45 0 Groups No. in Grps. 2412 2228 1617 1836 1292 1068 1367 1419 1660 1672 823 610 SOLAR 0 0 0 0 Circulation Student FacultylStaff Reserve Other 16732 12583 1377 2429 343 18041 12228 1577 3774 462 14495 9609 I136 3419 331 Interlibrary Loaned Borrowed Transactions 851 2978 7044 1005 2718 6781 1064 3137 6536 Shelving 20574 23180 16558 7603 Electronic 68429 55500 105026 268730 393288 397829 Microforms Entrances 5855 2993 1922 1028 1078 1716 876 610 375160 352756 361405 563116 *I07117 108354 97249 141808 119932 404061 393608 327422 336334 327405 336230 475717 490732 44421 * Electronic source counting changed during the this fiscal year from searches and pages to volumes used in full text PERSONNEL ACTIVITIES Garita Alexander Activity froA 2014-07-01 to 2015-06-30 The University of Louisiana at Monroe University Library 3 18-342-3042 Education MLS, Clark Atlanta University. Major: Library Science MBA, Unversity of Louisiana Monroe. Major: Business Administration BS, University of Central Arkansas. Major: Biological Sciences I )rofessional Positions Academic Allied Health1Pharmacy Librarian, University of Louisiana at Monroe. (April 15 2004 Present). >rofessionalMemberships State, LALINC lnformation Literacy Committee. (Present). National, American Libraries Association. (Present). levelopment Activities Attended Virtual Summit, "The Emerging Future: Technology and Learning," Library 2.0. (April 30 2015). Webinar, "The Road to 2020: Envisioning Higher Education & the Library Environment for a Shifting Future," Blended Librarian. (April 2 2015). Webinar, "Designing Assignments for Information Literacy and Library Instruction," Credo. (February 10 2015). Webinar, "Designing Next Generation Gathering and Learning Spaces for Libraries of Every Type," Library Journal. (November 18 2014). Webinar, "20 Apps in 40 Minutes: Putting Apps to Use in the Classroom," Blended Librarian. (October 22 2014). Virtual Conference, "Future of Libraries Conference," Library 2.0. (October 9 2014). Library Journal. (October 1 2014). Webinar, "Would You Watch It? Creating Effective and Engaging Video Tutorials," Blended Librarian. (September 18 2014). Webinar, "Advancing Without New Resources," EDUCAUSE. (August 12 2014). Webinar, "U.S. Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity Engagement for Colleges and Universities," EDUCAUSE. (July 24 2014). rlon-Credit Instruction Workshop, University Library, varied participants. (Present). Bibliographic Instruction, Nursing, 46 participants. (February 12 2015). Bibliographic Instruction, Health Studies, 40 participants. (January 28 2015). Bibliographic Instruction, Nursing, 31 participants. (September 11 2014). Bibliographic Instruction, Dental Hygiene, 15 participants. (September 5 2014). Bibliographic Instruction, Medical Laboratory Science, 12 participants. (September 4 2014). Bibliographic Instruction, Dental Hygiene, 15 participants. (September 3 2014). Bibliographic Instruction, Health Studies, 40 participants. (August 27 2014). Bibliographic Instruction, Occupational Therapy, 29 participants. (August 26 2014). RESEARCH SERVICE iditorial and Review Activities I Ad Hoc Reviewer, Review Book, "Blogging for BooksVTheCrown Publishing Group (August 3 2014 - Present). Ad Hoc Reviewer, "Reference Reviews". (October 2 2012 - Present). Ad Hoc Reviewer, Edit Journal, "Codex"Louisiana Chapter of the ACRL (November 11 2009 Present). nternal Sewice Department I h Committee Member. Tenure Committee. (Present). Student Organization I Student Org Advisor (Non-Professional Org), Student Chapter of the NAACP. (2007 - 2014). !xternal Service Professional Committee Member, LALINC Nursing eReference Task Force. (October 29 2013 - Present). Committee Member, Logistics/Auction Committee for the Northeast Louisiana Chapter of the American Heart Association. (November 1 2012 - Present). Volunteer, Family Search. (April Present). m a n e s nugnes Activity from 2014-07-01 to 2015-06-30 I The ~ n i i e r s iof t ~Louisiana at Monroe University Library 3 18-342-305 1 I MLS, University of Kentucky. Major: Library and Information Science MA, University of Louisville. Major: German >rofessional Positions Academic Coordinator of Library Technical ~ e d i c e IsAssistant Professor, University of Louisiana at Monroe Library. (March 1 2003 - Present). levelopment Activities Attended Attended Conference, "Louisiana Library Association Conference," Louisiana Library Association, Shreveport, LA. (March 27 2015). TEACHING RESEARCH SERVICE nternal Service Department Committee Member, Library Emergency Planning Ad Hoc Committee, Member. (June 11 2015 - Present). Committee Member, Digital Library Transition Committee, Member. (May 01 2014 - Present). Committee Member, ULM Library Web Pages Committee, Member. (September 01 2007 July 09 2014). University - Service volunteer, Finals Week Midnight Breakfast in Schulze Cafeteria, Other. (May 4 2015). Service volunteer, Finals Week Midnight Breakfast in Schulze Cafeteria, Other. (December 1 2014). Volunteered in moving and positioning equipment., President's Academy 2014. (July 06 2014 July II2014). ixternal Service Volunteer with friends, Society of St. Vincent de Paul (St. Lawrence Catholic Church, Swartz, LA). (January 1 2014 - Present). Activity from 2014-07-01 to 2015-06-30 The University of Louisiana at Monroe University Library 318-342-1053 MLIS, Louisiana State University, 1975. Major: Library and Information Science Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Library Science BA, Northeast Louisiana University, 1974. Major: English Education major 1 Library Science minor 'rofessional Positions Academic Assistant Professor1Acquisitions Librarian, University of Louisiana at Monroe /University Library. (October 1 2005 - Present). )rofessional Memberships State, Association of College and Research Libraries Louisiana Chapter. (August 12 2010 Present). Regional, Southeastern Library Association. (January 2 2009 - Present). Regional, Arkansas Library Association. (July I2008 - Present). Regional, Mississippi Library Association. (September 24 2007 - Present). State, Louisiana Library Association. (July 1 2005 - Present). Local, ULM Alumni Association. (January 2 1977 - Present). Regional, Texas Library Association. (September 1 1976 - Present). TEACHING I RESEARCH I 'ublished Intellectual Contributions Book Review Association. Jefferson, L. R. (2015). Louisiana Libraries (pp. 27). Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana Library Association. Mississippi Libraries. Jackson, Mississippi: Mississippi Library Association. ntellectual Contributions in Submission Book Review I Jefferson, L. (2014). Louisiana Libraries (pp. 29-30). Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana Library Association. Jefferson, L. (2015). Louisiana Libraries. Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana Library Association. Jefferson, L. Louisiana Libraries. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana Library Association. I Jefferson, L. (2015). Louisiana ~ibraries.Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana Library Association. Jefferson, L. Louisiana Libraries. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana Library Association. Jefferson, L. Louisiana Libraries. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana Library Association. Jefferson, L. Mississippi Libraries. Jackson, Mississippi: Mississippi Library Association. Editorial and Review Activities lnvited Manuscript Reviewer, Review Journal Article, "CODEX: the Journal of the LA Chapter of the ACRL". (September 9 2013 - Present). I lnvited Manuscript Reviewer, Edit ~ o h k"ULM , Campus History". (August 29 2013 - Present). lnvited Manuscript Reviewer, Review Journal Article, "The Southeastern LibrarianNSoutheasternLibrary Association (May 28 2015 - June 1 2015). lnvited Manuscript Reviewer, Review Journal Article, "The Southeastern Librarian"Southeastern Library Association (April 27 2015 - April 29 2015). lnvited Manuscript Reviewer, Review Journal Article, "The Southeastern LibrariannSoutheasternLibrary Association (December 18 2014). lnvited Manuscript Reviewer, Review Journal Article, "The Southeastern LibrarianWSoutheastern Library Association (December 11 2014 - December 17 2014). lnvited Manuscript Reviewer, Review Journal Article, "The Southeastern Librarian"Southeastern Library Association (December 1 2014 - December 17 2014). lnvited Manuscript Reviewer, Review Journal Article, "CODEX: the Journal of the LA Chapter of the ACRL". (November 12 2014 - November 19 2014). ~ibrarian"~outheastern Library Association (November 5 2014 - November 13 2014). lnvited Manuscript Reviewer, Review Journal Article, "The Southeastern LibrarianWSoutheastern Library Association (September 24 2014 - October 16 2014). lnvited Manuscript Reviewer, Review Journal Article, "The Southeastern LibrarianWSoutheastern Library Association (August 11 2014 - August 14 2014). lnvited Manuscript Reviewer, Review Journal Article, "The Southeastern LibrariannSoutheasternLibrary Association (July 11 2014 - July 24 2014). lnvited Manuscript Reviewer, Review Journal Article, "The Southeastern Librarian"Southeastern Library Association (July 10 2014 - July 24 2014). nternal Service Department Co-Chair of Committee, Collection policy Revision Committee. (March 23 2015 - Present). Deselection, University Library. (September 23 2014 - Present). Committee Member, Tenure and Promotion Committee, Member. (February 8 2013 - Present). Meetings with Vendor representatives and Faculty. (January 02 2012 - Present). Committee Member, ULM Library Display Committee, Member. (March 31 201 1 - July 9 2014). Committee Member, ULM Library Web Page Committee, Member. (April 15 2008 - July 9 2014). Student Organization Faculty Advisor, Circle K International, Other. (March 23 201 I- Present). University Attendee, Meeting, University Activities - 2013-2015. (January 10 2013 - Present). Committee Member, ULM Parking and Traffic Appeals Committee, Member. (September 01 2006 - Present). Social Studies Fair, Region Ill. (January 20 2016). Judge, K-12 State-Wide Educational MediaNideo Contest. (December 1 2015). Social Studies Fair, Region Ill. (March 26 2015). L External Service Professional Committee Member, Arkansas Library ~ssociationlIntellectual Freedom Committee, Member. (March 29 2012 - Present). Committee Member, Arkansas Library Associationl Website Redesign Team, Member. (March 9 2012 - Present). Committee Member, Southeastern Library Associationl Intellectual Freedom Committee, Member. (March 16 2011 - Present). Committee Member, Southeastern Library AssociationlContinuing Education and Staff Development Committee, Member. (September 21 2009 - Present). . Webinar, Creating a Meaningful Research Process with Discovery Technology, EBSCO. (December 15 2015). Attendee, Meeting, AMIGOS 2015 Member Conference. (May 13 2015 - May 14 2015). , Webinar, "Digital Age Management and Leadership: Five Critical Steps to Integrating Digital Age Techniques in the Workplace. (April 30 2015). . Webinar, "What Keeps Academic Librarians Up At Night?". (April 28 2015). , Webinar, Booklist Webinar, "Prepared for Digital?". (September 23 2014). , Webinar, VIP Webinar with Ken Burns, Hosted by Baker & Taylor. (September 15 2014). Committee Member, Kiwanis Club of Monroe Scholarship Committee, Member. (March 10 2015 - Present). Committee Member, Open Learning Exchange1Children's Literature Advisory Board, Member. (June 28 2012 - Present). Attendee, Meeting, Friends of Chennault Aviation and Military Museum membership meetings, Member. (April 10 2012 - Present). Attendee, Meeting, Kiwanis Club of Monroe. (2010 - Present). I Megan Lowe Activity from 2014-07-01 to 2015-06-30 The University of Louisiana at Monroe University Library 318-342-3041 f ducation MA, University of Louisiana at Monroe, 2008. Major: Creative Writing Dissertation Title: 1-20 Lullaby: A Collection of Poems MLS, University of Southern Mississippi, 2002. Major: Academic librarianship BA, Mississippi College, 2000. Major: English >rofessionalPositions Professional Reference IibrarianIAssistant Professor, University of Louisiana at Monroe. (July 2003 Present). 3rofessional Memberships State, Louisiana Libraries Association. (August 2003 - Present). State, ACRL-LA. (August 2003 - Present). Ievelopment Activities Attended Workshop, "The Eternal To-Do List: Making Ebooks Work in Libraries," NISO, Gonzales, LA. (June 17 2015). Workshop, "Learning with LOUIS - ew Featuers for Curriculum Builder," LOUISILALINC + Ebsco. (April 14 2015). Conference Program, "Academic ~ i b r a Planning r~ and Revitalization Institute," Academic Impressions, Philadelpia, PA. (March 11 2015). Workshop, "Panel Session - Flipped Classroom Project," Monroe, LA. (August 14 2014). TEACHING Workshop, University Library. (Preseit). One-shot bibliographic instructional sessions, Library. (Present). RESEARCH 3ublished Intellectual Contributions Journal Article, Academic Journal Lowe, M. (2015). Editor's Column: How Do We Get It All Done, Ever? (pp. 1-4). Mornoe, LA: Codex: The Journal of the Louisiana Chapter of the ACRL. Newsletter Lowe, M. (2015). (pp. 1). Baton Rouge, LA: LOUIS Lagniappe. )resentations Given Smith, D. (Presenter & Author), Lowe, M. (Presenter Only), Robertson, C. (Presenter Only), Hughes, C. (Presenter Only), LLA 2015, "To Be or Not to Be - Digital", Louisiana Libraries Association, Shreveport, LA. (March 27 2015). Lowe, M. (Presenter & Author), University Week, "Library Deselection Project", Office of Extended Learning & Quality Enhancement, ULM. (January 8 2015). Lowe, M. (Presenter & Author), University Week, "Celebrating Diverse Diversities (Part of the Pecha Kucha)", ULM. (August 14 2014). :restive Works Theatre - Perform, The Vagina Monologues, Monroe, LA. SERVICE Editorial and Review Activities , Sage Publications. (2013 - Present). Invited Manuscript Reviewer, Review Journal Article, "Catholic Library World"Catholic Library Association (2012 - Present). I Editorial Board Member, Review Journal Article, "Current Studies in Librarianship"C1arion University of Pennsylvania, Dept. of Library Science (February 2010 - Present). Editor, Edit Journal, "Codex: the Journal of the Louisiana Chapter of the ACRL". (January 2010 - Present). I Present). nternal Sewice College Committee Member, Library Rotating Display Committee, Member. (2010 - Present). Committee Member, Library Information Commons Committee, Member. (2009 - Present). Committee Member, Library Emergency Policies Committee. (June 2015 - Present). Department Committee Member, Division of Music Library Committee. (September 2011 - Present). University I SOAR Campaign. (2015 - Present). Reviewer. (2013 - Present). Committee Member, Faculty Development Committee, Member. (October 2012 - Present). Committee Member, Committee on Electronic Theses & Dissertations, Member. (August 2012 - Present). Committee Member, Unit Assessment. (August 201 I- Present). Committee Member, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society: Fellowship Award, Member. (2011 Present). Judge, Technology Challenge. (2010 - Present). Committee Member, QEP Subcommittee: External Research, Member. (2008 - Present). Committee Member, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society: Outstanding Initiate Award Committee, Member. (2008 - Present). Committee Member, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society: Outstanding Initiate Award Committee, Member. (2008 - Present). Committee Member, CERT Team Member, Member. (2007 - Present). Volunteer, Annual Midnight Breakfast. (2006 - Present). Committee Member, Summer Reading Committee, Member. (2004 - Present). Committee Member, SACSCOC, Member. (2014 - 2015). Other Committee Member. Collection Develo~mentPolicv Committee. (October 201 I- Present). 4 Committee Member, Library Webpages Committee, Member. (2007 - Present). Committee Member, Deselection Committee, Member. (2005 - Present). External Service Professional Approved exam proctor, Louisiana Tech University. (June 2012 - Present). Committee Member, LOUISILALINC Research & Development Committee, Member. (June 2012 - Present). Approved exam proctor, EPIC. (March 201 1 - Present). Committee Chair, ACRL-LA Peer Support Network, Member. (2008 - Present). Committee Member, ACRL-LA Constitution & By-Laws, Member. (2008 - Present). Committee Member, ACRL-LA Membership Committee, Member. (2003 - Present). Committee Member, LOUISILALINC ReportsIStats Committee, Member. (August 2012 - May 2015). Public/Community , United Way. (2009 - Present). Contribute materials, Louisiana Teen Challenge. (2008 - Present). , First Baptist Church Library, Jackson, MS. (2003 - Present). Participant, Clinton Brick Street Classic. (May 2 2015). I Activity from 2014-07-01 to 2015-06-30 The University of Louisiana at Monroe University Library 318-342-1067 fducation MLS, LSU Baton Rouge, 1990. Major: Library Science BA, McNeese State University, 1988. Major: English I I 3rofessionalPositions I I Academic 1 Tenure, ULM library. (September 2002 - Present). Professional Assistant Professor, University of Louisiana at Monroe. (September 1996 - Present). lnterlibrary LoanlReference Librarian Jan192-present; Humanities Reference Librarian 712319012/91, University of Louisiana at MonroeINortheast Louisiana University. (July 23 1990 Present). >rofessional Memberships , . (Present). Regional, Southeastern Library Association. (2008 - Present). International, ULM Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. (December 1990 - Present). State, Louisiana Library Associaton. (January 1989 - Present). International, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. (December 1988 - Present). lwards and Honors Secretary Louisiana Library Association Academic Section Secretary 2014-2015 Ievelopment Activities Attended (present). "ULM Police Presentation 7/17/14 on Handling a Shooting," ULM Library, Monroe LA. (Present). Continuing Education, %Best Practices for using OCLC5s Article Exchange for Document Delivery OCLC Webinar," OCLC. (Present). I Workshop, "Copyright Clearance center CCC Get It Now Service Webnair," Monroe LA. (Present). Continuing Education, "ULM Cash Handling Training," ULM, Monroe LA. (May 27 2015). Conference Program, "Attended the 2015 Louisiana Library Association (LLA) Conference Associaton of College and Research Library-Louisiana ACRL-LA Executive Board Business Meeting on March 26, 2015 Thursday.," LLA Louisiana Library Association, Shreveport Louisiana. (March 26 2015). Conference Program, "Attended the 2015 Louisiana Library Association (LLA) Conference Program LOUIS Model of Consortia1 Collaboration on March 26, 2015 in Shreveport Louisiana.," Louisiana Library Association (LLA), Shreveport Louisiana. (March 26 2015). Conference Program, "Attended the Association of College and Research LibrariesILouisiana Library Association (LLA) Academic Section Meet and Greet on March 26, 2015 in Shreveport Louisiana," LLA Louisiana Library Association, Shreveport Louisiana. (March 26 2015). Conference Program, "Took minutes as the Louisiana Library Association Academic (LLA) Section Secretary of the LLA Academic Section Business Meeting at the LLA Conference on March 26, 2015 Thursday in Shreveport Louisiana," LLA Louisiana Library Association, Shreveport, Louisiana. (March 26 2015). Attended Conference, "Attended the 2015 Louisiana Library Association (LLA) Conference in Shreveport, Louisiana on March 26, 2015 Thursday.," Louisiana Library Association, Shreveport Louisiana. (March 26 2015). Continuing Education, "Attended Mandatory Meeting from TLRC Title IX and Campus SaVE at Monroe, Monroe LA. (August 12 2014). Act on 8/12/14," University of 1; TEACHING RESEARCH )ublished Intellectual Contributions Book Review (Fall 2015). Book Review of "Visions of Louisiana Plantation Homes" by Lee and Paul Malone published in "Louisiana LibrariesWvol.78 no. 2 Fall 2015 issue page 20.Baton Rouge LA: Louisiana Libraries. (Winter 20 15). Book Review of "Madam Belle: Sex, Money, and Influence in a Southern Brothel" published in "Southeastern Librarian" v62 n4 Winter 2015 issue pp. 32-33. Rex (Spring 2015). (Spring 2015). Book Review of "Charles Walters: The Director Who Made Hollywood Dance" published in "Southeastern Librarian " Spring 20 15 v. 69 no. Ipages 17-18. Rex, GA: "Southeastern Librariani'. (pp. 17-18). Rex Georgia: Southeastern Librarian. Book Review of "Manhattan Cocktail A Modern Guide to the Whiskey Classic" for publication in the Spring 2016 issue of "Southeastern Librarianfi.Rex GA: "Southeastern Librarian". (Winter 2016). Book Review of "Ziegfeld and His Follies: A Biography of Broadway's Greatest Producer " author Cynthia Brideson published in "Southeastern Librarian" v. 63 no. 4 Winter 2016 page 12. Rex GA: "Southeastern Librarian". Journal Article, Professional Journal II Matthews, M. Article accepted to be 'edited and published in "Library Worklife" titled "How Academic Librarians Use Their University Degrees Other than the MLIS". Chicago ILLinois: Library Worklife. I! ntellectual Contributions in Submission Book Review Matthews, M. Book Review of "Dictionary of Music Education" for "American Reference Books Annual" (ARBA) 2015. Aurora Colorado: American Reference Books Annual (ARBA) 2015. Matthews, M. F. (2014). Book Review "SPEC Kit 287 The Information Commons July 2004" published in Codex the Journal of the Louisiana Chapter of the ACRL v.3 no. 12014 pp. 94-96. Monroe LA: Codex. Matthews, M. F. Book Review of "Marketing with Social Media" for American Reference Books Annual (ARBA) 2015. Santa Barbara CA: American Reference Books Annual (ARBA) 2015. Submitted a book review for 'CODEX of "Developing Library Leaders: A How-to-do-it Manual for Coaching, Team Building, and Mentoring Library Staff by Robert D. Stueart and Maureen Sullivan. Monroe LA: CODEX. TI Book Review of "Hispanic Folk ~ u s i of k New Mexico and the Southwest: A Self-Portrait of a People" for "ARBA" 'Ymerican Reference Books Annual" 2016 issue. Santa Barbara CA: Libraries Unlimited. Journal Article, Professional Journal Matthews, M. F. Article "Evolve as an Academic Librarian with Library Association Activities" submitted to "Library Intelligence" 2014. Beihesda MD: Library Intelligence. I, Matthews, M. F. Article manuscript "Learning on the Job" submitted to "Mississippi Libraries" on 2/5/14. Jackson MS: Mississippi Libraries. "LouisianaAcademic Librarians Writing and Publishing Book Reviews is the Right Thing To n- -----. - - A .-.:LL L.. -..:-:--- I :L~--:--II z-- I---:-- qn~tz:--. .- n - ~ - -n-..-A II III Xesearch in Progress "Working on a book review of "New Mexican Folk Music" for hopeful publication in "ARBA."" () "Working on a book review of "Developing Library Leaders" for hopeful publication in 'lCODEX.lII' () "Working on an article for hopeful publication in "Library Worklife."" () "Working on an article to hopefully submit to "Collaborative Librarianship"" () I 1 I SERVICE Editorial and Review Activities "Book Review of "Lift Your Spirits: A Celebratory History of Cocktail Culture in New Orleans" by Elizabeth C. Williams and Chris McMillian for "Louisiana Libraries."". (Present). I "Review Book "The Handy Nutrition Answer Book" for "American Reference Books Annual" 2017 Issue". (Present). "Review of "The Manhattan Cocktail A Modern Guide to the Whiskey Classic" for "Southeastern Librarian " Spring 2016 issue". (Present). Review Book, "Book Reviewer of "Hispanic Folk Music of New Mexico and the Southwest: A Self-Portrait of a People" for "ARBA "American Reference Books Annual" 2016 issue". (Present). "Book Reviewer of "Brown v Board and the Transformation of American Culture Education and the South in the Age of Desegregation" for "Southeastern Librarian" 2016". (Present). "Book Reviewer of "New Mexican Folk Music" for "ARBA 2016". (Present). II "Book Reviewer of "Developing Library Leaders: A How-to-do-it Manual for Coaching, Team Building, and Mentoring Library Staff' for "CODEX."". (Present). "Book reviewer of "The New Orleans of Fiction: a Research Guide" for American Reference Books Annual ARBA 2015". (Present). "Book reviewer of "Latin Music: Musicians, Genres, and Themes" for American Reference Books Annual ARBA 20 15". (present). "Book Reviewer of "Visions of Louisiana Plantation Homes" by Lee and Paul Malone published in "Louisiana Libraries" vol 78 no. 2 Fall 2015 issue page 20.". (Present). "Book reviewer of "Madam Belle Sex Money and Influence in a Southern Brothel" published in "Southeastern Librarian" Winter 2015 issue.". (Present). "Book Reviewer of "Charles Walters: The Director Who Made Hollywood Dance" by Brent Phillips for "Southeastern Librarian" Spring 2015 issue", "Southeastern Librarian". (Present). I Historical Encyclopedia of the American Mosaic". Aurora CO: ARBAILibraries ~ilimited.". (Present). I "Matthews, M. F. (2014). Published Book Review of "Say No to Bullying" published in "Catholic Library World" vol. 84 no.4 June 2014 pages 294-295 (pp. 294-295). Chicago, Illinois: "Catholic Library World".". (Present). "Matthews, M. F. Book Review of "Marketing with Social Media" for American Reference Books Annual (ARBA) 2015. Santa Barbara CA: American Reference Books Annual I (ARBA) 2015.". (Present). "Matthews, M. F. Book Review "SPEC Kit 281 The Information Commons July 2004" published in "Codex the Journal ,ofthe Louisiana Chapter of the ACRL" vol. 3 no. 1 2014 pp. 94-96.". (Present). I "Matthews, M. (2014). Book Review of "Encyclopedia of the First Amendments". Aurora Colorado: ARBA American Reference Books Annual.". (Present). II "Matthews, M. F. (2014). Book ~ e v i e for h "Southeastern Librarian" published in v. 62 no. 2 Summer 2014 pp. 22-23 "Maureen O'Hara The Biography" by Aubrey Malone. Rex Georgia: Southeastern Librarian.". (Present). "Matthews, M. (2014). Book Review of "John F. Kennedy in Quotation" for ARBA American Reference Books Annual 2014. Santa Barbara, CA: ARBA American Reference Books Annual.". (Present). "Matthews, M. (2014). Book review of "City Crime Rankings 2013: Crim. Santa Barbara, CA: ARBA American Reference Books Annual.". (Present). "Matthews, M. (2014). Book Review for "Louisiana Libraries" v. 76 2014 of "Louisiana Eats: The People, the Food, and Their Stories" by Poppy Tooker. Baton Rouge LA: Louisiana I Libraries.". (Present). "Matthews, M. (2013). Published in "Codex" Book Review of "Interior Design for Libraries: Drawing on Function & Appeal" (pp. 158-163). Monroe LA: CODEX Journal of the Louisiana Chapter of ACRL.". (Present). "Matthews, M. (2013). Published in "Louisiana Libraries" Book Review of "Louisiana Name Places..." (pp. page 25). Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana Libraries.". (Present). "Matthews, M. (2013). Published in "Southeastern Librarian" Spr 2013 Book review of "Eat Drink Delta" (pp. pp. 49-50). Atldnta GA: Southeastern Librarian.". (Present). "Matthews, M. (2013). Book Review of "Conspiracy Theories". Atlanta GA: ARBA American Reference Books Annual.". (Present). "Matthews, M. (2013). Book Review of "Great Lives from History Latinos". Atlanta, GA: ARBA American Reference Books Annual.". (Present). II "Matthews, M. (2013). Book Review &''words of the Founding Fathers". Atlanta GA: ARBA "American Reference Books Annual".". (Present). "Matthews, M. (2013). Published in "Catholic Library World" Book Review of "Filling the GodShaped Void: A Book of Daily Meditatons" Published September 2013 (pp. 42-eoa). Chicago Illinois: Catholic Llbrary World.". (Present). I Healing" (pp. 209). Catholic Library World March 2013.". (Present). "Matthews, M. (2012). Book review "Handy Science Handbook". Littleton,CO; Santa Barbara, CA: ARBA American Reference Books Annual.". (Present). "Matthews, M. (2012). Book review of "Afro American Political Le. Littleton, CO; Santa Barbara, CA: ARBA American Reference Books Annual.". (Present). Ill "Matthews, M. (2012). Book review 0; "Educational Resources". Littleton, CO; Santa Barbara, CA: ARBA American Reference books Annual.". (Present). "Matthews, M. (2012). Book review of "Encyclopedia of E-Leadership, Counseling, and Training". Littleton, CO; Santa ~arbara,CA: ARBA American Reference Books Annual.". (Present). I I "Matthews, M. (2012). Book review of "Great Lives from History the Incredibly Wealthy" vl-3. Littleton, CO; Santa Barbara, cA: American Reference Books Annual ARBA.". (Present). "Matthews, M. (2012). Book review of "Open House: The Arkansas Governor's Mansion and Its Place in History" (pp. 57-58). fitlanta, BA: Southeastern Librarian.". (Present). I "Matthews, M. (2012). Book review of "The Girls' History and Culture Reader The Nineteenth Century". Littleton, CO; Santa Barbara, CA: American Reference Books Annual.". (Present). "Matthews, M. (2012). Book review of "The Girls' History and Culture ReaderThe Twentieth Century". Littleton, CO; Santa Barbara, CA: American Reference Books Annual ARBA.". (Present). I "Matthews, M. (2012). Book review ofl'Women in Developing Countries". Littleton, CO; Santa Barbara, CA: ARBA American Reference Books Annual.". (Present). I "Matthews, M. (2012). Book review of "Youth and Political Participation". Littleton, CO; Santa Barbara, CA: ARBA American ~eferenceBooks Annual.". (Present). "Matthews, M. (2012). Early History of Monroe" Book review (pp. 47). Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana Libraries.". (Present). "Matthews, M. (2011). Book review 01"Uelirious New Orleans" (pp. 23-24). Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana Libraries.". (Present). I "Matthews, M. (2011). Book review of "Hauntings of Mississippi" (pp. 21-22). Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana Libraries.". (Present). "Matthews, M. (2011). Book review of "How Kentucky Became Southern" (pp. 38-39). Atlanta,GA: Southeastern ~ibrarih.".(Present). "Matthews, M. (2010). "New Orleans brppetizers" (pp. 48). Louisiana Libraries.". (Present). I "Matthews, M. (2009). "Images of ~ m k r i c aMonroe : and West Monroe" (pp. ?). Baton Rouge LA: Louisiana Libraries.". (Present). I "Matthews, M. (2009). "Kentucky's Bqst Fifty Years of Great Recipes" (pp. 41-42). Southeastern Librarian.". (Present). "Strawberry ~ l h i n Audubon s Center: Four Centuries of a Mississippi "Matthews, M. (2009). . .. ivlaiillews, IVI. (LUUY). BOOK revlew or "bnost Gats OT the South". North Carolina Libraries.". (Present). I "Matthews, M. (2009). Book review of "Louisiana Plantation Homes" (pp. 18-19). Baton Rouge LA: Louisiana Libraries.", Louisiana Libraries. (Present). Review Book, "Matthews, M. (2009). Sanctified World. Tennessee: IU in the Church of God in Christ Making a Libraries."Tennessee Libraries (Present). "Matthews, M. (2008). Book Review "hwards, Honors, & Prizes" American Reference Books Annual.", American Reference ~ o o k Annual. s (Present). "Review book "Educators Resource directory 2015,201 6" for "American Reference Books Annual" (ARBA) 2017". ( ~ e b r u a 29 d 2016). Review Book, "Review Book "The Co?nter Intelligence Chronology Spying By and Against the United States from the 1700's thrbugh 2014" for "American Reference Books Annual" (ARBA) 2017". (January 28 20161. I Review Book, "Book Review of " ~ i e ~ f eand l d His Follies: A Biography of Broadway's Greatest Producer " authors Cynthia and Sara Brideson published in "Southeastern Librarian" v63 no4 Winter 2016 issue. Rex GA: "Southeastern Librarian"". (2016). nternal Sewice University Stage Master Science Fair, Science ?air Stage Master, Other. (2010 - Present). Committee Member, ULM Conduct standards Committee, Member. (2008 - Present). I volunteer to assist Phi Kappa Phi displlay, Browse on the Bayou volunteer for ULM Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi. (2004 - Present). Judge, Social Studies Fair ULM ~egional,Other. (1995 - Present). I Attendee, Award Ceremony, Phi ~ a ~ Phi d aHonor Society ULM Chapter, Other. (1995 Present). Distributed packets at Phi Kappa Phi Ceremony, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. (1995 Present). i I Placed programs at Phi Kappa Phi Ce emony, ULM Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. (2012, 2015 - 2015). Distributed programs at Phi Kappa Phi Ceremony, ULM Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. (1995 2014). 11 ixternal Sewice Professional , Committee Member of the SEW southeastern Library Assocation Outstanding Authors A u r ~ r r lPnrnrnittnn II 1 1 1 r rlni K-nmrhnt IDrncnn+\ I \UI I IUI UGUI GLUI y UI LUUIGIUI IU LIUI UI y AG~U~IULIUI I n b u u G 1 II I U~ G~LIUI I V G ~GI L ~ I y IUI LU Iu Y vaa not appointed., Other. (Present).I , April 2014-June 2015 Secretary of the Academic Section of the Louisiana Library Assocation (LLA). (Present). Committee Member, Louisiana ~ i b r a f Association y (LLA) Ran in January 2014 to Serve as Louisiana Library Association ( L P ) Academic Section Representative of "Louisiana Libraries" Editorial Board Not appointed., Member. (Present). Room Monitor for the LLA conference, Room Monitor Louisiana Library Association Conference 2010-2014;2016. ($resent). Award Committee Member, Member. (2012 Committee Member, SELA ~endelshhn Present). Committee Member, SELA ~onferedce& Exhibits Committee Member, Member. (2012 Present). Committee Member, SELA southeadtern Librarian Association Charles Beard Award Committee, Member. (2011 - ~ r k e n t ) . ULM Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi boot Browse on the Bayou volunteer ULM Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi booth Browse on volunteer, ULM Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi booth Browse on the Bayou Committee Member, Ambassador Association (ALA) American Library Association at the American Library June 24,201 8, Member. (June 24 2018). Committee Member, Louisiana ~ i b r a Association b (LLA) Alex Allain Intellectual Freedom Award Committee Member 2016-2018, Member. (April 2015 - April 2018). i Committee Chair, Chair LLA Acade ic Section ACRL-LA Outstanding Academic Librarian Award Committee, Other. (2012 - 2016). Secretary Louisiana Library ~ssociadionAcademic Section, Secretary Louisiana Library Association Academic Section, Other Officer. (January 2012 - June 1 2015). Committee Chair, Chair SELA southbastern Library Association Outstanding Author Committee. (2012 - 2015). Committee Chair, Committee Chair ~oulsianaLibrary Association Benoit Mid-Career Award. (2011 - 2015). Committee Member, SELA ~onferedceSite and Exhibits Committee, Member. (2013 - 2014). Committee Member, LLA Literary ~ d a r Committee d Network. (2013 - 2014). I Committee Chair, Committee Chair touisiana Library Association Scholarship Committee. (2012 - 2014). Committee Member, Louisiana Libdry nssociation Literary Award Committee, Member. (2011 - 2014). - Committee Member, Louisiana ~ibraryAssociation Teller Committee, Member. (2009 2014). , Collect money for the Louisiana ~ibkaryAssociation Scholarship Committee, Other. (2008 - PubliclCommunity Social Studies State Fair Judge in La Charles. (May 13 2013 - Present 3 Charles, Social Studies State Fair judge in Lake Committee Member, Destination lmal nation Time Keeper, Member. (March 201 1 - Present). Volunteer to straighten library bookst Ives, West Monroe First Methodist Church library. (April 2006 - 2014). naren Nlernla Activity fro? 2014-07-01 to 2015-06-30 The ~ni$ersityof Louisiana at Monroe University Library 318-342-3045 on roe. MA, The University of Louisiana at Major: History MLS, University of Pittsburgh school of lnformation Sciences, 2006. Major: Library and lnformation Scien es BA, Penn State University, 2005. Major: General Art & Sciences Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Hist 3rofessional Positions F Il Academic Special Collections & Archives Assi ance, ULM Library. (May 16 2014 - Present). member, Electronic Learning committee. (October 26 2013 - Present). Chair, Faculty Senate Elections committee. (August 23 2012 - July 1 2015). Senator, ULM Faculty Senate. (April 21 2011 - July 1 2015). member, Faculty Merit Raise Ad Professional I Committee. (November 17 2014 - December 22 2014). I II Past President, The Association of doliege and Research Libraries Louisiana Chapter. (September 1 2014 - Present). Administrator, (~ebruary2011 - Present). Webmaster, University Library. (~anbary28 2009 - Present). II Webmaster, The Association of college and Research Libraries Louisiana Chapter. (April 3 2008 - Present). 1 Chair, ULM Library Web Pages Co mittee. (August 30 2007 - Present). member, LOUIS Statistics Task ~orde.(April 15 2014 - April 29 2015). member, LLA Program Committee. d~une24 2014 - March 27 2015). Acensures and Certifications k MLIS, American Library Association. August 2006 - Present) 3rofessional Memberships 1 la National, The Association of College nd Research Libraries. (October 7 2012 - Present). National, American Library ~ssociatidn.(October 7 2012 - Present). State, The Association of College ana Research Libraries Louisiana Chapter. (July 2007 Present). State, Louisiana Library Association. (July 2007 - Present). levelopment Activities ~ t t e n d b d 1I Attended Conference, "LLA conference 2015," Louisiana Library Association, Shreveport, LA. (March 27 2015). Il Attended Conference, "2014 LOUIS osers Conference (LUC)," LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network, Baton Rouge, LA. ( ~ c t o b e8r 2014). Seminar, "Title IX Training," Student kenter, Monroe, LA. (October 6 2014). II II 4on-Credit Instruction TEACHING I lnvited Lecture, 4 participants. (0ctoGer 2014). t Invited Lecture, 31 participants. (Sep ember 22 2014). RESEARCH Wblished Intellectual ~ontribdtions Research Report i Smith, D. R., Niemla, K. E. (2015). ShCS COC 5th YEAR INTERIM REPORT 2015 University of Louisiana at Monroe. II II II =resentations Given I II Niemla, K. E. (Presenter & Author), erofessional development series, "New technologies in academic libraries". McNeese State Universitv Frazar Memorial Librarv. Online (McNeese Niemla, K. E. (Presenter & Author), $arcantel, J. (Presenter & Author), Learning with LOUIS EZproxy Admin & Hosting, "Leaying with LOUIS - EZproxy Admin & Hosting", LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network, online. (July 15 2014). Zontracts, Grants, and Spons-.ed Research [II Niemla, K. (Principal), Robertson, C. l(supporting), "ULM Library OCLC EZproxy Hosted Server Service" (Funded), Spon ored By ULM STAP, The University of Louisiana at Monroe, $5705. (2012 - Presentr. ntellectual Contributions in s bmission Book Review Niemla, K. E. Untitled Pat Contri Pul cation. San Diego, CA: Pat Contri. Xesearch in Progress "Graduate Thesis" (On-Going) Continuing research on Master: -hesis f ~ ULM r Dept. of History SERVICE Editorial and Review Activitie: Invited Manuscript Reviewer, Reviei Journal Article, "Codex: the Journal of the Louisiana Chapter of the ACRLnThe Ass01 3tion of College and Research Libraries Louisiana Chapter (November 2009 - Pre: nt). nternal Sewice Department De-selection Project, Collection Dev opment. (August 2014 - Present). University Midnight Breakfast Spring 2015. (M; 4 2015). Pro Bono Professional Service, Higlr School Technology Challenge. (February 12 2015). Judge, FBLA speech competition 2( 5. (February 4 2015). Midnight Breakfast Fall 2014. (Dece ber 2 2014). Pro Bono Professional Service, SHE A-org. (April 28 2014 - Present). Pro Bono Professional Service, SAV, PresidentlElectlPast. (February 201 1 Present). Public/Community Attendee, Meeting, Northern and Ce tral Louisiana Interfaith. (June 17 2008 - Present). Attendee, Meeting, St.Thomas Episc pal Church, Member. (August 2007 - Present). nearner rlrcner Activity from 2014-07-01 to 2015-06-30 The Uni-'--sity of Louisiana at Monroe University Library 318-342-1060 Education MA, University of Louisiana Monroe, 2014. Major: History MSLS, University of North Texas, Denton, 2008. Major: Library Science 'rofessional Memberships I' State, Louisiana Library Association. July 1 2013 - Present). 4on-Credit Instruction Fi Library Instruction, Library, 40 partici ants. (Present). 1 Library Instruction, Library, 40 partici ants. (Present). RESEARCH Bresentations Given Pilcher, H. R. (Presenter & Author), R bertson, C. (Presenter & Author), Faculty Week, "Pecha Kucha", Extended Learni g and Quality Enhancement, Univeristy of Louisiana Monroe. (August 14 2014). K Zesearch in Progress "Pictorial History of ULM Campus" ( ~ l h n n l n ~ ) Pictorial History Book Project probosal for Arcadia Publishing's Campus History series. I1, SERVICE Editorial and Review Activities 1; nternal Service University Committee Member, Quality Enhanc !merit Planning Committe, Other Officer. (November 1 2012 - Present). Other Judge, ULM College of Arts, Educat In, and Sciences; ULM College of Business and Social Sciences. (March 26 2015). Online Judge, Louisiana High Schoc Technology Challenge, Other. (February 11 2015). fxternal Service Public/Community volunteer, Family Promise of Ouach 3 parish. (Present). 1 Activity from 2014-07-01 to 2015-06-30 The uni+rsity of Louisiana at Monroe University Library 318-342-1054 MEd, University of Louisiana at Mon Major: Education Supporting Areas of Emphasis: MLS, Louisiana State University, 19q3. Major: Library and Information Science uI BA, University of Louisiana at Monroe, 1986. Major: Education I 3rofessiona1Positions 1 Assistant Dean of the Library, Univer ity of Louisiana at Monroe. (February 1 2012 - Present). i; Library DevelopmentIAssistant Professor, University of Coordinator of Special Collections Academic I1 - Present). Louisiana at Monroe. Professional 1I Records Officer, University of ~ouisidnaat Monroe. (July 01 2010 - Present). Jcensures and Certifications Quality Matters Peer Reviewer I' '1 - Quality Matters. (March 29 2007 - Present) of Education. (January 22 2003 - Present) Teacher Certification, Executive Librarian, State of ~ouisiada,Board of Library Examiners. (September 1996 October 20 16) 1I )rofessional Memberships II 1 State, Louisiana Archives and ~anudcriptsAssociation. (2008 - Present). 1 International, Beta Phi Mu. (October 993 - Present). State, Louisiana Library Association. [I 990 - Present). UUI I 11 I IILLCC Ivlcl I IUCI , UI IIVCI ~ I L Y ~ UI IU I U I I ~~ UI 11 IIILLGG. I \ ~ C ~ LI G IVGI I LU I L - rI eaei 11). Committee Chair, Records Manager 3nt Committee. (January 2008 - Present). Committee Member, QEP Committe Other Officer. (April 2010 - August 2015). University Senate Service, Staff Ser te, Member. (May 2013 - April 2015). Committee Member, Faculty Merit R ise Ad Hoc Committee. (November 2014 - December 2014). Zxternal Sewice Professional Committee Member, Louisiana Librz { Association History. (July 2014 - June 2015). Committee Chair, Junior Auxiliary of .ake Providence, Member. (1992 - Present). Judge, Region Ill Social Studies Fail (January 20 2016). Contributor, ULMIDelta MLK Day of ervice. (January 18 2016). Library Outreach, Sharing the Swee -ife: Chatsworth Plantation. (October 2014 - November 2014). Activity fro 9 2014-07-01 to 2015-06-30 The ~nivbrsityof Louisiana at Monroe Jniversity Library 318-342-1050 Education 1 Certificate, The University of Tulsa, 1691. Major: Business Administration MS, Southern Illinois University at ~dbardsville,1978. Major: Instructional Media MLS, University of Missouri - Columb'a, 1976. Major: Library Science I MA, Southern Illinois University at Ed ardsville, 1972. Major: History BA, Southern Illinois University at Ed ardsville, 1968. Major: History Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Fren h 'rofessional Positions Academic I II Dean of the LibrarylProfessor, University of Louisiana at Monroe. (February 1 1993 - Present). (1 I1 )rofessional Memberships 1) National, Association of Jewish ~ibraiies.(October 2014 - Present). 1 State, Louisiana Library Association. June 1993 - Present). State, Association of College and Re,earch Libraries1Louisiana. (June 1993 - Present). Local, Trail Blazer Executive Council 1993 - Present). A National, Phi Kappa Phi Literacy Gra t Selection Committee. (July 1 1914 - June 30 2016). Ievelopment Activities ~ t t e n d e d Workshop, "Substantive Change," S CS-COC, Shreveport, LA. (Present). "2013 Ethics Training for Public Sew nts." State of Louisiana. (Present). 1 "Workshop, Institute on Quality Enha cement and Accreditation, SACS-COC, New Orleans, LA," (July 23 2014). TEACHING 1 RESEARCH )resentations Given Smith, D. R. (Presenter & Author), LLk Annual Conference, "To be or Not to be - Digital", LLA, Shreveport, LA. (March 27 2015 Smith, D. R. (Presenter & Author), L Shreveport, LA. (March 27 201 Annual Conference, "Towards a Digital Library", LLA, /I; SERVICE Iditorial and Review Activities Invited Manuscript Reviewer, College and Research I Journal Article, "CODEXLouisiana Association of July 2012 - Present). nternal Service University (I 1 t P Committee Member, Institutional Effe tiveness Committee, Member. (April 2013 - Present). Attendee, Meeting, Academic Deans' 'Council, Member. (September 2012 - Present). SACS, Other. (July 01 2012 - Presen ). member and officer, Phi Kappa Phi, esidentlElectlPast. (2007 - 2017). I External Service Professional l Pro Bono Professional Service, Tem le B'nai Israel, Other. (2010 - Present). pi Committee Member, PKP Literacy ~ r b nSelection t Committee. (July 2014 - June 2016). I Activity frorp 2014-07-01 to 2015-06-30 1 The Uniyersity of Louisiana at Monroe Un~versityLibrary 3 18-342-1065 , Education I MLS, University of Illinois, 2006. Major: Library Science I I MA, Bowling Green State University, 2005. Major: French Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Folklpre Dissertation Title: Scopofeelia : intersections of gender, vision, pleasure, and power in fairy tales by 17th-century French women (thesis) BA, Augustana College (SD), 2003. Major: French and English I )rofessional Positions Academic 1 I Reference LibrarianIAssistant Profes or, University of Louisiana-Monroe. (July 01 2007 Present). )rofessional Memberships State, Louisiana Library ~ssociation.( ~ u l 2007 y - Present). National, American Library Association. (December 2006 - Present). Ievelopment Activities Attendbd Self-study Program, "HTML & CSS," (Present). Meeting, "Louisiana Advisory council for State Documents Depository Program," Louisiana State Documents Depository Program, Monroe, LA. (May 14 2015). I Assessment, "Federal Depository ~iqraryProgram Public Access Assessment," Federal Depository Library Program, Mo roe, LA. (April 1 2015). iTEACHlNG ' li Other 1 Williams, M. (2015). Texas ACLU Un overs Multiple Challenges to Comics in 2073-2074. New York, NY: Comic Book Legal De ense Fund. I k'I Williams, M. (2015). What Do We Kn w About the Frequently Challenged Comics of 2014?. New York, NY: Comic Book Leg I Defense Fund. Williams, M. (2015). Minnesota Book Legal Defense Fund. Censorship Bills. New York, NY: Comic Williams, M. (2015). Clean ReaderA NY: Comic Book Legal Defense Could Be Misused in Schools, Libraries. New York, in Myanmar's New Independent Media. New York, Williams, M. (2015). Cattooning Flou NY: Comic Book Legal Defense Williams, M. (2015). Four Decades ~ a t e rAnarchist , Cookbook Still Haunts Author. New York, NY: Comic Book Legal Defense kund. Williams, M. (2015). Mosul Book ~ u r h i n gRecalls Cultural Genocides of Centuries Past New York, NY: Comic Book Legal De ense Fund. 1 Williams, M. (2015). Graphic Novels Pcognized at A M Youth Media Awards. New York, NY: Comic Book Legal Defense Fun . 4 Williams, M. (2015). The French conbradiction: Free Speech for Some But Not Others?. New York, NY: Comic Book Legal ~ e i e n s eFund. Williams, M. (2014). Florida School qstrict Bedeviled by Satanic Coloring Book. New York, NY: Comic Book Legal Defense und. Williams, M. (2014). ALA Objects to Lists. New York, NY: Comic r Williams, M. (2014). The Decade Book Legal Defense Fund. Flagging of Books from Banned/Challenged Fund. ated Udders Went Under Wraps. New York, NY: Comic 1 I SERVICE I fditorial and Review Activities ie Ad Hoc Reviewer, Review Book, "Am rican Reference Books Annual". (Present). Associate Editor, "Comic Book Legal Fund (2013 - Present). Fund news blogWComicBook Legal Defense Invited Manuscript Reviewer, Review bournal Article, "Codexl'ACRL-LA (2009 - Present). II nternal Service nanartmnn+ II II I Collection assessment. (July 2014 - 'esent). Committee Chair, Library Display Cc ~mittee.(September 2010 - Present). Committee Member, Library Green ( ~mmittee,Member. (2009 - Present). Committee Member, Library Webpa! Committee, Member. (September 2007 - Present). University Committee Member, ULM Diversity ( >mmittee,Member. (November 2012 - Present). External Service volunteer, PAWS of Northeast Louis na, Member. (October 2011 - Present). volunteer online moderator and mair liner,, Member. (April 2008 - Present).