For an explanation of the curriculum change process, please see College or School College of Insert Arts and Sciences University of North Carolina Wilmington PROPOSAL FOR UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM CHANGE Department or Academic Unit: Public and International Affairs Type of Proposal: Check all that apply and answer the questions below. New Course (attach syllabus) Deletion of Course Degree Requirement Trial Course Course Change (Check all that apply): ✔ Prefix/Number Title Description Credit Hours Pre/Corequisite Restrictive Statement Crosslist Uncrosslist Contact Hours Other: new minor To become effective: Semester: Fall Year: 2015 To be offered: Fall on Request Spring Summer Alternate Years Current course prefix, number and title: Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor New course prefix, number and title: Abbreviated course title (30 spaces maximum): Type of course: Credit hours: 18 Lecture Seminar Credit hour change: From: Lab Practicum To: Internship Contact hours: ✔ Other minor Contact hour change: From: To: Restrictions (If repeatable the number of hours this course may be taken for credit, open only to students within the major, etc.): Crosslisted with (course prefix and number): Uncrosslist with (course prefix and number) (To crosslist/uncrosslist courses, a curriculum change form submitted for both courses is required.) Yes ✔ No Is this course a renumbering (it replaces an existing course)? If yes, which course? Yes ✔ No And should the existing course be deleted? (If yes, a separate curriculum change form requesting this deletion is required.) Degree requirement as it would appear in the catalogue (Include change to: total hours, new required courses, insertion and deletion of required courses, text, etc.) If additional space is required, prepare on a separate page using the format of the current catalogue and attach to this form. See attached document ✔ Yes ✔ No Is it required for a major/minor/option in your department? (If yes, please provide in the degree requirement section above the necessary change for degree requirements description in catalogue.) Yes ✔ No Is it an elective for a major/minor/option in your department? (If yes, please provide in the degree requirement section above the necessary change for degree requirements description in catalogue.) Yes ✔ No Is it a collateral requirement or elective for a major/minor/option for another department? (If yes, attach documentation listing the departments/programs affected and verifying that the departments were consulted.) No Are present staff and resources adequate to support this proposal? (If no, explain in the justification section how they will be provided.) Yes Revised: 05-2012 Page 1 of 2 College of Arts and Sciences University of North Carolina Wilmington PROPOSAL FOR UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM CHANGE Course description change as it would appear in the catalogue (Course description change: 50 words or less; include prefix, number, title, credit hours, crosslisting, pre/corequisites, etc.). Prefix: Number: Title: Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor Credit hours: 18 Crosslisting: Pre/corequisites (indicate which): Description: The Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor designed to explain the special legal and financial circumstances under which NPOs operate, and their relationship with their communities. The minor explains how NPOs must use principles and practices derived from the private sector to make optimal use of financial and human services, including volunteers. The minor demonstrates the importance of NPOs in creating and sustaining an inclusive, productive, and democratic civil society. Justification for request or degree change: The nonprofit sector is responsible for roughly 10% of the U.S. economy with respect to jobs, organizations, and financial assets. When the number of Americans who volunteer every year -- approximately ¼ of the population -- are taken into consideration the role and importance of the NP sector become even larger. Most institutions of higher education do not dedicate attention to the nonprofit sector. Yet, it is a leading sector of job growth in the U.S. This minor intends to not only make students aware of the nonprofit sector, but also provide management and leadership skills for future careers. By inviting and integrating students from across campus, it also shows the relevance of NPOs and activities for students in diverse majors and backgrounds. Yes ✔ No Is this course currently included in University Studies? Yes ✔ No Is this course being submitted for University Studies approval? Yes ✔ No Does this proposal require University Studies Advisory Committee (USAC) approval? (If yes, after college/school curriculum committee approval, forward proposal to the USAC and complete and submit the appropriate USAC form(s). If approved, this proposal must be signed by the USAC Chair and Faculty Senate President and forwarded to the Provost.) ✔ Yes No Does this proposal require University Curriculum Committee (UCC) approval? (If yes, after college/school curriculum committee approval, forward proposal to the UCC and complete and submit the appropriate UCC form(s). If approved, this proposal must be signed by the UCC Chair and Faculty Senate President and forwarded to the Provost.) Recommended and approved by: Earl Sheridan Digitally signed by Earl Sheridan DN: cn=Earl Sheridan, o=UNCW, ou=PIA,, c=US Date: 2014.09.08 10:07:57 -04'00' Department Chair/School Director Herbert Berg Robert W. Smith Digitally signed by Robert W. Smith DN: cn=Robert W. Smith, o=ITFSE, ou=UNCW,, c=US Date: 2014.12.04 15:53:09 -05'00' Chair, University Curriculum Committee Digitally signed by Herbert Berg DN: cn=Herbert Berg, o=University of North Carolina Wilmington, ou=Director, International Studies,, c=US Date: 2014.12.04 14:37:33 -05'00' Chair of College/School Curriculum Committee Kemille Moore Digitally signed by Kemille Moore DN: cn=Kemille Moore, o=UNCW, ou=College of Arts and Sciences,, c=US Date: 2014.12.04 11:14:29 -05'00' Dean of College/CSB Teacher Education Council President, Faculty Senate (WCE use only) Provost Forms not filled out completely or lacking documentation will be returned. Attach document... (Acrobat PRO only) Revised: 05-2012 Clear Form Page 2 of 2 Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor Dr. Jeffrey Brudney and Dr. Christopher Prentice, Coordinators Description: The College of Arts and Sciences offers a Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor designed to explain the special legal and financial circumstances under which NPOs operate, and their relationship with their communities. The minor explains how NPOs must use principles and practices derived from the private sector to make optimal use of financial and human services, including volunteers. The minor demonstrates the importance of NPOs in creating and sustaining an inclusive, productive, and democratic civil society. Justification: The nonprofit sector is responsible for roughly 10% of the U.S. economy with respect to jobs, organizations, and financial assets. When the number of Americans who volunteer every year -­‐-­‐ approximately ¼ of the population -­‐-­‐ are taken into consideration the role and importance of the NP sector become even larger. Most institutions of higher education do not dedicate attention to the nonprofit sector. Yet, it is a leading sector of job growth in the U.S. This minor intends to not only make students aware of the nonprofit sector, but also provide management and leadership skills for future careers. By inviting and integrating students from across campus, it also shows the relevance of NPOs and activities for students in diverse majors and backgrounds. Requirements for the Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor: The minor requires 18 hours of course work, including 9 hours of core courses and 9 hours of Nonprofit Management and Leadership electives. For successful completion of the minor students must take 9 or more hours outside their major. Core Courses (9 hours): PLS 308 (Introduction to Public Administration), PLS 360 (Introduction to Nonprofits), and PLS 361 (Nonprofit Leadership Experience) Nonprofit Management and Leadership Electives (9 hours): COM 220, COM 223, COM 231, COM 272, COM 334, COM 378, ECN 325, ECN 327, ECN 328, ECN 329, ECN 330, ECN 428, ECN 429, EBD 280, EBD 281, EBD 301, EBD 302, EBD 380, EBD 480, EBD 481, EVS 195, EVS 281, EVS 325, EVS 330, EVS 360, EVS 361, EVS 362, EVS 364, EVS 370, EVS 462, EVS 463, EVS 470, EVS 471, EVS 472, EVS 475, EVS 476, LED 211, LED 311, LED 411, MGT 350, MGT 351, MGT 356, MGT 358, MGT 359, MGT 452, MGT 456, MGT 457, MGT 458, MGT 459, MKT 340, PLS 217, PLS 362, PBH 290, PBH 310, PBH 400, PBH 435, REC 375, REC 440, REC 450, REC 475, SWK 106, SWK 235, SWK 335, SWK 355, SWK 460, SOC 205, SOC 215, SOC 240, SOC 250, SOC 303, SOC 305, SOC 306, SOC 315, SOC 320, SOC 325, SOC 326, SOC 340, SOC 366, SOC 380, SOC 415, SOC 449, SOC 460, SOC 485, SOC 486, WGS 210, WGS 212, WGS 495. Monday, A ugust 2 5, 2 014 at 8 :26:56 A M Eastern Daylight Time Subject: Re: Proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor Date: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 at 4:26:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: To: CC: Brudney, Jeffrey L. Peel, KaJe PrenJce, Christopher, Masters, Daniel Hi Katie; Thank you of your quick and helpful statement of support for our proposed Nonpro:it Management and Leadership Minor. Please keep us informed regarding the status of your new course WGS 280. Thank you again and all best wishes — Jeff B On Aug 19, 2014, at 3:22 PM, Peel, Katie <> wrote: Dear Jeff, What a terrific idea for a minor. I highly support this, and the inclusion of WGS courses in it. Just as an FYI: WGS 495 is rarely run (though it would be good to keep it in your proposal just in case), and we are in the process of proposing a WGS 280, a 200level, special-topics course. You may want to include that later on down the road once it is approved; or, you may want to wait and do a substitution form on a topic-by-topic basis. Anyway, this sounds great. Please let me know how I can help. Best, Katie Katie R. Peel Director, Women's Studies and Resource Center Associate Professor of English University of North Carolina Wilmington From: Brudney, Jeffrey L. Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 3:15 PM To: Peel, Katie Subject: Proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor Dear Dr. Peel; I am writing to you to seek your support for the proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor to be offered by the Department of Public and International Affairs. I have attached the proposal for your consideration. As you will see in the attached proposal, co-authored by Dr. Christopher Prentice, we ask to list courses offered by your Department as electives toward the Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor. Not only would listing these courses assist in creating a quality Minor for UNCW students, but we hope that it would also encourage enrollment in these courses and present novel perspectives to the students that would enhance study in your Department. Of course, if you think that some of the courses are not appropriate, or alternatively you would suggest other courses to satisfy requirements of the proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor, please let us know. We hope that you will support the proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor. To move forward, we ask to receive a statement of support from you to list courses from your Department as electives toward the Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor. To meet the deadlines for consideration of the proposed Minor for inclusion in next year’s academic catalogue, we ask to receive your statement by Monday, August 25, 2014. We would be pleased to discuss. Thank you for your consideration of the proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor. We look forward to hearing from you. All best wishes -Jeff Brudney --------------------------------Page 1 of 2 Monday, A ugust 2 5, 2 014 at 8 :03:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time Subject: Re: Proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor Date: Monday, August 25, 2014 at 6:21:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: To: CC: Brudney, Jeffrey L. Messinger, Lori Rowan, Noell L., PrenJce, Christopher, Masters, Daniel Hello Lori; Thank you for the good news!! We appreciate the support of the School of Social Work for the proposed Nonpro=it Management and Leadership Minor. We will keep you informed regarding the status of the the proposed Minor. Thank you again and all best wishes — Jeff B On Aug 25, 2014, at 4:57 PM, Messinger, Lori <> wrote: Jeff: We discussed these courses with the faculty, and there was unanimous support for including the social work courses in the proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor. Thanks for asking us! Good luck with the proposal. Lori Lori Messinger, Phd, MA, MSW Professor and Director School of Social Work College of Health and Human Services University of North Carolina Wilmington 601 S. College Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone: (910) 962-­‐3687 Fax: (910) 962-­‐3414 Email: Website: h`p:// <image001.png> From: Brudney, Jeffrey L. Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 3:18 PM To: Messinger, Lori; Rowan, Noell L. Subject: Proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor Hello; I am writing to you to seek your support for the proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor to be offered by the Department of Public and International Affairs. I Page 1 of 2 Monday, A ugust 2 5, 2 014 at 8 :25:30 A M Eastern Daylight Time Subject: RE: Proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor Date: Friday, August 22, 2014 at 3:34:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: To: CC: Hossfeld, Leslie Brudney, Jeffrey L. Masters, Daniel, PrenKce, Christopher HI Jeff, Our department is happy to support this proposal. We support these courses to be included in the Minor (some have prerequisites that will need to be honored but we are happy to offer all of these for the minor): SOC 205, SOC 215, SOC 240, SOC 250, SOC 303, SOC 305, SOC 306, SOC 315, SOC 320, SOC 325, SOC 326, SOC 340, SOC 366, SOC 380, SOC 415, SOC 449, SOC 460, SOC 485, SOC 486 Keep us posted. Best, Leslie Leslie Hossfeld, PhD President Southern Sociological Society Professor and Chair Department of Sociology and Criminology University of North Carolina Wilmington 601 South College Road Wilmington, NC 28403 Executive Director -­‐ Southeastern North Carolina Food Systems Program Feast Down East From: Brudney, Jeffrey L. Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 3:20 PM To: Hossfeld, Leslie Cc: Masters, Daniel; Prentice, Christopher Subject: Proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor Dear Dr. Hossfeld; I am writing to you to seek your support for the proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor to be offered by the Department of Public and International Affairs. I have attached the proposal for your consideration. As you will see in the attached proposal, co-authored by Dr. Christopher Prentice, we ask to list courses offered by your Department as electives toward the Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor. Not only would listing these courses assist in creating a quality Minor for UNCW students, but we hope that it would also encourage enrollment in these courses and present novel perspectives to the students that would enhance study in your Department. Of course, if you think that some of the courses are not appropriate, or alternatively you would suggest other courses to satisfy requirements of the proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor, please let us know. We hope that you will support the proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor. To move forward, we ask to receive a statement of support from you to list courses from your Department as electives toward the Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor. Page 1 of 2 Monday, A ugust 2 5, 2 014 at 8 :05:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time Subject: Re: Proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor Date: Monday, August 25, 2014 at 6:46:17 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: To: CC: Brudney, Jeffrey L. Lantz, Christopher D. HersLne, James H., CoMrell, Randall R., PrenLce, Christopher, Masters, Daniel Hello Chris; Thank you very much for the support of the Public Health Studies (PBH) and Recreation, Sport Leadership, and Tourism Management (RST) degree programs for our proposed NonproEit Management and Leadership Minor. As we mentioned in our earlier email message, if we need to make changes in elective courses offered by your Departments to satisfy requirements of the proposed NonproEit Management and Leadership Minor, we would be pleased to do so. Should we add the REC courses listed in the email exchange below? Please let us know. We will keep you informed regarding the status of the the proposed Minor. We look forward to working collaboratively with you. Thank you again and all best wishes — Jeff B On Aug 25, 2014, at 2:34 PM, Lantz, Christopher D. <> wrote: Jeff, Thank you for considering the Public Health Studies (PBH) and Recreation, Sport Leadership, and Tourism Management (RST) degree programs for your proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor. We believe the proposed minor is meritorious and hereby affirm our support of the inclusion of the identified courses in the minor. Please understand that the PBH and RST courses listed in your proposal are heavily subscribed and that seat availability for non-majors will be limited but we will be happy to admit non-majors as seat capacities permit. Best of luck on your proposal. CL Chris Lantz, Ed.D. Director and Professor School of Health and Applied Human Sciences College of Health and Human Services Page 1 of 5 Monday, A ugust 2 5, 2 014 at 8 :25:00 A M Eastern Daylight Time Subject: Re: Proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor Date: Monday, August 25, 2014 at 8:15:26 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: To: CC: NoEngham, Joanne Brudney, Jeffrey L. Masters, Daniel, PrenJce, Christopher Hi Jeff, It’s exciJng for me to read about the proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor which will add a much-­‐needed dimension in the academic pursuits of our students! Yes, the LED courses listed can be used as elecJves. Numerous PLS students have earned an LED minor in the past and I have oYen encouraged students earning the LED minor who were seeking an interesJng course to enroll in PLS 308. May I add PLS 360 and PLS 361 to the LED minor elecJves list? Some students will likely double-­‐minor, an advantage all the way around. LED students have earned a double-­‐minor in a few academic programs and indicated to me that they benefi]ed greatly from the experience. If I can be of help in any addiJonal way, please let me know. Take care, Joanne DocNott Joanne E. Nottingham, Ph.D. / Faculty Coordinator, Leadership Studies (LED) / Faculty Secretary, Omicron Delta Kappa (UNCWODK) UNC Wilmington / 910-962-3439 / Leadership Studies, Friday Annex 124 / 601 S. College Road, Wilmington, NC 28403-5980 Please don’t print this unless you need to. LGBTQIA Ally More Leadership Studies Minor Information at hKp:// Leadership is the ability to inspire, motivate, and communicate a vision to accomplish a goal. From: <Brudney>, "Jeffrey L." <> Date: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 at 3:31 PM To: UNCW Watson <> Cc: "Masters, Daniel" <>, "PrenJce, Christopher" <> Subject: Proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor Dear Dr. NoEngham; I am wriJng to you to seek your support for the proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor to be offered by the Department of Public and InternaJonal Affairs. I have a]ached the proposal for your consideraJon. As you will see in the a]ached proposal, co-­‐authored by Dr. Christopher PrenJce, we ask to list courses offered by your Department as elecJves toward the Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor. Not only would lisJng these courses assist in creaJng a quality Minor for UNCW students, but we hope that it would also encourage enrollment in these courses and present novel perspecJves to the students that would enhance study in your Department. Of course, if you think that some of the courses are not appropriate, or alternaJvely you would suggest other courses to saJsfy requirements of the proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor, please let us know. We hope that you will support the proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor. To move forward, we ask to receive a statement of support from you to list courses from your Department as elecJves toward the Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor. Page 1 of 2 Tuesday, A ugust 2 6, 2 014 at 1 1:40:49 A M Eastern Daylight Time Subject: RE: Proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 at 11:02:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: To: CC: Olsen, Richard Brudney, Jeffrey L. PrenJce, Christopher, Masters, Daniel, McDaniel, Anita, Brubaker, Jennifer Jeffrey, I have CCd Dr. Brubaker and Dr. McDaniel who are our liaisons for working on minors and clusters. Anita McDaniel is the point person this semester, while Jennifer Brubaker had that role last semester. This minor is certainly important and we in COM are certainly interested in supporting the minor so the short answer is “yes.” That said I have some concerns about how it is currently constructed. I am convinced that an emerging best practice would to imbed a cluster in any existing and proposed minors. That is, in completing the core of any minor, a student has also completed a cluster. That will allow them to graduate even if they fail for either good reasons or bad, to complete the minor. If not completed in the core, the elective hours should be constructed in such a way as to require courses outside of the department that core courses are in. My preference would be to see something like CORE: Take two of the following (PLS 308, PLS 360 or PLS 361) and one of the following (limited number of key electives chosen in coordination with home department. ) We would certainly be willing to have most if not all of the COM courses listed in the core, though I certainly could help narrow the list based on flexibility of enrollment, etc. I would also encourage adding COM 271 to the list as they often will do collaborative projects that coordinate well with the goals of the minor. ELECTIVES: Nine hours from among all the courses listed in your proposal. This is not a deal breaker but I hope you find the feedback useful. Richard K. Olsen, Chair Dept. of Communication Studies University of North Carolina Wilmington 601 South College Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403-5933 email: phone: 910 962 3710 fax: 910 962 7061 office: Leutze Hall 223 site: "Laugh and fear not, creatures. Now that you are no longer dumb and witless, you need not always be grave. For jokes as well as justice come in with speech" C. S. Lewis, The Magician's Nephew. From: Brudney, Jeffrey L. Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 10:17 AM To: Olsen, Richard Cc: Prentice, Christopher; Masters, Daniel Subject: Fwd: Proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor Hello Rick; Page 1 of 2 Thursday, September 4 , 2 014 at 1 0:56:29 A M Eastern Daylight Time Subject: RE: Nonprofit Management & Leadership Minor Date: Wednesday, September 3, 2014 at 1:20:17 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: To: CC: Glew, David Brudney, Jeffrey L. Masters, Daniel, Sheridan, Earl, PrenNce, Christopher Jeffrey and Dan, Good news! The Department of Management approved inclusion of our courses in the newly proposed minor in Nonprofit Management and Leadership. I wish you the best as the proposal makes its way through the maze of approvals to come (e.g., curriculum, senate, provost, ... ) Dave From: Brudney, Jeffrey L. Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 12:47 PM To: Glew, David Cc: Masters, Daniel; Sheridan, Earl; Prentice, Christopher Subject: Re: Nonprofit Management & Leadership Minor Hello David; I will attend the meeting at 12:00 noon with Dan. All best wishes — Jeff B On Sep 1, 2014, at 12:15 PM, Glew, David <> wrote: Thanks Dan. I’ve called a meeNng with my department for this Wednesday, 9/3, at noon in the same conference room where we met. If you are able to be there for a few minutes to answer quesNons, that would be great. FYI, I shared your email with my faculty to build greater understanding (and hopefully fend off some resistance). Just let me know if you can a^end. Dave David Glew, Ph.D. Chair, Department of Management Cameron School of Business University of North Carolina Wilmington 601 S. College Rd. Page 1 of 2 Thursday, September 4 , 2 014 at 3 :17:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time Subject: RE: Proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor Date: Thursday, September 4, 2014 at 3:16:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: To: CC: Richie, Nivine F. Brudney, Jeffrey L. Masters, Daniel, PrenLce, Christopher, Burrus, Rob, Hanson, Randall Dear Jeff, Chris, and Dan: Thank you for the informaLon about the proposed minor. The Department of Economics and Finance supports the Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor and would like to suggest that one more course be added to the list of ECN courses available as elecLves ECN 325: Environmental Economics This course is taught in the semesters that ECN 330: Natural Resource Economics is not offered. Please note that several of the listed ECN courses are not currently being taught due to staffing constraints, but that may change in the future. Thank you, Nivine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nivine Richie, Ph.D., CFA Chair, Department of Economics and Finance University of North Carolina Wilmington 220 Cameron Hall 601 S. College Road Wilmington, NC 28403 Tel: 910.962.3606 Email: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOTICE: E-­‐mail correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law (N.C.G.S. §132-­‐1 et seq.) and may be disclosed to the public or third parKes. From: Brudney, Jeffrey L. Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 3:24 PM To: Richie, Nivine F. Cc: Masters, Daniel; PrenLce, Christopher Subject: Proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor Dear Dr. Richie; I am writing to you to seek your support for the proposed Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor to be offered by the Department of Public and International Affairs. I have attached the proposal for your consideration. As you will see in the attached proposal, co-authored by Dr. Christopher Prentice, we ask to list courses offered by your Department as electives toward the Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor. Not only would listing these courses assist in creating a quality Minor for UNCW students, but we hope that Page 1 of 2 Monday, September 8 , 2 014 at 9 :25:29 A M Eastern Daylight Time Subject: Proposal for a Nonprofit Management and Leadership Minor. Date: Friday, September 5, 2014 at 5:43:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: To: CC: Brudney, Jeffrey L. Meyer, Tracy Harper, Stephen, Masters, Daniel, PrenLce, Christopher, Glew, David, Richie, Nivine F. Hi Tracy; Thank you for contacting me, and for your support of the proposed Nonpro9it Management and Leadership Minor. We will be pleased to add MKT 340 as an elective course for the Nonpro9it Management and Leadership Minor. Given the time pressures of submission (by September 8, 2014), I am not sure that we can still add this course to the electives. If not, we will submit the necessary paperwork at a later time. We are pleased that 11 departments now support our proposal, including Marketing, Economics, and Marketing. Thank you and all best wishes — Jeff B On Sep 5, 2014, at 4:50 PM, Meyer, Tracy <> wrote: Hi Jeff, The MKT Department is 9ine with the addition of MKT 340 to the list of elective options for the new minor. Tracy Tracy Meyer, Ph.D. Associate Professor|Department Chair of Marketing Cameron Hall, Room 240 C University of North Carolina Wilmington 28403-­‐5969 910.962.7202 | NOTICE: Emails sent and received in the course of university business are subject to the North Carolina Public Records Act (N.C.G.S. §132-­‐1 et seq.) and may be released to the public unless an exception applies. -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐Original Message-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ From: Harper, Stephen Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2014 8:08 PM To: Mautz, Richard D. Cc: Meyer, Tracy Subject: FW: Thank you David and Tracy: Here is Jeff's proposal for the minor and his request for ACG 201 and 201L as well as MKT 340 Page 1 of 3