University College

For an explanation of the curriculum change process, please see hun:
W\1 '' .uncw.cdu, 1i1c
handhooJ.. a.:sponsibiliticsltcachinl!.·curriculwn.htm
University College
University of North Carolina Wilmington
Department or Academic Unit: "'U"'ru"'·v..,e"'rs..,i!..lty'-'C""""
ol'-"le"~g.,e'--------------------------------Type of Proposal: Check all that apply and answer the questions below.
DNew Course (attach syllabus)
DDeletion of Course
DDegree Requirement
DTrial Course
181Course Change (Check all that apply): DPrefix/Number 181Title
D Description
181 Credit Hours D Contact Hours
DPre/Corequisite DRestrictive Statement 0 Crosslist D Uncrosslist Other:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
To become effective: Semester:
To be offered : DFall
D Spring
D Summer
Don Request DAitemate Years
Current courseprefix, numberand title: LF~re~s~~~~~s~e~~~
Newcourseprefix, numberand Utle:~~~~IO~lu:~F~iurs~t~Y~e~ar~S~e=m~in~ar~-------------------------­
Abbreviated course title (30 spaces maximum): F
D Ofuer____ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___
Type of course: D Lecture
[8JSeminar D Lab DPracticum
C redit hours: 1 Credit hour ch~ge:
Contact hours: J. Contact hour ch~ge:
To: J.
Restrictions (lfre eatable the number of hours this course rna
First Year students only
Crosslisted with (course prefix and number):
Uncrosslist with (course prefix and number)·~----(To crosslistluncrosslist courses. a curriculum change form submitled by both departments i~· required.}
O Yes D No
DYes D No
Is this course a renumbering (it replaces an existing course)? If yes, which course?
And should the existing course be deleted? (Ifyes, a separate curriculum change form requesting this deletion is required.)
DYes D No
Is this course currently approved for basic studies?
[8JYes D No
Will it be submitted for basic studies approval?
0 Yes 0 No
Is this course currently approved for oral competency?
O Yes D No
Will it be submitted for ora l competency approval?
O Yes D No
Is this course currently approved for computer competency?
D Yes D No
Will it be submitted for computer competency approval?
O Yes D No
Is it required for a major/minor/option in your department? (Ifyes, please provide in the degree requirement section
below the necessary change for degree requirements description in catalogue.)
0Yes 0 No
Is it an elective for a major/minor/option in your department? (Ifyes, please provide in the degree requirement section
below !he necessary change for degree requirements description in catalogue.)
Degree requirement as it would appear in the catalogue (include change to: total hours. new required courses, insertion and deletion of
required courses, text, etc.) If additional space is required, prepare on a separate page using fue format of the current catalogue and attach to this
D Yes [8JNo
Is it a collateral requirement or elective for a major/minor/option for another department? (Ifyes, allach
documentation listing the departments/programs affected and verifying that the departments were consulted.)
[8JYes D No
Are presen t staff and resources adequate to support this proposal? (If no, explain in thejustificarion section how they will
be provided)
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Course description change as it would appear in the catalogue (Course description change: 50 words or less: include prefu, number. title,
credit hours, crosslisting, pre/corequisites, etc.).
University Studies 101: First Year Seminar. (3 credit hours) Must be taken in the first semester of full-time attendance at UNCW. Seminar
course designed to support ftrst year students in optimizing their UNCW learning experience. With instructor as mentor, approaches to critical
thinking are emphasized as students explore the goals of liberal arts learning, academic ethics and strategies, UNCW's common reading,
information literacy, self-management, and effective group collaboration.
Justification for request or degree change:
DYes 0No
Does this proposal require University Curriculum Committee (UCC) or Faculty Senate approval (refer to
)? (Ifyes. after college/school curriculum committee approval. fonvard proposal to the UCC and complete and
!ll!.P-:f:,, '~ tlnC\\ .cdu fiKsc'n'ucc.
submit the appropriate UCC form(s). If approved. this proposal must be signed by the UCC Chair and Faculry Senate President and forwarded
to the Provost.)
Recommended and approved by:
~the College o~l
r~ 3&to o1o ,p_
Department Chairperson
*Chair, University 5l!'fie.t~ltlm Conm*twe
Chair, College or School Curriculum Committee
*President, Faculty Senate
Teacher Education Council
(WSE use only)
s+vttt1 ~s .f\cCv
*Obtain signatures ofthe UCC Chair and the Faculty Senate President onlv ifrequired for rhis proposal
Forms not filled out completely or lacking documentation wiU be returned.
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