Watson School of Education

Watson School of Education
Department of Elementary, Middle Level and Literacy Education
EDNL 300: Elementary Programs & Practices Field Experience (1)
Course Description
Corequisite: EDN 300. Designed to provide opportunities to observe and engage
in reflective discussion of curriculum and instructional practices in a variety of
elementary schools. Emphasis on how various philosophies are reflected in
instructional practice. Students will participate in three hours of field study and
reflective seminar activities per week.
Conceptual Framework:
The Watson School of Education strives to develop highly competent
professionals to serve in educational leadership roles. These experiences afford
students the opportunity to develop the following competencies:
� Informed data driven decision making
� Reflective practice
� Commitment to ethical and professional standards
� Knowledge in academic content and pedagogy
� Technology integration
� Ability to meet needs of diverse learners
� Knowledge and use of appropriate communication strategies
Individual student growth in these areas will result in educational practice that
positively impacts learning.
North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards
1.3 Teachers lead the teaching profession.
1.4 Teachers advocate for schools and students.
1.5 Teachers demonstrate high ethical standards.
Respectful Environment for Diverse Populations
2.2 Teachers embrace diversity in the school community and in the world.
2.3 Teachers treat students as individuals.
2.4 Teachers adapt their teaching for the benefit of students with special needs.
3.2 Teachers know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty.
3.3 Teachers recognize the interconnectedness of content areas/disciplines.
3.4 Teachers make instruction relevant to students.
Facilitate Learning
4.1 Teachers know the ways in which learning takes place, and they know the appropriate
levels of intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development of their students.
4.2 Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their students.
4.3 Teachers use a variety of instructional methods.
4.5 Teachers help students develop critical thinking and problem solving skills.
4.7 Teachers communicate effectively.
4.8 Teachers use a variety of methods to assess what each student has learned.
Reflective Practice
5.2 Teachers link professional growth to their professional goals.
5.3 Teachers function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment.
Association of Childhood Education International (ACEI) Standards
Development, Learning and Motivation
1. Development, Learning and Motivation--Candidates know, understand, and use the major
concepts, principles, theories, and research related to development of children and young
adolescents to construct learning opportunities that support individual students’ development,
acquisition of knowledge, and motivation.
2.8. Connections across the curriculum—Candidates know, understand, and use the connections
among concepts, procedures, and applications from content areas to motivate elementary
students, build understanding, and encourage the application of knowledge, skills, and ideas to
real world issues.
3.1. Integrating and applying knowledge for instruction—Candidates plan and implement
instruction based on knowledge of students, learning theory, subject matter, curricular goals, and
3.2. Adaptation to diverse students--Candidates understand how elementary students differ in
their development and approaches to learning, and create instructional opportunities that are
adapted to diverse students;
3.3. Development of critical thinking, problem solving, performance skills--Candidates
understand and use a variety of teaching strategies that encourage elementary students’
development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills;
4. Assessment for instruction--Candidates know, understand, and use formal and informal
assessment strategies to plan, evaluate and strengthen instruction that will promote continuous
intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of each elementary student.
5.1. Practices and behaviors of developing career teachers—Candidates understand and apply
practices and behaviors that are characteristic of developing career teachers;
5.2. Reflection and evaluation—Candidates are aware of and reflect on their practice in light of
research on teaching and resources available for professional learning; they continually evaluate
the effects of their professional decisions and actions on students, parents, and other
professionals in the learning community and actively seek out opportunities to grow
5.3. Collaboration with families—Candidates know the importance of establishing and
maintaining a positive collaborative relationship with families to promote the academic, social and
emotional growth of children;
5.4. Collaboration with colleagues and the community—Candidates foster relationships with
school colleagues and agencies in the larger community to support students’ learning and wellbeing.
Objectives: Upon successfully completing this course, the student should be
able to:
1. Demonstrate a beginning understanding of current instructional practices
across the educational levels, K-6.
2. Identify how various educational philosophies are reflected in curriculum
and instructional practices.
3. Develop and articulate a personal model of teaching and learning.
4. Develop and demonstrate professionalism in dress, mannerisms,
language, and actions.
5. Systematically reflect on the responsibilities, roles and practices of
classroom teachers.
Attendance is important to your growth in this class. You will be required to be on
time at your designated school and must inform the teacher and your instructor if
an absence is necessary.
Disability Services:
**If you are a person with a disability and anticipate needing accommodations of
any type in order to participate in this class, you must notify Disability Services
(962-7555), provide the necessary documentation of the disability and arrange
for the appropriate authorized accommodations. Once these accommodations
are approved, please identify yourself to me so that the accommodations can be
Suggested Assignments:
1. Complete field experience requirements as assigned in your EDN 300
2. Participate in group observation and discussion at selected school sites.
3. Describe and reflect on how various philosophies are implemented in the
4. Attendance and class participation.
Grading Method:
Pass/Fail. Completion of lab assignments will also be taken into consideration
for course grade.