SEC 300 Curriculum Design, Technology and Learning Assessment

SEC 300 Curriculum Design, Technology and Learning Assessment
Course Description & Rationale: Co-requisites: SEC 310 Reading and Literacy in the
Secondary School (3) and SEC 320. Field Experiences (2) (Prerequisites: SEC 200;
SEC 210; and SEC 220) Designed to provide conceptual tools and analytic skills
essential for designing effective instructional activities that incorporate technology as
well as field based experiences for designing, implementing, and evaluating
instructional materials. SEC 300 is a part of a core set of courses for 9-12 teachers
designed to foster growth through class discussions, readings, projects, and field
experiences and aligns with WSE Conceptual Framework. SEC 300, SEC 310, and
SEC 320 are required core courses for all secondary education majors.
Course Objectives:
Given a description of different external learning conditions, the student will
generate analysis of the condition by describing the learning theories being
applied in the condition
The student will demonstrate understanding of the Standard Course of study in
their discipline and the 21st Century North Carolina Professional Teaching
Standards as they create, implement and evaluate instructional materials
The student will be able to explain and incorporate Gagne’s 9 Instructional
events into other forms of instructional lesson plans.
The student will demonstrate the selection and use of pertinent forms of
Given instructional content, the student will generate instructional plans that
demonstrate a clear understanding of the principles of effective curriculum
design, technology integration, and assessment and apply them in SEC 320, field
experience course
The learner will identify, apply and reflect on assessment strategy alternatives
given descriptions of a series of intended learning outcomes, instructional
settings, and audiences during SEC 320 field experience course.
The students will develop skills in the operation of microcomputers, computer
software applications, telecommunications, and distance learning technologies
Required Course Materials:
Wilen, W., Hutchison, J., Ishler, M. (2008). Dynamics of Effective Secondary Teaching
(6th Ed). Boston: Pearson/A & B. ISBN-13 978-0-205-51411-3
Mylabschool access with textbook:
Taskstream account (
NCSCOS Curriculum, National Standards, 21st Century Standards (Secondary)
Gagne’s Learning Capabilities & Bloom’s Taxonomy
Gagne’s 9 Instructional Events & Various Lesson Plan Designs
Technology for today’s High Schools
Preparing Instruction for Diverse Learners
Planning: Lesson Plans and Long Range Plans
Assessment (Developing Formative & Summative tools)
Peer Evaluations
NC Testing- Its impact on High School Teachers /The global connections (Assessment, NAEP)
Field Experience Reflections
Perspectives toward effective teaching
Attendance/Class Participation/Professionalism: Your attendance, professionalism
and participation in class activities are necessary to be successful in the course.
Late Work Policy: Assignments must be completed on time! Late assignments
(submitted after the due date) will result in lose of points (1/2 of the late assignment total
Candidates are expected to demonstrate through both verbal and non verbal
actions, classroom behaviors that are consistent with the ideas of fairness and
the belief that all students can learn. All UNCW students and faculty are held to the
terms of the Academic Honor Code. “UNCW practices a zero-tolerance policy for
violence and harassment of any kind. For emergencies contact UNCW CARE at 9622273, Campus Police at 962-2222, or Wilmington Police at 911. For University or
community resources visit”
Assessment: Students will be assessed on a variety of assignments.
Grade: A 740-700 ; B 699-659 ; C 658-618; D 617-577 ; F 576- Below
Module Discussion Postings 100 pts
Instructional Design Project (1st submission )
Revised Project
Instructional Design Web Project
Field Experience Critiques & Peer Lesson Evaluations
Book Analysis
Self- Assessment of Standards
Curriculum Major Topics/Goals
Learner Analysis/Task Analysis/Performance Objectives
Concept Maps & Rationale
Lesson Plans/ Power Point Assignment
Formative Evaluation & Summative Evaluation Tools
Total Points Possible for Course:
Gagne, R., Wager, W., Golas, K., & Keller, J. (2005). Principles of Instructional Design
(5th Ed) Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.
Morrison, Ross, S.M., Kemp, J.E. (2007) Designing Effective Instruction, 5th Edition
ISBN: 978-0-470-07426-8
Borich, G (2004). Effective Teaching Methods
Reiser & Dick (1996). Instructional Planning: A guide for teachers. Boston, MA: Allyn &
Zook, K. (2001). Instructional Design for Classroom Teaching and Learning. Boston,
MA: Houghton Mifflin Co.
North Carolina Department of Instruction: or
North Carolina Technology Competencies:
North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards:
ISTE/NETS Technology Standards: