,I PROPOSAL TO DESIGNATE AN EXISTING COURSE AS ORAL COMMUNICATION INTENSIVE UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM COMMITTEE University of North Carolina at Wilmington Wilmington, NC 28403 Course: Marketing for Recreation Services Departmem: =RE~C~/=H=AH==S~ Course Number: REC 380 Title: Marketing for Recreation Services _ *Current Catalogue Description: REC 380. Marketing for Recreation Services (3) Prerequisites: REC 265, 359, and 375; or permission of instructor. Application of marketing principles to recreation service delivery systems, including procedures for developing marketing plans for recreation, park, tourism, and sports programs. An emphasis is placed on organizing and analyzing the marketing process and planning the marketing mix. The class project on applied marketing in recreation enables students to develop a more in-depth understanding and appreciation of marketing in the field. Description of assignment(s) that involve a solo oral presentation: The bad and the ugly assignment:. Students will collect the not so good examples of promotions in the recreation industry. These examples can be print, radio, or videos. Students will present in class one (1) example from their collection to the rest of the class. Marketing plan: Students will form groups and choose an organization to create a "real world" marketing plan. This project should be presented in professional form. Group presentation: Students will present their marketing plan to the class and their organization. This is to be considered a professional, career presentation. The presentation will focus on the promotional campaign of the marketing plan. How will the presentation be evaluated? The presentations are evaluated how successfully each student meets the assignment's expectations. The assignment sheets and grading criteria are attached. Estimated percentage of final grade assigned to oral presentation: Approximately 40% of total grade. *If changes in the catalogue description are indicated, this proposal must first be approved by the appropriate school or college curriculum committee. Signature of Department Chairperson: Signature of Dean: ----:---......:w-x=:.=...f-l---L~~==+~---Date: ----'~Cl...6_=_J+I-o-~-V ~ Date: Action of the University Curriculum Committee: Signature of the UCC Chairperson: ______________ uee Approved: 11194 Date: R.ec 380: Marketing tor R.ecreation Services Marketing f'lan Assignment Sheet Spring 2009 The purpose: Apply marketing principles and create a marketing plan for an actual recreation, tourism or hospitality business in the Wilmington community. The task: Students will form groups and prepare a marketing plan for one (1) of the organizations that will be presenting to the class. Students will prepare two (2) professionally created documents that contain their marketing plan. Students will then conduct a professional presentation outlining their major findings at the conclusion of the semester. Successful completion of this task is divided into five steps: Step#1 Students will form groups of five (5) students each. Each group will present to the instructor one list of group member names in class on Tuesday, February 3 after hearing a brief introduction from the organizations. Step #2 Meeting with selected organization. Students will arrange for a meeting with their selected organization. This meeting must take place by Tuesday, February, 17. Step #3 Situational Assessment Rough draft: Students will prepare a rough draft of a portion of the marketing plan and turn it in for comment on Tuesday, February 24. This will comprise parts III and IV described below in step # 4. Step #4- Students will create a marketing plan portfolio for their selected organization. This should be a professionally bound and prepared document. Students will turn in two (2) copies of their marketing plan portfolio at the beginning of class on Tuesday, April 14. One copy will be given to the organization representative at the presentation and the other will go to the instructor. The instructor copy will be returned to the groups at the conclusion of the semester. The idea behind the portfolio is to have a professional product you can show to potential employers. Students will benefit from reviewing your textbook pp. 80-84, however, we are not covering everything exactly as it is in the text. Also, it will be helpful to refer to your class notes. Specifically you will want to include the following in your portfolio: I. Table of Contents II. Executive Summary: o o o Marketing objectives The organization's SWOT Key Conclusions III. Organizational Assessment: • • • • • History of the organization Philosophy of the organization Inventory of services, products, facilities Organizational structure (don't worry about including job descriptions) List of stakeholders (and include a rationale of why they are stakeholders) - a flowchart here similar to the ones we did in class would be ideal here • Historical marketing efforts • Image • Describe the recreation "product" the organization offers? What are the benefits? Costs? Identify how perceptions of the benefits and costs may change through the three phases of the experience (anticipatory, experiential, and recollection phases) IV. Global, Industry, and Competitive Assessments: in this section, you should refer to outside sources found in print or the internet. There is a variety of helpful websites found in your textbook as well. It is VERY important for you to CITE your sources appropriately as you use them and include a reference page at the end of the marketing plan. • Discuss the macro environment in which the organization operates. You can include the natural environment, demographics, where we live, the political environment, and the cultural environment. • Industry assessment • Market assessment: who are they currently marketing to? What are the demographics in the community in which they serve? • Who are their competitors? (You may wish to include a "bulls eye" type of diagram as we did in class, however, be sure to describe it efficiently in your text). You can also describe the competitors in terms of share of mind, share of heart • Include a SWOT analysis here of the organization and how they relate to their competition. What is their competitive differentiation? V. Target Market Assessment: • Target marketing: Identify at least three (3) potential target markets from your list to pursue promotional strategies. Describe them using geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral variables. VI. Brand Mapping: • Conduct a brand map for each of the three target markets identified above. Conduct a SWOT analysis after each to determine which target market should be pursued. After this analysis, select one (1) target market to develop marketing objectives for. VII. Target Market Objectives: • Write three (3) specific marketing objectives to guide your promotional decisions based on your selection of the one (1) target market. These objectives should be specific, measurable, attainable, reflective of the organization's mission (or philosophy), and have a time frame. VIII. Promotional Mix: • Discuss the distribution channels for your organization. This can include distributor's who not only help sell the product and or service, but those who aid in promotion of the organization as well. • Discuss the current pricing structure. Given your selection of the target market, explore alternative options for pricing. What benefits are you packaging for your target market? What would be the costs for this target market? IX. Communication Mix: • Include at least three (3) high quality samples and strategies of ideas for promotional efforts for your organization. Here you can include scripts for audio or television advertisements, internet options, flyers, email blasts, incentives (like coupons), sponsorships, press releases, development or use of logos and slogans, special events, etc. You may want to include pictures here. • Things not to be included here: Facebook or MySpace pages. Please go outside your normal boundaries and design the promotional campaign for the target market. Total points possible for the marketing plan portfolio: 100* Grading of individual group member's efforts and participation*: Since this is an extensive project and requires all members of the group to significantly contribute, group members will have the opportunity to grade and provide comments on the efforts of others in the group. These comments will be anonymous. Possible scores earned will range from 0 (no effort/participation in the project) to 15 (contributed significantly to project) and averaged. This will compile 15points of the 100 points possible for the portfolio. 5tep#5 Students will conduct a professional presentation to the class and their selected organization on either Tuesday, April 21 from 5 to 7:45 PM. Students will present their marketing plans in a presentation lasting a minimum of 20 minutes. You should have plenty to discuss and have no trouble filling the time requirement. Please do not exceed the time requirement, nor cut it too short. The presentation should focus primarily on your communication mix: specifically the rationale behind your choices of promotions, why they "speak" to current and potential markets, and why they might/are effective. Grading criteria for step #5: • • • Professionalism: dress, organization of presentation, meeting time requirement 10% Creativity: approach to presentation, appropriate use of visual aids, exceeding minimum requirements 20% Content: provides all the information required, audience has clear understanding of all the marketing plan portfolio elements: 70% • Maximum points possible attributed to your final grade for part III: 50 • The instructor will assign one point value for the entire group for the presentation. However, it is expected that all members of the group will contribute and speak at the presentation equally. The instructor reserves the right to assign individual point values to group members when warranted. You may use any kind of visual aid: powerpoint, overheads, posters, physical objects, or other electronic media. However, you must notify me in advance of your needs so that I can have the appropriate media available for you. By advance, I mean by 5 pm 48 hours before your presentation date. A note about visuals: Presentations require students to communicate a lot of information in a brief period of time (and I will enforce the time limit on presentations). Visual aids often make this task more tractable. When creating visuals, keep in mind that they should aid in your discussion, not pose barriers to comprehension themselves. Thus, the aids should be simple and self-explanatory (this is a good rule of thumb: your audience should always be able to understand the story told by tables, graphs, charts, etc. without an additional narrative description). A final note: This is a professional presentation and you should dress accordingly. Therefore it would not be appropriate to show up wearing jeans, flip flops, or too short clothing. I do not expect business suits, however, I would also not expect to see bellybuttons or undergarments either. Kec ) 80: Marketing tor Kecreation Services Spring 2009 The bad and the ugl~ assignment Furpose: We often tackle marketing and promotions on how to best reach our target market. Sometimes however, it helps to see what works best by knowing what doesn't work. The task: This assignment asks students to collect the not so good examples of promotions in the recreation, tourism, or sport industries. These examples can be print, radio, internet or videos. Students will collect five (5) examples and write a minimum of one (1) page of why they don't work. Do they use humor in a poor fashion? Is it an inappropriate medium? Does it not reach the intended target market? Please explain your responses and elaborate. It would not be appropriate to state it "wasn't good" or "it wasn't funny." Please attach a copy or web address of each example you collect. Students will also present one (1) example from their collection to the rest of the class on the due date listed below. Please be sure your examples are of the recreation, tourism, or sport industries. (This means it easily fits into the commercial recreation, non-profit, hospitality, tourism, or sport industries.) *Be sure tofollow the guidelines for written assignments in the course syllabus to maximize the possible points earned on this assignment. Due date: Tuesday, January 27 at the beginning of class. Emailed or late assignments will not be accepted. Total points possible: 25