Delta Dialogue Network Annual Report 2015

Delta Dialogue Network
Annual Report 2015
The Delta Dialogue Network is a partnership
opportunity to talk with different groups about
between the University of Saskatchewan and
what we are doing. This has ranged from
several different organizations and
university audiences to high school students to
representatives from three northern inland
community partners. In total, we have:
deltas: the Saskatchewan River, PeaceAthabasca, and Slave River deltas. Since
receiving funding in the spring of 2014, we have
been busy getting the Delta Dialogue Network
on its feet. Several projects are now coming
together, and the number of team members
involved in this work has grown. The main focus
of the Delta Dialogue Network is knowledge
mobilization: getting information to people who
want it and need it so that it can be useful to
them. In light of this goal, we have taken every
Peace-Athabasca Delta Ecological
Monitoring Program (PADEMP)
Forum in Fort Chipewyan, AB
 given nine presentations to academic
 given six presentations to partners and/or
stakeholder groups;
 led two classes (one at the undergraduate
level and one at the high school level);
 hired one project manager, three
community coordinators, one research
assistant, and ten high school student
assistants in Fort Resolution, Fort
Chipewyan, Saskatoon, and Cumberland
House; and
 gone on eight visits to different delta
Delta Day 2015 at the University of
Slave River and Delta Partnership
(SRDP) Open House in Fort
Resolution, NWT
June 2015
Delta Dialogue Network Annual Report
DDN Research Projects
Evaluating existing
knowledge sharing
strategies in the Slave River
 Partner organization:
Slave River and Delta
Partnership (SRDP)
Sharing knowledge with policy
and decision-makers in the
Peace-Athabasca Delta
 Partner organization: PeaceAthabasca Delta Ecological
Monitoring Program
Knowledge mobilization with youth in the Saskatchewan River Delta
 Partner organization: Charlebois Community School
Delta Dialogue Network Annual Report
June 2015
Overview of DDN Milestones
Description (click links for
Initial discussions with partner
organizations and individuals
about projects
Presentation to sociohydrology researchers
Project Manager hired
House, SK; Fort
Smith, NT
University of
University of
Presentation about DDN and
discussion about PeaceAthabasca Delta project with
PADEMP Steering Committee
Fort Smith, NT
Presentation of student
projects to School of
Environment and Sustainability
Presentations at SRDP open
houses and discussions about
Slave River Delta project with
SRDP members
University of
Delta Day and meeting with
representatives from
Cumberland House
University of
Presentation at PADEMP
Forum and discuss DDN with
Steering Committee
Fort Chipewyan,
Presentations on DDN and
project in Saskatchewan River
Delta to SaskPower and Water
Security Agency
Regina, SK
Presentation on DDN at Global
Institute for Water Security
annual meeting
University of
Presentation on project in
Saskatchewan River Delta at
Graduate Student Association
University of
Sign near Cumberland House, SK
Slave River near Fort Smith, NWT
Fort Chipewyan, AB
Cumberland House, SK
Fort Smith and
Fort Resolution,
Delta Dialogue Network Annual Report
June 2015
Lecture on DDN and Saskatchewan River Delta project for
Environmental Justice course
University of Regina
Poster presentations on DDN and Peace-Athabasca Delta project at
World Water Day
University of
Presentation on Saskatchewan River Delta project at the School of
Environment and Sustainability Symposium
University of
Community coordinators and research assistants hired
Fort Resolution, NT;
Fort Chipewyan, AB;
Saskatoon, SK
Presentation about Saskatchewan River Delta project to high school
Cumberland House,
Discussion of DDN with partners
Cumberland House,
First meeting of Project Development Group
from all three deltas
Presentation on DDN and Saskatchewan River Delta project at the
Canadian Association of Geographers annual meeting
Vancouver, BC
Start of “delta stewards” project with Charlebois Community School
Cumberland House,
Discussion of Peace-Athabasca Delta project with community
Fort Chipewyan, AB
Circle of Courage poster
Open house in Fort Smith, NWT
Saskatchewan River
Delta Dialogue Network Annual Report
June 2015
Next Steps
In the upcoming year, we will continue to move forward with projects in all three deltas.
 In the fall, Master’s student Sarah Baines will be returning to Fort Chipewyan to
conduct interviews with community members.
 In August, we will be returning to Cumberland House to discuss what our partners
there would like to do with the data that was collected during the “Coming Home”
 In the fall, we hope to start talking to people in Fort Smith and Fort Resolution about
issues around research and knowledge sharing for our project in the Slave River
Delta. Before this data collection begins however, we will spend the summer making
sure we have the appropriate research agreements and approvals from our partners
in place.
One of the most important events in the upcoming year will be Delta Day 2016. This will be
an opportunity for representatives and youth from all three deltas to come together and
share lessons learned from the work that they have been involved with. Over the next few
months, we will be focusing on looking for funding for this event. In the near future, more
information about Delta Day will be on our website.
Contact us
If you would like to know more about the Delta Dialogue Network, you can visit our website at
or contact Project Manager Kiri Staples by e-mailing or phoning (306)-966-7135.